View Full Version : london girls be carefull!!

03-28-2013, 02:26 PM
hi girls
not sure if ths is allowed but its worth a go
i am down in london on a visit and was attacked and robbed by a client last night bust nose cut lip an he took over 1k in cash ive got his picture and number if any girls want it private me and i will send it be carefull i think i got off lightly
be safe

03-28-2013, 02:30 PM
omg fritzie that is bad news indeed :( you should definately post his number and picture on forum ...

Have you reported him to the poilce yet ?

Yes please private me as i have a few days in london escorting ..

Glad your ok though xx thats the main thing x

03-28-2013, 02:35 PM
is the risk to be a prostitute

03-28-2013, 02:37 PM
omg fritzie that is bad news indeed :( you should definately post his number and picture on forum ...

Have you reported him to the poilce yet ?

Yes please private me as i have a few days in london escorting ..

Glad your ok though xx thats the main thing x
hey hun
i did report him to the police but they didnt care and said if i pressed the matter thy would inform the hotel i was what had happened and i would loose my room
sucks i know its like they think its acceptable for us to get attacked as sex workers have no rights
its just like saying if you work in a bank and get shot you deserve it and its your fault as banks are dagerous places to work
ill pm you now

03-28-2013, 03:00 PM
is the risk to be a prostitute
it shouldent be thoughw should have the ame rights as everyone else x

03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
Fritzie - this is truly horrible.You have confirmed in the worst way all the misgivings girls have about coming to work in London. 'm glad you were not seriously hurt.

03-28-2013, 03:44 PM
Fritzie - this is truly horrible.You have confirmed in the worst way all the misgivings girls have about coming to work in London. 'm glad you were not seriously hurt.

thanks hun i was was pissed off than hurt but i was warned be several friends not to visit london but im stubborn lol x

03-28-2013, 03:50 PM
Yeah... I met a girl who calls herself Penny Trayshun a few years ago in Manchester (you probably know her) and afterwards suggested she visit London. She did - once - but then swore she'd never come back. Not because she got mugged but simply because the trip cost her more money than she made from coming south. Sounds like it could end up like that for you (since you say you lost £1k in the robbery)
Shame on London.

03-28-2013, 04:09 PM
im very sorry to hear about ur expereince and wish you well.

on this forum, posters often make light of the risks escorts are exposed to.

the attitude of the authorities stinks.

i strongly believe you should post his picture and number on here.

what is he going to do ...sue u?

03-28-2013, 05:00 PM
hi girls
not sure if ths is allowed but its worth a go
i am down in london on a visit and was attacked and robbed by a client last night bust nose cut lip an he took over 1k in cash ive got his picture and number if any girls want it private me and i will send it be carefull i think i got off lightly
be safe

hi hun pm me details if you dont mind??? x hope your ok x

yes london the only place ive nearly had " trouble" ... 3 times...:o

03-28-2013, 05:02 PM
hey hun
i did report him to the police but they didnt care and said if i pressed the matter thy would inform the hotel i was what had happened and i would loose my room
sucks i know its like they think its acceptable for us to get attacked as sex workers have no rights
its just like saying if you work in a bank and get shot you deserve it and its your fault as banks are dagerous places to work
ill pm you now

suprised at that, i got a fwe policemen as clients up north and always say any problems they will come down on them like a ton of bricks. i'd lose the room and make that blokes life a misery, get it reported try get his face and name in local rags. that could teach him a lesson, hopefully.

03-28-2013, 05:09 PM
This is wrong Fritzie, I hope you get justice!:smile:

03-28-2013, 06:04 PM
Sorry to read that.
I hope you are all right...

I sent you a PM, by the way, I hope it could be useful.


03-28-2013, 06:34 PM
Why not post his picture and number here

Dino Velvet
03-28-2013, 06:41 PM
hi girls
not sure if ths is allowed but its worth a go
i am down in london on a visit and was attacked and robbed by a client last night bust nose cut lip an he took over 1k in cash ive got his picture and number if any girls want it private me and i will send it be carefull i think i got off lightly
be safe

Really sorry to hear that. I imagine some clients can really be douchebags and this one was way beyond that. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Post any and all information and maybe the walls will enclose on him as he's hunted down.

Be safe out there, ladies.

