View Full Version : Guys, did u ever get deceived that the pic is not at all wat u expected??

Miss Sex Appeal
04-02-2013, 12:06 AM
Guys, Tell us some stories please when you saw a pic and got completely deceived and the girl either is not of the pic or doesn't resemble at all the pic u saw? (either when u went to see her or she came to see you) What did you do then and say or what was her reaction? Did she get angry? What did she tell u exactly?)

Dino Velvet
04-02-2013, 12:10 AM
I never fell for it and showed up. Yesterday I wrote a gal mentioning the name of the girl who's pictures she was using. Getting away from being confrontational I assured her she surely was very pretty and only used those because she looked so similar. I asked if she could show me some pics of the real her. Haven't heard back yet but, at least, I was polite about it.

04-02-2013, 12:15 AM
I don't want to talk about those awkward times. I actually went through with it the first time and I have never questioned my sexuality more than that day.
It was the oral that got me hard and the tight backdoor that kept me hard but omg this was clearly a smooth skinned man that I fucked!
Worst of all the person kept ringing, texting and messaging me to come back again because they loved it so much.
It was my 4th.
Since then, any sign of that bullshit and I'm out of the door.

Dino Velvet
04-02-2013, 12:23 AM
I was with a part-timer once and the little dickens lifted up her/his cell phone to show me "other picture" while my cock was jammed down his/her throat about 20 minutes in.

04-02-2013, 05:59 AM
There were a few times when the person who answered the door definately wasn't the girl in the pictures. Of those times, only once was she reasonably attractive. The other times--holy fuck they were a hot mess. On those times, I just said that this wasn't gonna work and turned and left.