View Full Version : New Doctor Who

04-29-2006, 10:56 PM
SciFi channel is broadcasting them. i think they're pretty good. in spite of their high production values they manage to capture just the right amount of camp. the main actors are great. i give it a thumbs up.

Harrys Boy
04-29-2006, 11:06 PM
A thread im devoted too, to be honest the series so far has been a bit of a let down so far for me, the first episode i really disliked, but im happy to say tonites episode was great and it makes me happy that its back. How could an episode with Sarah Jane in fail!

04-30-2006, 02:58 AM
There's a bit of a time warp between the UK and the US on the "new" Doctor: here in the US the SciFi channel is showing the "old new" Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, whilst in the homeland of the BBC, you're a season ahead of us Yanks with the "new new" Doctor, David Tennant. So for us, no K-9 or Sarah Jane as yet, and we're still watching Rose and the Doctor fending off the last of the Daleks and meeting Rose's dead father (the latest episode, aired last night).

Hard enough to not give away plot points and character developments on shows like Battlestar Galactica and The Shield, but now we've got a year apart and you lot in the UK could be spilling beans that we won't see brought to the kettle until 2007. So please don't give away TOO much!

BTW, I quite like Eccleston: not quite up there with my all-time favorites (in order: Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy), but very good if a bit rash and irresponsible considering his millenium of experience at times.

04-30-2006, 04:41 AM
For all the Doctor Who here in the States , you can find the new Doctor on youtube.com just search Doctor Who.

04-30-2006, 04:55 AM
There's a bit of a time warp between the UK and the US on the "new" Doctor: here in the US the SciFi channel is showing the "old new" Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, whilst in the homeland of the BBC, you're a season ahead of us Yanks with the "new new" Doctor, David Tennant. So for us, no K-9 or Sarah Jane as yet, and we're still watching Rose and the Doctor fending off the last of the Daleks and meeting Rose's dead father (the latest episode, aired last night).

Hard enough to not give away plot points and character developments on shows like Battlestar Galactica and The Shield, but now we've got a year apart and you lot in the UK could be spilling beans that we won't see brought to the kettle until 2007. So please don't give away TOO much!

BTW, I quite like Eccleston: not quite up there with my all-time favorites (in order: Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy), but very good if a bit rash and irresponsible considering his millenium of experience at times.

I've recrorded it each week since its debut here in the US, and I actually like Eccleston as much as I liked Baker. It's a shame he left after one season. If what I heard is correct, he left because he didn't want to get type cast. What a shame. Friends across the pond have told me that the feedback has been overwhelmingly negative regarding Tennant.

What say you Brits?


04-30-2006, 12:59 PM
Yep,Eccleston left for that reason. The new Dr show's his tender side in the episode with S-J Smith & also his dark side in revealing that killing alien's does'nt swa him anymore.

Here's a few link's from the BBC for up-to-date info.





Mind you,Billie Piper has come a long way from teeny bop pop star since she dropped that ginger twat of a boyfriend,Chris Evans, to a little strumpet!

:D :D

04-30-2006, 01:01 PM
There's a bit of a time warp between the UK and the US on the "new" Doctor: here in the US the SciFi channel is showing the "old new" Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, whilst in the homeland of the BBC, you're a season ahead of us Yanks with the "new new" Doctor, David Tennant. So for us, no K-9 or Sarah Jane as yet, and we're still watching Rose and the Doctor fending off the last of the Daleks and meeting Rose's dead father (the latest episode, aired last night).

Hard enough to not give away plot points and character developments on shows like Battlestar Galactica and The Shield, but now we've got a year apart and you lot in the UK could be spilling beans that we won't see brought to the kettle until 2007. So please don't give away TOO much!

BTW, I quite like Eccleston: not quite up there with my all-time favorites (in order: Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy), but very good if a bit rash and irresponsible considering his millenium of experience at times.

I've recrorded it each week since its debut here in the US, and I actually like Eccleston as much as I liked Baker. It's a shame he left after one season. If what I heard is correct, he left because he didn't want to get type cast. What a shame. Friends across the pond have told me that the feedback has been overwhelmingly negative regarding Tennant.

What say you Brits?

-QuinnTennant is very good,Better than Eccleston in my humble opinion.

04-30-2006, 01:07 PM
I like David Tennant, he's a really good Doctor, while Ecclestone's cheeky-chappy Doctor wore thin after a while.