03-28-2013, 07:34 PM
Why not post his picture and number here

would i be allowed? thanks guys i just dont want him doing the same to any1 else xx

03-28-2013, 08:07 PM
you should go back to the police nd demand to see some 1 higher than the front desk muppet wh told u this, at the end of the day its assult and robbery and the scum bag should be caught, if u got his face pic and a phone number it should,nt be to difficut for the police to catch him, please go back and dont tke no for a answer frm them

03-28-2013, 08:20 PM
you should go back to the police nd demand to see some 1 higher than the front desk muppet wh told u this, at the end of the day its assult and robbery and the scum bag should be caught, if u got his face pic and a phone number it should,nt be to difficut for the police to catch him, please go back and dont tke no for a answer frm them

You don't seem to live in the real world pal, she's a tranny and she had sex with the guy, , it wasn't like she got robbed in the streets or any other public place, the police usually don't care about minor incidents like that even if you file a report that's just waste of time, unless there's more people reporting the same crime.

03-28-2013, 08:46 PM
You don't seem to live in the real world pal, she's a tranny and she had sex with the guy, , it wasn't like she got robbed in the streets or any other public place, the police usually don't care about minor incidents like that even if you file a report that's just waste of time, unless there's more people reporting the same crime.

thats whats wrong with thi contry, so what if she is a tranny as put it, she is still human an as been assulted and robbed, regardless of hat she was doing, many escrts meet people in hoels,what happens between 2 consenting adults is no 1 elses busness,

03-28-2013, 09:08 PM
how on earth, is being seriously assaulted and robbed in your hotel room 'better' than being attacked in a public place. in not sure if the poster believed this or was expressing a view of the current system.

assault is assault. factors of what... relationship the parties were to each others, their sexuality, their occupation are irrelevant.

publish the offenders details here.....

you want to prevent it happening again, this would help. the moderator has already encouraged this.

03-28-2013, 09:17 PM
would i be allowed? thanks guys i just dont want him doing the same to any1 else xx

He could sue you in the civil courts for libel! Come on though, not going to happen. Just as it is difficult for you to get the police to take it seriously - they are as prejudiced as hell. He's not going to bring a case where he has to stand up in open court and say that he visits escorts.

Publish and be damned!

03-28-2013, 09:23 PM
Oh jeez! So sorry to hear that Fritzie. No-one deserves to be treated in such an appalling way :(

03-28-2013, 10:06 PM
1. Fritzie, I've never met you but I know of you by reputation and I'm truly sorry to hear this has happened.

2. Definitely post their details here or at the very least in the Escort section. I believe there is a girls only part of this forum and you should put it there too. Bear in mind that a lot of people use this forum who aren't registered users and it's important to get the details out.

3. I wouldn't say this is just London, this sort of thing can happen anywhere. It may be worth trying to arrange a "friend" to be with you each time you have a client, even if it's another client that's a regular you give a freebie to in exchange. That may sound weird but the invisible threat works a treat. People don't often play up at brothels because of the idea that there's a nasty guy behind the scenes with a baseball bat. It's usually ficticious but the idea deters people. Even if your friend is 5ft 2 and weighs 8 stone soaking wet, provided they can be heard just once but never seen, the punter will always presume it's a 6 foot Hell's Angel.

4. Yeah the police are shit if you're a sex worker. There are very few areas (I know Brighton is one) where they do actually take these incidents seriously and have support networks for the girl.

03-28-2013, 10:27 PM
You don't seem to live in the real world pal, she's a tranny and she had sex with the guy, , it wasn't like she got robbed in the streets or any other public place, the police usually don't care about minor incidents like that even if you file a report that's just waste of time, unless there's more people reporting the same crime.

Not sure your right there. With all the red tape nowadays the last thing Police want is to mistreat a transgender victim of crime.

Escorting is not illegal, the only thing she was doing wrong was breaking hotels rules on what room can be used for.

There will be CCTV footage, has a phone number etc.. could be a known/wanted chap that has done similar to visitng GG's or rentboys. There is usually a pattern, thus meeting the same crime criteria.

Saying that you could be right, could just wash their hands of it or it would be to much hassle for frtize. Somethings are best left to just move on and learn from your mistakes, especially if it shakes you up.

