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03-26-2013, 10:03 AM
Do you guys think I pass? I think I still look like a dude with boobs.

Can you any resemblance between these two pics?

03-26-2013, 10:11 AM
Honestly, you've yet to present a clear enough photo - your avatar and the photo you've just posted are both small and somewhat out of focus. Post a selection of sharper and larger photos and you'll get a fair answer.

03-26-2013, 10:14 AM
Honestly, you've yet to present a clear enough photo - your avatar and the photo you've just posted are both small and somewhat out of focus. Post a selection of sharper and larger photos and you'll get a fair answer.

You'll see hopefully on Thursday! That's when my photo shoot is! I'll be posting the photos for you guys and ladies.

Based on people opinion's, I'll make a model app to Grooby. I might as well try!

03-26-2013, 10:16 AM
Lexi... always a bad idea to post pics of your former male persona, in my opinion. Especially if you are planning to escort.

03-26-2013, 10:19 AM
Lexi... always a bad idea to post pics of your former male persona, in my opinion. Especially if you are planning to escort.

Fuck. Why doesn't anyone tell me this?

03-26-2013, 10:24 AM
I have to be honest and say you're a long way off. I suspect you're probably at the wind up anyway.

03-26-2013, 10:25 AM
I have to be honest and say you're a long way off. I suspect you're probably at the wind up anyway.

Well, it's only been 5 months. I get called miss, darling, love, dear, and I don't get stared at in the ladies.

03-26-2013, 10:28 AM
Personally I'd stop posting on this thread Lexi and let it drift out of sight. Then start a new one once you've got your new pictures.

03-26-2013, 10:29 AM
Personally I'd stop posting on this thread Lexi and let it drift out of sight. Then start a new one once you've got your new pictures.

I'll do so.

03-26-2013, 11:13 AM
If you're genuinely asking if you pass for a female then I think you need to be realistic. Many t-girls may look very good but that doesn't necessarily mean they pass for a female. Certainly in the porn industry I can only think of maybe a handful who could 100% pass for a female. Yasmin Pires is certainly one.

03-26-2013, 11:21 AM
If you're genuinely asking if you pass for a female then I think you need to be realistic. Many t-girls may look very good but that doesn't necessarily mean they pass for a female. Certainly in the porn industry I can only think of maybe a handful who could 100% pass for a female. Yasmin Pires is certainly one.

Actually, I have been told I do pass very well.

03-26-2013, 11:57 AM
Actually, I have been told I do pass very well.

Oh, i'm sure you have.

You also said you look like a dude with boobs.

03-26-2013, 12:09 PM
Honestly lexi its each to there own but I like my tgirls to look feminine and no disrespect u dont .sorry

03-26-2013, 12:15 PM
Honestly lexi its each to there own but I like my tgirls to look feminine and no disrespect u dont .sorry

Weird...I guess different people have different ideas of "feminine". I get so many comments about how girly I look.

03-26-2013, 12:18 PM
Oh, i'm sure you have.

You also said you look like a dude with boobs.

I said "to myself".

Once I get the pics from my photo shoot up, then we'll have the answer, won't we?

03-26-2013, 12:21 PM
I have never seen a "Do I Pass" thread anywhere in the trannydom of the internet that doesn't end in "fuck y'all yeah i do!"

03-26-2013, 12:26 PM
I have never seen a "Do I Pass" thread anywhere in the trannydom of the internet that doesn't end in "fuck y'all yeah i do!"

:iagree: I pass in RL, and that's what counts!

03-26-2013, 12:49 PM
seriously... you are on the wrong board for these kind of questions. Go to susans place, or something. You can still post all of your cock pictures here :D

03-26-2013, 12:54 PM
Once I get the pics from my photo shoot up, then we'll have the answer, won't we?

Not really, no.

There's no right or wrong answer. It is a matter of opinion.

You think you look like a dude with boobs. It's not exactly how I would have worded it but I do agree with the sentiment.

03-26-2013, 01:08 PM
seriously... you are on the wrong board for these kind of questions. Go to susans place, or something. You can still post all of your cock pictures here :D

The girls at Laura's think I do.

Quiet Reflections
03-26-2013, 01:09 PM
You look like a girl that just started transitioning. You must keep in mind that everything has a starting point and you can't judge your results and/or progress on what anyone else has gone through. Don't rush the process your journey will help mold your future.

03-26-2013, 01:42 PM
The pics aren't great Lexi, but take it slow your early in your transition. Rome wasn't built in a day luv!:)

03-26-2013, 01:42 PM
Not really, no.

There's no right or wrong answer. It is a matter of opinion.

You think you look like a dude with boobs. It's not exactly how I would have worded it but I do agree with the sentiment.

You haven't been here long enough to be this big of a dick.
Pipe down.

03-26-2013, 01:47 PM
It's all objective. You're asking "Do I pass?" - but your photos aren't good enough to make a fair judgement on that. Whether your new photos will prove otherwise isn't really relevant.

You may be passable to some people but not to others, depending on how much experience they have around tgirls or how perceptive they are. It's not all about how you look but also confidence, how you act, talk and poise. I used to say, "You can take the boy out of the girl but you can't take the swish out of a tgirl". I think that's changed somewhat in recent years with more "normal" tgirls coming out than just the "swishers".

It's a slow process. Instead of asking "Do I pass" which is always going to get some rude and ignorant answers on any forum, just show transitional photos as part of the path. I disagree it's bad to show photos of you pre-transitioned, I respect that and I've seen some of the more confident ladies here do it.

03-26-2013, 03:24 PM
I think people need to understand that there is a difference between being passable and being undetectable.
Your passable when the majority if people you come in contact with acknowledge you as a woman.you may get called out every once in a while or get a puzzled loll but for the must part your womanhood isnt called into question.
Undetectable is when NO ONE can tell the difference between you and a genetic female.those girls are rare indeed.

03-26-2013, 03:38 PM
What amber says is very true.

I would beg to differ with seanchai regarding early photos for, in your case, you are wanting to work (for the time being) as an escort and I suspect many potential clients will prefer the image of you as a woman on the journey of transition to seeing you as a nice looking guy on a fishing trip. I know that, as Seanchai says, many of the girls here are comfortable posting their pre pictures - and i do think you deserve respect for doing so. But I still think it isn't necessarily the best career move.

