View Full Version : Transgender Triplet banned from 1st grade Restroom

my my my!
02-27-2013, 10:45 PM

Coy Mathis, born a male triplet, has behaved like a girl since she was 18 months old. When her brother Max was consumed with dinosaurs, she was playing with Barbie dolls. By 4, she was telling her mother that something was wrong with her body.

Since being enrolled at Eagle Elementary School in Fountain, Colo., the 6-year-old has presented as female and wearing girls' clothing. Her classmates and teachers have used female pronouns to refer to her, and she has used the girls' bathrooms.

But since December, school officials have told her parents she can no longer use the female facilities and ordered her to use the boys' or nurse's bathroom.

Read article for more...

What do you guys and girls think about this?

02-28-2013, 01:57 AM
People are still very ignorant when it comes to trans issues. They continue to believe that gender AND sexuality are simple black and white issues. The comments folks make are disgusting. That's why so many young trans folk commit suicide. Shame!

11-10-2013, 05:01 AM
Good article about Coy Mathis and trans youth rights in the new issue of Rolling Stone.


11-10-2013, 05:55 AM
Good article about Coy Mathis and trans youth rights in the new issue of Rolling Stone.


Great article. But as is always the case, the article comments make clear that this an issue of which most people don't want greater understanding nor do they want the empathy which such understanding would bring. For most of the world, trans people are still disgusting degenerates fully deserving of the scorn and pariah status they have to put up with. That hurts, and the only consolation is that the under-35 set seems to be much more open minded in this regard, and eventually the haters are just going to die off.

my my my!
11-10-2013, 07:49 AM
Great article. But as is always the case, the article comments make clear that this an issue of which most people don't want greater understanding nor do they want the empathy which such understanding would bring. For most of the world, trans people are still disgusting degenerates fully deserving of the scorn and pariah status they have to put up with. That hurts, and the only consolation is that the under-35 set seems to be much more open minded in this regard, and eventually the haters are just going to die off.

Miranda, I've brought this up before as well.

Many Transgendered individuals associate themselves with "gay pride" parades, marches, and gatherings, where there are hairy men wearing dresses with no wigs and no attempt to show transsexuality in a positive light making out in public and showing a very degenerate version of a LGBT individual to the public.

The rest of the world sees footage of these parades or public gatherings of LGBT groups, and probably think transsexuals are a bunch of old men perverts dressing up for kicks. And real transgendered individuals standing next to them on the floats, get lumped in with that group.

I think the Transgendered struggle should be independent and not associated with the LGBT movement other than in solidarity. But showing up at those flamboyant , out there events sheds a negative light and actually sets transgendered progress back a little bit.

11-10-2013, 07:52 AM
Great article. But as is always the case, the article comments make clear that this an issue of which most people don't want greater understanding nor do they want the empathy which such understanding would bring. For most of the world, trans people are still disgusting degenerates fully deserving of the scorn and pariah status they have to put up with. That hurts, and the only consolation is that the under-35 set seems to be much more open minded in this regard, and eventually the haters are just going to die off.

I read it in the magazine, so I wasn't subjected to the moronic comments. The haters are always the most vocal. I think society at large is a little more accepting than those comments would make it seem. At least I hope it is. People who are supportive aren't as rabidly vocal and obnoxious about it. Maybe we should be more outspoken.

11-10-2013, 07:56 AM
That's partly why I've never been to a pride event, and put distance between myself and drag/crossdressing culture. This isn't to imply a judgment on my part against these folks. Rather, I just don't identify with them, at all, and thus don't feel a particular need to be a part of their celebratory events. Drag in particular has always bothered me because it seems to be predicated on the idea that it's funny and entertaining when men "pretend" to be women. I just want to be myself and be accepted for that, no more no less.

11-10-2013, 07:59 AM
I read it in the magazine, so I wasn't subjected to the moronic comments. The haters are always the most vocal. I think society at large is a little more accepting than those comments would make it seem. At least I hope it is. People who are supportive aren't as rabidly vocal and obnoxious about it. Maybe we should be more outspoken.

