View Full Version : UNITED 93: Was it shot down?

05-04-2006, 02:43 AM
Who think the military shot down United 93? Cheney did admitted to giving the orders but claimed it took 25 minutes to get through and by then the plane was down. I have to question that considering it's the information age and a time of a national emergency where time is of the essence. There's no evidence that the passengers reached the cockpit as well. On the other hand most of the physicl evidence doesn't support a shoot down when you really analyze it.

05-04-2006, 02:53 AM
It damn sure wasn't shot down if the dick was doing the shooting...

05-04-2006, 03:57 AM
to save the capitol building it may have been the smart thing to do. but it was the passengers who brought it down. little dickie would like you to think he was on top of the situation, but don't you believe it. the immediate concerns of the whitehouse were how to spin it and use it for personal and corporate gain.

05-04-2006, 04:32 AM
Not only was it shot down but the whole Hi-Jacking was allowed by the government. Seeing as how the govt conviniently removed the rule where pilots are allowed to carry a gun just 2 months before 9/11. Not to mention the govt just refuse to give info on the plane and how they wont let others investigate the plane wreck

The American Nightmare
05-04-2006, 04:40 AM
This post deleted by the Illuminati

05-04-2006, 04:48 AM
I wouldn't doubt it was shot down to save what little face the White House had left on that day. I certainly don't consider myself some whacko who looks for conspiracy theories around every bend, but given this government's history, nothing it would do to save its ass(image) would surprise me.

I didn't go see it simply because of the assumptions and liberties Hollywood is most likely to take with such a picture. One has to wonder about the motive of cashing in on such a tragedy, particularly given how soon it followed ?

05-04-2006, 04:52 AM

Use the gift card to take me out somewhere. ;)

05-04-2006, 03:31 PM
Has anyone seen a bit of the plane after the accident?

Usually you can see large amounts of debrie but with flight 93 you dont see a thing.

I think it was shot down .

05-04-2006, 03:35 PM

For those who want to know the truth!

05-04-2006, 07:39 PM
i really hope the families are getting a piece of the box office sales.....considering all these people died and now hollywood stands to profit off of the deaths of these selfless people who gave their lives.

05-05-2006, 02:40 AM
i really hope the families are getting a piece of the box office sales.....considering all these people died and now hollywood stands to profit off of the deaths of these selfless people who gave their lives.

I'd hardly say they were selfless people who gave their lives ... they were poor victims of a terrorist attack. Did Aileen Wourness's victims families get a % from "Monster"?

The fact is, there are very little facts. We know a terrorist (or voice from the cockpit) stated "shall we end it now" and we know a a guy on a cellphone talked about getting the plane back but the rest is all conjecture and theory and non unlike Titanic, will probably draw on as much fiction as fact to pull on our heartstrings.
I'm passing on the movie. I think the lack of evidence we have on what happened, isn't enough to present a movie that is meant to be based on fact and is such recent history.

05-07-2006, 01:32 AM
What a surprise! The chimp-in-chief is using this movie in yet another desperate attempt to boost his historically low poll ratings...

Bush calls terror fight WWIII
From: Agence France-Presse From correspondents in Washington
May 06, 2006
US President George W. Bush has said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III".

In an interview with the financial news network CNBC, Mr Bush said he had yet to see the recently released film of the uprising, a dramatic portrayal of events on the United Airlines plane before it crashed in a Pennsylvania field.
But he said he agreed with the description of David Beamer, whose son Todd died in the crash, who in a Wall Street Journal commentary last month called it "our first successful counter-attack in our homeland in this new global war, World War III".

Mr Bush said: "I believe that. I believe that it was the first counter-attack to World War III.

"It was, it was unbelievably heroic of those folks on the airplane to recognize the danger and save lives," he said.

the rest of this article here-

05-07-2006, 08:16 AM
Ok, here's one theory: it was shot down , but not via an order from "Shooter" (not Scooter) Cheney; he was doing all he could to keep it from being shot down because its intended target was The Capitol Building, so as to render it null & void, which the neocon planners were then to use as an excuse to declare martial law and proclaim pretzelbreath preznit for life or whatever. Some say that they've been running scared from the consequences of the "failure" of #93 and the anthrax letters to complete the grand mission of 9/11 ever since, fixed elections aside--you know consequences like their inability to stop the rule of law (such as it is); silence folks like Pat Leahy, Ted Kennedy, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold (Paul Wellstone was well taken care of), Barbara Lee, John Conyers, Cynthia McKinney and anyone else who was still too blind to see that the bush bunch will do whatever it takes to satisfy their greed/power obsession, i.e. feed their insanity.
And the beat goes on:
http://news.tbo.com/news/metro/MGBKSL4KSME.html (oh what a tangled web they weave ... )
"What do you call someone in possession of the facts? Paranoid." - William S. Burroughs