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View Full Version : The Transexual Phenomenon

03-29-2013, 07:51 PM
First let me say I mean no offense or slight on anyone. Obviously by being here and for so long I have an extreme passion or curiosity for all things trans. I have personally never been with a trans girl unfortunately but that hasn't stopped me from fantasizing and daydreaming about it... for years. So please keep this in mind while reading my thoughts. I am not trying to start controversy at all. I'm just genuinely very curious about this.

It seems that every day more and more people come out as trans (especially MTF). Now I know the general accepted theory is it was a mistake and the person was born with the wrong gender. Their biological gender doesn't match up with what their brain is. I may not be wording that 100% correct but I think that's the general idea correct? Ok I accept this as fact for the most part. I realize that probably the majority of cases this is in fact the cause. But can it be true that there are this many (not sure of the best way to put it) mess ups or mistakes or birth defects happening all over the world , every single day?

And if so, if all this transsexual phenomenon is really happening due to this reason...then what is causing it? There has got to be some kind of reason behind it all right? Thousands and thousands of people every year, a million maybe all feeling they were born in the wrong body. That's a hell of a lot of people being born wrong or different from what they want.

Now personally I have no real clue. I am not a scientist or anything even close. Just a guy with a big curiosity for such things. Maybe I over think things too much or whatever but it really puzzles me. I have no problem with any of it obviously. I have a huge respect for anyone who follows their dreams and goes through such a process, especially with all the hurdles thrown up by society for them. It can't be easy, ever, even for the ones with a supportive family and social group. It's never going to be easy or fun at all times. So nothing but love and respect for them from me. But I do wonder/question whether every single case can be a real true birth defect or whatever. It just seems too implausible for there to be this many cases of the same thing happening all the time , all over the world. There have to be some other factors at play here, right?

Anyone care to share their thoughts, theories, anything on this? Like I said please remember I mean no harm at all. I'm not saying anyone doesn't have the right to experience life however they see fit. I just want to understand this phenomenon better. And to me it really is a phenomenon at this point. Thousands upon thousands of people are all doing the same thing, or going through a similar thing, so that's pretty huge in my opinion.

Thanks for your time :)

03-29-2013, 07:55 PM
Social conditions are allowing more people who wouldn't have come out in past generations to come out now. Trans issues are also becoming more visible in the media, and the internet is allowing more people to share their lives.

The same approximate percentage of the population is trans, but we're just starting to get noticed more.

03-29-2013, 08:01 PM
Social conditions are allowing more people who wouldn't have come out in past generations to come out now. Trans issues are also becoming more visible in the media, and the internet is allowing more people to share their lives.

The same approximate percentage of the population is trans, but we're just starting to get noticed more.

Ok fair enough. But what is the root cause of all of it. Let's say that for all time, as long as humans have been on the earth, the same percentage of transexual people (even if kept only in their mind) existed. What could be the cause for it? If it was 1 in a million it wouldn't seem like such a big deal to me. Just like many other conditions or birth defects. But at this point it really seems like a growing thing. Maybe that's because the population is also growing but still, it is just so odd that so many people could have the same condition from birth like this. For some that may not believe in God or a god then maybe it doesn't seem weird at all. I am not overly religious but I do believe in a higher power of some sort. I don't understand every aspect of that either but I do believe in something. It strikes me as very crazy that so many mistakes could be made every day like this?

carl essex
03-29-2013, 08:11 PM
there is no cause,,,, its just how your/we are wired.

this is the same line of thinking when being gay was thought to be an illness. people thought they could cure being gay.

it just that social factors meant your male or female. or straight and as gay is now accepted it was those options. being trans or being into trans is the same as what the world was experiencing back in the 60's with the gay revolution. i feel in 20 or 30 years trans will officially be the third gender. so there is no why, there is no cause its just the wonder of being human. it just simply how your wired inside

03-29-2013, 08:15 PM
The internet!

03-29-2013, 08:17 PM
there is no cause,,,, its just how your/we are wired.

this is the same line of thinking when being gay was thought to be an illness. people thought they could cure being gay.

it just that social factors meant your male or female. or straight and as gay is now accepted it was those options. being trans or being into trans is the same as what the world was experiencing back in the 60's with the gay revolution. i feel in 20 or 30 years trans will officially be the third gender. so there is no why, there is no cause its just the wonder of being human. it just simply how your wired inside

Ok this is interesting. Maybe it is correct. I guess so far it's as good as any other theory I've ever heard. It still strikes me as so odd so damn many people could be "wired" wrong. I mean in one way of thinking it would seem so unfair. But no one ever said life was fair so. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.

