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Jamie French
04-01-2013, 06:22 PM

The link has pictures and other crap. Don't wanna click? The 'text only' interview is below:


Jamie French Interview
April 1, 2013

"Jamie French… that’s almost all I need to write. She’s a veteran in the game. She’s sexy, and knows how to command attention because she’s also smart. Pornstars from Texas are rare, like a good steak, but Jamie is more than just raw talent. She has developed her experience and skills into a marketable venture, hosting her own website and producing her own material. We published an article a few weeks ago called “Reaching for the Stars” about how tough it is for pornstars to make a genuine career, and how most of it is driven by attitude. Jamie shows how hard work, perseverance, and staying on top of the game, like a pornstar in reverse cowgirl position stays on top of a dick, is the right attitude for success and longevity in pornoland. We are thankful Jamie took time to interview with us, and she also left us an assortment of exclusive and miscellaneous photos for your viewing pleasure. Check her out…"

TF: What’s your name (performer name)?

Jamie: Jamie French

TF: And you’ve been involved in the adult entertainment business for a while. What keeps you involved?

Jamie: My love of production. I have an absolute compulsion to manufacture this stuff, to tinker with all the tech that makes it work.

TF: We also know you’re from Texas, which makes us love you automatically. What part of Texas are you from?

Jamie: Arlington… the world’s largest Walmart parking lot.

TF: What do you love most about the Lone Star Porn Star State?

Jamie: Cost of living. I make my money on the coasts and bring the it back here where the dollar spends a little better.

TF: We are clearly biased towards Texan performers, but do you agree that Texas has the most beautiful performers in the world?

Jamie: My girlfriend, porn starlet Eva Cassini lives here so, yes.

TF: Would you support more development and growth of the adult industry in Texas? Are you already doing so?

Jamie: Honestly, I live in a little self made vacuum… dealing with anything outside my own ventures and those of my constituents is somewhat beyond my scope.

TF: Your work has been incredible in the industry. Can you give us a run-down about what you have done, who you have worked with, and what it’s been like for you so far?

Jamie: I’ve made a lot of men very happy as an escort for the better part of 6 years. I’ve owned and operated three different incarnations of my personal website, I’ve modeled for a good handful of porn websites throughout the years, I’ve been a fetish model, video editor, production manager, graphic designer and am currently working on a full scale DVD project which will arrive in adult video stores around the fall of 2013.

TF: I’ve attended a couple Cirque de Soleil shows in my life, and I’ve mostly had a hard-on for their performers from the contortionists to the strange sexy characters. You seem to bring those types of skills and creative fantasy into the TS porn fold, which is very unique. So we have to ask what you were doing before porn to develop and harness those skills?

Jamie: I worked at Pizza Hut.

TF: I’m glad this is a written interview, because I have severe latex allergies and you are quite the latex play specialist. What is it about you and latex?

Jamie: It’s about as close to wearing a physical manifestation of sex as I can imagine. A skin tight, mirror shined second skin… I’ll never get tired of that.

TF: Do you think your style attracts a wider and more diverse fan base, and have you ever randomly ran into a fan in public who recognized you for your work?

Jamie: My style attracts a much narrower yet incredibly loyal fan base as there are relatively few outlets for the specific kinds of fetish content they are looking for, much of which I offer through my website. At least within boundries of the shemale niche.

TF: So if some hot chick is sitting right now in her dorm room at Texas Tech, thinking about getting into porn, what advice would you give her?

Jamie: I’d have to establish what her motivations were before I could even begin to give any practical advice.

TF: Is porn your full-time job, or what else keeps you busy in your real life?

Jamie: Porn in general is my full time job… that means running my own website productions, modeling, editing, shooting for other production companies, web-cam modeling, graphic design, promotion, escorting, etc… all those things in tandem equate to what is more or less a full time job. I’d be more apt to say that I work in the adult entertainment industry at large rather than narrowing it down to merely performing in porn. Outside of that, music is the name of the game. Everything I do goes to finance my musical aspirations.

TF: We also heard that Eva Cassini is your girlfriend? You both would make pretty babies, but most importantly I’m sure you’re also coaching her to make pretty porn? It’s obviously working with her recent Tranny Awards nomination, so you must be proud?

Jamie: Eva? Yeah, she’s a good egg.

TF: Do you think the TS genre in porn is here to stay? I joke that TS porn is like EDM, we made fun of it in 2001 and now we can’t deny its popularity and draw.

Jamie: It’s not going anywhere as near as I can tell… it’s just porn augmented.It’s lived beyond it’s initial novelty and has become an adult entertainment staple in it’s own right.

TF: Some would argue the Internet is hurting porn, because anyone with a decent camera and internet access could release their own material for a lower cost than a major studio. On the other hand, some would argue that it gives more models a shot at getting their due exposure which they may otherwise never have received with a major studio. Would you say the internet is helping porn, or hurting the industry?

Jamie: I can only speak for my niche. The internet birthed us, was responsible for any relatively wide scale acceptance we may enjoy. We are largely made up of people who bought relatively decent video equipment and started making a world of our own, with its own rules, standards and fan base. Despite appearances, our niche is still a very punk rock, DIY, self supported institution.

TF: So as the prevailing source for Texas pornstars, according to nobody but ourselves, what is in the works for you? Are there any upcoming shoots, releases, or announcements we can help break to your fans?

Jamie: Right now, all my efforts are going into the DVD production I spoke of earlier… I can’t say a whole lot about it right now, only that I hope you like horror movies.

TF: And how do you suggest your fans stalk you and stay updated? https://twitter.com/Jamie_French