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03-31-2013, 12:32 PM
Transsexual girls have come a long way from even say 100 years ago. I wonder what we'll see in changes that will happen in the future? Maybe transsexuals might be able to have babies? What would you like to see yourself if you could come back to life in the future? With genetic sciences and who knows what the future will hold. What would your wife be like?

My girl would be blonde, have little micro robots which could fit 50 into a pin head inside her body to control all the hormones etc. Means she would have a divided body that can still get erect and cum but other side of of the coin can have my babies.

I hope there's a gene that will make her good at ironing and cooking lol

03-31-2013, 12:52 PM
Future thinking...
I think first they will perfect the voice and physical features of a woman.
They'll make post ops able to give birth.
Transitions will become much quicker and cheaper as more people go for it and more surgeons get the experience and are willing to do it.
Society will be much more accepting and it might even go mainstream and a tredy thing to be with a TS.
I think people might one day even be able to decide their childrens gender to be ts.
I think people will go full cycle from post op back to male again.
Many things could happen. Who knows?

03-31-2013, 01:18 PM
My ideal woman has a curvaceous feminine body, a pretty face, and a nice smooth penis. I don't even want pussy. I'd want the process to be better so a truly feminine body is fast and simple while still keeping the cock. I don't really care if she can get pregnant, but I would like her to be able to get easy erections and cum lots and lots. Maybe we could make it taste better though? Don't get me wrong, I love tgirl cum, and I've been more than happy to swallow, but a flavor enhancement would be nice. With a faster, better, cheaper process, I'd want to be TS too.

03-31-2013, 01:49 PM
Transitions will become much quicker and cheaper as more people go for it and more surgeons get the experience and are willing to do it.

I'd love to be able to meet a random girl for a date and just assume she has a cock because it's so common.

03-31-2013, 06:11 PM
I'd love to be able to meet a random girl for a date and just assume she has a cock because it's so common.

That would be cool.

03-31-2013, 06:18 PM
My ideal woman has a curvaceous feminine body, a pretty face, and a nice smooth penis. I don't even want pussy. I'd want the process to be better so a truly feminine body is fast and simple while still keeping the cock. I don't really care if she can get pregnant, but I would like her to be able to get easy erections and cum lots and lots. Maybe we could make it taste better though? Don't get me wrong, I love tgirl cum, and I've been more than happy to swallow, but a flavor enhancement would be nice. With a faster, better, cheaper process, I'd want to be TS too.

Now all that sounds fantastic, i wish i could come back in 100 years time and see all that.

03-31-2013, 07:46 PM
Funny how the majority of the answers are nothing more than an extension of the posters own sexuality.
How about things like true gender equality.
The future of transsexual woman are girls who cum more?! SMFH!!

03-31-2013, 07:51 PM
Funny how the majority of the answers are nothing more than an extension of the posters own sexuality.
How about things like true gender equality.
The future of transsexual woman are girls who cum more?! SMFH!!

I agree with Amber, surely the most looked forward to aspect of the future is gender equality.

03-31-2013, 07:59 PM
Things like true gender equality don't have a straightforward, high tech solution, and they're also not exclusive to TS. The OP was looking for what to expect or want from TS tech.

03-31-2013, 08:04 PM
What would I like to see in the future?

I dont know - But Ill let you know when I get there.

Ive been around for a long long time and Dont plan on shuffling of the mortal coil anytime soon.

03-31-2013, 08:05 PM
What about part-human, part something else?

03-31-2013, 08:36 PM
What about part-human, part something else?

Oooo I like that - Youre thinking big

I want to be a Cyborg - well I kinda am already - there's some serious after market parts involved in my day to day existence but Im not talking just implants and cosmetic enhancements

I want to be the first Terminator Tranny - red eyes - chromed skeleton - neigh invulnerable - capable of fucking your dick right off your body If I wanted to ect ect ect

03-31-2013, 08:45 PM
The Descent of Inanna

Enki the Wise is the god of fresh water and wisdom. He is a great helper of humankind, and gave to us the Seven Sages, who taught us many arts and skills. To the beautiful Inanna, of whom he is most fond, he gave many gifts as well: wisdom, justice, love, the sacred women, and the fruit of the vine. Inanna is the morning star and the evening star, the rose, and Queen of the Heavens. She is the daughter of Sen, the god of the Moon.

