View Full Version : The "Real" Dita Dior Info

04-14-2013, 01:36 AM
I've been great, I've been fine. Thank-you for the people who have cared, and thank-you to the one's who haven't also (haters, fans your both the same your people so I will treat you equally.)

I was informed, well actually no I wasn't informed I was harassed on facebook by too many requests, pokes, messages and even posting on my public posts because I am yes, too blonde to use privacy settings.

I really do want to thank that person who had no respect to contact me and ask if it was right to post my legal name on a message board or any social network what so ever. Also want to thank the moderator who deleted my legal name in that post since it was what I would have wanted.

I know I have been a bitch in the past. But I am not scared to base my opinon, nor will sugar coat something. It's just who I am, and that will never change (like it, lump it, I don't give two fucks)/

If you want any updates from me at all if you are "curious", feel without me, or just are nosey and need to lurk me for the fun of it then yes I do have twitter.

http://www.twitter.com/IWasHerxxxx (and yes it does release my real legal name but since it's already been posted here then it's not going to be a shock to you all)

Does this mean there will be XXX photos posted. No there will not be, since I have left the industry as we all know and I have family, friends and even my boyfriend that are aware of my account.

School is going fine, my minimum wage job is disgusting but I am looking for a new position else where and I am happily smiling and melting from my almost 5 months together boyfriend.

Why do I mention what's going on and my success because it really does bother me that you have to say "oh there was a backpage post posted" and then everyone saying oh well it's rent time etc etc.

I live with my mother and my father. I live in Prince Edward Island. I am living not in the luxurious life like everyone else has. For example; I've been saving up to pay for a pair of white jeans that any idiot can buy since it's a fairly inexpensive item. But I can't. So please refrain from making fun of my decisions.

I was only on backpage to work Edmonton because I told my sugar daddy I would pay him back for buying me a ticket out to Edmonton but I didn't work because I went to go visit my boyfriend three hours away from Edmonton in the middle of no where and at the end up the week instead of him flying back to Prince Edward Island he decided he wanted to go take me to Toronto to go visit a couple of my best friends Lola Swift, and some others.

He paid my ticket so I decided to tour around southern ontario Burlington, Sarnia and London so I could pay my way home back to PEI and also to pay my boyfriend back since I didn't believe taking his money was a free ticket since I care about him too much.

So before you all want to make comments on my life and assuming please think before assuming because most of the time you are most possibly wrong.

So yes, I have facebook if you still have the link or are thinking you are going to get accepted as a friend you are mistaken. You can be more then welcome to follow my facebook or subscribe. As for my twitter as I said again it's

http://www.twitter.com/IWasHerexxxx (4 x's). If I do come back escorting in the future on short periods or long periods that is for my own knowledge and none of your buisness.

Thanks again,
Heidi . Not Dita

PS. I don't care what drama this has brung up or laughs but it was eating me up inside that people wanted to post my personal information out, so if you are all so curious to post information then I will post it myself.

04-14-2013, 01:45 AM
Glad you're doing well, nice to see you again...a lot of us wondered how you were.

You're pic looks great...it's much sexier than the typical overly lit up, spread ass shots that are all too common.

04-14-2013, 01:52 AM
Good luck Heidi, hope you get everything you would like and life smiles on you!

04-14-2013, 02:14 AM
Glad to see that you are living life on your own terms.
Take care.

04-14-2013, 04:14 AM
Glad you are well. You need to do what you feel is best for you. I wish you all the best. Be Cool!

04-14-2013, 07:55 AM
Best of luck in the future Heidi. I'm glad you are well, and happy.

04-15-2013, 07:53 AM
Should we care :confused:
Because I don't

04-16-2013, 09:58 AM
Should we care :confused:
Because I don't

Good darling. I love you too.

04-16-2013, 10:17 AM
And by the way, told you you would come back

04-16-2013, 11:50 AM
Should we care :confused:
Because I don't

Care enough that you a) read it and b) felt the need to respond.