A year or two ago someone here took to posting pictures of certain London working girls - TVs - in their male personas (without those girls permission). It was a damaging thing to do. For many clients it is the perception of you as a woman that matters to them - not a reminder of the man you used to be. (or in the case of the TV escorts still are underneath the wig, make-up and clothes).

But that is just my view.

03-26-2013, 04:31 PM
ALthough the picture isn't very clear, I think you look great as a female. I Most likely would be able to tell you were tg, but thay wouldnt stop me from approaching you irl and asking if i can take you out for coffee or a drink.

03-26-2013, 04:49 PM
What amber says is very true.

I would beg to differ with seanchai regarding early photos for, in your case, you are wanting to work (for the time being) as an escort and I suspect many potential clients will prefer the image of you as a woman on the journey of transition to seeing you as a nice looking guy on a fishing trip. I know that, as Seanchai says, many of the girls here are comfortable posting their pre pictures - and i do think you deserve respect for doing so. But I still think it isn't necessarily the best career move.

A year or two ago someone here took to posting pictures of certain London working girls - TVs - in their male personas (without those girls permission). It was a damaging thing to do. For many clients it is the perception of you as a woman that matters to them - not a reminder of the man you used to be. (or in the case of the TV escorts still are underneath the wig, make-up and clothes).

But that is just my view.

That photo was found by RadFems slandering me online a while ago. It hasn't dented my escorting as far as I can tell. Anyway, I don't expect to be undetectable, just passable and hopefully good-looking.

03-26-2013, 05:30 PM
I disagree it's bad to show photos of you pre-transitioned, I respect that and I've seen some of the more confident ladies here do it.

i agree with this. actually i thought it was pretty disrespectful for prospero to say "don't post here for a while" or however he put it. i think different people have different opinions about their "former" selfs where some want absolutely no evidence and others seem not to consider it some kind of stigmata.

the part i have to admit being pretty surprised about is that tslexi is Protoman2050@gmail.com

03-26-2013, 07:47 PM
The past is best left in the past. Everyone changes with time anyway, some WAY more than others! Being a girl, I don't know what most guys would think, but I think you're cute.

03-26-2013, 08:00 PM
passing is about how society interacts with you .. this is how i see myself .. in porn i am so so looking compared to many other TS girls ... I have had some FFS surgery, been on hormones 4years, i am pretty slim built and not massive at 5ft7 , some people think i look great, others think i look ming etc ..

Now in real life i can get out of my bed at 6am put my jeans and vest on and tie my hair back and walk around shops/trainstations etc what not and no one has batted/bats an eyelid at me , its just miss/mam ....

DEfining passability is not as simple as a glorified picture of a model .. as it has no reflection of movement, smells, personality, charisma, people intereaction skills etc ...

Rather than focus on asking others on a porn forum if you pass , focus on yourself and your own transition .. remember transitioning is not a race, people all look different, and people all transition at different speeds/pace etc ... it just takes time , but the good thing is the time is amazing to see the changes that happen to you ...

when i look at pics of myself from pre transtion, early transtion, mid transitoin to my current look its exciting and confidence boosting .. and it makes me excited to see how i eventualyl will look once i finis the rest of my tweaks etc .. weight gain etc ..

But for me the main thing in life , is simply can i function in society with no hassles .. that is the real test of it all ... as no one wants to be hassled left right and centre ..

as imperial said , peoples perception of pass and not pass varies greatly ....

And as prospero said .. i would ask admin to remove tha male pic of you . if your escorting thats a killer to many clients etc ... i learnt that the hardway a few years back .. but each to their own .

most of all enjoy and the only opionon that really matters is your own . x

03-26-2013, 08:12 PM
Do you guys think I pass? I think I still look like a dude with boobs.

Can you any resemblance between these two pics?

To be absolutely blunt and completely honest, the first time I saw your avatar pic my immediate reaction was, 'guy in a wig', and I also thought that maybe this was someone joining the forum to 'have a laugh'

Apologies if this isnt what you wanted to hear but thats my totally honest reaction

Doesnt mean I'm telling you what you should or shouldnt do or how to live your life, thats totally your choice

But, you did ask, and I'm not one to sugar coat my answers or opinions

However, as a girl and going by the other photo you posted, I would add that you look nothing at all like your 'former self'

03-26-2013, 09:05 PM
Do you guys think I pass?


I think I still look like a dude

Couldn't agree more.

Can you any resemblance between these two pics?

Yeah, to me it's the same person just in a wig.

I'm sure you'll continue to do what you feel is necessary to help you reach your desired persona... I wish you the best.

03-26-2013, 09:33 PM
Does it really matter?

03-26-2013, 09:45 PM
Allot of you guys are assholes.I'm sure if she took her cock out and got some big ass fake looking tits she'll be a ten than right.

03-26-2013, 09:50 PM
Allot of you guys are assholes.I'm sure if she took her cock out and got some big ass fake looking tits she'll be a ten than right.

Yeah but it's the same old assholes.

03-26-2013, 10:20 PM
Allot of you guys are assholes.I'm sure if she took her cock out and got some big ass fake looking tits she'll be a ten than right.

Lexi asked for an opinion. Like assholes, everyone's got one.

Is there anyone more critical of a t-girl's appearance than another t-girl?
Not that I've seen.


03-26-2013, 10:30 PM
Funny cause you don't see any of us (girls) saying demeaning things to her.
There is a way to voice an opinion without being insulting.don't tell me that as an adult that's a skill you lack.i really can't stand people who have no grasp of social niceties

03-26-2013, 10:34 PM
One bit of hopefully constructive advice I would give at this early stage in your transition is to work on your makeup skills.

It's hard to tell with your glasses but it doesn't look like you're wearing much if any makeup. A simple thing you can do is wear a dark/deep shade of red lipstick, or lipliner (preferably overlined a teeny bit), you'll be surprised at the difference that alone makes. And you can wear a fair amount of black eyeshadow for a "smoky eye" look which will feminize your face a bit and which is not hard to do, even a lot of GG's wear this style. And eyeliner and/or mascara. And make sure your foundation/powder is good enough to cover any facial hair shadow if you have any, etc.