Inanna has a sister named Ereshkigal, who lives and rules in Irkalla, the land of the dead. Though Inanna was always very wise, in her youth she knew nothing of her sister's land, and wanted to learn of it. She asked the permission of the other gods to go. After much hesitation and debate, they granted her wish.

So it was that Inanna went to the gates of Irkalla and petitioned the gatekeeper for entry. Actually, being in the fire of her youth and after all a goddess, she got pretty pushy about it. She said, "Here gatekeeper, open your gate! If you don't open up, I'll smash the door and shatter the bolt! I'll raise up all the dead and they shall come up to Earth and eat the living, until there's more dead than alive!" Well, that certainly got the gatekeeper's attention. He got on the horn to Ereshkigal right away.

Needless to say, Ereshkigal was not amused. "What does she want," Ereshkigal hissed. "For bread I eat clay, for beer I drink muddy water. It is I who must weep for the young men taken from their sweethearts, for the young girls taken from their lovers laps. It is I who must weep for the infants taken so long before their time. Does she want a piece of that? Or is it the Water of Life she wants?" For it was true, Ereshkigal did keep the Water of Life down there, a most prized possession in such a bleak place. "Go ahead, Gatekeeper, let her in. But treat her to the ancient rites, as all must endure on their way to me."

Back up top, the Gatekeeper smiled feebly and unlocked the gate. "Enter, my lady. May you find joy here. May Irkalla be happy to see you." At that he snatched Inanna's great crown.

Inanna roared in anger. "Return my crown!" Who are you to remove the crown of a goddess?"

"Go forth, my lady," answered the gatekeeper solemnly. "Such are the ancient rites."

Soon they came to another gate. The gatekeeper unlocked it, and as Inanna passed through, he removed her earrings.

"Why have you taken my earrings?" Inanna demanded, a little less indignant this time.

"Such are the ancient rites, my lady," said the gatekeeper. And this went on for several more gates, seven in all. The gatekeeper took her necklace, then her breast pins, her girdle of birthstones, the bangles on her wrists and ankles, and at last her very gown. Finally, after passing through the seventh gate, Inanna found herself standing naked before Ereshkigal.

Ereshkigal had expected Inanna to be frightened and contrite by this point, and although Inanna was a bit flustered, you would have never known it. Indeed, it was Ereshkigal who was trembling, for although Inanna had been stripped of all of her finery, her radiant presence was overwhelming in the dark, musty palace. Ereshkigal motioned to her vizier.

"Namtar!" she cried. "Send out against her the sixty diseases!"

Now Inanna is tough, but sixty diseases from the Queen of the Dead is enough to slow anybody down. Inanna fell to the ground, and Ereshkigal threw her into a lampless cell to die.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Inanna was beginning to be missed. Without their beautiful goddess of love, the people fell into despair and stopped screwing. The animals in the forests and fields stopped screwing too - even the bees and butterflies stopped pollinating. The world plunged into a terrible winter, and famine began to ravage the land. Finally Papsukkal, Inanna' s brother, went to their father the Moon-god and told him of of the tragedies befalling the Earth. Together they went to see Enki the Wise.

Enki the Wise, being of course wise, came up with a plan. He created a being to save Inanna, and to be her close and trusted friend. From the dirt beneath his fingernails he made Asushunamir, whose name means "he/she whose face is brilliant." And being luminescent like the moon, Asushunamir passed directly into the underworld from the overworld, as only the moon can do. In the dark palace of the underworld he appeared before Ereshkigal.

"Oh my my, what have we here!" Ereshkigal cried. She was overtaken with desire at his/her beauty, and became immediately obsessed with taking Asushunamir to her bed. She called a lavish feast in his/her honor, and had her best wine brought to the table. Asushunamir sang in his/her ethereal voice for her, and danced sensually, but was careful not to eat any food prepared by ghosts, and to pour his wine on the floor when Ereshkigal wasn't looking.