03-29-2013, 08:17 PM
Ok fair enough. But what is the root cause of all of it. Let's say that for all time, as long as humans have been on the earth, the same percentage of transexual people (even if kept only in their mind) existed. What could be the cause for it? If it was 1 in a million it wouldn't seem like such a big deal to me. Just like many other conditions or birth defects. But at this point it really seems like a growing thing. Maybe that's because the population is also growing but still, it is just so odd that so many people could have the same condition from birth like this. For some that may not believe in God or a god then maybe it doesn't seem weird at all. I am not overly religious but I do believe in a higher power of some sort. I don't understand every aspect of that either but I do believe in something. It strikes me as very crazy that so many mistakes could be made every day like this?

The way people have been taught to perceive sex and gender is fundamentally flawed because it was constructed in the image of the cisgender heterosexual hegemony. It is an imposed order on a world of variety and possibility, but the menu is not the meal; the map is not the terrain.

Even our beloved "genetic sex," karyotype model isn't as simple as we teach children in high school. The XX/XY model is wonderful for the majority, but it is just a simplification of reality which suits the dominant class.

We're just different people, and there are just a lot more of you than there are of us, so you got to decide what was a disorder and what was the norm.

03-29-2013, 08:20 PM
The way people have been taught to perceive sex and gender is fundamentally flawed because it was constructed in the image of the cisgender heterosexual hegemony. It is an imposed order on a world of variety and possibility, but the menu is not the meal; the map is not the terrain.

Even our beloved "genetic sex," karyotype model isn't as simple as we teach children in high school. The XX/XY model is wonderful for the majority, but it is a simplification of reality which suits the dominant class just fine.

We're just different people, and there are just a lot more of you than there are of us, so you got to decide what was a disorder and what was the norm.

Can I ask you this. I know I could look it up but I figure you probably already know so... Am I wrong in assuming there are far more MTF cases than FTM cases of transexuals in the world? If this is the case like I think it is, then why?

03-29-2013, 08:33 PM
There are more reported cases of MtF transition.

Many FtM individuals just start living as men without talking to anyone about it. It's usually easier for trans men to blend in than trans women.

I personally, in my day-to-day life know more trans men than trans women, by about a 3:1 ratio.

03-29-2013, 08:34 PM
It seems that every day more and more people come out as trans (especially MTF). Now I know the general accepted theory is it was a mistake and the person was born with the wrong gender. Their biological gender doesn't match up with what their brain is. I may not be wording that 100% correct but I think that's the general idea correct? Ok I accept this as fact for the most part.

i'll ask you- do you accept this because that's what you were told, or did you personally do some research and come to this conclusion?

i asked, a while back, how one would know if someone was lying if they said they felt they were born in the wrong gender (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=1294880&postcount=175) and the answer was pretty much- no you cannot (unless you maybe conduct a lie detector test) or can tell the person is lying (which is kinda similar to what the other person is doing).

in the 30s there was an accepted idea that in the future, one wouldn't need to build and sell someone a home, but rather sell someone the idea of a home and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the projection and the real thing.

03-29-2013, 08:43 PM
i'll ask you- do you accept this because that's what you were told, or did you personally do some research and come to this conclusion?

i asked, a while back, how one would know if someone was lying if they said they felt they were born in the wrong gender (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=1294880&postcount=175) and the answer was pretty much- no you cannot (unless you maybe conduct a lie detector test) or can tell the person is lying (which is kinda similar to what the other person is doing).

in the 30s there was an accepted idea that in the future, one wouldn't need to build and sell someone a home, but rather sell someone the idea of a home and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the projection and the real thing.

Small amount of research, nothing big time or anything. Mostly just observing and listening and seeing what I see. Which at some point recently made me start to wonder how so much of this can be happening now (or what I thought was now, compared with earlier) and thinking something has to be up.

I guess I was sort of wondering, thinking it could be environmental changes, chemicals we are exposed too, so on. But I have no real clue obviously.

03-29-2013, 08:44 PM
There are more reported cases of MtF transition.

Many FtM individuals just start living as men without talking to anyone about it. It's usually easier for trans men to blend in than trans women.

I personally, in my day-to-day life know more trans men than trans women, by about a 3:1 ratio.

Ok thank you. That is really an eye opener for me. I had no idea.

carl essex
03-29-2013, 08:46 PM
if you talk to the asians. thai and filipino they do not feel they are in the wrong body. or have a mental condition/disorder. they just become girls because they want to and can.they choose to transition,

before i get abuse this is their words not mine

03-29-2013, 08:49 PM
if you talk to the asians. thai and filipino they do not feel they are in the wrong body. or have a mental condition/disorder. they just become girls because they want to and can.they choose to transition,

before i get abuse this is their words not mine

Well I will admit, I sort of thought this would be the case sometimes. Not with Asians or anything, just in general.