You don't need to wear heavier makeup all the time, but you certainly should for any photo shoots, and while escorting, at the very least. Talk to some TG friends or makeup artists about how to improve your skills.

I will say that you look thinner in your profile pic than in your boy pic, so that's a plus!

03-26-2013, 11:07 PM
Your on your way. The above poster pointed out what I was thinking. You've lost a lot of weight. Now it's time to workout in a feminine way. Makeup practice and a flattering hairstyle, or wig, go a long way.

I also concur with those who have suggested sites like Laura's and Susan's. Susan's has several ongoing thread regarding passing and glamour.

Best wishes to ya'. Hope you land a sugar daddy soon.

03-26-2013, 11:11 PM
Funny cause you don't see any of us (girls) saying demeaning things to her.
There is a way to voice an opinion without being insulting.don't tell me that as an adult that's a skill you lack.i really can't stand people who have no grasp of social niceties

No. Truly evil shit is always said behind someone's back.

I won't take the time to voice my opinion on Lexi's looks. I don't think my opinion matters. I can't give her make-up tips or help her feel more comfortable with herself.

She comes across as insecure, naive and confused...as well as a bit disingenuous.

03-27-2013, 12:26 AM
One bit of hopefully constructive advice I would give at this early stage in your transition is to work on your makeup skills.

It's hard to tell with your glasses but it doesn't look like you're wearing much if any makeup. A simple thing you can do is wear a dark/deep shade of red lipstick, or lipliner (preferably overlined a teeny bit), you'll be surprised at the difference that alone makes. And you can wear a fair amount of black eyeshadow for a "smoky eye" look which will feminize your face a bit and which is not hard to do, even a lot of GG's wear this style. And eyeliner and/or mascara. And make sure your foundation/powder is good enough to cover any facial hair shadow if you have any, etc.

You don't need to wear heavier makeup all the time, but you certainly should for any photo shoots, and while escorting, at the very least. Talk to some TG friends or makeup artists about how to improve your skills.

I will say that you look thinner in your profile pic than in your boy pic, so that's a plus!

Well, I do have a make-up lesson soon, and I'll post pics!

03-28-2013, 12:18 AM
Personally I agree with Prospero. As a WG, posting male pics is quite likely to put people off seeing you, especially as you're still very early on in your transition because it's easy to link the two images. Once you're further down the road then posting old pics isn't as big a deal because the old you and the new you will be very very different and people won't realise the two are related.

I would say that if people tell you in real life that you pass then I don't know why you'd be seeking the approval of people on the internet, especially then to be defensive if you don't like what they hear. If you don't like being told you don't pass, then don't ask :P

Your transition is about you and you only. Your body, your life, your happiness. You don't need anyone else's approval, you just need your own :)

Allot of you guys are assholes.I'm sure if she took her cock out and got some big ass fake looking tits she'll be a ten than right.

In fairness Lexi hasn't exactly been pleasant to other posters in the last few weeks and after asking here if she passes, has repeatedly replied with remarks about not caring what others think cause she's been told she does. Therefore I think she may have antagonised a few people and brought out some harsher comments, although some of the comments have been less than constructive.

Bear in mind that Lexi agreed with Jamie's "shoot yourself" post and repeatedly told that poster that this isn't an advice forum, it's for porn and yet here we are in a thread giving Lexi advice ;) lol

03-28-2013, 12:26 AM
if people tell you in real life that you pass

i really don't think that was meant to be taken seriously

03-28-2013, 07:47 AM
In fairness Lexi hasn't exactly been pleasant to other posters in the last few weeks and after asking here if she passes, has repeatedly replied with remarks about not caring what others think cause she's been told she does. Therefore I think she may have antagonised a few people and brought out some harsher comments, although some of the comments have been less than constructive.

Couldn't have said it better.

Lexi is kind of a bitch!:joke:

03-28-2013, 08:58 AM
I have removed Lexi's "before' picture at her request.

03-28-2013, 09:04 AM
That seems fair.

I'm looking forward to the photo shoot results.

03-28-2013, 05:06 PM
I think that when someone logs into HA, their brain is already thinking about transsexuals and that kind of colors everything they see. You could probably post a picture of a somewhat harsh looking GG on here and ask if she passes, and many would answer no.

Out in the real world, when a person's brain is thinking about other things and the chance of stumbling across a transsexual is somewhat rare, I think Lexi would pass.

That having been said, I nevertheless encourage her to continue improving.

03-28-2013, 10:51 PM
like the saying in spanish says, callado te mirras mas bonito. Lexi is asking if she passes or not. If she does or does not is open to ones own opinion. The manner of expressing that opinion is what is really the problem here. I live by the code of, if you have nothing nice to say, shut the fuck up. Be a man keep it to yourself .

03-28-2013, 10:55 PM
I think you should show your boobs so we can get the full effect.

03-28-2013, 11:00 PM
Funny thought, lexi is asking if she passes or not. But the real question here is would any tgurls fuck guys like prospero,foggy, blusoul and others if they posted their real pics here. There's a reason why some people hide behind an avatar.

03-29-2013, 02:07 AM
like the saying in spanish says, callado te mirras mas bonito. Lexi is asking if she passes or not. If she does or does not is open to ones own opinion. The manner of expressing that opinion is what is really the problem here. I live by the code of, if you have nothing nice to say, shut the fuck up. Be a man keep it to yourself .

Keep your 'code' to yourself
You want to live by it, fine, you do that, just dont expect everyone else to

I certainly have no interest in your 'code'

Lexi posted a question

A few people gave honest answers warts n all, most didnt

Personally I'll take honesty any day over all that sugar coated BS that helps no-one

03-29-2013, 02:49 AM
Funny thought, lexi is asking if she passes or not. But the real question here is would any tgurls fuck guys like prospero,foggy, blusoul and others if they posted their real pics here. There's a reason why some people hide behind an avatar.

Doesn't matter dude. I fully admit I'm ugly as fuck but these girls ain't fucking us for free, they fuck us cause we're paying.