Well my concern is that such comments are a function of anonymity. Yes, polite society largely won't say such things, unless they're appearing on Fox News, but I kinda suspect that it's a result of polite society not wanting to say anything offensive in person, as opposed to truly not having prejudice in its heart. But I may be reading it wrong. As I've said elsewhere, the three year period in which I was unemployed and facing constant rejection and shunning, was a pretty searing experience, which has left me highly suspicious of the notion I'll ever have a place in mainstream society, even if I'm much more passable and pretty now.

12-02-2013, 05:26 AM
This is not an issue at all. If you are a parent, would you want a chick with a dick to use the restroom with your daughter. How confusing would that be for the daughter. Coy should use the nurses bathroom. Its really not an issue at all.

12-02-2013, 06:07 AM
This is not an issue at all. If you are a parent, would you want a chick with a dick to use the restroom with your daughter. How confusing would that be for the daughter. Coy should use the nurses bathroom. Its really not an issue at all.
A "chick with a dick"? Man, we're talking about a 6 years old, here! Besides, she's a transsexual girl, which simply means, a little girl! You are confusing porn and reality, as so many guys are, here on HA -and elsewhere. The "Chicks with dicks" are fantasies! Transsexual women are not futanaris or Dick Girls, damn it! They are regular women, born in the wrong body. At this age, they're just completely confused and hurt to realize that their sense of identity is negated by their own body. Do you have any kind of idea how this must feel?
This little girl is not thinking about anything else, of course, than to go to school like any other little girl, and do the same things that any of the other little girls are doing!
Itis, you have to get some information about transsexuality before commenting on topics like this one. Right now, even though a member of a site where you can exchange with t-women, you're obviously still a part of the problem...

12-02-2013, 06:12 AM
This is not an issue at all. If you are a parent, would you want a chick with a dick to use the restroom with your daughter. How confusing would that be for the daughter. Coy should use the nurses bathroom. Its really not an issue at all.

And the countdown to the ban hammer starts in 3...2...1

12-02-2013, 06:16 AM
A "chick with a dick"? Man, we're talking about a 6 years old, here! Besides, she's a transsexual girl, which simply means, a little girl! You are confusing porn and reality, as so many guys are, here on HA -and elsewhere. The "Chicks with dicks" are fantasies! Transsexual women are not futanaris or Dick Girls, damn it! They are regular women, born in the wrong body. At this age, they're just completely confused and hurt to realize that their sense of identity is negated by their own body. Do you have any kind of idea how this must feel?
This little girl is not thinking about anything else, of course, than to go to school like any other little girl, and do the same things that any of the other little girls are doing!
Itis, you have to get some information about transsexuality before commenting on topics like this one. Right now, even though a member of a site where you can exchange with t-women, you're obviously still a part of the problem...

:iagree::iagree::iagree: Correct Dan. "If you were a parent" you should be teaching your child about tolerance, acceptance and not creating fear where none exists. Moron.

12-04-2013, 06:26 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.

12-04-2013, 06:36 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.

I pull my cock out and squat in the ladies room because I'm lady. It's not called the ladies with pussies room or the men with cocks room. It's about gender not genitals.

12-04-2013, 06:46 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.
Very few views I would say this for. But I don't really think you belong here. If you don't think transsexual women deserve to be treated as women, you're essentially insulting every ts who posts here.

And what's with these "just saying" endings. They inevitably come after a thoughtless, idiotic post. Try thinking before you just say whatever nonsense you're about to just say.

12-04-2013, 06:48 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.

A girl's bathroom would consist only of sit-down toilets in individual stalls. When would anyone else see this child's genitalia? She sees herself as a girl, so she sits to pee. She's not going to stand at a urinal and pee, even if she were forced to use the boy's room.

12-04-2013, 06:50 AM
A girl's bathroom would consist only of sit-down toilets in individual stalls. When would anyone else see this child's genitalia? She sees herself as a girl, so she sits to pee. She's not going to stand at a urinal and pee, even if she were forced to use the boy's room.
Yes, but it seemed so simple to him. Thank goodness he's around to clear things up for everyone.