03-29-2013, 09:05 PM
if you talk to the asians. thai and filipino they do not feel they are in the wrong body. or have a mental condition/disorder. they just become girls because they want to and can.they choose to transition,

before i get abuse this is their words not mine

i can see this being true for someone (especially those involved in the sex industry) but not others.

there are a great number of transsexual women who aren't in the public light slowly and painfully transitioning. i don't believe they do it just because they can.

and then there are those who find it easier (and possibly more financially beneficial) to assume a different identity.

as to why there are more transsexuals "coming out"? there are just more people in the world.

03-29-2013, 10:30 PM
as to why there are more transsexuals "coming out"? there are just more people in the world.

Yeah, but also because, though it's still pretty tough, it's never been easier to successfully transition and have a good life.

03-29-2013, 11:50 PM
Yeah, but also because, though it's still pretty tough, it's never been easier to successfully transition and have a good life.

i guess that too (although i'd know next to nothing about that besides that organizations such as lgbt offer assistance to individuals that find themselves in that situation)

south ov da border
03-30-2013, 03:18 AM
hormones in the food and BPA

but seriously, besides us being tampered with our souls are androgynous and it seems that a lot of us have the issue of not being what we were labelled as from birth. I know I'm one. I'm more Pansexual or as I say "try"sexual

03-30-2013, 09:36 PM
Yeah, but also because, though it's still pretty tough, it's never been easier to successfully transition and have a good life.

I bet this is also a major factor.

03-30-2013, 11:02 PM
Here are two good studies that you may want to read if you are truly are interested in this:



I believe a possible reason for what you labeled "a transexual phenomonon" is that in recent years the medical community has been more inclined to support the transition of individuals rather than label them with mental disorders as was common place in prior years. The reason for the shift in treatment, according to the studies I linked, is based on recent medical research on the brain structures of transgender individuals showing that some transgender individuals have the brain structures that resemble their desired sex even before hormone treatment. Additionally, there are more possible causes for gender dysphoria than previously understood by the medical community stemming from genetic reasons and prenatal exposure to hormones, as well as many other psychological and behavioral factors.

In addition, even though we are not totally accepting of transgender individuals in our society, I believe we are evolving into a more accepting/tolerant society which IMHO is also a factor that may make it a little less difficult to start transitioning.

03-30-2013, 11:34 PM
do you suppose maybe there is a quantum singularity somewhere in the universe causing the transsexual phenomenon?


03-31-2013, 12:28 AM
As time passes more things that are taboo become accepted. Lady Gaga would not be possible when i was a kid. I think in next 10 yrs we will see real ts on tv and in movies with more signifigant parts.

Shout out to Yasmin Lee.

03-31-2013, 02:12 AM
I've often thought of this myself and tried to look at the following perspectives asking questions.

1. Is it that minds are so young they are being influenced by the availability of porn on the internet?

2. Maybe there is something in the food that is causing this?

3. People feel freedom to be who they are in this day and age?

4. Is this nature and life creating a new species so to speak?

03-31-2013, 04:23 AM
SOY,which has cleverly been snuck into everything!

03-31-2013, 08:33 AM
Genetically modified food products + synthetic beer + food supplements and remedies stimulating the hormonal disfunction + lack of traditional gender ideology of society ... All things are simple.

03-31-2013, 08:42 AM
I live in Thailand and I've talked to a fair number of Thai ladyboys and all of them said that they have always felt that they were girls.

03-31-2013, 08:43 AM
i watched a sci-fi film that was a rip off mad max. it purported that in the future, biological women are very rare (in fact, mythical) and thus the population is dwindling. coincidentally, there are also a lot more transsexuals (though they are never called as such in the film)

the cause is explained as the result of nuclear war

03-31-2013, 11:04 AM
I think it's partly social acceptance, but I also think society just works better when the women outnumber the men. That's always been the case and still is, but the gap has been closing. There aren't as many wars now, we don't need to hunt for food anymore, and improved technology means that (traditionally male) workers are much less likely to get killed on the job.

The solution seems to be that large numbers of men will become women, and I'm all for it. I'd become a woman myself if it weren't so expensive, and I had more of an assurance that I'd be passable.

03-31-2013, 09:51 PM
I think through whole history there was the same ration of transsexuals in population, but in smaller population is smaller number of them. In ancient times it was said they were called by goddess and were mostly priestesses. In mid ages they were hiden because of fear, so it looks like they don't exist, but now we became more aware of them, specially through media and pornography.

With capabilities of brain scanning and fact, that they are born with brain and body of different genders, could maybe make their acceptance in society easier and that they will not be seen as mentally ill, but as normal person with special need because of birth "mistake" from their childhood.