03-29-2013, 03:21 AM
Funny thought, lexi is asking if she passes or not. But the real question here is would any tgurls fuck guys like prospero,foggy, blusoul and others if they posted their real pics here. There's a reason why some people hide behind an avatar.

why did you bring me into this? and how is the real question what you're proposing as opposed to what the op was asking?

also, i don't hide behind an avatar. i have no avatar

03-29-2013, 03:27 AM
I don't know from avatars...but I gots one for gherkinbeast.


MdR Dave
03-29-2013, 03:42 AM
This thread is all over the place.

Lexi, I hope you got the type of responses you hoped for. In your position I probably would have been terrified. You have a lot of courage for asking the question in this forum.

As for avatars- I like the privacy, myself. But I send naked pics to every chick who asks. It's just polite.

03-29-2013, 03:49 AM
If you're going to ask questions, expect answers you're not going to like.
If you want a love in, get yer cock out! :shrug

03-29-2013, 05:20 AM
Bear in mind that Lexi agreed with Jamie's "shoot yourself" post and repeatedly told that poster that this isn't an advice forum, it's for porn and yet here we are in a thread giving Lexi advice ;) lol

I retract that. I was kind of in a bad mood. Jaime's a bitch.

Also, I now get there's a difference between passing and being pretty. Morgan Bailey doesn't pass, but damn is she hot!

03-29-2013, 05:24 AM
That seems fair.

I'm looking forward to the photo shoot results.

Just had the shoot. Just need to pay the fee, and the photographer will drop the disc off. I'm all made up and everything. Still wearing t-shirts and jeans though, and my FMBs didn't arrive in time, so I had to wear my hiking boots.

But the shoot wasn't about my clothes, it was about my body.

03-29-2013, 06:42 AM
I think you have potential. I also wish you lived near me and weren't an escort so I could take you on a date! I think you're a cutie and will improve greatly and become even more beautiful with time.

03-29-2013, 06:48 AM
I think you have potential. I also wish you lived near me and weren't an escort so I could take you on a date! I think you're a cutie and will improve greatly and become even more beautiful with time.

If I like you, I wouldn't charge you! I've never had anyone take me out before!

03-29-2013, 06:52 AM
If I like you, I wouldn't charge you! I've never had anyone take me out before!

Your from the states but moved to England, right?

03-29-2013, 06:56 AM
Your from the states but moved to England, right?


03-29-2013, 10:03 AM
Funny thought, lexi is asking if she passes or not. But the real question here is would any tgurls fuck guys like prospero,foggy, blusoul and others if they posted their real pics here. There's a reason why some people hide behind an avatar.

LOL Gurkha... I do not hide behind an avatar because i am too ugly to score a date if i showed my face. That is all subjective anyway. I'm neither the best nor the worst looking of men.
I use an avatar because.
1. it's fun
2. I have a life beyond this place and don't want my picture out there for all kinds of reasons
3. I also post reviews and don't want my ability to be honest compromised by a girl "clocking" me when i walk through the door.

By the way, where is your face pic?

And on the subject of if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. I tend to agree with this sentiment. Just seems polite.

03-29-2013, 07:51 PM
And on the subject of if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. I tend to agree with this sentiment. Just seems polite.

can i ask you a question: do you think the best type of criticism is the one that is constructive?

if all we said were "nice" things, then nobody would learn anything. the most constructive criticism is the one that tells you what you're doing wrong, so you can improve. i actually think the worst thing anyone can do, is not say anything negative at all so, what you're saying "say nothing if you can't say something nice" is actually the worst thing someone can do.

and everyone on this board is an adult- over 18 years old. surely they don't just want to hear "nice things" only. you can't thwart people's opinion, especially if it was asked for.

if this thread was titled "tell me i pass" and people responded the way they did, i'd completely agree with you that they're just saying negative things, but they weren't told what to say. they were asked for their opinions.

03-29-2013, 08:31 PM
Criticism offered about a girl's looks has to be constructive. Sure one could write back and say - no lexi you don't. What use is that? Better to offer some constructive comments (and that doesn't mean bland) Some people come onto these boards and say X is ghastly looking. or call the girls him or whatever. There are some well established girls whose pictures appear here that I happen to think are ugly. But I would never say so. Useless and horrible thing to say. My comments to Lexi were intended to be constructive - ie that showing pics of her former male persona were not useful to her. I think the girls can offer make-up tips etc. But what sort of negative criticsm would you imagine is useful... other perhaps than saying i suggest you dress in X or wear your hair Y...

03-29-2013, 08:52 PM
Criticism offered about a girl's looks has to be constructive. Sure one could write back and say - no lexi you don't. What use is that? Better to offer some constructive comments (and that doesn't mean bland) Some people come onto these boards and say X is ghastly looking. or call the girls him or whatever. There are some well established girls whose pictures appear here that I happen to think are ugly. But I would never say so. Useless and horrible thing to say. My comments to Lexi were intended to be constructive - ie that showing pics of her former male persona were not useful to her. I think the girls can offer make-up tips etc. But what sort of negative criticsm would you imagine is useful... other perhaps than saying i suggest you dress in X or wear your hair Y...

the question that was asked was simply "do i pass?". isn't this (more or less) a yes or no answer? lexi doesn't say "if you think i do, what would you advice?" in fact, where some have offered additional help, it has been rejected with lexi saying she's never been told she doesn't pass. in fact, she said some guys hit on her without knowing she was trans.

in fact, ms.stepford hints at the futility of a thread like this (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=1297433&postcount=16) because the op will always regress to saying "all of you are wrong. i pass anyway" so even if one were to offer constructive criticism, it's moot. and just look back at all the hurdles and constant "please understand i mean no offense" talk one has to point out before they offer advice, and still it's not welcome.

03-29-2013, 09:13 PM
It's not a simple question actually. Pass what? to whom? Does she pass as a girl? As a good looking transexual? As someone who would not be "clocked" ... Pass by whose criteria? etc etc....

but the wise Ms Stepford is correct. Some of the responses here suggest that Lexi passes muster for some and not for others and she herself responds that she thinks she passes. So this is - in effect - a frankly rather pointless thread.