When Ereshkigal had at last become very drunk, Asushunamir asked of her, "Oh great and lovely queen... is it not true you keep the Water of Life here? For I have heard it is so, and I have longed to taste it."

"Namtar!" Ereshkigal cried. " Bring me the jug that holds the Water of Life! I shall grant this magnificent creature's wish."

When Ereshkigal finally passed out in a drunken stupor, Asushunamir quietly took the jug to the cell where Inanna lay dying. He/she sprinkled the Water of Life upon her, and Inanna quickly began to revive, her eyes regaining their sparkle and her face flushing pink like a child's. Hurriedly she rose, and bidding Asushunamir to follow, raced upward through the seven gates and back to Earth. As she burst through the final door, the flowers immediately began to open and the grass to green, and the skies cleared at last.

Asushunamir was not so fortunate. Just as he was approaching the seventh gate, Ereshkigal awakened, and no amount of music, dance or flattery could charm her now.

"The food of the gutter shall be your food!" Ereshkigal shrieked. "The drink of the sewer shall be your drink! In the shadows you shall abide."

When Inanna learned of the curse placed upon her friend, she wept and spoke softly to him/her. "The power of Ereshkigal is great," she said. "Even I cannot break her spell. But I may soften her curse upon you.

"For many ages you will suffer. Those who are like you, my assinnu, kalum, kurgarru, and kalaturru, lovers of men, kin to my sacred women, shall be strangers in their own homes. Their families will keep them in the shadows and will leave them nothing. The drunken shall smite their faces, and the mighty shall imprison them.

"But if you will remember me, how you were born from the light of the stars to save me from death, to rid the Earth of winter, then I shall harbor you and your kind. I shall give you the gift of prophecy, the wisdom of the Earth and Moon. You shall banish illness from my children, as you healed me in Irkalla. And when you robe yourself in my robes, I shall dance in your feet and sing in your throats. And no man shall be able to resist your enchantments.

"When the Water of Life is brought up from Irkalla, then lions shall leap in the deserts and you shall be freed from the spell of Ereshkigal. Once more you shall be called Asushunamir. The Shining Ones. Those Who Have Come to Renew the Light. The Blessed Ones of Inanna."

Ancient Sumerian legend, The descent of Inanna, where Asushinamir, creature of both genders, represent transgender people and are creatures of light. There is a curse upon them as well as gifts and salvation of curse.

Remember your goddess... ;)

03-31-2013, 08:49 PM
Oooo I like that - Youre thinking big

I want to be a Cyborg - well I kinda am already - there's some serious after market parts involved in my day to day existence but Im not talking just implants and cosmetic enhancements

I want to be the first Terminator Tranny - red eyes - chromed skeleton - neigh invulnerable - capable of fucking your dick right off your body If I wanted to ect ect ect

might sound a bit over the top but I would say there could be an area of a tgirls boobs in the future that could store a large amount of cum if they wanted. That would be like a cum hose lol

03-31-2013, 09:22 PM
Acceptance and gender equality would hopefully lead to earlier intervention and thus earlier transition. When a girl begins to transition in her early teens the results are amazing.

Stem cell treatments for say: breast augmentation, "softer" FFS procedures and fat redistribution would be nice. Gene therapy could become a possible means of treatment.

The holy grail, having babies. That though would require "birthing hips" and a cervix in addition to ovaries and a womb.

On the "shemale" front, the guys are welcome to their fantasies.

03-31-2013, 09:36 PM
I didn't think about the stem cells, that was a good one. Maybe even might be that transsexual girls might have both a penis and pussy? Wish i could come back to life in 200 years time and see.

03-31-2013, 09:39 PM
I'm not sure I really understand why giving birth would be the holy grail. If science can make a genetically male person able to give birth, I think it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that enough is known about the process that we wouldn't even need people to give birth anymore. Would you want to get pregnant and give birth personally if it wasn't necessary anymore?

03-31-2013, 10:00 PM
I wonder what the girls on the forum would think how things in the future would go or what they might see happening? For instance say boobs that can be altered big or small without implants. Getting hips and curves would be like going to the hair dressers. Voice changing like getting nails done. Maybe surgery where the body alters itself without a surgeon? Think back to even 50 years ago and look how far we've come, so the future looks good. I hope it goes the opposite way where a girl might even want their penis enlarged.

