View Full Version : Is this a crazy hope?

03-18-2013, 10:45 AM
Of meeting and having the opportunity to have a relationship with someone such as this beauty:


Obviously I don't mean someone famous like Bianca, but a tgirl who has everything I like physically that I can then get a chance to get to know her personally and hopefully fulfil my hope of finding a TG partner..

I know that it is a touchy subject for some, or most, 'real life' TGs, that men are attracted to their genitalia but I personally have my own reasons for preferring TGs to GGs...

Does anyone here have any proper experience dating a TG? Anything you could tell me to shed some light on this? :)

I currently live in Surrey btw, so if there are places and ways to meet my perfect woman in or around London, let me know! :)

And I just want to finish by saying that I hope I didn't offend anyone with anything I just said, it's just my personal taste to prefer TG to GG and a TG is just the perfect woman in my eyes, so if there's a chance I can actually be with one for more than a night, I'd love it!

Thanks! :)

03-18-2013, 10:50 AM

03-18-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi Sarinafan... yes there are ways. You coul try a dating site such as TVChix... or go to one of the many clubs in and around the London area. Many of the people who go to these are professional girls on their nights off 9and sometimes not off so much as looking for customers0 But some are not and if you've got the ability to flirt and chat and interact in the real world you might well meet someone. But remember most of the images here are of girls who work in the porn industry. And also that transsexual girls, like genetic girls are complex ordinary human beings - people in other words with all the strengths, flaw, delights etc. Good luck.

03-18-2013, 12:37 PM
For every lovely lady of porn, hollywood, the modeling world, or whatever, there is a man that can sweep them off their feet...the issue is simply how to meet them. Yes there is a glimmer of hope that you could meet someone with the "total package" like bianca, but you have to figure out how to meet them and impress them without seeming like a lost puppy looking for love or a client trying to be something more.

03-18-2013, 12:42 PM
Can you attract 9's and 10's in GG's? If so there is no reason you shouldn't be able to in TG's also. If you usually attract 5's and 6's in GG's then set your aim at those in TG's also.

03-18-2013, 12:48 PM
Can you attract 9's and 10's in GG's? If so there is no reason you shouldn't be able to in TG's also. If you usually attract 5's and 6's in GG's then set your aim at those in TG's also.

you know far more tgirls than i ever will...but that doesn't seem right. if you can attract a 5 or a 6 in the GGirl world, for some reason i think you have to aim for a 4 or a 5 in the tgirl world. its the issue of supply and demand isn't it: more guys lusting after a tgirl so they can be more choosy.

03-18-2013, 12:59 PM
you know far more tgirls than i ever will...but that doesn't seem right. if you can attract a 5 or a 6 in the GGirl world, for some reason i think you have to aim for a 4 or a 5 in the tgirl world. its the issue of supply and demand isn't it: more guys lusting after a tgirl so they can be more choosy.

No I'd disagree. In fact (contradicting myself from my previous post), I'd say for me personally, it's been the other way around (and this is before I was the business owner I am now). I think a lot of tgirls are looking for someone who is genuine, got a sense of humor, confident and well-mannered as they're probably sick of getting hit on by those that don't display those qualities. That being said, I could never meet anyone at a bar/club and they were all via personal introductions or originally from online.

I think my point to the OP is, that he's showing a photo of an obviously very popular model - if he can attract that sort of GG girl, then he has a chance to be able to attract a TG girl but if he's old/sloppy/ugly/cheap/ etc. and could never attract a model-like GG, then he should lower his expectations accordingly.

03-18-2013, 01:03 PM
It is true... here is a picture of me and my latest TS girlfriend. We met at the local geriatric day centre.

03-18-2013, 01:21 PM
As they say, if you have to ask...

03-18-2013, 02:50 PM
The problem is there's very little chance you're going to meet a TS like Bianca randomly during your normal day. Therefore you have to go seek them out socially. Fine. After putting in the time and effort to arrange a 'chance meeting' wherever, you have to hope you're charming enough or attractive enough to sweep her off her feet after that initial contact.