As said the one response i had was that the picture of her boy self was unhelpful to her in her aspiration to attract customers as an escort. (So it was removed at her request.)

03-29-2013, 09:29 PM
i'm not questioning your response (not sure why you keep defending it)- i'm just saying that your original advice to only say nice things or say nothing at all is similar to censoring people- because you're somewhat telling people what to say.

and by pass- the way i understand this to mean within the transsexual universe is "pass for a genetic female". and pass by the individual being asked. in this case: us. each one of us. to you, to me, to everyone here. maybe she wants to take an average. i don't know.

unfortunately a lot of the proof most use that they "pass" is that nobody looks at them differently or questions them etc on the street. but nobody will do that (unless you're in the wrong neighborhood). VERY few transsexuals pass in the real world. about 10% maybe less.

the straight world is critical enough of itself that really passing shouldn't even be a realistic question to get a positive answer for. the only way for any transsexual here to ask if they pass is if you posted that question on a forum that wasn't about transsexuals. this way, you're getting the answer from people that aren't biased towards you in the first place.

and here is another thing: you said some think lexi passes, some don't, and even she herself thinks she passes. and you attributed this to "the wise ms. stepford". that's not what she meant, because then what would be the point of any conversation? there will always be a difference of opinion.

what ms. stepford meant everytime someone starts these kind of threads, they don't listen to the feedback if it's not what they wanted to hear.

03-29-2013, 09:41 PM
A simple and honest answer - Not really.

03-30-2013, 02:40 AM
I retract that. I was kind of in a bad mood. Jaime's a bitch.

Also, I now get there's a difference between passing and being pretty. Morgan Bailey doesn't pass, but damn is she hot!

Okay cool everyone has bad days :)

Regarding passing, I'd agree but I'd actually phrase it a little differently and say that there's a difference between passing and being sexy. I'd agree with Morgan Bailey being a perfect example of it though.

In reverse I'd say Sarina Valentine passes but isn't "sexy". Is she pretty? Hell yes. Sexy? Not really.

03-30-2013, 04:56 AM
I really don't care about passing too much. I look enough like a girl not to arouse any stares. I do, however, care about being sexy :)

So, now that we know that my OP was an idiotic question, who here thinks I'm sexy?

03-30-2013, 05:12 AM
Cant tell.
You have got to do better than one half arsed picture.

03-30-2013, 05:17 AM
Yeah, your posture isn't really pushing you into sexy town.

03-30-2013, 05:21 AM
Cant tell.
You have got to do better than one half arsed picture.

When I get my photo shoot disc back, I'll post them!

03-30-2013, 06:05 AM
i lol'd

03-30-2013, 06:46 AM
Okay cool everyone has bad days :)

Regarding passing, I'd agree but I'd actually phrase it a little differently and say that there's a difference between passing and being sexy. I'd agree with Morgan Bailey being a perfect example of it though.

In reverse I'd say Sarina Valentine passes but isn't "sexy". Is she pretty? Hell yes. Sexy? Not really.

Actually having met Morgan in person she comes across as just a very tall white girl.i think most who actually know her would agree

03-30-2013, 07:33 AM
I think you are beautiful just the way you are Lexi :-)

03-30-2013, 06:05 PM
Actually having met Morgan in person she comes across as just a very tall white girl.i think most who actually know her would agree

Sort of like my GG friend who does modelling then. Although Morgan, thank God, hopefully doesn't have Marfan's.

03-30-2013, 07:53 PM
Actually having met Morgan in person she comes across as just a very tall white girl.i think most who actually know her would agree

I agree but to be fair, the new surgery she has had, has helped also. I go out with her a lot and sometimes she gets clocked and other times she doesn't - what she really has going for her is bag loads of confidence in who she is and a personality which just comes across as being very easy going and friendly.

03-30-2013, 08:25 PM
You haven't passed until your srs post op. And at that point you have failed.

03-30-2013, 08:31 PM
You haven't passed until your srs post op. And at that point you have failed.

*ouch. that was pretty harsh. and to be fair- one doesn't require srs to pass.

03-30-2013, 08:38 PM
You haven't passed until your srs post op. And at that point you have failed.

Failed what?
You're not doing too good with your first posts here?

03-30-2013, 10:16 PM
*ouch. that was pretty harsh. and to be fair- one doesn't require srs to pass.
The truth can hurt sometimes. They are at their best when they fully transition but don't get the snip.

Failed what?
You're not doing too good with your first posts here?

It goes like this:

1. TS
2. GG
3. Post Op

I doubt too many people would pick a post op over a GG regardless of their sexuality. For personality perhaps and for what they've gone through but through looks alone I just don't see it.

The best thing about a TS is that they are pretty much a completely new gender.

You have:


A GG can give you a child. What can a post op do? Nothing special really.
So you can understand what I'm saying, once a girl goes post op there is nothing appealing other than her history and personality.
If a girl does go post op she should be sure that she is already in a stable long lasting relationship and that its what the partner also wants because most people are not going to go for her once they find out she can't offer as much as a GG or TS can.
I don't think I can explain it any better than that. Does it make sense?

03-30-2013, 10:43 PM
The truth can hurt sometimes. They are at their best when they fully transition but don't get the snip.

It goes like this:

1. TS
2. GG
3. Post Op

I doubt too many people would pick a post op over a GG regardless of their sexuality. For personality perhaps and for what they've gone through but through looks alone I just don't see it.

The best thing about a TS is that they are pretty much a completely new gender.

You have:


A GG can give you a child. What can a post op do? Nothing special really.
So you can understand what I'm saying, once a girl goes post op there is nothing appealing other than her history and personality.
If a girl does go post op she should be sure that she is already in a stable long lasting relationship and that its what the partner also wants because most people are not going to go for her once they find out she can't offer as much as a GG or TS can.
I don't think I can explain it any better than that. Does it make sense?

Not one fucking bit

03-30-2013, 11:00 PM
A GG can give you a child. What can a post op do? Nothing special really.

So, a woman's just a baby making machine?