Ecstatic, you liked Sylvester McCoy? Lots of Brits tuned out while he was the Doctor.

My favorite Doctor's were Baker, Davison and Colin Baker
He was by far the worst Dr ever along with Mcoy!
The best-
Patrick Troughton,Jon Pertwee,Tom Baker,William Hartnell,Peter Davidson in that order !!

04-30-2006, 03:12 PM
Latrix67, are you saying that you didn't like Colin Baker? Each to their own, odd that no-one mentions Paul McGann (the shortest lived Doctor ever!)

Then again I didn't think much of the Daleks, now The Master, there was an evil bastard!!

Baker & McCoy were the last 2 doctors before MgGann & effectivly killed the show for the BBC because of low ratings. The one with MgGann was a UK/US collaboration & was meant to be a series of feature length episodes but,again due to low rating's,it too was axed.And there is one Doctor that was & still is,overlooked;Peter Cushing (Dr Who & the Daleks <1965>)

04-30-2006, 03:41 PM
I'm glad to hear that there's some good feedback on the newest doctor. Thanks.


04-30-2006, 04:01 PM
Last year here in Oz the first series of the new Doctor Who was aired about 2 months behind the UK - but I wasn't prepared to wait and watched it simultaneously with you poms via torrents. I'm doing the same this year.
I really liked Eccleston, and am struggling to come to terms with Tennant but will get there - every long-term fan always has this adjustment period I think - it's practically built into the show. To be honest, I'm surprised at how impressed I am with Billie Piper - when I first heard that she had the role, I pretty much wrote her off out of hand, but she has been excellent (imho). A thoroughly modern companion!
I grew up with the show, so it's great to see it back. It's nice to see the interweaving of old with new, too - generally very well done so far.

04-30-2006, 04:12 PM
I really liked Eccleston, and am struggling to come to terms with Tennant but will get there - every long-term fan always has this adjustment period I think - it's practically built into the show. To be honest, I'm surprised at how impressed I am with Billie Piper - when I first heard that she had the role, I pretty much wrote her off out of hand, but she has been excellent (imho). A thoroughly modern companion!

Agreed. There's always that adjustment. I have to say, I, too, was quite surprised by how much I liked Billie Piper. She's quite excellent.


04-30-2006, 05:29 PM
I like David Tennant, he's a really good Doctor, while Ecclestone's cheeky-chappy Doctor wore thin after a while.

Ecstatic, you liked Sylvester McCoy? Lots of Brits tuned out while he was the Doctor.

My favorite Doctor's were Baker, Davison and Colin Baker
The old saying is that you always prefer whoever played the Doctor when you first started watching the show, so for old timers it's still Hartnell or Throughton (who were both excellent--I don't think there's been a bad Doctor, with the exception of the made-for-American-TV bastardization back in the 90s, though even then it wasn't the actor's fault--Paul McGann played the Doctor well enough, it was simply a bad story). Tom Baker was my first, and he remains my favorite. I forget whether I saw Davison or Pertwee next, but though I liked both, I definitely preferred the dapper Pertwee. Colin Baker was OK, but probably the weakest Doctor in my opinion--he really started to be grating after awhile.

McCoy I though brought back the odd wit and charm of Throughton and occasionally Baker, which other Doctors too often lacked (Eccleston has this in spades, so thus far I like him quite a bit). Plus McCoy's Doctor had some of the best off-beat writing in the series, with some truly odd characters, and one of the best companions in Ace (who was as strong as Leela and not a screaming useless girl; Billie Piper seems to combine Ace with Sarah Jane, and I like her too). I think the show was losing its momentum in the Colin Baker years and they tried to keep it going with McCoy, but times had changed too much, and the BBC didn't have a Star Trek-sized budget to produce the show, so they let it die. It's great to see it back, updated yet with all the cheesy monster charm and offbeat humor of the best of the series.

04-30-2006, 05:39 PM
Latrix67, are you saying that you didn't like Colin Baker? Each to their own, odd that no-one mentions Paul McGann (the shortest lived Doctor ever!)

Then again I didn't think much of the Daleks, now The Master, there was an evil bastard!!
Agreed, I don't see why McGann's Doctor has been officially incorporated into the Time Lord's lives when Cushing wasn't. It also reduces the number of lives the Doctor has (12 regenerations, 13 lives), which is a bad idea in itself.