03-28-2013, 10:35 PM
3. I wouldn't say this is just London, this sort of thing can happen anywhere. It may be worth trying to arrange a "friend" to be with you each time you have a client, even if it's another client that's a regular you give a freebie to in exchange. That may sound weird but the invisible threat works a treat. People don't often play up at brothels because of the idea that there's a nasty guy behind the scenes with a baseball bat. It's usually ficticious but the idea deters people. Even if your friend is 5ft 2 and weighs 8 stone soaking wet, provided they can be heard just once but never seen, the punter will always presume it's a 6 foot Hell's Angel.

London is really unique imo, ok bad stuff can happen anywhere, I grew up in a rough area, ive worked all over the UK , we all know the worlds a dangerous place, I would say I am fairly streetwise... but nearly come a cropper myself in london more than once (doh) , being a bit naieve or over confident - you have really got to have different rules when in London, be uber strict with how you operate, no late punts, stick to day jobs (suit and tie clients, great !) but its knobhead hour after 7/8pm in that city, and sadly I have to use a strict code on "race" when there as well now... - any touring girl has to take things more seriously than ever when going to London or it will end in tears imo... Birmingham is also iffy still , and Dublin very dodgy to.

03-28-2013, 11:08 PM
Somethings are best left to just move on and learn from your mistakes, especially if it shakes you up.

Well, that's the best advice i would give to Fritzie, just move on and be more cautious next time, never have cash on sight or nearby...... I honestly don't think posting the dude's number , photo, or name on this board would actually do anything on her favor, people on here are just curious to see the guy's face or number for that matter and nothing else.

03-29-2013, 01:28 AM
Hi Fritzie ,
Your news is simply awful, I wish you a speedy recovery .
I agree with some of the other posts, it's assault and robbery, plain and simple , and I'm amazed they have responded that way ? Every human is entitled to the protection of the law, end of. Maybe you should ask to see the station inspector, see if he has a different attitude ?
Best wishes again, T, x

03-29-2013, 01:32 AM
I would totally understand if you took the advice to move on, emotionally it may be better? But it does allow the thieving shithouse to bash and rob another girl?

Very best wishes whatever you decide .

03-29-2013, 02:54 AM
sadly I have to use a strict code on "race" when there as well now...

Yep, a lot of girls I've met won't see anyone other than white guys for numerous reasons.

03-29-2013, 06:35 AM
im not affraid in sayng but if a cunt like that try to rob i dont care i go in jail for life but i cut his nutts and head off ..im petite but not scarred at alll...,.so i hope the cunts read the message...sorry fritizie for ur situation.

Fancy fancy
03-29-2013, 11:14 AM
Sorry to hear of this Fritzie. I hate stuff like this

Adriana - you are priceless!

03-29-2013, 12:13 PM
hey hun
i did report him to the police but they didnt care and said if i pressed the matter thy would inform the hotel i was what had happened and i would loose my room xx

IMO Thats a crime too. nobody "deserves" to be attacked and beaten regardless of what they are doing

03-29-2013, 12:23 PM
So sorry to hear, Fritzie. Take care.
Some girls only escort with clients that have positive feddback on AW or have met before.

Fabio xx

03-29-2013, 02:43 PM
So sad to hear this. The good thing youre safe now. This also happen to me before twice i think his from UK. I requested him not to hurt me I just gave him all my money more than 2000US$. Thats why now im very careful in meeting clientelle. Possible to post pics of him here?

03-30-2013, 12:01 PM
thanks guys i appreciate your support and ive got a new empathy for girls in london
ive worked all over the uk and ive never had a problem with clients they are all normally polite and punctual but i must say in london there are so many timewasters and and at least 80% txt or called asking for discounts even though my fee is lower than most one guy told me he wouldent pay for sex as it was unfair to charge for it and that all the london girls see him for free but he was willing to pay £10 lol
so i shall not be back im afraid its too horrid for me

03-30-2013, 12:51 PM
That's a shame Fritzie, but totally understandable. Not only the crime against you but all the timewasters and stupid fuckers who ask for discounts. Take care.

03-30-2013, 01:28 PM
lol fritzie i have had that guy message before the 10pound man lol what a bellend he is :) i was quite tempted to let him come and visit when i was in london and video the session without telling him for abit blackmail amusemant :) teach him a lesson :) maybe i will next time i am in london and he messages lol

As to timewasters yep welcome to london :) the city where your phone melts with texts/calls and 80% of are just cunts jacking off on the phone etc .