That's why I agree with Seanchi in part; if most women you know of similar attractiveness aren't your normal, scoring in a one shot deal with a beautiful TS is a crap shoot.
Most women I date I have to WORK to get, other than a random hookup. Women I actually like personally it seems require more effort because I don't want my interest in them to come off as desperate or too aggressive.

But while I also agree that TS open to dating may have scores more men who view them as lust objects and approach them as such, I disagree they have men lined around the block willing to DATE them like a normal GF.

That's why I believe if you have any level of physical compatibility with a girl(you both find each other moderately attractive), and have stability in your own life and aren't a jerk, many if not most TS would say YES to at least going on a date.

The supply of TS may be greater than the number of admirers in the world, but that goes both ways.
The number of men genuinely interested in dating or being in a LTR with TS is equally small.

What I've begun to realize is there are attractive TS who are just civilians and not in the adult entertainment industry. However because most of these women are SOOOO stealth, there's almost no chance you'd ever meet them IRL other than on a dating site.

Too many guys are looking at escorts and porn stars and thinking how much they'd like a GF who looked like her and want to date them. I don't see how that really works for the average guy.

Quiet Reflections
03-18-2013, 03:59 PM
The only crazy thing in life is to not try something

03-19-2013, 12:20 AM
Accept no limitations!!!!

03-21-2013, 07:27 AM
To be honest, I didn't really elaborate enough, sorry!

I'm 22, 10 and a half stone, 5'10, good sense of humour and have dated girls that are so popular with other men they have hit on her while I'm standing right next to her (!)

But i wasn't really talking about beauty so much as femininity I guess, I've dabbled with tvchix but found that most of the people on there are TV rather than TG.

And I would like to stress that I am a loving, romantic guy who loves to sweep a woman off her feet :3

I'd love to just get to know a TG as a friend if nothing else, and anything more is a bonus....to me, they are more woman than GG's are :)

I'm not really after a one shot deal tbh, I love being in a relationship as much as anyone else, and I was always more attracted to TG's...maybe one day :)

03-21-2013, 07:32 AM

Vladimir Putin
03-21-2013, 07:34 AM
Of meeting and having the opportunity to have a relationship with someone such as (Bianca Friere):

I would say about as good as meeting and getting together with a GG just as beautiful as Bianca.

Take it for what it's worth.

03-21-2013, 03:40 PM
There's always hope in life. When I look at the girls I've gone out with they all seemed out of my league to me. That probably worked in my favor to be honest because I didn't think I was any chance so I didn't really try, I just talked to them like normal human beings - you'd be surprised how many girls actually like being treated like people and have someone listen to them. Make em laugh, listen to them (really listen not pretend) and read their signals right and suddenly an unatainable goddess doesn't seem so unatainable. Keeping them - now that's the really hard part.

03-22-2013, 05:57 AM
I guess the real question is how common are tgirls in the real world? I found one on tvChix in my town, absolutely gorgeous! And from her profile she looked like a really nice person I could easily get along with as well. Sadly she read my message but didn't feel compelled to reply :(

I'm also probably not living in London again for awhile...with that in mind, I don't wanna be a chaser, so I'm just gonna take life as it comes and see where I end up with and with whom :)

03-22-2013, 05:05 PM
Kinda depends how rich you are. Same as with GG or guys for that matter

03-22-2013, 05:14 PM
But i wasn't really talking about beauty so much as femininity I guess, I've dabbled with tvchix but found that most of the people on there are TV rather than TG.

haha fancy that on a website called tvchix,would you believe it!! hahahaha.


carry on x

Tits McButts
03-22-2013, 08:09 PM
There's always hope in life. When I look at the girls I've gone out with they all seemed out of my league to me. That probably worked in my favor to be honest because I didn't think I was any chance so I didn't really try, I just talked to them like normal human beings - you'd be surprised how many girls actually like being treated like people and have someone listen to them. Make em laugh, listen to them (really listen not pretend) and read their signals right and suddenly an unatainable goddess doesn't seem so unatainable. Keeping them - now that's the really hard part.