03-31-2013, 10:24 PM
In my opinion, transsexuals are more interested in their acceptance in society, when talking about future. Specially for acceptance of transsexual children inside families and schools, proper care and guidance for adulthood, educations, jobs, etc. Medicine make progress, what about society?

Fancy fancy
03-31-2013, 10:35 PM
A transsexual CEO of a FTSE 10 company - why the hell not, escorting aint the only way to make a wage if they are accepted

03-31-2013, 10:37 PM
I wonder what the girls on the forum would think how things in the future would go or what they might see happening? For instance say boobs that can be altered big or small without implants. Getting hips and curves would be like going to the hair dressers. Voice changing like getting nails done. Maybe surgery where the body alters itself without a surgeon? Think back to even 50 years ago and look how far we've come, so the future looks good. I hope it goes the opposite way where a girl might even want their penis enlarged.

Lmao like penis size is what a girl thinks about.

03-31-2013, 11:50 PM
In my opinion, transsexuals are more interested in their acceptance in society, when talking about future. Specially for acceptance of transsexual children inside families and schools, proper care and guidance for adulthood, educations, jobs, etc. Medicine make progress, what about society?

I agree that's a problem which would need to be sorted. Sadly in society not everybody thinks like us. It's not right that in this day and age that transsexuals are treated in such a terrible way. It makes me sad and angry.

03-31-2013, 11:55 PM
Lmao like penis size is what a girl thinks about.

I know TS girls don't think about that, Amber that was me thinking on myself.

04-01-2013, 01:12 AM
On the one hand daily life for transexuals in Europe, parts of the Americas and parts of Asia has changed profoundly since the 1960s, with regard to the law as well as attitudes, but on the other hand, the prejudice against transexuals has not melted away, transexuals are not considered by most people to be 'just like us', ridicule in public has not gone away, and there is a residual loathing among enough people for the future to cause concern.

I don't think there is a simple, constant progression of liberal attitudes. Changing the laws on discrimination is not difficult because in the case of transexuals it doesn't cost much, and there aren't enough transexuals to make it an election priority. It isn't clear to me how welcoming the 'gay' factions are to transexuals, who can often feel isolated and ignored within their own so-called 'communities'. Most transexuals are not photographic models, don't escort, and are between 35-65 and more likely to look like Aunty Hilda than Hilda Brasil. Transexuals of all ages and description find it hard to get work, can be the subject of abuse in the work they do have (which is why I think a lot are self-employed), are scared of transitioning in public, and are vulnerable to violent attack when they do.

Yes, there have been great advances in the last 50 years, but in the next 50 years these need to be protected, and, above all, attitudes continuously transformed -the world is still hostile to transexuals, for example in Africa and in Russia, and sometimes in your own neighbourhood. Accepting diversity remains a major social challenge, one we should all practise as much as possible, as an example to others, and to be true to our own selves.

04-01-2013, 01:33 AM
Look up the book Steel Beach

sukumvit boy
04-01-2013, 02:06 AM
You mean this one. Good Science Fiction.

04-01-2013, 02:28 AM
Yes very good book. read it when i was 18 still remember the story...amazing book should really be made into a movie...

04-01-2013, 09:50 AM
In my opinion, transsexuals are more interested in their acceptance in society, when talking about future. Specially for acceptance of transsexual children inside families and schools, proper care and guidance for adulthood, educations, jobs, etc. Medicine make progress, what about society?

Actually I lead a bit of a different life outside porn and rock n roll - Im well educated and have been accepted in the mainstream society in both professional roles and as an director of computer science education. While I love the wild aspects of my life I also work very hard for acceptance in society and casting a positive impression of transexuals in society... I just happen to be very open about my sexuality and actually find its expression in both film and photos as something that should bring no shame - its beautiful and it brings smiles to peoples faces as well as my own so why limit myself to Only Mainstream or Only adult work when there is plenty of room to exist in both.

04-01-2013, 02:43 PM
The future is a Tgirl president!