I am glad i moved out of london as i find it a shithole generally speaking ..

Main thing is your alright :) much better places to escort than London anyway .. why work in a place when there is 200 other girls doing the same thing each day ..

03-30-2013, 02:04 PM
London is NOT a shithole. It's a great city. But as with any megalopolis there is a high per centage of jerks, fools and complete assholes ... or arseholes as we call them.

Dino Velvet
03-30-2013, 02:14 PM
But as with any megalopolis there is a high per centage of jerks, fools and complete assholes.

Total agreement from Los Angeles.

03-30-2013, 02:25 PM
London is NOT a shithole. It's a great city. But as with any megalopolis there is a high per centage of jerks, fools and complete assholes ... or arseholes as we call them.

Maybe for you it is in your view , in my view i think its a glorified shithole of a place . great for somethings but overall i find it a place i would rather avoid like the plague ..

03-30-2013, 03:01 PM
London as a shithole - or a wonderful city? Well any view of a place (or many other things) is subjective. I can fully see how in terms of a place to escort it can be seen that way. And if you grew up out in the country - or even the suburbs - then London may seem too much as well. Personally I just love the energy, the infinite variety of the place. I love its opportunities for experiencing culture. i love its multi cultural nature. Evfen having lived here, on and off, most of my life it constantly surprises me. it constantly renews itself. There are very few cities around the world that have that quality. I'd say New York and paris are the others i know very well. The brief times I've lived in smaller cities - Manchester, Cambridge, Dubai - I've found them interesting (Dubai), beautiful (Cambridge) and energetic (Manchester) but still - in the end - lacking that special something London, NYC and Paris has. But that's me. I'm very much a metropolitan person.

04-01-2013, 06:24 PM
Be Aware - A client of mine (Tgirl) called me yesterday for the similar case.
Quite sad - She had a client and the client rob her.
Almost no result from the police, as she is sex working T-girl.

04-01-2013, 06:31 PM
I want to date a british guy...

i really do no joke...

04-01-2013, 07:07 PM
Name the culprits... publish their number, and the picture mentioned at the beginning.

these nasty people will keep doing it, seeing escorts as easy targets. perhaps it may save at least one girl being attacked.

04-01-2013, 07:33 PM
I want to date a british guy...

i really do no joke...
well there must be some very lucky Englishmen in Atlanta

04-01-2013, 07:35 PM
And Dark Rose.. well that is another blow against us Londoners. A lot of of bad people in the big city. Is the girl in question alright?

04-01-2013, 07:52 PM
And Dark Rose.. well that is another blow against us Londoners. A lot of of bad people in the big city. Is the girl in question alright?

London is a big city. Not possible everything to be perfect and smiling...the positive and negative side of the London.

The Tgirl is ok, but stress is high and I am worried.
Not good for her and bad experience someone to threaten and rob you in your home and you can do nothing about it.

Definitely working girls are target for such persons.
Last year another client of mine has the same problem.

04-01-2013, 09:28 PM
Name and shame him Fritzie!!

04-02-2013, 01:17 AM
This is terrible and of course my deepest sympathies are with Fritzie who lost 1K and got assaulted.
But I am wondering how the pictures/CCTV of this guy were acquired? Presumably the hotel are not complicit so I can only assume that the punt was filmed secretly. Also it's very unnerving how many other TS's seeming to be chiming in with accounts of how they secretly film and blackmail clients.
Have I missed something here or was there not a recent post asking about this very issue where escorts were dismissing such things as paranoia but now I am very worried.
I would not react well if I found evidence of secret filming but perhaps I have missed something?...

04-03-2013, 12:46 PM
This is terrible and of course my deepest sympathies are with Fritzie who lost 1K and got assaulted.
But I am wondering how the pictures/CCTV of this guy were acquired? Presumably the hotel are not complicit so I can only assume that the punt was filmed secretly. Also it's very unnerving how many other TS's seeming to be chiming in with accounts of how they secretly film and blackmail clients.
Have I missed something here or was there not a recent post asking about this very issue where escorts were dismissing such things as paranoia but now I am very worried.
I would not react well if I found evidence of secret filming but perhaps I have missed something?...
a good point hun
I can assure you that I have never recorded any of my clients I have his picture as when I saved his number to my phone I checked whatsapp and he was on there with a display picture so I saved it for future reference and as for the hotels they do have cameras and as long as they display a cctv notice you agree to being filmed by entering the premises
as far as im aware no girl has said she has recorded any1 it was said that one would meet him then record it secretly as revenge for the attack and robbery and if she did could you blame her xx

04-03-2013, 12:51 PM
London is a big city. Not possible everything to be perfect and smiling...the positive and negative side of the London.

