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03-14-2013, 08:00 PM
are you ready for it?
hope so...

666 chip? Why a Texas student thinks her school ID is the “Mark of the Beast”

By now, you've probably heard the story: exemplary student Andrea Hernandez has decided to fight her San Antonio high school's plan to outfit every student with an RFID-equipped badge in order to better take attendance and track students while on school property. (Radio frequency identification tags are short-range tracking tags that can be scanned by local readers, though they don't enable any sort of GPS-style location tracking of a student's movements around town, at home, etc.) Hernandez objects to the plan, which the district instituted in order to better recover its daily per-pupil funding from the state of Texas, on the grounds that it was a terrific invasion of her privacy—and of her religious liberty.

03-14-2013, 08:04 PM
Makes stalking easier :)

03-14-2013, 08:05 PM
Obama Care Approves RFID Chips

Obama Care approves RFID chips no longer a myth. RFID chips will be implanted into patients. HR 3962 Obama Care bill actually approves RFID implants. Page 1505 “Data Claims For Health Records and any other data the secretary deems necessary”. This refers to the RFID chips used for patients healthcare records. They left the bill open to where the secretary can decide to add more and other information to the implanted RFID chips at a later time.

Read more: http://whyamericansaredumb.com/obama-care-approves-rfid-chips/#ixzz2NXSS6j00

03-14-2013, 08:42 PM

03-14-2013, 08:54 PM
As a Registered Nurse and someone who works in this industry, this country has absolutely no clue what's going to happen to our medical system in this country once this bill is completely implemented, especially those on Medicare. :(

I hear more and more from the physicians I work with and the more I hear and read what they say is going to happen the more it terrifies me. I know four primary care physicians who have opted for early retirement and sold their private practices v.s going through what this law is going to do to our system of medicine, all passed by politicians who never even read the bill which has gone from 900+ pages when passed to now over 4,000 and still growing.

03-14-2013, 09:45 PM
As a Registered Nurse and someone who works in this industry, this country has absolutely no clue what's going to happen to our medical system in this country once this bill is completely implemented, especially those on Medicare. :(

I hear more and more from the physicians I work with and the more I hear and read what they say is going to happen the more it terrifies me. I know four primary care physicians who have opted for early retirement and sold their private practices v.s going through what this law is going to do to our system of medicine, all passed by politicians who never even read the bill which has gone from 900+ pages when passed to now over 4,000 and still growing.

I lost my Tricare prime from the military they no longer cover my area
so what's next?:o

03-14-2013, 10:46 PM
The Obama health bill was written by lobbyists from the 4 main private healthcare corporations ,and is a license for them to print money .Most Americans are too stupid to see this ,In Europe we pay a couple of hundred in tax for good healthcare and then you can buy extra private care.

03-15-2013, 01:02 AM
I lost my Tricare prime from the military they no longer cover my area
so what's next?:o

Are you kidding me? So the president can go play golf with Tiger Woods while his wife flies to Aspen, and Congress and Senators make $180k a year with gold plated pensions and healthcare and they cut care for Veterans who've been at war now for 10+ years? My father was career military who survived three trips as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and died early from everything he was exposed to when I was very young and I remember very faintly going to the VA to see him before he passed.

Something is just not right here, and I'm so sorry.

03-15-2013, 02:05 AM
Obamacare does NOT approve the implantation of RFID chips in patients. Jeezus man.
Turn your brain on and throw away the key.

Obamacare covers the 30 million Americans in this country who are uninsured. If this doesn't apply to you, you can keep your private insurer.

There's only one group who favors the healthcare status quo in this country that charges $25 for a single aspirin when given in a hospital, and those two groups are HMOs and private hospital groups.

The uncontrolled cost of healthcare is the financial weight that's going to sink the U.S. economy.
At least if a big chunk of it can have its price stabilized through federal management, all for the good.

03-15-2013, 02:20 AM
Are you kidding me? So the president can go play golf with Tiger Woods while his wife flies to Aspen, and Congress and Senators make $180k a year with gold plated pensions and healthcare and they cut care for Veterans who've been at war now for 10+ years? My father was career military who survived three trips as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and died early from everything he was exposed to when I was very young and I remember very faintly going to the VA to see him before he passed.

Something is just not right here, and I'm so sorry.

Oh well, seems like everything is getting taken away slowly...

Taxes and death are a sure thing however:D

03-15-2013, 02:22 AM
Obamacare does NOT approve the implantation of RFID chips in patients. Jeezus man.
Turn your brain on and throw away the key.

Obamacare covers the 30 million Americans in this country who are uninsured. If this doesn't apply to you, you can keep your private insurer.

There's only one group who favors the healthcare status quo in this country that charges $25 for a single aspirin when given in a hospital, and those two groups are HMOs and private hospital groups.

The uncontrolled cost of healthcare is the financial weight that's going to sink the U.S. economy.
At least if a big chunk of it can have its price stabilized through federal management, all for the good.

I have it in black and white ..do you?