Bit of a cock really, aren't you. :shrug

03-30-2013, 11:12 PM
A GG can give you a child. What can a post op do? Nothing special really.
So you can understand what I'm saying, once a girl goes post op there is nothing appealing other than her history and personality.
If a girl does go post op she should be sure that she is already in a stable long lasting relationship and that its what the partner also wants because most people are not going to go for her once they find out she can't offer as much as a GG or TS can.
I don't think I can explain it any better than that. Does it make sense?


03-31-2013, 12:02 AM
I don't think I can explain it any better than that. Does it make sense?

Not at all.

You're def. on the troll list.

03-31-2013, 12:31 AM
I don't think so, but you are well on your way to doing so.

Quiet Reflections
03-31-2013, 12:47 AM
there is nothing appealing other than her history and personality.

Yeah, why would anyone want that.

03-31-2013, 04:05 AM
@ Lexi - Hun, you have to understand that transition is different for all girls. When I first started transition I was driving big rigs and believe me, if something as small as a missed facial hair or a slight bulge in the pants, you will get stared at. Not the kind of stare that guys do to GG's IRL like "tit stare" "booty stare" things like that. Trust me, I've gotten those stares but I myself have learn ( by myself ) to perfect the things I do, wear, and how to speak.

Don't wait on "lessons" for make-up...do it yourself, look in the mirror ( do you like it? ) ( or not ). If not, keep trying, mimic your favorite girls, transition isn't an overnight thing. It's not like you are going to have 1 or 2 "lessons" and POOF...TOTALLY PASSABLE/SEXY.

It takes time, hard determination, effort, and CONFIDENCE!

Here's a great piece of advice...Don't take the easy way because it's quick ( usually harmful and heartbreaking ) and you'll rush it too prematurely.

Transition with effort. Work hard at becoming who you want to be, look like, and act like. Don't try to become someone else. You can mimic certain aspects but make sure to be yourself.

Take it slow, your time will come. Don't rush, and be sure to take pictures that reflect your good aspects and attributes.

Hun, you live in the UK, you've got a myriad of girls around you who can help you. Ask for advice personally not on forums like this where you WILL get the answers you are scared to get. Again, ask for advice, but remember, only you can perfect you.

My personal advice on posting things...wait on posting things you do not want to be scrutinized terribly on; Everything will be scrutinized but that responsibility of providing any decent, worth-while, great or otherwise "shitty" material is where that buck stops, at you or the photographer, producer, and editor. Make sure you perfect yourself where you know YOU are happy with it, before it goes on the interwebs. There's no secrecy on the webernets.

_sry for it being long lol...its the writer in me who does that.

03-31-2013, 04:26 AM
read my last response on another post like this...

I feel so uneasy when ppl ask this question because I'm like just anticipating someone to say something so mean...

I'm just gonna feel so bad if someone says something so mean...

You cannot let ppl validate you, even passable and well transitioned girls are scrutinized.

the more passable you become the more name calling will come your way so be ready! That's the world of haters when they see a young pretty ts transition and jealousy takes over.

03-31-2013, 04:34 AM
there ya go Lexi....listen to EvonRose and I...not the others who WILL say things you don't want to hear...simple as that. Just because they say "mean" or "cruel" things doesn't mean you should learn from that. Learn to transition by yourself and others who have transitioned and have been in transition for a while.

03-31-2013, 04:35 AM
there ya go Lexi....listen to EvonRose and I...not the others who WILL say things you don't want to hear...simple as that. Just because they say "mean" or "cruel" things doesn't mean you should learn from that. Learn to transition by yourself and others who have transitioned and have been in transition for a while.

im 100 percent with you....

03-31-2013, 04:35 AM
OH YEAH!!!!!! WELL......im 100 % with you too XD teehee

03-31-2013, 05:21 AM
Let's hope Jamie doesn't chime in with her go eat a bullet shit...

03-31-2013, 05:48 AM

....keep in mind that Jamie may be outspoken with her opinions but 99% of the people on here do not know her personally. She is a very intellectual, witty, beautiful, and good hearted person...trust me I wouldn't be dating her if she was a hate filled asshole with fire for breath and a bad attitude that everyone on here assumes.

She is a good person and I love her! :)

Jamie French
03-31-2013, 05:58 AM
My whole 'eat a bullet' line was made towards someone who I thought was making cynical, demeaning commentary thinly veiled as an outreach for help. Shit happens. As far as the OP is concerned, I have no comment. It's none of my business. Eat a bullet.

BTW. Love you Eva...

Let's hope Jamie doesn't chime in with her go eat a bullet shit...

03-31-2013, 06:33 AM
but guess how many TS here post before and after photos

most of the most popular ones have did it at one time or another.

some guy freak out from a male photo but many here or dick hounds so they don't care very much.

Lexi... always a bad idea to post pics of your former male persona, in my opinion. Especially if you are planning to escort.

03-31-2013, 06:46 AM
My whole 'eat a bullet' line was made towards someone who I thought was making cynical, demeaning commentary thinly veiled as an outreach for help. Shit happens. As far as the OP is concerned, I have no comment. It's none of my business. Eat a bullet.

BTW. Love you Eva...

OMG girl ,where is your sense of humor...

03-31-2013, 08:15 AM
When I get my photo shoot disc back, I'll post them!
Lexi i`m excited to see you expressing and showing us your beauty in the photo shoot, can`t wait.

03-31-2013, 11:50 AM
So, a woman's just a baby making machine?

Bit of a cock really, aren't you. :shrug
Team America: World Police (10/10) Movie CLIP - Dicks, Pussies and Assholes (2004) HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32iCWzpDpKs)

Yeah, why would anyone want that.
Its just not enough on its own. Personality can only get you so far.
Anal sex is better than vaginal because the anus is tighter. GG can deliver a child. TS are the most exotic people in the world.
Why would you settle for a Post Op?

Not at all.