04-16-2013, 12:17 PM
And by the way, told you you would come back

Told you so, told me not.
I only posted this thread to prove the true information about myself not the false information.

As for rejoining the forum, no this is just a new username. Not a excuse for me to raise a post limit.

Same as always I have to keep explaining the small details a child can understand just so you can feel satisfied.

Ask this question to yourself "Bribi".

"If someone was spreading rumors about your life, and then posting your legal and personal information online would you do something to counteract further disturbances."

When you can ask yourself that question, and give it a honest answer then please let me know. But I posted since I'm sick and tired of people picking at me, but then to go and post my legal name is down right disgraceful.

I should have realized all of this when I signed those release forums.

Anyway back to my disappearance. It just seems I always end up having to explain myself and respond to this person since he can't understand what a 5 year old child would be able to understand instantly.

Care enough that you a) read it and b) felt the need to respond.


Wendy Summers
04-16-2013, 01:41 PM
Don't let the h8ers drag you down sweets - miss ya!

04-16-2013, 01:43 PM
Don't let the h8ers drag you down sweets - miss ya!

Miss you too, skype sometime?
What I say to haters (Who are my even closer to heart lovers).

04-18-2013, 08:33 AM
I care, I am glad your movinhg on to a more healthy lifestyle and I appreciate you taking the time to let us know how your doing.

Best to you

04-22-2013, 09:11 PM
I care, I am glad your movinhg on to a more healthy lifestyle and I appreciate you taking the time to let us know how your doing.

Best to you






04-22-2013, 11:46 PM
I am never coming back to this board again

oh wait

04-23-2013, 12:23 AM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.

04-24-2013, 07:06 AM
What a story. You're the man Christian.

04-24-2013, 07:12 AM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.
Thanks for sharing something very insightful. What sport were you coaching?

04-24-2013, 10:38 PM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.

That's one of the most eloquent arguments in defence of sex-trade work and workers I've ever read. The fact that it comes from a man is irrelevant, since you have neatly phrased it so it could apply to any worker. Nice job.

04-24-2013, 11:25 PM
thanks for the kind words

04-25-2013, 12:00 AM
Christian has made a very elequent argument, and an interesting perspective...but I think that what's being said between the lines is that there is no going back to life as it was before porn...

04-25-2013, 02:45 PM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.

Good for you! It must be tough, but hey..you have made it along the way. Bravo!

I just hope people have more appreciation towards us who work in this line of business, escorting is included

04-27-2013, 04:59 AM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.

Thank-you Christian.
Your completely right and means alot for hearing this from coming from you.

As for Tia I better see you soon! I know your going to Toronto this month or something and I won't be there. But I am almost certain I will be going to Europe with Lola next year in March or April. I hope we all can meet up in Istanbul. Congratulations on the new twins, always looking on top of your game. xoxo

04-27-2013, 05:25 AM
porn/escorting/sex is a tough business on many levels. there is no guidebook for getting started or navigating through it. Things that don't enter your mind as potential obstacles/roadblocks/problems become HUGE later on.

I too didn't realize that my real name would get out there, but I was quickly disabused of that notion soon after my first 2 scenes came out. Real life friends/acquaintances know me and know my real name and they talk (and clearly watch porn) and one thing leads to another...

11 years later and the whole world knows, my entire family knows, my entire classmates from high school & college knows, all of my teammates know, the kids I taught and coached know.

This is not the way I would have liked it, but it is still a fact. You can't undo decisions that have already been made. Now I have an obligation that since I have inextricably linked my real name with my porn career, that I MUST earn every single last penny that I can from this business and make sure that I didn't waste these years by leaving the sex industry with less of a (financial) future than when I entered into it.

That's what I would tell Dita or anyone else who has already entered the business. There is no putting the lid on the box. Whether you continue on in the sex industry and people know your real name & stage name, or you get out and make minimum wage....people still know your real name & stage name. The only difference is that if you get out of the industry early, you get 100 percent of the stigma and reap very little of the benefits (increased financial security and/or quality of living). Every performer should read that last sentence and understand its an indisputable fact.