And I could never stand the Daleks. The Eccleston episode with the last of the Daleks was the best Dalek ever featured. As useless (but strangely popular) an archenemy as the Borg on Star Trek. Give me Anthony Ainley's Master any day, a perfect counterpoint to the Doctor.

And what of Romana, off in E-Space? There's still at least one Time Lord besides the Doctor alive (presuming she is--she only had one regeneration thus far). There's a dangling thread just waiting to be tied up.

04-30-2006, 07:09 PM
One of the things that Sylvester McCoys Doctor had was his 'assistant',Bonnie Langford.She's gotta be one of the worst in the Dr's history!lol
Ecstatic,It was Pertwee & then Davidson.I believe they did offer Sean Pertwee the part but he said no.(too many Hollywood film offers for 'cheapo' sci-fi flicks)
They did toy with the idea of the next Dr being a woman but the BBC were firmly against it,mainly due to it pissing off the hardcore fan base over here in the U.K.

04-30-2006, 07:11 PM
Nice to hear that Billie Piper is working out so well. I've liked her so far (even despite her silly boyfriend) and think that she shows potential (which you indicate may be realized by now) to be one of the great companions. So who would you rate as the best companion(s) of all time?

First off, I don't consider Romana a companion--she started that way, but quickly developed into the Doctor's equal (which broke the formula). My all-time favorite companion is Sarah Jane, but I also really like Jo, Zoe, and Ace.

04-30-2006, 07:23 PM
I'd have to agree there.Sarah Jane Smith,in 'Planet of the Spiders' scared the shite out of me!!I was only god,about 10 at the time.I'll always remember when the spider jumped onto her back & disapeared.
Hated spiders ever since!lol

Harrys Boy
04-30-2006, 08:18 PM
Its a shame this post has developed into criticising Colin Baker, for my money he was the only real radical doctor, his performance is so much more different than anyone else's, just wish they'd let him have longer to develope it. The early Tom Baker years were the highlight of the series no doubt though

05-01-2006, 12:24 AM
Have you guys seen the new Cybermen? They look awesome. Truly taking the best of the old design and modernizing the hell out of it.

05-01-2006, 01:08 AM
Hearing all these bits 'n pieces of the newest Doctor, the Cybermen, K-9 and all. I remember the spiders very well, though I was much older when I saw that episode (probably early 1980s).

As for Colin Baker, I loved his interpretation when he started--in fact, much as I like Davison, I was quite ready for a new approach at the time. But things started to drag for me about halfway through his run. Probably the writing rather than the acting was to blame.

Is there any chance of the Master coming back?

Harrys Boy
05-01-2006, 02:14 AM
id love the master 2 come back, it would be great scope for a good actor to get his teeth into, only problem is they are overplaying this last timelord BS too much.

Harrys Boy
05-01-2006, 02:16 AM
what i really want too see is perhaps paul mcganns fate, id love a twist where the doctor actually kills a past version of himself for some reason, that would be deliciously controversial

05-01-2006, 02:53 AM
I like David Tennant, he's a really good Doctor, while Ecclestone's cheeky-chappy Doctor wore thin after a while.

Ecstatic, you liked Sylvester McCoy? Lots of Brits tuned out while he was the Doctor.

My favorite Doctor's were Baker, Davison and Colin Baker
He was by far the worst Dr ever along with Mcoy!
The best-
Patrick Troughton,Jon Pertwee,Tom Baker,William Hartnell,Peter Davidson in that order !!

Are these all of the Doctors, to date? I never really got into the show, but enjoyed it when I could catch it. Saw a lot of the first season when my ex and I were still talking/living together/not poking each other in the eye. She was very into Dr. Who and was jealous that she'd only met one (Tom Baker) and I'd met four (And that with not even being a true fan). Colin Baker had just signed on when last I saw the show. Is it still running?

And yes, I do like Jelly Babies which, like peeps, are oft better stale. :D

05-01-2006, 06:24 AM
In order:

William Hartnell
Patrick Throughton
[Peter Cushing]
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
[Richard Hurndall]
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant

05-01-2006, 06:37 AM
Hello everyone!
this is my first time posting and i figured since Doctor Who is my all time fav sci-fi show i would post to this thread.
My favorite doctors would be Tom Baker ,Chris Eccleston,Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davison.I look forward to seeing the new 10th doctor.I will have to wait until he comes to the sci-fi channel here in the states.
I always like that the tv series used information from the doctor who novels or maybe it was vice versa.I know there are a ton of novels out there.
Ok here are some hopefully true trivia about the series.He is in fact the last of the timelords.Romana was president of galifrey when it was destroyed.The master, the ranni, the monk and the doctor all knew each other and went to school together.The doctor and the master started out as freinds in school I guess thats why he never really outright killed the doctor.
Now for a interesting question which has bugged me for a while.During the McCoy years especially in dvd version of remberence of the daleks the doctor in a deleted scene hints that he is much more than a mere timelord (and not him being president).Also in the silver nemisis the bad guys hint that they know his secret.They said if the series kept going they would elaborate on it.Anyone know what his secret is????? Is he the other who helped omega and rascilon??Just curious .I know i am a geek and sorry for making this post so long.

05-01-2006, 12:54 PM
Is there any chance of the Master coming back?

No. The actor who played TM died way back when and barring any body-hopping parasite alien it just won't happen.

But what actor in the world could make a goatee look so evil? To this day I blame TM for giving the Evil Goatee to the world :wink:

Might happen,
The Master was a Timelord too so It's possible.

05-01-2006, 01:07 PM
The was nine Dr's in all & everybody's got their favorite's.
Here's a picture of the new Cyberman.
It looks like they got their influence from the new Battlestar Gallactica.

05-01-2006, 02:40 PM
Ok here are some hopefully true trivia about the series.He is in fact the last of the timelords.Romana was president of galifrey when it was destroyed.
You say it yourself: "hopefully true." The thing is, we don't know for a fact, as Romana's last appearance on the show was in Warriors' Gate, when she elected to remain in E-space and become their sole Time Lord. Her appearance in the subsequent The Five Doctors was in fact just a few brief scenes from the incomplete story Shada and could have been taken from any point in the continuity after she had regenerated (from Mary Tamm to Lalla Ward), just as the other Doctors were snagged out of time at different points.

In The End of the World, Eccleston's Doctor reveals that all the Time Lords had been destroyed in the last Time War; then in the Last Dalek story he elaborates that that war was the final battle between the Daleks and the Time Lords. Romana's role as President of the Time Lord Council was given off-camera as it were, in an article written by Russell T. Davies (Doctor Who Annual 2006). This may be the case, but as it's a statement about the continuity which appears outside the storyline itself, I don't hold it to be absolute. According to the storyline (at least as well as I can remember and document it), Romana remained in E-space, with no way back to N-space (though of course some cosmic fluke could easily be contrived, just as it was to get the Doctor and Romana there in the first place and the Doctor and Adric to "our" space at the end of the E-space story arc).

The whole Last of the Time Lords concept is overblown as it is. Time Lords travel in time, so how could there be no other Time Lords in the universe at any time, even if their race was destroyed at one point in time? The Time Lords exist far in the future of 20th century Earth (for instance, in Leela's time, far in our future, and, for that matter, so do the Daleks, who were also destroyed in that final war), so they wouldn't simply be expunged from the "past" (point prior to the last Time War or the 21st century). I think there's a great untold story that would make for quite an interesting arc if the powers that be choose to explore it.

Harrys Boy
05-01-2006, 04:13 PM
I Think they made a mistake too early in the series making him the last of the timelords, a episode in galifrey would have been welcome

05-01-2006, 08:39 PM
I think it was intended to make him more sympathetic, and was a smarter move than making him half-human in the Paul McGann tV movie (now that was an awesome blunder; half the charm of the Doctor is that he's NOT human and sometimes his alien perspective is quite opposed to the human, though he is usually sympanthic with humans).

Harrys Boy
05-01-2006, 09:18 PM
Funny how the half human idea has been well and truly swept under the carpet, the tv movie also gave that as the reason that the Dr could fly the Tardis, good job a series never started up from that movie its scary to think how it would have developed.

05-01-2006, 11:35 PM
8) what gets me is how K9 got back to earth (the new uk series) with sarah jane & the doctor remarked as mark 3?, K9 kept romana company in "warriors gate" in e-space, as the next story the keeper of trakken there's was only the doctor & adric. Another flaw in the story the current doctor's memory of the last time he saw sarah, when she left the tardis (during tom bakers time) the story "the hand of fear"

what about the five doctors special in 1983 ? when peter davison was at the helm, sarah spent her time with the 3rd doctor (pertwee) & as baker (tom) didnt want to be part of the story having only left the year before. The biggest mistake of all is Sarah Jane never saw K9 in her time either with pertwee or baker, the 1st assistant was Leela in the story "the invisible enemy", now i like the new show very well made, but these oversights should have been looked at. My Favourite was Tom Baker as i grew up second favourite most likely Patrick Troughton (Sadly, the Troughton era of Doctor Who is hugely notable for what does not exist as opposed to what does; only one story in Troughton's first two seasons exists in its entirety, ten stories only exist partially (most with one or two episodes out of 4 or 6), and four are lost in their entirety, including his first story, "The Power of the Daleks"; Jamie's first adventure, "The Highlanders"; and "Fury From the Deep," considered by many to be one of the greatest serials of the program in the 1960's. ) thnx to the bbc

one further trivia note = Jon Pertwee never faced the cybermen in his time

Tara Emory
05-01-2006, 11:51 PM
I think the reason the Peter Cushing Doctor isn't considered as "another doctor", is that he's playing the same Doctor as William Hartnell. The Cushing movies made the Doctor an earthling and changed a few characters around, so making it canon would be a bit different. Maybe those movies are like in a parallel universe...

I've been enjoying the new new Doctor via youtube immensely.. I grew up in the old series, having it play on PBS, and when my family got a VCR in the mid 80's, the first thing I did was to religously record the show, taping pretty much all the Doctors except McCoy. (even on 6-hour recording mode, that's something like 25 videotapes)

Like most, Tom Baker is probably my favorite, but Davison, Pertwee, and Troughton are high up on my list. There's so little of Troughton out there, and if I saw more, he might end up my favorite Doctor. By the time they got to Colin Baker and Mel (ick), the series was drifiting aimessly into 80's cheese. I think mcCoy "winking" in the titles sequence pretty much turned me off to him! I never really saw much of Ace and anything from McCoy's last 2 seasons, though I heard things improved somewhat by the end. The series really needed to take a break then.. It sort of makes the new series kind of like St:TNG (to ST:TOS), which is cool..

Anyway, David Tennant is becoming my favorite now. I tried to watch the Chris Eccelston season on Scifi, but between missing an episode or two, and the fact that they trim bits of them out (to make more room for commercials)... said, fuck it, get the DVD's from Canada! Scifi really really should consider going straight into the DT/2006 season right after they run out of the 2005 season episodes.


Oh yeah, I AM working on a sci-fi porn film.. With my own personal resurgence of interest in Doctor Who, I've been watching a lot of the old black and white ones as inspiration for my film. The bubble helmet outfit (below) will be featured in it. Plus lots of giant robots with big dicks, and styrofoam sets, panels with blinking lights etc...

Harrys Boy
05-01-2006, 11:53 PM
fraid you have got alot of your facts long friend, there was a spinoff show called K-9 and company where it is revealed that the Doctor has sent Sarah Jane a new version of K-9, the spin off didnt last long though but the story thread was shown in the 5 doctors as it is seen that sarah jane still owns K-9, and to mention the 5 doctors, sarah never got to see tom bakers doctor because he didnt appear in that story, he was supposedly trapped somewhere else. So he never did say bye properly.

Tara Emory
05-02-2006, 12:00 AM
The reason Sarah Jane has a K9, is that its a reference to the 1981-ish spin-off show "K9 and Company", starring Lis Sladen as SJS- The show wet nowhere past the pilot episode, where Sarah is given K9 as a present from the doctor (though he must've mailed it to her, becuase it's not as if the Doctor made an appearance).

Ive seen some of the pilot (cheeeeexy theme music that sticks in your head). It's pretty bad, well, I only got about 1/2 way though watching it on youtube and I didn't watch the rest, though I missed K9 in action.

And presumably in the interim, K9 stopped working and it wasn't like she could get it fixed anywhere ("It's not like it uses parts from a Mini Metro"). Anyway, I won't spoil it anymore, the episode "School Reunion" (which just aired) was great, and all in all it's looking like a really good season for what it now the best sci fi show on TV.


Tara Emory
05-02-2006, 12:02 AM
Oh I'm sorry, am I distracting people?


Harrys Boy
05-02-2006, 12:04 AM
It makes me feel so much better knowing Tara Emory watches Dr Who!

Tara Emory
05-02-2006, 12:07 AM
In response to Romana and stuff:

It might be possible that it's true that she was President at the time of the time war. I hear that a bunch of the old Dr. Who novel writers also work on the new show, so they might "canonize" bits of the books if they are used again..

Having never read the books, was it the mcGann doctor who was the incarnation at the time of the Time war? if so, I'd like to see that. Sure, the actor is older than he was in the TV movie, but given that the effects of the Time War are likely to cause the regeneration into Chris's Doctor, that could work.. Plus McGann worked with Lalla Ward (2nd Romana) in a Dr Who web- broadcast adventure, so they could get Romana #2 back for that...


Harrys Boy
05-02-2006, 12:08 AM
we never saw McGann die so he could have been ancient when he died

Tara Emory
05-02-2006, 12:15 AM
It makes me feel so much better knowing Tara Emory watches Dr Who!

Yes, and one of my local PBS stations also broadcasted Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf and I tried to get as much of that as possible. Really dug B7, the plots were so intricate, and the characters had so much depth.

I always prefered the British stuff over scifi like Battlestar Galactica or Busk Rogers (both from the 80's). I've heard good stuff about the new BG, but maybe my indifference to the old BG (I mean- come on, even the name is such a rip off of Star Wars, Battle=Wars, star=......star? and Galactica also means "star", well almost), not to mention the ship designs and stuff.. and Buck Rogers had the whole artoo-threepio thing going on with Twiggi (sp?) and Dr Theopolis...

Star Trek is fine.. Sorta lost interest in it halfway through Voyager (though enjoying the DVD sets) and Enterprise, like most people.


05-02-2006, 12:15 AM
8) as im sat here in the uk watching the world snooker final having just sat thru an hour long frame (americans can do research on the game if arent too familiar with it), i come back here & tara emory is a whooie thoughts of tara's sonic screwdriver are entering my mind

going back to the cushing movies one of the reasons i didnt like them was firstly there were in colour the b&w had more appeal & plus the were shit haha & also the tardis interior was totally different compared to the tv show at the same time

05-02-2006, 01:36 AM
It makes me feel so much better knowing Tara Emory watches Dr Who!

Yes, and one of my local PBS stations also broadcasted Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf and I tried to get as much of that as possible. Really dug B7, the plots were so intricate, and the characters had so much depth.

I always prefered the British stuff over scifi like Battlestar Galactica or Busk Rogers (both from the 80's). I've heard good stuff about the new BG, but maybe my indifference to the old BG (I mean- come on, even the name is such a rip off of Star Wars, Battle=Wars, star=......star? and Galactica also means "star", well almost), not to mention the ship designs and stuff.. and Buck Rogers had the whole artoo-threepio thing going on with Twiggi (sp?) and Dr Theopolis...

Star Trek is fine.. Sorta lost interest in it halfway through Voyager (though enjoying the DVD sets) and Enterprise, like most people.


The Sylvester McCoy/Ace turned me off to Dr Who but I grew up with it being a Brit.The new Dr is good,along the lines of Pertwee/Davidson cross in my book.
I read somewhere that they're thinking of a Space:1999 or UFO movie.That'd be intersting.
Tara,anymore shoots with Rubberdoll on the cards?

05-02-2006, 08:47 AM
Woohoo that Tara watches Doctor who. :!: :D

05-02-2006, 09:04 AM
Ok first what do you like in your companions?Strong willed and smart or someone who constantly askes who and what is it doctor and gets into trouble?

Second I am pretty sure the time wars happened during the time of the 8th doctor.So what do you think about having the doctor have flash backs to the time wars?This way we could see some of the 8th doctor.Or in the future have a season devoted to the time wars?I know that goes against logic going from the 10th doctor to the 8th,but McGann was interested in reprising his role of the doctor when the new series started.Plus they could flesh out alot of details about the time wars if they make a season out if it.
Just curious as to your thoughts

05-02-2006, 02:53 PM
I think the reason the Peter Cushing Doctor isn't considered as "another doctor", is that he's playing the same Doctor as William Hartnell. The Cushing movies made the Doctor an earthling and changed a few characters around, so making it canon would be a bit different. Maybe those movies are like in a parallel universe...
Tara, that's exactly my problem with the McGann Doctor. Coupled with the fact that there was only one story, it seems absurd to make him an "official" incarnation of the Doctor and thus remove one of the potential 12 regenerations (and considering Tennant is the 10th Doctor, that leaves only 3 to go).

Oh I'm sorry, am I distracting people?
Yes. Don't stop. ;)

In response to Romana and stuff:

It might be possible that it's true that she was President at the time of the time war. I hear that a bunch of the old Dr. Who novel writers also work on the new show, so they might "canonize" bits of the books if they are used again.
Certainly it's possible, but I'd like to see it. Romana was one of my favorite characters in the series, and I've always wanted to know what happened to her and K9 v.2 in E-Space. If she made it back, and became President, that's a story which should be told--over the course of several episodes--and not just hinted at or mentioned in an article about the show.

And I'm still not buying all the Time Lords being destroyed besides the Doctor. That's a preposterous proposition, especially considering the millions of years (at least) that their civilization lasted and the fact that they've traveled from one end of time to the other all the time. There's little poignancy in the Doctor being the last of his race if we don't see the end; in contrast, part of the effect of Superman being the last Kryptonian is that we've seen the planet destroyed over and over again. Plus, with Superman (for most of his 70-year history at any rate) Kal-El is not the last Kryptonian as there's phantom zone prisoners, the residents of the bottled city of Kandor, and his cousin Supergirl. Likewise, even if most of the Time Lords were destroyed, there must be some other renegades who were elsewhere in time and space at the time of the Time War (after all, the Master, the Doctor, and Romana are all renegades, surely there are others). And at any rate, the Time War could not have taken place prior to the early 21st century setting with Billie Piper, else they'd have to rewrite a huge amount of Gallifreyan history (i.e., change the timeline of early episodes which show Time Lords and Daleks far into Earth's future).

Of course, they can resolve this anyway they want, I'd just like to see the story unfold and not simply be backstory to the current incarnation. That's weak, dramatically. This is a story which should be a year-long arc, equal to or surpassing the Key to Time arc.

we never saw McGann die so he could have been ancient when he died
Exactly! That's another point that bugs me about the current (OK, previous, that is, Eccleston's) Doctor: he claims to be about 900 years old. Yet Throughton, in War Games, said that, barring accidents, Time Lords could live forever. Even if that was hyperbole, Tom Baker's Doctor towards the end of his run claimed to be (if memory serves) 760 years old. We don't know for certain how long the 5th or 6th Doctors lived (surely far longer than simply the sequence of adventures we were privy to), and there was presumably a very large gap between the end of the original series with McCoy and his regeneration into the 8th Doctor. And how long did that Doctor live? We have no evidence whatsoever. I would hazard a guess that, based on the first four Doctors, an average lifespan for a regeneration would be in the range of 200 years. Thus, approximately 1000 years would have passed (in the Doctor's personal chronology) between the first appearance of the 5th Doctor and that of the 10th, making him at least 1800 years old. Else he has been frittering away his regenerations like nobody's business--making him a Time Lord with a serious Death Wish, I'd say. (I guess he is a Romantic, after all.)

Ok first what do you like in your companions?Strong willed and smart or someone who constantly askes who and what is it doctor and gets into trouble?
Definitely strong-willed and smart.

Harrys Boy
05-02-2006, 08:00 PM
I Think the Dr's age has always been a problem, he always claims to be old but in all honesty there is not much room for manouver as the stories are nearly always told back to back, so i very much doubt he could be realistically 900 years old in human years, and dont worry about running out of regenerations as in the 5 doctors the master was offered the prize of having his lives restored so there will be a way around the Doctor dying for good in a few years time.

05-02-2006, 08:02 PM
One of the tardis special features i read or saw in the series is that when you are inside it retards the aging process.So basically you could live for a extremely long time.
I to have a difficult time trying to get a age for the doctor.In one magizine it had the first doctors age being at around 400 to 600 yrs old(I forget the exact age) before he regenerated.If the 4th doctor regenerated when he was in his 760's then he does have a death wish lol.As the doctor says you can tell the worth of a man by the enemies one keeps :wink: .Since the second doctor said that they can live forever baring accidents etc.What if the age they give is not total yrs of all regenerations but for each individual regeneration thus the 1st doctor lived like 400 to 600yrs, the 4th lasted 760 yrs and the 9th regeneration lasted 900 yrs.That wouold put his true age in the high thousands.Just a thought.

If i can remember and find the link I will post it.It is a timeline for the doctor it has all the information about the doctor in it.It uses the tv series all the novels and audio brodcasts,comics, magizines etc.Its long and drawn out but alot if info on it. Like the time wars happened during the 8th doctor but there are 2 versions of it one is with the daleks and the other is about the 13th doctor who is called grandfather paradox attacking gallifrey.Again they should flesh out the time wars better.I hear there were war tardis's living tardis's and dardis's(dalek version) in itA whole season or two devoted to it like the key to time.