You're def. on the troll list.
And you are going on the argumentative list. If you guys don't agree with my opinion then thats fine. But don't go trying to start a big fight over it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Simply say that you don't agree and that you see it another way. These other posters such as:


are the ones who should go onto the trolling lists.
For the most part, people who are into TS prefer Pre Op way above Post Op. You all know its true.
I get that you guys want to defend the Post Ops like the white knights you are. But this isn't exactly bullying or harassment. There is nothing to defend here. I made no attack.
They are a unique people but they also make themselves redundant in becoming so.
Hope that makes sense :kiss:

03-31-2013, 11:56 AM

The one big piece missing for me to answer this question would be to hear you talk and see you walk. You can pass visually, and my impression is that you do, but if your manerisims broadcast "male" then you would not pass. Do you follow what I'm saying?

Good luck

03-31-2013, 12:07 PM
Team America: World Police (10/10) Movie CLIP - Dicks, Pussies and Assholes (2004) HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32iCWzpDpKs)

Its just not enough on its own. Personality can only get you so far.
Anal sex is better than vaginal because the anus is tighter. GG can deliver a child. TS are the most exotic people in the world.
Why would you settle for a Post Op?

And you are going on the argumentative list. If you guys don't agree with my opinion then thats fine. But don't go trying to start a big fight over it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Simply say that you don't agree and that you see it another way. These other posters such as:

are the ones who should go onto the trolling lists.
For the most part, people who are into TS prefer Pre Op way above Post Op. You all know its true.
I get that you guys want to defend the Post Ops like the white knights you are. But this isn't exactly bullying or harassment. There is nothing to defend here. I made no attack.
They are a unique people but they also make themselves redundant in becoming so.
Hope that makes sense :kiss:

But when you deliver a statement like women can deliver babies, you imply we are less a woman bec we want to be post op? I know it's your opinion we all have one, but not all women can carry, so settling down with a post op is a special thing because the man actually likes the woman far beyond what is in her legs.

So if a man wants to be happy and settle with a beautiful nice post op, he should be happy. And you can't question why someone wants to settle down with one as if post ops don't deserve the same respect...

And yes in a sexual matter ts are viewed in porn as a chick with a dick...
But that's not reality... It's fun and horny! But don't let it warp the reality we live in because you become that much more ignorant...

03-31-2013, 06:54 PM
But when you deliver a statement like women can deliver babies, you imply we are less a woman bec we want to be post op? I know it's your opinion we all have one, but not all women can carry, so settling down with a post op is a special thing because the man actually likes the woman far beyond what is in her legs.

So if a man wants to be happy and settle with a beautiful nice post op, he should be happy. And you can't question why someone wants to settle down with one as if post ops don't deserve the same respect...

And yes in a sexual matter ts are viewed in porn as a chick with a dick...
But that's not reality... It's fun and horny! But don't let it warp the reality we live in because you become that much more ignorant...

You are right. A post op can only appeal to a man who has no desire to raise a child of his own flesh. I suppose never having to worry about the woman getting pregnant is an added bonus.

03-31-2013, 07:08 PM
But when you deliver a statement like women can deliver babies, you imply we are less a woman bec we want to be post op? I know it's your opinion we all have one, but not all women can carry, so settling down with a post op is a special thing because the man actually likes the woman far beyond what is in her legs.

So if a man wants to be happy and settle with a beautiful nice post op, he should be happy. And you can't question why someone wants to settle down with one as if post ops don't deserve the same respect...

And yes in a sexual matter ts are viewed in porn as a chick with a dick...
But that's not reality... It's fun and horny! But don't let it warp the reality we live in because you become that much more ignorant...

You are right. A post op can only appeal to a man who has no desire to raise a child of his own flesh. I suppose never having to worry about the woman getting pregnant is an added bonus.

Anyone around here ever heard of adoption?

03-31-2013, 07:38 PM
You are right. A post op can only appeal to a man who has no desire to raise a child of his own flesh. I suppose never having to worry about the woman getting pregnant is an added bonus.

By your logic that would be true for all transsexual woman.none of us are fertile

04-01-2013, 01:29 AM
Anyone around here ever heard of adoption?
Like I said, if the man doesn't want a child of his own flesh....

By your logic that would be true for all transsexual woman.none of us are fertile
Yes but the pre/non ops have the D to offer. What is special about the post op compared to a gg or pre op? That was my argument.

04-01-2013, 01:48 AM

The one big piece missing for me to answer this question would be to hear you talk and see you walk. You can pass visually, and my impression is that you do, but if your manerisims broadcast "male" then you would not pass. Do you follow what I'm saying?

Good luck

I've been told I have girly mannerisms and movements, and my voice is a "husky sexy girl voice".

Most see me as a girl, a few see me as a tranny.

04-01-2013, 03:37 AM
Like I said, if the man doesn't want a child of his own flesh....

Yes but the pre/non ops have the D to offer. What is special about the post op compared to a gg or pre op? That was my argument.

not all gg can give birth was my point, and people have no problem with other reforms of conceiving or adoption...

is 2013 science advanced...

04-01-2013, 07:39 AM
I've been told I have girly mannerisms and movements, and my voice is a "husky sexy girl voice".

Most see me as a girl, a few see me as a tranny.

Then in my mind it sound like that is your answer. Yes.

Wish I was brave enough to take that step.

I'll stay on the sidelines and cheer others on.

04-01-2013, 08:43 AM
Lexi - there is a lot of snide cyber bullying going on around this site - directed at you I think. Ignore it is your best policy.

04-01-2013, 09:58 AM
Lexi - there is a lot of snide cyber bullying going on around this site - directed at you I think. Ignore it is your best policy.

Yet despite promising, despite EVERYONE having a camera on their phone and despite plenty of talk - she's not yet delivered another photographer.
Lexi's post "Do I Pass?" is no different to many people promoting and advertising on here and it's been very effective, people are posting about it (whether positive or negative at this point) and everyone is curious to see what she will look like, when or if, she ever does show new photos.
While many of the responses have been un-called for and downright rude, there are other girls who've posted on here just showing their photos, who haven't garnered those responses.

04-01-2013, 02:49 PM
Yet despite promising, despite EVERYONE having a camera on their phone and despite plenty of talk - she's not yet delivered another photographer.
Lexi's post "Do I Pass?" is no different to many people promoting and advertising on here and it's been very effective, people are posting about it (whether positive or negative at this point) and everyone is curious to see what she will look like, when or if, she ever does show new photos.
While many of the responses have been un-called for and downright rude, there are other girls who've posted on here just showing their photos, who haven't garnered those responses.