The Tgirl is ok, but stress is high and I am worried.
Not good for her and bad experience someone to threaten and rob you in your home and you can do nothing about it.

Definitely working girls are target for such persons.
Last year another client of mine has the same problem.
I understand that every city has bad points hun but the fact remains ive worked all over the uk and in America and only in London did I feel unsafe I assumed it was just me but most girls refuse to work in London due attacks and timewasters its crazy how I was treated ive never felt so bad
I only had 2 clients who dident try and get discount upon arrival and my fees are considerably cheaper than London girls and I must of had easily 100txt and pictures with the line im fit you will see me for free one guy offered £10 lol x

04-03-2013, 12:53 PM
This is terrible and of course my deepest sympathies are with Fritzie who lost 1K and got assaulted.
But I am wondering how the pictures/CCTV of this guy were acquired? Presumably the hotel are not complicit so I can only assume that the punt was filmed secretly. Also it's very unnerving how many other TS's seeming to be chiming in with accounts of how they secretly film and blackmail clients.
Have I missed something here or was there not a recent post asking about this very issue where escorts were dismissing such things as paranoia but now I am very worried.
I would not react well if I found evidence of secret filming but perhaps I have missed something?...

No one said it was CCTV pictures :) Assumption is the mother of all...

04-03-2013, 01:02 PM
London is a big city. Not possible everything to be perfect and smiling...the positive and negative side of the London.

The Tgirl is ok, but stress is high and I am worried.
Not good for her and bad experience someone to threaten and rob you in your home and you can do nothing about it.

Definitely working girls are target for such persons.
Last year another client of mine has the same problem.

She probably needs to knock the late evening jobs on the head and be a bit stricter on whom she says. But obviously that sucks even more if a resident..

Shrug. You deffo need to be on the ball in this game but really, really so in London..

04-03-2013, 01:14 PM
She probably needs to knock the late evening jobs on the head and be a bit stricter on whom she says. But obviously that sucks even more if a resident..

Shrug. You deffo need to be on the ball in this game but really, really so in London..

im sorry sammi but I have to disagree just because we escort in the evening does not make it safe im aware of 2 girls who were sexually assaulted both during the day
ive worked at 2or3am in new York without problems hun and always felt safe

04-03-2013, 02:28 PM
im sorry sammi but I have to disagree just because we escort in the evening does not make it safe im aware of 2 girls who were sexually assaulted both during the day
ive worked at 2or3am in new York without problems hun and always felt safe

Sure I am just going on how i work and the majority of incidents in London I know of which is quite a few now, you do have less chance of getting twatted in the daytime(plus sticking to english/professional sounding people), thats just obvious but yes it does not rule out anything bad happening in the day - i think that is also stating the obvious. x x

glad ya ok and still having fun ;-)x

04-03-2013, 02:41 PM
Sure I am just going on how i work and the majority of incidents in London I know of which is quite a few now, you do have less chance of getting twatted in the daytime(plus sticking to english/professional sounding people), thats just obvious but yes it does not rule out anything bad happening in the day - i think that is also stating the obvious. x x

glad ya ok and still having fun ;-)x
you know me hun I always have fun im in Glasgow at the minute and its really nice when are you back in Manchester for a night out xx

04-03-2013, 02:44 PM
i am hoping to go out to manc when am back in mid april, we need to gooooo out!:))...xx pm me your no. again mine changed about 5 times last year lol...#badtimes :D xx

04-03-2013, 02:57 PM
i am hoping to go out to manc when am back in mid april, we need to gooooo out!:))...xx pm me your no. again mine changed about 5 times last year lol...#badtimes :D xx
yey its been too long ive sent my number xxx

04-03-2013, 03:06 PM
did you get my pm there fritizie?

i'm not sure it sent.

04-03-2013, 03:29 PM
did you get my pm there fritizie?

i'm not sure it sent.
I did indeed hun its very much appreciated

04-03-2013, 04:44 PM
Sorry but i just dont get it...She gets robbed and she gets the injustice from this?or the Metropolitan Police forgot that even them love transexuals lol?Hun in the future if u travel make sure u have some protection with you,in case that dog apeares again.

04-03-2013, 05:56 PM
Sorry but i just dont get it...She gets robbed and she gets the injustice from this?or the Metropolitan Police forgot that even them love transexuals lol?Hun in the future if u travel make sure u have some protection with you,in case that dog apeares again.

thanks hun ill just avoid London its not worth the hassle im in Glasgow at the minute and everyone is nice and friendly xx

04-03-2013, 06:51 PM
Damn it Fritzie I wish I'd come to see you while you were here. I might have persuaded you that not ALL Londoners are horrible.

04-03-2013, 07:58 PM
hope you dont mind me asking but why did you have a grand in cash in your room?

04-03-2013, 08:07 PM
hope you dont mind me asking but why did you have a grand in cash in your room?

WTF has that got to do with anything? I regularly carry around more than that in cash.

04-03-2013, 08:13 PM
its got to do with the fact that the more girls who work who carry that amount of cash are more susceptable to this kind of attack. common sense i would think??

04-03-2013, 08:17 PM
You mean after every two or three clients an escort should get dressed, head off to the high street and deposit the money into her bank account? Some escorts don't even have bank accounts...isn't this why those nasty guys choose escorts in the first place?

04-03-2013, 08:18 PM
Hi Fritzie There I dont know was this the guy with Gold teeth?? He is in London again now he makes a living from doing this but changes his number all the time

He is black with dreadlocks about 6ft tall gold teeth very easy to recognise.

Hope that is of help If you want any info on London happenings please feel free to call me I am always happy to help if I can for any of you.

04-03-2013, 08:21 PM
You mean after every two or three clients an escort should get dressed, head off to the high street and deposit the money into her bank account? Some escorts don't even have bank accounts...isn't this why those nasty guys choose escorts in the first place?

all i am saying is that by having large stashes of cash in the room its attracting low life such as this. i dont know her banking details and neither do you. i do know that you need a valid debit or credit card to book a hotel room though. and actually yes depositing your money into your bank is a good idea, unless your cypriat

04-03-2013, 09:26 PM
its got to do with the fact that the more girls who work who carry that amount of cash are more susceptable to this kind of attack. common sense i would think??

1000 pound is not a great deal of cash to carry and have available. And clearly, cash is cash and depositing it into a bank account would lose it's value.

04-03-2013, 09:29 PM
Fritzie was in London on a flying visit (clearly her last) and presumably by that point in the evening might have seen two or three clients. As Seanchai said why would she dash out to bank this money - especially as the banks close at 4.30 anyway (and late afternoon is perhaps a prime time for escorts with men finishing work and paying a visit before going home) . Scumbags like this character target vulnerable girls. Especially if they are from out of town.

04-03-2013, 09:35 PM
As a rule when I'm traveling i try to deposit every 600 made.if it's after 5 tho and I've made another 6 i just stop working cause it's been a good day and time to get a drink lol

04-04-2013, 12:18 AM
i could go on to tax and ending up looking like a total prick like osborne so i wont bother

04-04-2013, 12:22 AM
what has tax got to do with tha robbery of a working girl, Sutton?

04-04-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi Fritzie There I dont know was this the guy with Gold teeth?? He is in London again now he makes a living from doing this but changes his number all the time

He is black with dreadlocks about 6ft tall gold teeth very easy to recognise.

Hope that is of help If you want any info on London happenings please feel free to call me I am always happy to help if I can for any of you.

She said he was turkish x

04-04-2013, 01:12 AM
i could go on to tax and ending up looking like a total prick like osborne so i wont bother
lol I had the money in my room as I had worked and as I don't know London and its not my local area I kept it there its the 1st time ive stayed in a hotel I useually stay in apartments
and as for tax I am tax registered that's how I bought my house not that its any of your business !

04-04-2013, 01:14 AM
Hi Fritzie There I dont know was this the guy with Gold teeth?? He is in London again now he makes a living from doing this but changes his number all the time

He is black with dreadlocks about 6ft tall gold teeth very easy to recognise.

Hope that is of help If you want any info on London happenings please feel free to call me I am always happy to help if I can for any of you.
thanks hun he was actually Turkish with a shaved head x