05-02-2006, 08:22 PM
I would be Tara's companion anyday!
Sexy adventures! Good Times!

Harrys Boy
05-06-2006, 09:02 PM
Just watched the latest episode and i'm recommending all American fans to watch it on youtube as soon as they can because it was great tonite, the series is building pace!

05-06-2006, 10:18 PM
[quote=Tara Emory]I think the reason the Peter Cushing Doctor isn't considered as "another doctor", is that he's playing the same Doctor as William Hartnell. The Cushing movies made the Doctor an earthling and changed a few characters around, so making it canon would be a bit different. Maybe those movies are like in a parallel universe...
Tara, that's exactly my problem with the McGann Doctor. Coupled with the fact that there was only one story, it seems absurd to make him an "official" incarnation of the Doctor and thus remove one of the potential 12 regenerations (and considering Tennant is the 10th Doctor, that leaves only 3 to go).

There is one very important fact that places McGann in the list .

in the beginning of the movie McCoy appears as The Doctor who is dying he regenerates into McGann,thus placing McGann as the next in the succession of Doctors.

as to the mention that we never see McGann transform ,if I am not mistaken there is no such scene for the very 1st change from Hartnell to Troughton

Harrys Boy
05-06-2006, 10:55 PM
as to the mention that we never see McGann transform ,if I am not mistaken there is no such scene for the very 1st change from Hartnell to Troughton

There is, it was the last episode of the story the tenth planet, the episode was lost but the scene itself still exists

05-06-2006, 11:16 PM
There is one very important fact that places McGann in the list .

in the beginning of the movie McCoy appears as The Doctor who is dying he regenerates into McGann,thus placing McGann as the next in the succession of Doctors.
I don't see that as in any way necessitating the inclusion of McGann as an official incarnation of the Doctor. His "half human" status (what, is he Spock?) in that movie alone violates more Whovian continuity than the regeneration scene provides.

05-07-2006, 02:38 AM
Rose is hot....that's all I'm saying!

05-07-2006, 10:48 PM
Read in today's Sunday Express paper here in the U.K that the BBC are looking at killing off Rose Tyler & her family possibly at the end of the current series.
No deatails have been leaked but Billie Piper has a new TV show on a rival station & has been aproached by U.S movie producers.

Harrys Boy
05-07-2006, 10:58 PM
Thats been the one problem of the new series, the over reliance on rose, especially as Bille Piper is very talented and will be a big void when she leaves

05-07-2006, 11:27 PM
Thats been the one problem of the new series, the over reliance on rose, especially as Bille Piper is very talented and will be a big void when she leaves

The Dr/Rose attraction was creeping in.Wonder if that's why they added Mickey,Rose's ex-boyfriend to the mix.Mind you,he's getting killed off at the end of the Cyberman episode.
The Christmas Special,called Doomsday,stars Peter Kay.

Harrys Boy
05-07-2006, 11:40 PM
.Mind you,he's getting killed off at the end of the Cyberman episode.

Did you really have to tell us all a big spoiler like that? edit it out of your post b4 anybody else reads it.

Tara Emory
05-07-2006, 11:57 PM
yeah!! big faux pas you!


Harrys Boy
05-08-2006, 12:01 AM
i stopped reading the threads on the dr who website because of this, i thought id be safe on hungangels.

05-08-2006, 12:40 AM
Always loved Dr. Who. Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor. Gotta love Billie Piper tho, she is a definate hottie. Love to see Tara loves Dr. Who!

05-08-2006, 11:57 AM
I seen, both the classic and New series. I like the old series better then the new one being produced. The should of made the series more adult orianted.

05-08-2006, 02:52 PM
.Mind you,he's getting killed off at the end of the Cyberman episode.

Did you really have to tell us all a big spoiler like that? edit it out of your post b4 anybody else reads it.
Definitely! remember that many of us on this side of the pond are a year behind you lot in the UK. I've just read three spoilers I'd rather not have read, which makes me want to stay away from this thread! (But Tara, if you post more outer space photos, I'd overlook his transgression....)

05-08-2006, 03:19 PM
Oops! Sorry,But it's only a roumer as the paper is guessing here,The Blair Broardcasting Corp (BBC) is keeping tight lipped on the subject,like they do on most programmes.The producer tho is known for constant charecter changes tho,so I assume that's where the Express is guessing at it.The only thing that's confirmed is Peter Kay being in the XMas special called Doomsday.