Interesting...With Lexi being so young I rather doubt this was some sort of carefully planned promotional effort on her part...but if it was, clever girl!

04-01-2013, 05:27 PM
Interesting...With Lexi being so young I rather doubt this was some sort of carefully planned promotional effort on her part...but if it was, clever girl!

The disc is coming tomorrow! THEY WILL BE POSTED HERE!

Just wait one more day...it's a holiday in the UK today, so Royal Mail isn't working today. If it was, they'd be here now!

04-01-2013, 05:29 PM
Waiting with anticipation, Lexi.

04-01-2013, 05:30 PM
The disc is coming tomorrow! THEY WILL BE POSTED HERE!

Just wait one more day...it's a holiday in the UK today, so Royal Mail isn't working today. If it was, they'd be here now!

Knowing the British post I wouldn't count on it. They could end up on someone else's doormat!

04-01-2013, 05:35 PM
Knowing the British post I wouldn't count on it. They could end up on someone else's doormat!

RM has always worked well for me. USPS, OTOH...

Quiet Reflections
04-01-2013, 07:52 PM
Its just not enough on its own. Personality can only get you so far.
Anal sex is better than vaginal because the anus is tighter. GG can deliver a child. TS are the most exotic people in the world.
Why would you settle for a Post Op?

I already have a kid and anal sex isn't better to me, just different. I would take personality and looks over what a girl can offer sexually any day. Sex means nothing to me without personality.

04-02-2013, 12:02 AM
I already have a kid and anal sex isn't better to me, just different. I would take personality and looks over what a girl can offer sexually any day. Sex means nothing to me without personality.
Which is exactly why you are one of the very small minority who like post ops.

04-02-2013, 02:50 AM
The disc is coming tomorrow! THEY WILL BE POSTED HERE!

Just wait one more day...it's a holiday in the UK today, so Royal Mail isn't working today. If it was, they'd be here now!

Ok, I'd assumed the photographer would have had the interwebz !?! Or that you could snap more photos on your cellphone?

04-02-2013, 03:49 AM
Ok, I'd assumed the photographer would have had the interwebz !?! Or that you could snap more photos on your cellphone?

My cellphone cam is horrible! Just be patient, please! On Tuesday, you will see me in my glory!

04-02-2013, 03:53 AM
My cellphone cam is horrible! Just be patient, please! On Tuesday, you will see me in my glory!

I was just in Leeds on Thursday, actually.

04-02-2013, 03:59 AM
I know yer in LA now, but i would love to visit the UK SO BAD!!! ...lol im a lil fangirl for all things UK :)

04-02-2013, 04:02 AM
I know yer in LA now, but i would love to visit the UK SO BAD!!! ...lol im a lil fangirl for all things UK :)

Come over in the summer (usually Aug 7-9 or Sept 21-22 - tba) - there's lots of cool shit to do and see.

04-02-2013, 04:09 AM
damn....need money and passports....fuck lol...well if not this year...hopefully next ;) Jamie and I would love to meet James May, Jeremy Clarkson,and of coarse one or two of the surviving Doctors :)

04-02-2013, 04:20 AM
I was just in Leeds on Thursday, actually.

Come visit again! I'm usually at Queen's Court on a night! Had great fun dancing for Miss Orry!

04-02-2013, 06:47 AM
Over it, too much leed up (see what I did there?)

04-02-2013, 06:49 AM
I was just in Leeds on Thursday, actually.

Have you recovered from the horror yet? :hide-1:

04-02-2013, 06:51 AM
Which is exactly why you are one of the very small minority who like post ops.

Just how exactly do you know that?

04-02-2013, 06:52 AM
Have you recovered from the horror yet? :hide-1:

Queen's Court is great! Me, Miss Orry, Tracey the doorwoman, and Guy the receptionist are the stars!

04-02-2013, 06:54 AM
over it, too much leed up (see what i did there?)

they will be here soon!

04-02-2013, 06:59 AM
Queen's Court is great! Me, Miss Orry, Tracey the doorwoman, and Guy the receptionist are the stars!

I believe you, Lexi. But the rest of the city, in spite of the 90s attempt at a bling makeover, is still, well, crap.

Still, at least it isn't Bradford......

04-02-2013, 07:02 AM
I believe you, Lexi. But the rest of the city, in spite of the 90s attempt at a bling makeover, is still, well, crap.

Still, at least it isn't Bradford......

Or Hull...my radiographer friend works there and the stories he tells...Hull sounds like Hell.

I hang out in the Uni, commercial, and gay area, so that's all of what I've seen.

04-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Good morning...I am excited to see these new pics :)

Quiet Reflections
04-03-2013, 12:17 AM
Good morning...I am excited to see these new pics :)
did you just wake up?

04-03-2013, 12:29 AM
for the second time yes lol....got up at like 10am and my head was hurting ( cammed into the wee hours of 5am ) then went back to sleep and just woke up about an hour ago lol....Life of Porn! XD

04-03-2013, 12:29 AM
I believe you, Lexi. But the rest of the city, in spite of the 90s attempt at a bling makeover, is still, well, crap.

Still, at least it isn't Bradford......

Leeds is great - when was the last time you were there? It's no Newcastle but then again, where is?

05-21-2014, 02:44 AM
It's no Newcastle but then again, where is?

Sunderland? :hide-1:

Anyone know if these mythical pics ever turned up?

05-21-2014, 05:32 AM
Lexi asked for an opinion. Like assholes, everyone's got one.

Is there anyone more critical of a t-girl's appearance than another t-girl?
Not that I've seen.


Hmmmm, Lets see if I can say this the right way without offending.
Is your intent, to pass as a feminine girl or a butch girl. Wearing cloths like that, especially those pants the way they are soooo baggy gives you a sort of butch look. The only thing fem is the hair from what I can see. You look like you have a nice figure, so why not show it off a little more. Maybe some cloths that are actually female cloths will help with that. But then again, if this style of clothing is what you like, then by all means do that.
The main question was "Do I Pass" I say yes, but as a tomboy. From the pics I see...