I feel badly for my family sometimes, having to live with the stigma of having a son/brother/nephew/friend thats in "dirty" porno. But I am an adult and make my own adult decisions. For the past 10 years I make six figures annually, I travel the world, I work when I want, I don't have a boss, I make my own schedule, and I have sex with beautiful TS and GG all the time. Before porn, I was making 30,000 a year, bored, aimless, 70k debt from 2 student loans for different degrees, driving a beat up car, maxed out a 5000 CC, and was close to moving back in with my parents at age 26 after moving out at 18 after high school. What choice did I have really?

okay sob story over, move along people, nothing to see here. I wish you well Dita...safe travels and I still enjoyed our time together last year in Toronto.

Christian, as you write: "I don't have a boss." This is enticing to most people, of course.
I could only imagine that friends etc. would consider it: "dirty" porno.
But it isn't illegal. Nor should it be.
People may wish that you would've pursued a different career path, as it were. But we do make our own choices. To an extent. I mean, if university were free, well, a lot of people wouldn't have to.... Well, here the legendary activist and academic Noam Chomsky elucidates why universities aren't free... at around the 2 minute mark:


04-27-2013, 08:33 AM
You're a very courageous, bright, lovely young woman, Heidi. You were a little goddess as Dita, it seems to me you're even more of a special being as yourself. Not only are you a beautiful, intelligent, successful woman, you also have been through things most people cannot even envision. There's not a slight doubt in my mind you will be successful at anything you do, Heidi..

11-06-2013, 03:38 PM
But I posted since I'm sick and tired of people picking at me

Picking at you?
You want to recall you why I act like that with you? What started all that?


When I explained that it was just a question and that I was not disrespecting you, all you could say was "Big fuck you to you too."
Who's picking on who now?!

So trust me, you have what you deserve for being so cunty. And probably not enough.

11-07-2013, 01:44 AM
Picking at you?
You want to recall you why I act like that with you? What started all that?

When I explained that it was just a question and that I was not disrespecting you, all you could say was "Big fuck you to you too."
Who's picking on who now?!

So trust me, you have what you deserve for being so cunty. And probably not enough.

You're responding to something she said 7 months ago? With screen shots at the ready, no less? Wow. Do you need a wagon to help you carry that grudge around?

11-07-2013, 01:54 AM

11-07-2013, 03:10 AM
Christian, you probably already know this, but you have so many reasons to feel good about your decision to get into porn.
For every person who considers what you do as "dirty", unethical and un-christian (pardon the pun), there are a lot of more people who consciously, or unconsciously thank you and admire you. What you and other porn stars do is give the average person a chance to release sexual tension that, if bottled up, usually leads to bad decisions at some point.

Think how awkward, awful and bleak the world would be without any form of porn. People would get so sexually frustrated and deprived, the result would almost surely lead to violence (see Puritans, Taliban, etc...). I don't care what anyone says, but making love (or even just having sex) with another person is a damn site better than killing them.

There are a shit ton of guys who would love to be in your shoes, whether they would admit to it or not. Everytime you fuck some beautiful tgirl, we all live vicariously through you and for a moment (maybe 40-50 seconds) we experience an amazing feeling of bliss. For that, you get a major fist pump.

11-15-2013, 12:24 AM
Picking at you?
You want to recall you why I act like that with you? What started all that?


When I explained that it was just a question and that I was not disrespecting you, all you could say was "Big fuck you to you too."
Who's picking on who now?!

So trust me, you have what you deserve for being so cunty. And probably not enough.

Lol people are still going on with this.
I've been out of the industry for a year. Someone get a new topic.

11-15-2013, 12:42 AM
I've always wanted to let you suck on my big cock, Dita.

03-04-2015, 01:54 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: