View Full Version : bareback worry

03-27-2013, 10:56 PM
Hi all,

I saw one of my favourite t-girls today. She was beautiful , as ever . However , she'd been topping me for a while and we changed positions , I realised she was bareback. It's the first time ever that I've been involved in a bareback situation. I've only been offered it once before, and politely declined. I always play safe. Anyone got a view as to whether I should get checked out in the next few days?

Sorry to create a serious thread, just a little worried.


03-27-2013, 10:59 PM
p.s. I'll be offline until 23.30 UK time .

03-27-2013, 11:03 PM
Well not to go more into your business, but after you realized this did you immediate pull away? If yes, how long did it go on for?
I do not imagine you have much to worry about if it was put in, and you felt it, and pulled away, but of course i am no expert.
I would imagine the longer you allowed this to proceed, you would in fact have a higher risk, as i believe precum, does harbor low amounts of viruses or viral load, if infact the individual does have a virus.

I sure with this board, you will receive many good replies.

In the meantime relax

03-27-2013, 11:09 PM
must of been 5 mins?

she didn't cum , but i'm ashamed to admit , naively , I didn't notice the difference, even though it felt slightly different , I just didn't twig.

even more ashamed to admit i allowed her to continue , guessing that if I'd been infected , the damage had been done?

i'm usually very very cautious , hence my title timid1

03-27-2013, 11:10 PM
maybe today i've just been very very stupid instead .

she seemed much less alarmed than me.

03-27-2013, 11:26 PM
You should get checked out and again in a few months. Odds are on your side but it is still necessary.

03-27-2013, 11:27 PM
Well pal, honestly, the best advice i can offer is to now get test, and inform your doctor of it, he may start you on a high dose antiviral medication immediate.

If you start antiviral medication within a specific time of exposure, if you were exposed, the chance you will be negative.

Its ok to be stupid sometimes, everyone does, now is time to learn and move on.

I wish you the best

03-27-2013, 11:29 PM
ask dr about pep within 72hours of exposure but not sure how good it is.

03-27-2013, 11:31 PM
You just participated in one of the highest risk activities regarding HIV with one of the highest risk individuals, a transexual escort. Of course you should get tested.

03-27-2013, 11:32 PM
Please don't see this as being insensitive to your situation, but did you enjoy it? Is it as good as the porno's make it look?

As far as the reality of your situation, friend. I am certain that you'll be alright. Especially if she was so relaxed about it. Get a test...

03-27-2013, 11:47 PM
timid1 - see your doctor tomorrow, get tested, get PEP. No matter how embarassing it is, the doc has heard it all before and your health has to take priority. As someone else said, first 72 hours are very important.

If this was a working girl you need to post their name here because there are a couple of girls well known for doing this and people need to know that their lives are going to be potentially endangered.

Please don't see this as being insensitive to your situation, but did you enjoy it? Is it as good as the porno's make it look?

As far as the reality of your situation, friend. I am certain that you'll be alright. Especially if she was so relaxed about it. Get a test...

Are you for fucking real? The guy has been taken advantage of and is wondering if he's caught a life threatening disease and you want to know how it felt? Get a fucking clue.

03-27-2013, 11:51 PM
Anyone got a view as to whether I should get checked out in the next few days?

i'm curious but do you think there is a reason you shouldn't? for example- do you know her std status, or are you familiar with all the partners she has sex with bareback and their std status' or her drug habits (if she has any) etc?

03-27-2013, 11:56 PM
You just participated in one of the highest risk activities regarding HIV with one of the highest risk individuals, a transexual escort.

he never said "a transsexual escort" though, he said "one of my favourite t-girls today". for all we know, she could be a student at la cordon bleu although i also understand how likely it is to be the former

03-28-2013, 12:31 AM
he never said "a transsexual escort" though, he said "one of my favourite t-girls today". for all we know, she could be a student at la cordon bleu although i also understand how likely it is to be the former
I think he presumed it was an escort as timid mentioned he'd seen "one of his favourite" T-girls, which implies it was a business situation. At least that's what I, and presumably Donkey, took it to mean.

03-28-2013, 12:34 AM
Been said already but see your gp or a private doctor within the next 24 hrs and get a cousre of peps. Reduce the risk of infection by up yo 90% but need to be taken with 72 hrs and ideally with 48hrs. The course will last 4 weeks and make you feel like shit (had a condom break on me about 10 years ago so took a course).

03-28-2013, 01:12 AM
stop questioning, take pep and hope for the best

03-28-2013, 01:57 AM
timid... don't panic but do go and get tested . Tomorrow if possible (because otherwise it'll all be closed until after Easter). In all probability you have nothing to worry about. 1. She did not cum 2. There is no automatic infection even if she had cum and even if she was HIV positive. It's not in any way a certainty that you'd be infected. But the best way to be sure is to have a test. It will probably be awkward if you work but if you live or work in central London there are walk-in cllnics where you can go. Check on line for the one nearest to where you are.

03-28-2013, 02:39 AM
Thanks to all that have offered advice, I'll get a check up tmrw.

I appreciate all views offered.

Yours , T, x

Dino Velvet
03-28-2013, 02:43 AM
Hope you get at least a 65. Go Greyhound!:cheers:

Chris rock aids test - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMSTbX3y9Qs)

03-28-2013, 03:08 AM
As others advices - go to your local GP, or even better, go to your local FREE HIV TEST CENTER.
You can find it here, just type your post code:

Explain the situation and ask for appointment for the same day, as it is emergency.

See here for more info:

Good luck,

03-28-2013, 04:26 AM
Please don't see this as being insensitive to your situation, but did you enjoy it? Is it as good as the porno's make it look?

As far as the reality of your situation, friend. I am certain that you'll be alright. Especially if she was so relaxed about it. Get a test...

You outta your friggin' mind college boy?

03-28-2013, 04:30 AM
If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, you may benefit from a four-week course of anti-HIV medication, known as post exposure prophylaxis (PEP). For treatment to be effective, it needs to be started within 72 hours (three days) of exposure. However, the sooner it is started, the more effective it is.

PEP is usually recommended if:

you have had unprotected vaginal or anal sex with someone who has HIV; or
you have received anal sex from someone with a high chance of having HIV

03-28-2013, 06:52 PM
But do we get to find out who the T-girl was?

03-28-2013, 08:14 PM
Getting tested now will only return an inconclusive result.
You need to wait 90 days.
Yes 90 days.
I know that sucks and I know it will drive you crazy.
This happened to me in Thailand though the circumstances are different ( the condom broke), regardless the whole situation can be very worrying.
I was OK but worried myself sick and I know the mental anguish around worrying, regret and waiting for the results.
The fact she didn't come is good but doesn't put you in the clear.
On the plus side your chances of getting infected are low.
HIV doesn't transfer easily.
For stats by sex act you can look here:http://www.catie.ca/pif/summer-2012/putting-number-it-risk-exposure-hiv
This article puts the risk at 1 infection per 71 acts of receptive anal sex with an infected person.
Other studies put the risk at a lower level but this is a cumulative review of the literature and seems to be the latest view and seems to be generally accepted.
Unprotected "topping" puts the risk at 1 in 909 exposures.
Remember these stats refer to sex acts with an infected person.
There's no chance of getting HIV if she was negative.
I'd ask her status. Given her job, I'm sure ( or hope) she gets tested regularly.
If she is positive and is on medication, her viral load will be very low and again, the chance of infection will be low.
Even if she's positive, chances are you're OK.
GET TESTED as its better to know your status.
You can go for PEP, but talk it over with a health professional.
We should all be pretty clear that condoms are the only real precaution...we should also all be clear they sometimes break.
There's no use in blaming anyone .
What's done is done.
How do I know all this?
I've been through it and happily I was fine, but the whole experience was a real eye opener and taught me to have a measure of compassion for all as a result.
Stay well.
See a doctor.
Get tested.
Good Luck

03-28-2013, 10:10 PM
Timid, best of luck to you bro please keep us all posted as to what happens. Please also name the girl involved, or at least PM Prospero to discuss it with him. I know I'm kinda volunteering him, but he's a moderator and a long standing member of the community so at least if you tell him who it was he can make an informed decision of whether she should be named for this.

03-29-2013, 01:13 AM
Thanks all, long day , had tests , which of course will only show historical stuff etc. I started PEP at lunchtime, and have to go back every Tuesday for the month . The clinic were fairly reassuring.
I take my fair share of the responsibility , I should of been more alert . I've seen this girl five times with no problems, and I like her warmth and attitude. I don't want to damage her rep over what may be perfectly innocent?
Tbh ,as I said the medical staff were fairly reassuring, it's the "zero action " for 90 days that will be a stinker! To quote the Oasis line " Everything that's been has past, the answers in the looking glass" , I can't turn back the clock 24 hrs , but I've had that time to think about my error.
Thanks for your advice and support,

03-29-2013, 02:25 AM
yes no need to name the girl .. maybe you two just have a good chemistry and it got carried away ..

well you can till have sex just use a condom in the 90days :)

03-29-2013, 02:47 AM
yes no need to name the girl .. maybe you two just have a good chemistry and it got carried away ..

I mean this with the utmost respect Lib, but would you accept that as a valid reason if you realised mid session that a regular client was barebacking you?

03-29-2013, 08:19 AM
A few year ago, Linda from El monte told me a condom broke when she was penetrating a client and even though she knew she was ok, he paid her to get tested. Maybe you could ask or pay for your girl to get tested to ease you mind.

03-29-2013, 09:30 AM
There is no need to pay here in the UK. But it is a good idea that he maybe suggest she also get tested.

Fancy fancy
03-29-2013, 10:51 AM
This happened to me some years ago, which is one of the key reasons I have retired from seeing escorts because health is after all the single most important thing we got. I also didn't think it healthy emotionally to continue paying for sex. (i ain't judging other so don't take offence).

It's good you started peps, and you will simply have to wait for the all clear. I can recommend the Dean Street clinic, it's very good with nice people.

I think in the meantime, the idea to get the girl tested could definitely reduce the anguish you may be feeling. If you pay for her to do it, you will get results quicker, unless that is she undergoes the quick test at dean street, whereby you get results in 5 minutes.

It's a total head fuck I know.:salad

03-30-2013, 07:06 AM
What I meant was he got her to get tested and show him the results by paying her a session fee. Not for the test itself

03-30-2013, 08:51 AM
Her getting testing negative dosent put the OP in the clear. One of the most dangerous times for possible infection? Receptive anal with one who has recently become imfected. The linked study, in this thread, quotes upto 1/5 exposures when bottomed. That's also why one is asked to refrain from ALL sex acts for 90 days.

Stay safe. No glove, no love.

03-30-2013, 10:48 AM