View Full Version : Poppers and You: a Beginner's Guide

03-08-2013, 11:58 PM
So, I've actually received a few private messages recently regarding poppers. Seems my piggy ways and multiple threads on the topic have given me the rep as somewhat of an expert. Well, that rep is well deserved folks! So, I figured I'd write a little primer for those interested. Keep in mind, everyone's sexual pleasure and experiences are different, so I'm just speaking for myself.

Before I move forward: poppers are only to be sniffed! DO NOT swallow! Also, DO NOT TAKE WITH VIAGRA!!! Using those two drugs together, which work in opposite ways, have led to serious heart malfunctions! Also, they inhibit your judgement! So, wrap it up before you start huffing!

Now, onto the fun stuff! Poppers are truly the only real aphrodisiac ever found. Originally made for heart patients to relax the soft tissue of the heart, some pervert discovered that they also greatly enhance sex, especially receiving anal. To me, when you take a couple hits of a fresh bottle (I'll take two sniffs per nostril to start off with), it relaxes your ass and enhances the pleasure to a point of ecstasy! Speaking of ecstasy, it's kind of like being on that drug for one whole minute and not more. If you don't keep sniffing intermittently, your high will subside. So, this is a good thing as well. Poppers have proven to be non addictive (though one can certainly develop a mental association with them) and unless you go apeshit with them, you won't feel it in the morning.

But, Wes....there are so many different brands? Are they all the same? Essentially, yes. So long as they are isobutyl nitrite. Accept no other, in my opinion. People go on and on about how you can't get amyl nitrite anymore (the original compound used when poppers were medicine for heart patients), and that it is not the same high. However, they were NOT using amyl during the heydey of poppers, the 1970's bathhouse and disco culture. They were huffing isobutyl nitrite, whether they realized it or not. The manufactures new that compound was cheaper and more potent. You can still import amyl nitrite (also known as pentyl nitrite) from websites abroad. However, I find that it merely has a warming sensation and none of the intense euphoria of isobutyl. However, you will get no headache after extended amyl use, and you probably will with any isobutyl bottle unless it is freshly opened. However, a five minute headache is worth it to me for an hour of pure pleasure. Beware of imitations like isopropyl nitrite and other alchohol substitutes! Read the little bottle!

What are your favorite brands, Wes? Well, while everyone views Rush as the gold standard, it kinda sucks. I use Amsterdam as the benchmark. It is the standard make you wanna fuck, get your head spinning, headachey popper. It's usually the least expensive (ten for a little bottle) and easily found. My favorites though are Iron Horse and Pig Sweat in the big bottles. I find these to be more concentrated, potent, less headachey, and will fucking tun you into a piggy little freak! However, they seem to lose their kick sooner. Poppers lose their potency as soon as you open them and expose them to air. Using in the shower (something I love to do) will further degrade them by exposing to moisture. Some people like to put their poppers on a rag or tissue, or a smaller bottle, etc. I find that this really doesn't help, as, in my opinion, taking some of the liquid out of the bottle will make it lose its concentration and thus its potency. Another method is keeping them in the fridge. I also don't agree. I have never found this to aid in their freshness, and you must let them warm to room temp before they are good again. Just accept that your bottle will lose its kick in about a week and keep them in a cool, dark drawer or cabinet.

So, are they only good for bottoming? Oh my no! I used to think so, but recently discovered the joys of topping on poppers with a GG partner who likes them. I used to be wary of trying them while fucking because they always fuck with my erection when bottoming. However, I find that they merely enhance whatever pleasure center is in use, and focuses your attention on that. So, if you're taking a huge cock in your ass, it will make your ass feel like the ultimate pleasure zone. If you are the one doing the fucking, it basically makes your head spin and makes your cock feel like it's twice the size with increased pleasure. So, fun for all!

I hope to hear any further questions, opinions, or fun stories of gettin' piggy!!!

Dino Velvet
03-09-2013, 12:04 AM
All kinda TSs around here some being Tyrannical Sissies.

Best of luck in Springtime's Sausage Harvesting. Hope they plump when you cook 'em.

03-09-2013, 12:26 AM
Awesome - thanks. Never tried them before

03-09-2013, 12:30 AM
Doesn't make me horny, just gives me a damn headache.
Want me to get horny? Don't be a 65 year old bottom lol

03-09-2013, 12:33 AM
Doesn't make me horny, just gives me a damn headache.
Want me to get horny? Don't be a 65 year old bottom lol

Lol...too funny!

Dino Velvet
03-09-2013, 01:59 AM
Doesn't make me horny, just gives me a damn headache.
Want me to get horny? Don't be a 65 year old bottom lol

"What you said is very offensive, you know."

Quiet Reflections
03-09-2013, 02:07 AM
I would rather do some nitrous and not fuck than use poppers and get some ass.

03-09-2013, 02:28 AM
... had a crazy, risky, near-disastrous gay poppers experience in the flower of my youth nearly 30 years ago, my first (and last) for both poppers — they're not worth the headaches — and homosexual behavior.

westheangelino*: your advice is articulate and detailed, and although I don't share your perspective, I appreciate it.

* shouldn't you be Angeleno, or even Angeleño? Just askin'

Dino Velvet
03-09-2013, 03:49 AM
... had a crazy, risky, near-disastrous gay poppers experience in the flower of my youth

I don't know too much about those things but do you really put them in there?

03-09-2013, 03:50 AM
you will be 65 someday and someone will tell you in your face the same thing.. Don't piss KARMA off.

03-09-2013, 03:53 AM
Doesn't make me horny, just gives me a damn headache.
Want me to get horny? Don't be a 65 year old bottom lol

Muahahahahaha! Preach it!

And fuck the haters. You'll still be gorgeous at 65 and they know it! <3


03-09-2013, 03:59 AM
you will be 65 someday and someone will tell you in your face the same thing.. Don't piss KARMA off.

a.i dont plane to live to 65 lol
b.if i was 65 i would have enough sense to keep my old wrinkly ass home

03-09-2013, 04:00 AM
Muahahahahaha! Preach it!

And fuck the haters. You'll still be gorgeous at 65 and they know it! <3


lol they dont like it when the girls are witty

03-09-2013, 04:34 AM
lol they dont like it when the girls are witty

I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm just a shy wallflower ya know? :geek:


Dino Velvet
03-09-2013, 04:35 AM
Keep it u... I mean... keep going, ladies.

sukumvit boy
03-09-2013, 05:51 AM
Snort monkey.

03-09-2013, 09:20 AM
ha ha Dino ... good one ... the poppers weren't what was going to go "in there" ... I resisted and fought back, which was where the "near-disastrous" part came in.

03-09-2013, 10:48 AM
... had a crazy, risky, near-disastrous gay poppers experience in the flower of my youth nearly 30 years ago, my first (and last) for both poppers — they're not worth the headaches — and homosexual behavior.

westheangelino*: your advice is articulate and detailed, and although I don't share your perspective, I appreciate it.

* shouldn't you be Angeleno, or even Angeleño? Just askin'

I really wish you would elaborate on the story..........let's here it...

03-09-2013, 04:18 PM
... had a crazy, risky, near-disastrous gay poppers experience in the flower of my youth nearly 30 years ago, my first (and last) for both poppers — they're not worth the headaches — and homosexual behavior.

I really wish you would elaborate on the story..........let's here it...

Is that the real reason for making this thread...you're chasing homosexual stories like this to jerk off on?

03-10-2013, 12:24 AM
Is that the real reason for making this thread...you're chasing homosexual stories like this to jerk off on?

Dude, seriously, you don't engender any anger or anything from me whatsoever. I'm just really curious as to why you feel the need to chime in with some negative comments no matter what I post. Are you ok? Do you need to talk to someone? I used to be quite the rageful guy too, but with the help of some serious meditation, I'm way happier.

Anyways, I just get curious when someone says stuff like, "This really crazy thing happened to me once and changed my behavior for the rest of my life." It's got to be an interesting story.

03-10-2013, 12:50 AM
Dude, seriously, you don't engender any anger or anything from me whatsoever. I'm just really curious as to why you feel the need to chime in with some negative comments no matter what I post. Are you ok? Do you need to talk to someone? I used to be quite the rageful guy too, but with the help of some serious meditation, I'm way happier.

Anyways, I just get curious when someone says stuff like, "This really crazy thing happened to me once and changed my behavior for the rest of my life." It's got to be an interesting story.

The shit you come out with is just hysterical...this guy sounds like he got homo-gangbanged after getting high on poppers and you're like "tell me all about it!"...lol

I mean, if he wanted to share the whole story he would've in the first place...

03-10-2013, 12:57 AM
Are you ok? Do you need to talk to someone? I used to be quite the rageful guy too, but with the help of some serious meditation, I'm way happier.

Careful Nysprod...I think he's hitting on you.... :salad

03-10-2013, 01:02 AM
No place like a tranny forum to find rampant homophobia and guys afraid of getting cock up the bum! LOLZ!

03-10-2013, 01:12 AM
No place like a tranny forum to find rampant homophobia and guys afraid of getting cock up the bum! LOLZ!

...or to find guys looking to bust a nut hearing about someone's "crazy, risky, near-disastrous gay poppers experience."

Why don't you admit you asked the guy to tell you about what happened to him so that you'd have something to frig yourself to?

03-10-2013, 01:18 AM
For a guy that calls himself "Super Pooper" you sure can't take a joke...
How would you expect people to react to you? With unflinching belief?
All you talk about is poppers and how escorts and pornstars want to do you for free....Not to mention you "Can't" bring up names....

Everyone laughs when a guy says " I have a girlfriend....but she's in another state,so you can't meet her..."

So yeah....that's what it comes across like.

"I fucked a famous pornstar....but I can't tell you who, because she will get flooded with people wanting freebies." LOL!!!!
Like they DON'T get requests for freebies as it is?
We've SEEN people HERE ask on the forums....come on...get real. Or at least be believable....

03-10-2013, 01:22 AM
For a guy that calls himself "Super Pooper" you sure can't take a joke...
How would you expect people to react to you? With unflinching belief?
All you talk about is poppers and how escorts and pornstars want to do you for free....Not to mention you "Can't" bring up names....

Everyone laughs when a guy says " I have a girlfriend....but she's in another state,so you can't meet her..."

So yeah....that's what it comes across like.

"I fucked a famous pornstar....but I can't tell you who, because she will get flooded with people wanting freebies." LOL!!!!
Like they DON'T get requests for freebies as it is?
We've SEEN people HERE ask on the forums....come on...get real. Or at least be believable....

There you have it...

03-10-2013, 02:17 AM
For a guy that calls himself "Super Pooper" you sure can't take a joke...
How would you expect people to react to you? With unflinching belief?
All you talk about is poppers and how escorts and pornstars want to do you for free....Not to mention you "Can't" bring up names....

Everyone laughs when a guy says " I have a girlfriend....but she's in another state,so you can't meet her..."

So yeah....that's what it comes across like.

"I fucked a famous pornstar....but I can't tell you who, because she will get flooded with people wanting freebies." LOL!!!!
Like they DON'T get requests for freebies as it is?
We've SEEN people HERE ask on the forums....come on...get real. Or at least be believable....

Hahah. You guys make me laugh. So, if I named the names you'd more readily believe me? Oh, come on. Then you would just say, "No way that happened! Not her! etc." So, why would I kiss and tell if you're going to be just as (if not more) incredulous? Makes no sense. Well, makes about as much sense as "straight men" who enjoy women with cocks. :salad

03-10-2013, 02:57 AM
Ok...let me put this another way then...
While I was working at the nightclub I used to be a bouncer at I met a movie star....I went and told my friends at work "I just met someone famous!"
They laughed....I told them it was Russel Crowe....it shut them up real fast...
They knew people were filming right across the parking lot from us. They didn't know HE was there specifically...
I was downtown when they were filming The Dark Knight Rises...I got to meet Christian Bale.
No one believed me...Then I showed them the picture I took of the Parking Lot they kept the Tumblers in.....which was off limits to pretty much everyone...
No one believes I was an extra in the remake of Night of The Living Dead...until they realized I went to school with Cameron Romero AND Aaron Streiner,who is the nephew of Russel Streiner. Even the TINIEST bit of info can silence a lot of people...there will always be doubters...but at least you can take SOME wind from their sails. Like I said...Saying " I Fucked a famous pornstar,but can't tell you who for their sake." Sounds more like wishful thinking than,for example,saying "I fucked Tera Patrick." Keeping it anonymous is FAR easier to disbelieve.. I don't know if that came out right....it sounded good in my head...lol As for "straight men" enjoying women with cocks? I'll keep my definition of myself where it makes sense to me....Doesn't matter if anyone else agrees/disagrees with me. I know me better than everyone else.

03-10-2013, 02:59 AM
I wanna hear that dude's near-death-from-getting-fucked poppers story too.
No way will I jerk myself to it. I'm just here for the mental titillation.

03-10-2013, 04:30 AM
The shit you come out with is just hysterical...this guy sounds like he got homo-gangbanged after getting high on poppers and you're like "tell me all about it!"...lol

I mean, if he wanted to share the whole story he would've in the first place...
Hmmmmm ... this thread is starting to gain some momentum; get interesting, with a little friction — hopefully not too much.

And it wasn't that bad; anyone visualizing me being "homo-gangbanged" is out of luck — it was a one-on-one thing, with an older man who wanted my 20-year-old boo-tay, nothing more. Other than a little half-ass college-age experimentation, no man has ever made it that far, and no one other than a t-girl has gotten near my fine white ass in five years.

And don't knock gangbangs! I got gangbanged in Nana Plaza (http://www.davetheravebangkok.com/nana-plaza-review-2-2/) by three [got the volume discount] exquisite, exotic kathoey on my last night in Bangkok a few years back — I'm getting hard just thinking about those girls. Then we all went out and got drunk with their (mostly) hot friends from the other Nana clubs and a couple of older mamasan types who had retired from the trade. I was a fucking wreck on the flight back to Taipei that morning, but it was so worth it. Gangbangs rock.

And — I'm not saying Westheangelino is — but if someone's out there getting off on my words, or anyone else's, so what? How is that hurting anyone? Nysprod, I'm originally from New York, and I understand the aggression the city can engender; you could tap the brakes just a bit.

And I do want to share my story, and I plan to. To me, it's an interesting snapshot in time, and a bit of a cautionary tale. I'm being deliberate about this; I need to do it on my terms in such a public forum, even giveh the element of anonymity.

Patience is a virtue, people; in our quick-twitch, instant-satisfaction society, it can be easy to lose sight of that. Yours will be rewarded.

03-10-2013, 05:53 AM
Hmmmmm ... this thread is starting to gain some momentum; get interesting, with a little friction — hopefully not too much.

And it wasn't that bad; anyone visualizing me being "homo-gangbanged" is out of luck — it was a one-on-one thing, with an older man who wanted my 20-year-old boo-tay, nothing more. Other than a little half-ass college-age experimentation, no man has ever made it that far, and no one other than a t-girl has gotten near my fine white ass in five years.

And don't knock gangbangs! I got gangbanged in Nana Plaza (http://www.davetheravebangkok.com/nana-plaza-review-2-2/) by three [got the volume discount] exquisite, exotic kathoey on my last night in Bangkok a few years back — I'm getting hard just thinking about those girls. Then we all went out and got drunk with their (mostly) hot friends from the other Nana clubs and a couple of older mamasan types who had retired from the trade. I was a fucking wreck on the flight back to Taipei that morning, but it was so worth it. Gangbangs rock.

And — I'm not saying Westheangelino is — but if someone's out there getting off on my words, or anyone else's, so what? How is that hurting anyone? Nysprod, I'm originally from New York, and I understand the aggression the city can engender; you could tap the brakes just a bit.

And I do want to share my story, and I plan to. To me, it's an interesting snapshot in time, and a bit of a cautionary tale. I'm being deliberate about this; I need to do it on my terms in such a public forum, even giveh the element of anonymity.

Patience is a virtue, people; in our quick-twitch, instant-satisfaction society, it can be easy to lose sight of that. Yours will be rewarded.

Good reply!

03-11-2013, 02:23 AM
OMG! I tried poppers for the first time 2 weeks ago.

I couldnt explain the sensation I got. It made me go and chase up a bigger toy to use.
But how much of this stuff should u use in one sitting?
I only had 2 sniffs now and then which was enough to take me to an euphoric state and make my ass so feeling good.
So what would u recommend is enough?

03-11-2013, 07:00 AM
Do any of you girls/guys use poppers while masturbating with a dildo?

03-11-2013, 07:28 AM
Way to risky..

(Reuters Health) - Inhaling the vapors from "poppers" to get high even once can cause eye damage, but habitual huffing may lead to months-long vision loss, French doctors say.

men had been using poppers at least once a week for months or years before going to see eye doctors because of vision problems in both eyes.

In the men who kept using poppers, visual disturbances continued, co-author Dr. Michel Paques from the Quinze-Vingts Hospital in Paris told Reuters Health by email.

In men who stopped, vision improved after several months - but Paques and his colleagues aren't sure whether that will always be the case.

Poppers are small vials of a type of chemical called alkyl nitrates that are crushed or "popped" to release the fumes. These compounds give off nitric oxide, which produces a quick, short-lived high.

The men in the study all had damage to the retina -- the part of the eye that detects light. The severity of the damage was not linked to how long the men were using the poppers, Paques said.

Last October, writing about a different set of patients, Paques and colleagues reported in The New England Journal of Medicine that just a single use of poppers can damage vision. (See Reuters story of October 13, 2010, at reut.rs/eEajjr.)

Even though the compound that produces the high doesn't stay in the body for very long, "its effects remain for months," Paques told Reuters Health in an email.

Animal studies have shown the compound is involved in vision, but researchers don't know the effect of large doses, Paques said.

Some of the men in this study already suspected the poppers were to blame when they went to the eye doctors. In all cases, doctors advised them to stop using poppers - and those who did saw their vision improve after a few months.

Even so, most of the patients did not stop taking the drug, Paques said - so he and his colleagues don't know if vision coming back is the general rule or not.

03-11-2013, 11:19 AM
I thought I was into dressing before I discovered these poppers. All I can say is things jumped to another level after. If I bring a fresh bottle of these home next thin I know I am fully smooth with an assortment of toys out. I like to use them before before sucking and of course, they really do the trick when it's time to fit a toy or a nice cock inside. Jungle juice black label are strong but they can make you feel sick. strongest effects hit you if you pour some out onto a tissue and breath it in. The active ingredient is effective when evaporating in room temperature so they should stay in the freezer any time teh are not being used.

the more you know....

03-11-2013, 11:32 PM
^ That video is a trip!

03-12-2013, 12:44 AM
OMG! I tried poppers for the first time 2 weeks ago.

I couldnt explain the sensation I got. It made me go and chase up a bigger toy to use.
But how much of this stuff should u use in one sitting?
I only had 2 sniffs now and then which was enough to take me to an euphoric state and make my ass so feeling good.
So what would u recommend is enough?

Don't overdo it while popperbating. If you're going to get really piggy, be with a partner. It be way more worth it. The thing to remember is that you can desensitize yourself over time, so don't get crazy with them often. There are people who need a fresh bottle every night because they are furiously fucking. Slow it down. A new bottle should last you at least a week.

As for the article about vision loss, it's from severely overusing. When you start to see a pulsating purple dot in front of you....it's time to cum and stop huffing. If casual use caused vision problems, I suspect Oliver People's would have even more gay men visiting their stores.

That sissy training video is so fucking DOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing has ever more accurately described a poppers experience! I'm gonna play it on my TV next time I get fucked by a hung tgirl!

03-12-2013, 01:51 AM
...any cardiologists here?
...let's say hypothetically, a guy has a stent, mid left anterior descending
....any danger there regarding the use of this stuff?
...I seem to remember reading that this is what gave Peter Sellers his fatal heart attack

Dino Velvet
03-12-2013, 03:03 AM
I found out about Rush in high school. Had no idea it was for the buttsex. Sniffed it in deep for the first time and got blasted. Found some bizarre book-type store called Circus Books and took the bus over there. Unusual folks shopping and milling around in there but seemed friendly and had stellar customer service. Made my purchase and ran home not looking back.

Next day at my little Catholic High School. Started passing that stuff all over school with a bunch of us getting high. Sniffed so much it gave an excruciating headache but still got us high so we kept doing it.


03-12-2013, 04:22 AM
The Rush King himself commits suicide...

After researching on the reports on various gay blogs, JRL can now confirm that the Rush brand owner and distributor of the product known as poppers, committed suicide. You can find the RUSH brand at online E-Retailers, adult video and adult novelty stores nationwide. The brand is distributed by Pac West Distributing (PWD).

The Great Lakes Products owner Joe Miller was considered the world’s largest manufacturer of poppers with his headquarters based in Indianapolis. Joe Miller committed suicide two weeks ago on Wednesday August 25, 2010. Miller was a gay man and lived in Indiana. He made his fortune from the manufacture and distribution of poppers. Gay pioneers can research an archive article Joe Miller wrote back in 1983 letter to The Advocate, boasting of the money he spent in the gay media marketplace.

An inside source sent the following email to the JRL corporate offices last week in regards to Miller’s passing. “You’ve probably heard that Joe Miller died late last night. Joe was a controversial figure in the gay community—I’m sure you’ve heard of his travels and tribulations. He made lots of money and spread it around. Rumors about his lifestyle are rampant, and always have been. Yet, he was largely known to be a recluse.”

He was indeed a huge contributor to the Democratic party and through his foundation, he was also well known for his donations to various HIV/AIDS education and children’s groups. Because of the manner in which his money was made and the stereotype myth of poppers spreading the HIV/AIDS virus, Miller was considered by some in the conservative arena controversial.

You’ll remember abou the story that was reported earlier this year about the Atlanta gay activist died after using Poppers while he was on the prescription drug Levitra. Alledgedly, Miller’s Great Lakes Products was illegally distributing Poppers/RUSH as a recreational inhalant largely in the gay community, where it was sold in gay bars, adult video and novelty stores and over the Internet.

Miller once boasted that he was the largest manufacturer of Poppers in the world and spent more money than any other business on advertising in gay publications.

Miller gave large campaign contributions to politicians like the late U.S. Rep. Julia Carson (pictured with Joe Miller – right), former Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson and U.S. Rep. Baron Hill.

Miller’s company also fronted capital for web sites that downplay the negative effects of the RUSH brand known as poppers on the street. While evidence linking the RUSH brand to HIV/AIDS contraction, has been mostly debunked.

Consumers were always warned that the use of Poppers with Viagra/Cialis/Levitra can possibly cause you a heart attack and could possibly kill you. Apparently the Indianapolis Star pulled its online obituary for him. Rumors are in the comments of the blogs quoted above of his company being raided by the federal government, sexual tourism, and using influence to suppress “anti-poppers” regulation and media coverage.


03-12-2013, 06:16 AM
Poppers Disco:

03-12-2013, 02:28 PM
Suzysnappz.....wow wow wow

03-12-2013, 02:53 PM
Informative thread!

03-12-2013, 09:57 PM
I know that isobutyl poppers are banned for sale in the UK, but can these ba ordered from abroad legally for use in the UK. If so, any links ....?

03-12-2013, 10:13 PM
What's a bottom's regimen to keep themselves dilated and clean for playtime???
Do bottoms have more roughage in their diets to stay regular and avoid constipation??
Stool softeners and laxatives???

How did bottoms get used to being topped when they first began doing anal??

Just things I've been curious about but take for granted when I stick my dick in a girl.

My ass gets raw if I wipe too hard, so part of me is a little in awe of bottoms!!;)

06-12-2013, 07:24 AM
Hey i remembered that the original link for this shut down so I thought I'd offer up one that works. have funnnnn


06-12-2013, 11:11 PM
Thank you for that, hiya!

Poppers rule!

06-12-2013, 11:39 PM
Never liked poppers and especially the smell..If u fancy someone enough to turn you on ,there is no place for poppers or other stuff...Be turned on by someone naturaly ,not only when u use poppers or drugs l.:mad::mad:

06-12-2013, 11:44 PM
smoke weed is much safer

Google poppers many are going blind over that stuff

the old formula was much safer then this new stuff

06-12-2013, 11:45 PM
Never liked poppers and especially the smell..If u fancy someone enough to turn you on ,there is no place for poppers or other stuff...Be turned on by someone naturaly ,not only when u use poppers or drugs l.:mad::mad:

best point so far :)

06-12-2013, 11:51 PM
I know that isobutyl poppers are banned for sale in the UK, but can these ba ordered from abroad legally for use in the UK. If so, any links ....?
www.amazon.co.uk sell alot of poppers ...just type poppers there and u will find lots of offers...i know from friends who order from there..

06-13-2013, 12:14 AM
I have never used poppers.

In my own self erotic explorations, I have found pain associated with fingers inserted in my rectum. I could only imagine a whole penis inserted as being unbearable. However, penetration of a beer bottle -albeit uncomfortable- was achievable once; I was only after i had been optimally turned on (without any drug-induced euphoria).

I am not so quick to condemn drug use however. I am merely stating that the state of ones mind is the key to optimizing pleasure and desire -whether it is achieved through substances or esoteric/tantric methodologies.

Interestingly enough....I have had experiences of chronic erectile dysfunction in the past. It was a peculiar dysfunction in that there were no recognizable physical symptoms or indications. While taking certain prescribed medications for other health issues this self prognosis became readily apparent; I had achieved full erections for extended durations to the point of the erections becoming very painful. I wondered what were the active ingredients in the medication that caused this ED cure by incidental circumstances. It was nitric oxide!

I couldn't help but notice in my curiosity of reading this topic that poppers have similar active ingredients that are derivatives of the aforementioned prescribed medication. Incidentally, I was researching the causes of "morning wood" incidental or unprovoked erections in males by non-stimuli: apparently the body produces a form of nitric oxide during sleep and/or some naturally induced state of the bodily rest/shutdown stage/state. This oxide increases the size of blood cells: which is also the reason that the male can achieve an erection at all. In that, increased blood flow is necessary for the erection, but it would not at all be possible without the expansion of blood cells entering the object area (in this case the penis, but not limited thereto).


06-13-2013, 12:16 AM
smoke weed is much safer

Google poppers many are going blind over that stuff

the old formula was much safer then this new stuff


georgia guy
11-01-2013, 05:15 AM
Love Heat, what do you like?

11-01-2013, 07:17 AM
Interestingly enough....I have had experiences of chronic erectile dysfunction in the past. It was a peculiar dysfunction in that there were no recognizable physical symptoms or indications. While taking certain prescribed medications for other health issues this self prognosis became readily apparent; I had achieved full erections for extended durations to the point of the erections becoming very painful. I wondered what were the active ingredients in the medication that caused this ED cure by incidental circumstances. It was nitric oxide!


What medication was it that unintentionally 'cured' your ED because it contained nitric oxide??

I'd like to find a drug that gave similar benefits to cialis/viagra without the side effects.

04-11-2014, 05:25 AM
I thought I was into dressing before I discovered these poppers. All I can say is things jumped to another level after. If I bring a fresh bottle of these home next thin I know I am fully smooth with an assortment of toys out. I like to use them before before sucking and of course, they really do the trick when it's time to fit a toy or a nice cock inside. Jungle juice black label are strong but they can make you feel sick. strongest effects hit you if you pour some out onto a tissue and breath it in. The active ingredient is effective when evaporating in room temperature so they should stay in the freezer any time teh are not being used.

the more you know....
I totally agree! Using poppers has taken my crossdressing fetish to another level. I'll never forget my first session on poppers. I was completely transformed into a hot babe dressed in my sexiest lingerie. I had been edging for about an hour and right on the edge when I took my first few hits. The feelings were incredible. I had never felt so horny and it is hard to describe but I felt so deeply feminine and connected to the woman that I had become, I was totally lost in this. Things have never been the same since and it totally changed me taking my fetish to higher levels than I could ever of imagined. Poppers and crossdressing are inseparable for me now. Sorry for sounding so evangelical but poppers have really enriched the crossdressing experience for me.

04-11-2014, 02:20 PM
Poppers bring my experience to the next level. But I find that taking a break for a couple weeks in between using them keeps the effect intense. No issues with a DWI either as the effect is gone shortly after you stop. It turns me on when my partner grabs the bottle too.

My only problems are opening and closing the bottle with lube on my hands and occasional spillage if you try to keep the bottle open on the bed. If I could only get past these two issues.

02-14-2015, 03:51 AM
I guess they are popular in China.

02-14-2015, 04:14 PM
Hmm....I'm curious. Should I try these poppers?

02-14-2015, 04:41 PM
Absolutely! Go slow at first and try different brands if one gives you a headache.

02-14-2015, 11:11 PM
Who, currently, provides the highest quality poppers on-line? Anybody have some dependable sites? I sure miss the old PWD.

02-15-2015, 07:33 AM
I believe other threads have some recommendations so try searching this forum I would say.

02-15-2015, 05:17 PM
The petite blonde with the spiked nails is Miran from Japan.

02-16-2015, 04:20 AM
Absolutely! Go slow at first and try different brands if one gives you a headache.

Thanks! I think I'll give them a try.

02-16-2015, 07:53 AM
I'm supposed to be meeting up with a beautiful, big cock lady tomorrow, so I could use these poppers. Though I've never used them before, based on what people are saying, they might help me take her big cock. She is totally hot, but I know she is too big for me. She is a top too! lol

02-16-2015, 03:12 PM
anal and poppers, a match made in heaven

02-16-2015, 05:03 PM
I'm supposed to be meeting up with a beautiful, big cock lady tomorrow, so I could use these poppers...

Sounds like the beginning of a new chemical romance possibly:

02-16-2015, 05:07 PM
Sounds like the beginning of a new chemical romance possibly:

After reading so many positive reviews on the stuff, my concern is that I'm going to enjoy this feeling too much. I don't want to become one of those people who gets mentally addicted to the stuff. I know it is not physically addictive.

02-16-2015, 06:17 PM
I would say that is a good possibility (ha-ha). UPS can deliver to your door in plain packaging.

02-16-2015, 07:32 PM
I would say that is a good possibility (ha-ha). UPS can deliver to your door in plain packaging.

So Jungle Juice is the one? I have seen a lot of adds for Rush. Any recommendations are welcome and greatly appreciated. I am going to shop around at some of the local shops today, but in the future I will just order it online.

02-16-2015, 10:58 PM
I am on my way to meet this hot, big dick having lady, but unfortunately I couldn't locate any poppers. I highly doubt that I'll be bottoming this time. lol

02-16-2015, 11:35 PM
Perhaps she will have some so don't give up hope. Am still looking for the good stuff myself so you could search Poppersguide.com forum. It is a hit and miss process over time I would say. Good luck on your date.

02-17-2015, 12:28 AM
Perhaps she will have some so don't give up hope. Am still looking for the good stuff myself so you could search Poppersguide.com forum. It is a hit and miss process over time I would say. Good luck on your date.

She didn't have any poppers, well, actually I didn't ask. As expected, she was too big. I expected her to be too big, but she was WAY too BIG! The biggest I've ever seen! We still had a nice time as she was very friendly and personable.

02-19-2015, 02:16 AM
Well maybe next time then. It is good that you serviced her. Right thing to do. I assume she was as big or bigger than Bianca Hills.

02-20-2015, 02:57 AM
These are a few of my favorite things.

02-21-2015, 06:09 AM
Jeepers creepers, where'd you get those...

Dahlia Babe Ailhad
02-21-2015, 03:38 PM
Hi everybody,

A man opened up a container of the stuff in my apartment
and started inhaling it and i said, "What's that?"

"Poppers", he said. "Want some?
I said no.

What a disgusting smell. The whole room smelled of glue afterwards.
I was sure glad when he finally left.

I can't imagine people using that stuff. It can't be all that good for the brain cells.


Dahlia Babe Ailhad
02-21-2015, 05:08 PM
So what would u recommend is enough?

Hmm....I'm curious. Should I try these poppers?

How much poison should you sniff? Should you try this stuff?



02-21-2015, 08:13 PM
Was very curious about this, but reading the information on side effects, especially vision loss completely turned me off to it. Yikes.

02-21-2015, 11:19 PM
Was very curious about this, but reading the information on side effects, especially vision loss completely turned me off to it. Yikes.

lol...it's just another one of those things that, yeah...you just know it's probably not good for you, but once you've done it and it 's achieved it's desired effect, you know you will be continuing to use it anyway.
But hey, I know alcohol isn't the best for me either but I continue to use that too.
At least I quit cigarettes a long time ago...so there's a partial win in that. :)

I guess the point is - you are probably right - it's probably bad for you so the best thing is not to try it to begin with cause you might like it and not be able to stop...anything pleasurable is psychologically addicting.
It's too late for me though.

02-22-2015, 06:57 PM
If you're interested in trying poppers maybe you could leave the decision up to random chance a little and the girl. Say for example you're in a room alone with the beauty below. You could say "I have never done poppers before but I could try if you want". She may not have any (lol). If she does, then it's up to her. Think of the other person for a change and stop being so selfish (ha-ha). Let the cosmos decide.

02-23-2015, 12:02 AM
If you're interested in trying poppers maybe you could leave the decision up to random chance a little and the girl. Say for example you're in a room alone with the beauty below. You could say "I have never done poppers before but I could try if you want". She may not have any (lol). If she does, then it's up to her. Think of the other person for a change and stop being so selfish (ha-ha). Let the cosmos decide.

Who is the girl in the picture? She is NICE!

02-23-2015, 02:47 AM
Yes, she is very hot. She is from 'Ladyboy Adventures 3' but not sure of her name. It might be fun for a first timer to try poppers with her I would imagine (lol). Making a game out of the decision to ease the burden as mentioned above (ha-ha).

02-23-2015, 02:54 AM

02-23-2015, 08:28 AM
I just ordered my poppers! I went with Rush and Jungle Juice Platinum. Hopefully I will enjoy them, but not too much. I don't want it to become a mentally addicted. I am going to first try them alone so I will know what to expect. The next time my lady friend comes to town hopefully she and I can use them together. Well even if she doesn't, I still want to use them and let her fuck and stroke me off.

02-24-2015, 03:27 AM
We knew you could do it !! Aim for the stars, people !!

02-24-2015, 03:38 AM
We knew you could do it !! Aim for the stars, people !!


02-24-2015, 05:25 AM
Eventually, you'll find sex without poppers dull and ordinary (ha-ha).

02-24-2015, 06:23 AM
Eventually, you'll find sex without poppers dull and ordinary (ha-ha).

See, that's what I'm afraid of.

02-25-2015, 02:57 AM
So what are you going to do then?

02-26-2015, 02:28 AM
Hi there, my friend. It has been awhile and we have not heard back yet. Please kindly share an update when you can.

02-27-2015, 05:55 AM
Guess there are two kinds of Potato Poppers.

02-27-2015, 07:04 AM
Robshi you are a man after my own heart. The real deal amyl nitrite is impossible to find. But is the best! I did get a hold of some of those vials from an old cyanide antidote kit many years ago, really much better. The isobutyl nitrite seems to be the next best thing and available today. Most brands of poppers have this. Though they come in many diff packages with many names and price tags. My two cents is to stay with isobutyl nitrite. The cheapest one! Coz after one session it seems to lose potency after the air hits it. Chuck it and get a new one. Just sayin.

02-27-2015, 02:25 PM
Still waiting for them to arrive.

02-28-2015, 06:16 AM
New York, London, Paris, Munich.
Everybody talk about, mmm-Pop-poppers. Talk about!

Shoobie doobie do wop
I wanna dedicate this
Pop pop shoo wop
Inhalate it.

02-28-2015, 08:37 AM
Back in the day this stuff used to be marketed as "VCR Head Cleaner" in adult bookstores.

Be aware that poppers can interact badly with certain kinds of blood pressure and heart medications.

02-28-2015, 08:39 AM
poppers are just a cheap high and an excuse if u like butt sex i guess

02-28-2015, 09:48 PM
poppers are just a cheap high and an excuse if u like butt sex i guess
Not any cheaper than that crappy music you listen to (ha-ha).

03-01-2015, 04:52 PM
When I see ads on CL referencing "party favors" I usually think coke or weed. Is it safe to say that poppers fall into this catagory, as well? Or, since they are legal, do people usually use the term outright? I really don't see poppers referenced too much in the T4M section of CL (at least not in Boston) but I see "party" this or "party" that all the time.

03-02-2015, 03:02 AM
I haven't checked Craig's List but assume ordering online is best. Most stuff out there is ok or junk. The powers that be hate poisons that are non-traditional. Only theirs is ok for everyone. They're fun to use while watching beautiful women. I haven't tried Brazil Potion #9.

03-02-2015, 05:17 AM
When I see ads on CL referencing "party favors" I usually think coke or weed. Is it safe to say that poppers fall into this catagory, as well? Or, since they are legal, do people usually use the term outright? I really don't see poppers referenced too much in the T4M section of CL (at least not in Boston) but I see "party" this or "party" that all the time.
I think party favor listings imply illegals such as mollies, coke, ketamine, and weed. Poppers fall into the category of non alcoholic beer and are not illegal in the USA as far as I am aware.

03-02-2015, 05:37 AM
One of my favorites. Back in the day the stuff used to be stronger.

03-02-2015, 06:00 AM
Goes good with escorts or porn.

03-02-2015, 06:19 AM
Hey Robshi how about photoshopping a hot asian ladyboy with a bottle of fist in it. Your pretty good.

03-02-2015, 06:24 AM
I cannot wait to get my stuff in the mail. I am first going to try them by myself and then I want to do them when my lady friend comes back to my area. I don't think she would be down to do them with me, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I took a sniff while she fucked me off.

03-02-2015, 06:35 AM
Me, a hotel room, an ass toy, some lube, some herb and some poppers are hopefully going to equal one unforgettable time!

03-02-2015, 06:51 AM
Bro I hope you ordered 2 bottles. I can just see you spilling your only one then sniffing that dirty rug the rest of the night.

03-02-2015, 07:23 AM
Bro I hope you ordered 2 bottles. I can just see you spilling your only one then sniffing that dirty rug the rest of the night.

LOL!! I actually did buy two. I don't know exactly how long they last as I've read some conflicting reports on the topic. I am going to be extra careful not to spill it to avoid burns. Oh, I just can't wait for this!

03-02-2015, 06:15 PM
Hey Robshi how about photoshopping a hot asian ladyboy with a bottle of fist in it. Your pretty good.

Ha-ha. Yes, although for some odd reason GGs seem to work quite well with this particular subject matter it seems to me.

03-02-2015, 07:34 PM
Another GG for now.

03-02-2015, 09:21 PM
Andrea redux.

03-03-2015, 02:39 AM
To make up for my previous post.

03-03-2015, 03:37 AM

03-03-2015, 05:03 AM
I cannot wait to get my stuff in the mail. I am first going to try them by myself and then I want to do them when my lady friend comes back to my area. I don't think she would be down to do them with me, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I took a sniff while she fucked me off.

You sound really charged up so that's great. Sounds like you're already hooked on the stuff - haha. Just kidding. I am sure you'll have a good time. Keep in mind poppers lower inhibitions so you might be taking off her condom before you know it - haha. Lucky guy. And you live in warm Fla. to boot. Please keep us posted.

03-03-2015, 05:21 AM
Hey Robshi how about photoshopping a hot asian ladyboy with a bottle of fist in it. Your pretty good.

If you find a good picture let me know. Lighter backgrounds are easier to work with I think. I have a trial version of PaintShopPro. I haven't tried Adobe Photoshop yet. They're free for 30 days. On a side note, I wonder if Amyl Nitrate is legal (over the counter) in any countries.

03-03-2015, 06:03 AM
If you find a good picture let me know. Lighter backgrounds are easier to work with I think. I have a trial version of PaintShopPro. I haven't tried Adobe Photoshop yet. They're free for 30 days. On a side note, I wonder if Amyl Nitrate is legal (over the counter) in any countries.
Amyl can be purchased thru China but I'm not sure it's a good idea. I have looked far and wide and no dice. I will keep my eyes peeled for asian light background.

03-03-2015, 07:06 AM
You sound really charged up so that's great. Sounds like you're already hooked on the stuff - haha. Just kidding. I am sure you'll have a good time. Keep in mind poppers lower inhibitions so you might be taking off her condom before you know it - haha. Lucky guy. And you live in warm Fla. to boot. Please keep us posted.

