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View Full Version : Question To All TS'S, Someone Please Answer it!!!!!!!!

05-02-2006, 06:44 PM
Why is it so difficult to meet a tranny who isnt an escort or a corner girl....no offense to those out there i got nothing against you..people got to make money some how, but seriously though i have been for a whil looking just to have a relationship with a ts that doesnt escort or work the corner every night... Now it might been different else where but here in Houston it seems so dificult... I have met a few ts women at some bars around town, but nothing ever happened cause they always wanted to go back to my place so they could get paid and move on to the next customer, or just wanted to go to the alley way and do it and get paid..... it really sucks... anyways just wanted to know whats up with that, and if I am just the unlucky guy that hasnt met the ts women that isnt an escort..... let me know.....

05-02-2006, 07:00 PM
Why is it so difficult to meet a tranny who isnt an escort or a corner girl....no offense to those out there i got nothing against you..people got to make money some how, but seriously though i have been for a whil looking just to have a relationship with a ts that doesnt escort or work the corner every night... Now it might been different else where but here in Houston it seems so dificult... I have met a few ts women at some bars around town, but nothing ever happened cause they always wanted to go back to my place so they could get paid and move on to the next customer, or just wanted to go to the alley way and do it and get paid..... it really sucks... anyways just wanted to know whats up with that, and if I am just the unlucky guy that hasnt met the ts women that isnt an escort..... let me know.....

05-02-2006, 07:40 PM
Two identical threads in the same day...why didn't you just bump the identical thread that you posted this morning, you rookie schmuck? :roll:

05-02-2006, 08:16 PM
Well, chefmike, there was certainly no need for hostility. As a "Cerified Tranny Expert", (whatever that is), you should have taken some time to discuss the subject.
I have been spending time with pre operative and post operative transexuals for over 20 years. Whild not a steady diet, I have had two relationships which lasted over 6 months. One I met at a drag show in a NYC club. The other I actually met at a party thrown by friends. She was a guest of someone else. It is difficult to meet a TG in a regular setting. Diferent girls are looking for different things in their lives, just like men and GGs. I do recognize that it is easier to meet smeone in NYC than in Houston.
I do agree with you though, wanker44. Too many girls are looking to escort or prostitute themself. It is , for many, a sad exsistance. While the TG women who post here seem to be happy and have some value to their lives, the sterotype transexual seeking to escort and get paid for her time and body is propogated here too oftenl.
Look at the personals, look at the questions which are posed about each lady, "does she escort", etc. If we are going to get rid of that cloud, that label of being lower than others, then a site like this should be dedicated to lifestlye issues and questions like the one posted here. Although everyone loves the photos, they can be obtained just about anywhere. There are threads of serious topics, as well as fun ones. While I have enjoyed my time here I have to question whether this site has an identity crisis as well.
Let's remember to treat each other with respect. Name calling shoud be beneath those who come here to talk.

05-02-2006, 09:13 PM
Piss off, I was talking about the fact that your fellow rookie was gauche enough to repeat the same exact thread twice today, not the subject matter.

05-02-2006, 09:44 PM
u think just cause a girl doesnt "work" , that u are out of the clear.....u have alot to learn about this lifestyle.....ive dated a few non working girls and they could rival the working girls # of partners, lmao....

05-02-2006, 09:56 PM
Piss off? Maybe the Tranny Certicifation courses can include a portion on etiqutte.
With regard to the lifestyle. I wont debate what I know and what others know. However, our friend was looking for answers about meeting someone for a "relationship" and not to have to pay to learn about things. The number of partners one has is a personal choice, just like hetero relationhips. Perhaps he wil have to expand his geographical search. he was looking for advise, not hostility.

05-02-2006, 10:01 PM
welll u can lick my sweaty balls....i dont look for real girls in bars or ts in bars for relationships....most people when they go out are just looking for fun...its always funny how the newbies wanna talk shit....so that what u get in return

05-02-2006, 10:01 PM
Piss off? Maybe the Tranny Certicifation courses can include a portion on etiqutte.
With regard to the lifestyle. I wont debate what I know and what others know. However, our friend was looking for answers about meeting someone for a "relationship" and not to have to pay to learn about things. The number of partners one has is a personal choice, just like hetero relationhips. Perhaps he wil have to expand his geographical search. he was looking for advise, not hostility.

05-02-2006, 11:37 PM
LMAO...some of these guys remind me of Bill Murray in "What About Bob?"

"gimme, gimme, gimme...I need, I need, I need..."

05-02-2006, 11:56 PM
Heya man, its the same all over.....I cant seem to meet and non-working girls either.....Your only hope seems to be moving to a city that has a higher concentration of tgirls...New York, LA, San Fran....

05-02-2006, 11:57 PM
As a "Cerified Tranny Expert", (whatever that is),

It means he's an expert in regards to Certified Trannys. Trust me, there's a few out there that are definitely certifiable. :lol:

Did I spell that right? Nevermind, I'm only on my first six-pack of the evening. :)


05-03-2006, 06:01 AM
Just asking a question, nevermind...Thanks RawNY that helped a little sorry i got you into all that with the other two posters... Thanks Again...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-03-2006, 06:26 AM
u think just cause a girl doesnt "work" , that u are out of the clear.....u have alot to learn about this lifestyle.....ive dated a few non working girls and they could rival the working girls # of partners, lmao....

:lol: Lmao..he spoke the truth tho (I dont think any guy whos been around this lifestyle will mislead you)..So be adviced. :wink:

Goodluck again!



05-03-2006, 07:08 AM
i dont come here to talk shit////but some times the best advice on this matter is served cold.....its like anything in life....when u are looking for love u cant find a pot to piss in ...then when u arent there is girls coming out of the woodwork....just hang in there and all will work out.....