That's a pretty decent way to look at it. Lurking around here the couple of months before I signed up, I've noticed a lot of guys around here seem to just want to date transwomen for the regular sex or the taboo of it. It's not really about the chemistry or compatibility, it's a question of how long a guy can get her to stick around in the nearly complete absence of chemistry and compatibility.

03-22-2013, 09:40 PM
I know that it is a touchy subject for some, or most, 'real life' TGs, that men are attracted to their genitalia but I personally have my own reasons for preferring TGs to GGs...
Heh, sure.. sure.. your reasons r special and unique.
I have my own reasons too., hehe

03-23-2013, 12:15 AM
That's why they're escorts, so dudes like you have a chance for like an hour. lol

Tits McButts
03-23-2013, 12:31 AM
If you feel the urge to date a beautiful tgirl, chances are you just need your pipes cleaned. Quit trying to duck the surcharge by kissing ass, pansies.

Rusty Eldora
03-23-2013, 01:04 AM
I'm in Seattle, which in the escort word is not great for TS, but is good for GG. I've heard that there is a pretty good sized TG community right in seattle but it must be deep underground. I've been wonder-fly surprised by how genuine and fun the really hot Tgirls have been. The two hottest looking women in my life have been TG and we're still sending occasional emails each way, keeping in touch. That level GG has the active force field in place allowing only the rich and famous to enter.

I've now met two TG 'stars' and found them to be very real and quite adorable. I am nothing special and have no connections to the industry but both of them would be happy to spend time with me again. It's like the first time you dated a girl - very unfamiliar territory - there are some unique things with Tgirls that can only be understood by experience with them. Without that understanding you will look and act like that guy that all he wants is to bed a Shemale and the tgirl will walk in a hurry.

I'm not advocating trying to find a girlfriend by seeing escorts, but one can learn a lot from them. It might happen but it is the exception, not the rule.

If you want an attractive Tgirl for your girlfriend, you have really limited the field. I think it is well under 1% of attractive women are TG.

03-23-2013, 03:37 AM
To be honest, it may sound weird but sex has always been a relatively minor part of a relationship for me, and I am not interested at all in meeting an escort for the sake of an hour. I don't mind spending money, but I much prefer the gratification of spoiling someone that you care about :)

I think subconsciously that's part of the reason I prefer the idea of being with a transgendered woman; I feel more confident that I can please her in all ways, and whether it's in the context of sex or a relationship, I get the most joy out of giving....as I'm sure most men do, especially those that have loved and been loved before...

I'm sure everyone has their own reasons :) but mine is a bit odd...I left school when I was 10, and was home educated until I went to college 8 years later...during that time we moved house and for years I didn't know anyone or have a social life. Somehow I've managed to catch up since I went to college 4 years ago and now have a healthy social life and have had plenty of experience with sex and relationships. At the time though, my sexual experiences and growth were confined to porn and simply, despite being straight (in that I am only attracted to women), I got bored of it after a few years and started to prefer TGs....and now it's just become my ideal woman, unfortunately.

But TGs are more woman to me than GG, it's just my personal preference and the sexual aspect ends up being a small part of the overall relationship, which is why I can be with GGs as well. I'm sure that although the circumstances of how I got here are a bit odd, I am not the only one that feels this way :)

C. Saw
03-23-2013, 04:03 AM
It is a difficult position. If you say that you don't want to do the escorting scene, there are no shortage of people on this website lining up to call you, "cheap". Not everyone is made the same way. I don't want a one-night stand - I want to be comfortable with someone before we are intimate. I am not rich, but I don't mind spending money for what I want also. I, personally, need to know the person.

It does seem like a "crazy hope". I am not good at meeting people, so I'm not full of hope. You probably should not have put a picture of one of the most attractive porn stars in your post to be taken totally serious. Of course there's always a chance. If there's a lonely girl out there looking for a boy and you're lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, then why shouldn't there be a chance that that girl will want to be with you (gg or tg)?

It goes back to a previous poster that had the Dumb and Dumber quote, "So you're saying there's a chance."