Will do! Hopefully I don't get hooked or make any bad decisions while under the influence. This girl already wants to do it bareback all the time. As much as I would love the experience, I have to be safe.

I swallow her cum, but barebacking is just too risky no matter who the top is. I've fucked one t-girl bareback and it felt great! I've never been topped bareback though. I hope I get to experience that someday with someone who I know is clean.

03-06-2015, 02:41 AM
Did they arrive yet? I hope it was not weak. Tough to find the strong stuff.

03-06-2015, 04:49 AM
Did they arrive yet? I hope it was not weak. Tough to find the strong stuff.

They sure friggin haven't! I don't know what the hold up is about, but I shall continue to wait.

03-06-2015, 05:58 AM
On a side note, pop-pops go well with all kinds of videos as you can imagine. Shemales are nice but GGs are always lovely too of course. Example below of a sweet young thing giving her throat to someone. In other words, pippity-pops amplify the enjoyment.

03-07-2015, 02:33 AM
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) zigazig ah

03-07-2015, 04:23 PM
Westeangelino mentions realpoppers.com on second page in thread below:

03-07-2015, 06:24 PM
Rush hour.

03-07-2015, 10:32 PM
Quick and easy. Thousands and thousands trust.

03-08-2015, 06:01 PM
Life is short. Try to enjoy it.

03-08-2015, 07:45 PM
Live life to the fullest. Try and have some fun. You only live once.

03-08-2015, 11:39 PM
Can I ask a stupid question? Aren't poppers illegal in the US?

What about Brazil? Anyone know if they are legal in Brazil and where to get them?

03-09-2015, 12:30 AM
Certain nitrates are legal in US as aromas. Example link a few posts ago. For Brazil, not sure but maybe call English speaking girl down there in advance. http://www.damazovip.com/travesti/sao-paulo

03-12-2015, 05:08 AM
Pop Quiz.

03-12-2015, 07:01 AM
Robshi your a funny guy.

07-05-2015, 08:12 AM
So I finally got to try poppers. At first, I tried them with this elaborate masturbation session, which was just ok. I noticed my bottom loosened up, but I wasn't impressed otherwise. Then, a few months later, I was on my way to see this TS girl that I know and I remembered that I saw poppers for sale in this head shop I was in recently. So I called the girl and asked her if she knew anything about poppers. She kinds of laughed and said, "I think I have some here." So, she checked and then texted me to inform me that she already had two bottles. lol

So, I didn't need to stop for poppers. I had smoked a blunt not too long before going to see her, which I usually wouldn't do before having sex, unless she and I smoked together. I went in, got freshened up and then we began. I mainly wanted the poppers to see if they would help me during anal sex. I had bottomed for this girl before, but the last time we had sex, she was either super horny or on something because I swear, her dick was quite bigger than usual. It hurt a little. But this time, her cock seemed to be back to her regular, medium size and with a sniff of Jungle Juice, I was on my way...

I took a sniff and then she slid her cock inside me. No pain, no discomfort, only PLEASURE! I told her to take it easy, but as we got into it, she fucked me like a wild woman. She has a tendency to be a little rough, but I actually enjoyed it this time. So, I think I will buy some poppers and only use them once in a while, only for sex and not masturbation. I like getting fucked and could use them to make it feel the way I want it to feel. I don't enjoy the so-called high you get from them, only the relaxed anal muscles. I can't wait to feel some nice t-girl cock inside me in the hopefully not-to-distant future.

07-05-2015, 03:33 PM
This Ts had the thickest dick I ever took. I know if it wasn't for those poppers I probably wouldn't be here to tell the story!

07-05-2015, 05:30 PM
This Ts had the thickest dick I ever took. I know if it wasn't for those poppers I probably wouldn't be here to tell the story!

LOL! I know the feeling. I had one of those without poppers once and thankfully she was gentle. Even then, I had to ask her to stop.

09-24-2015, 12:13 AM
hey everybody,

I usually don't post but because I know how hard it is to get a good supplier I thought I'd recommend poppers pronto.com (no I don't work for them lol). They are in the states. All of their stuff is legit and as strong. Shipping is through 2 day USPS but usually takes about a week to get to me. I don't know if that's the fault post office or them but its cool.
I did have one shipment that was incorrect (similar name mixup) and their customer service was hit or miss with replying, but they have the best stuff IMO. Plus its in the states so it doesn't take damn near a month to get your order.

And if you are looking for a good way to do them without airing them out to much (they lose their punch if they are open too long), put a few dabs on a cottonball and drop it in a DRY water bottle (I use the liter size). wait about 15 minutes and enjoy.

09-28-2015, 10:46 AM
I think I just vomited. LOL, everytime you meet a guy in NYC who is into TSgirls it seems a request for poppers isn't far behind if he isn't pulling from his full stocked bedroom drawers. BLAHHH. :dead-1:

09-28-2015, 11:47 AM
Whoaaaaaaaaa I would never do poppers, being this my first time knowing what it is, and I wish I didn't. dammmm :-( But, I am a natural sexual being, if I can't get freaky and nasty naturally I shouldn't be doing it. Thumbs down to poppers.

So, I've actually received a few private messages recently regarding poppers. Seems my piggy ways and multiple threads on the topic have given me the rep as somewhat of an expert. Well, that rep is well deserved folks! So, I figured I'd write a little primer for those interested. Keep in mind, everyone's sexual pleasure and experiences are different, so I'm just speaking for myself.

Before I move forward: poppers are only to be sniffed! DO NOT swallow! Also, DO NOT TAKE WITH VIAGRA!!! Using those two drugs together, which work in opposite ways, have led to serious heart malfunctions! Also, they inhibit your judgement! So, wrap it up before you start huffing!

09-28-2015, 12:41 PM
Better than scrip nitro??

09-28-2015, 02:31 PM
The hell? LOL