View Full Version : Money Hungry Divas...When will it ever End?

03-10-2013, 11:39 PM
This thread I'm sure will stir up a bit of controversy and adversarial commentary.

People are different in ever way shape and form. There are those who dupe you and others who respect you. I always say treat others as you want to be treated. But some are just out to get your money at any cost. I work very hard for a living. I'm certainly not cheap and I am more than willing to spend my hard earned cash on the ladies who are special. That being said the shadowy bunch who bait you in, then grab your balls for ransom, just don't cut it in my book. Be kind and fair. But what does it take to avoid such scam artists?

Please share your thoughts and ideas on how to avoid getting scalped.


03-10-2013, 11:43 PM
That's the male perspective. The female perspective is that we're just testing your resolve in being with us. Men being traditionally less emotional and more utilitarian, spending money is a common way of showing affection for a woman. There's nothing sinister about that.


03-11-2013, 12:06 AM
That's the male perspective. The female perspective is that we're just testing your resolve in being with us. Men being traditionally less emotional and more utilitarian, spending money is a common way of showing affection for a woman. There's nothing sinister about that.

Thanks for your honest reply Bella. So am I to assume personality and treating a lady with kindness and respect is secondary to $$$$. I would hope a person's worth goes beyond what he has in his bank account. Funny thing is I always hold this mantra to be self evident. "Beauty breeds wealth and wealth breeds beauty". Perhaps it holds true. So cold unfeeling men are more attractive to ladies as long as his coin is spent on them? Boy I guess I missed that train. LOL. I guess then nice guys do finish last. I apologize if I have misunderstood your message. Also I may not be describing the scenario fully so it's getting skewed.

03-11-2013, 12:15 AM
Thanks for your honest reply Bella. So am I to assume personality and treating a lady with kindness and respect is secondary to $$$$. I would hope a person's worth goes beyond what he has in his bank account. Funny thing is I always hold this mantra to be self evident. "Beauty breeds wealth and wealth breeds beauty". Perhaps it holds true. So cold unfeeling men are more attractive to ladies as long as his coin is spent on them? Boy I guess I missed that train. LOL. I guess then nice guys do finish last. I apologize if I have misunderstood your message. Also I may not be describing the scenario fully so it's getting skewed.

Hmm. Well. Your statement here ignores the fact that people should want to have good personalities and behave with kindness and respect for themselves - because their empathy makes them better people. These virtues are not gifts to others, but gifts to one's self. That said, both men and women require emotional support (women usually more so) and men are generally (although admittedly not always) ill-equipped to offer it. I just feel that many compensate by spending money, as taking care of a woman, protecting her beauty and innocence, is seen as a masculine activity, as I believe it should.

I also think it's a shame that men so often blame women for 'using them for their paycheck,' when they can be so emotionally disconnected. If you're not that way, then you're probably just getting lost in the crowd of men who make your gender look bad. I do sympathize.


03-11-2013, 12:25 AM
Hmm. Well. Your statement here ignores the fact that people should want to have good personalities and behave with kindness and respect for themselves - because their empathy makes them better people. These virtues are not gifts to others, but gifts to one's self. That said, both men and women require emotional support (women usually more so) and men are generally (although admittedly not always) ill-equipped to offer it. I just feel that many compensate by spending money, as taking care of a woman, protecting her beauty and innocence, is seen as a masculine activity, as I believe it should.

I also think it's a shame that men so often blame women for 'using them for their paycheck,' when they can be so emotionally disconnected. If you're not that way, then you're probably just getting lost in the crowd of men who make your gender look bad. I do sympathize.

I would love to hear your advice on how the men (myself included) you described as "lost in the crowd of men" can stand out amongst the others? I appreciate your expression of sympathy. I must also compliment you on your insight and intelligence. It's readily apparent in your writing skills and commentary.


03-11-2013, 12:29 AM
~BB~ Platinum Poster in the 9000's. Now that's an accomplishment worthy of great recognition. Sorry to go off topic but I always give kudos to those who have reached such an esteemed level on this board. More power to you!

03-11-2013, 12:38 AM
Mockery will get you nowhere. :lol:


03-11-2013, 12:56 AM
I broke up with my gf because of how much money meant to her. She basically told me that her number one priority is money. She is an escort. Finally just realized how low on her priority scale I was and gave up. She's an awesome girl but she had become so deep into her addiction of money.

Really sucks

03-11-2013, 01:07 AM
hehehehe....nice well played sir ( in regards to the pointless mockery offensive )

In my personal experience...I earned my tits by giving respect and courtesies...as well as a lot of private cam shows. I have gain a lot of respectful regulars when I cam. I always give to those who are respectful and nice. Yes, I am on a cam site to pull in income, its my day job, but I am always there to give my 100% and treat those who are nice to me with full respect and my own form of generosity.

My regulars are very special to me. Yes they do pay for my services but I would be nowhere and titless without respect, courtesy, and giving back...even though mostly its through a sexual nature. They also help me moderate the room and keep me in a happy mood with friendly chat and piece of mind security.
Because when you cam as much as I do, if you don't have that, you would go crazy with all the trolls, assholes, and immature jerks.

My top regular simply pays to Skype chat and drink wine for a couple hours...nowadays I don't even allow him to pay. We've grown a friendship out of respect, and he is a sweet guy and a great conversationalist also with great humor.

03-11-2013, 01:12 AM
Hmmm,wanna know what I think? (It was rhetorical,I'm gonna tell you anyway)

This could apply to the husband's thread...and a lot of other threads also.

For some girls it will never end. Why should it, if it works? If it works. When it don't...they need to get a new mirror and move along - cause the last one was lying.

But sometimes guys set their sights higher than they should also. They'll complain about a hot woman not going out with them even though they think they are nice guys. Open your eyes!...that usually means either the man's mirror is lying to them also (because if you are hot..then generally that hot girl will date you whether you are rich or not...with the exception of you being a lazy loser)..and they should stop complaining about the hot girl not dating them and move along to a girl that will. Why keep going after something you have no hopes in catching?!

Most of us live in the normal area...we want the best mates possible ,but usually wind up with the best we are capable of getting. That applies to men and women... IRL.

(BTW - why does there always have to be extremes? why can't rich people be nice guys also? )

03-11-2013, 01:14 AM

money to me is a priority in a matter of...shit, we all need it to survive ...unfortunately. But my priorities when it come to money is living, paying bills, treating my girlfriend ( if she's been a good girl lol ), and saving for the future.

My main priorities are Jamie, working my ass off, cleaning, and creating ( writing music and my novels )....and some fun...but really the majority of fun we have is free, like going to the beach and Point Dume, Valley of Fire, and some cheap things like the zoo and aquariums... :)

03-11-2013, 01:43 AM
hehehehe....nice well played sir ( in regards to the pointless mockery offensive )

Geez. Grow up, will you? :rolleyes:


03-11-2013, 02:14 AM
i was laughing at the dude who sed it...not at u...

03-13-2013, 02:14 AM
Just to be clear I was referring to TS ladies who upsell and hustle people when they are
vulnerable. Not normal interactions between a potential partner or mate.

MdR Dave
03-13-2013, 03:59 AM
. . .referring to TS ladies who upsell and hustle people when they are vulnerable.

Lol! Call the FTC!

Seriously, though--- when would you do it? I mean, if it was your business to run how would you maximize the profit?

03-13-2013, 04:35 AM
Please share your thoughts and ideas on how to avoid getting scalped.


you're asking how to recognize a hustle. be smart. unless you were born yesterday to which the answer is, you will know when it happens