12-04-2013, 06:52 AM
This is not an issue at all. If you are a parent, would you want a chick with a dick to use the restroom with your daughter. How confusing would that be for the daughter. Coy should use the nurses bathroom. Its really not an issue at all.

Guess what? I use the same restroom as your daughters ;) I go into my stall, maybe even the one right next to where your daughter is, take a seat and go about my business. When I'm done I wipe it off, tuck it away, wash my hands and continue on with my day. Never had a problem.

12-04-2013, 07:09 AM
I think Robert Louis hit the nail on the head. There's nothing confusing about teaching children how to respect other human beings. It might be an important first lesson in tolerance of harmless differences.

Maybe kids are naturally prone to tease and single out other children. But there is a big difference between what people are naturally prone to do based on instinct and what they should be encouraged to do; be tolerant, respectful, and thoughtful.

12-04-2013, 07:32 AM
Well my concern is that such comments are a function of anonymity. Yes, polite society largely won't say such things, unless they're appearing on Fox News, but I kinda suspect that it's a result of polite society not wanting to say anything offensive in person, as opposed to truly not having prejudice in its heart. But I may be reading it wrong. As I've said elsewhere, the three year period in which I was unemployed and facing constant rejection and shunning, was a pretty searing experience, which has left me highly suspicious of the notion I'll ever have a place in mainstream society, even if I'm much more passable and pretty now.
If you read comments sections that deal with any issue of prejudice, you'll also see a large percentage of bigoted remarks. I think there's an issue of self-selection in addition to the function of anonymity. Those who have hateful things to say are going to have a stronger drive to say them. Those who preach tolerance only have a message of moderation to offer, which doesn't lend itself to enthusiastic expression the same way hatred does.

12-04-2013, 07:44 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.

What the fuck, dude? All I can figure is that you have a fantasy of meeting one of your ejaculatory objects, i.e. a TS porn star, in a public bathroom someday.

12-04-2013, 07:55 AM
Yes, but it seemed so simple to him. Thank goodness he's around to clear things up for everyone.

I thought I was being simple. How silly of me.

12-04-2013, 08:02 AM
A girl's bathroom would consist only of sit-down toilets in individual stalls. When would anyone else see this child's genitalia? She sees herself as a girl, so she sits to pee. She's not going to stand at a urinal and pee, even if she were forced to use the boy's room.
This is so well said!
Once again, we are indeed talking about a little girl, here. Jdeere, you are obviously so penetrated (no pun... lol) with your fantasy of "dick girls" that as soon as you fall on the topic of transsexuality, you think about sex, and in the most caricatural way possible. It's completely ridiculous.
This is the reason why I'm so agaced at the optic some members are entertaining, here on HA. There is nothing wrong with fantasies. But the very first rule of sexual sanity is to be able to make a difference between what belongs to fantasy and what belongs to reality, what's about driven phantasm and what's about real people.

12-04-2013, 08:15 AM
When I was in first and second grade (1959 to 1961) I was in an older school building that had one boys room and one girls room for grades one through five. At that time, the "school officials" might have been politically correct in their actions, but not today. It seems to me that any modern school board (or "school officials") should have the common sense to realize that little kids that deal sensibly with this issue will generally grow up to be older kids and then adults that still deal with this issue sensibly. That is, unless they are untaught that sensibility. The "school officials" need to go back to school to unlearn their bullying ways, and need to quit teaching their small minded false morality. (Sorry-- enough soap boxing)

12-04-2013, 09:19 AM
Seems pretty simple to me. If you pull out a cock you use the men's room and urinal. Have a pussy and need to squat, you go to the lady's room. I'm not judging, just saying.

Note this guy's name. He has the same intellect as a tractor, but isn't quite as socially useful.

02-01-2014, 08:06 PM
So this isn't specifically about the girl that this thread was first started about, but Nicole Maines, a transgender girl from Maine just won her court case against her school district there. Hopefully this can set a legal precedent to be followed elsewhere. It's nice to know that there are still some enightened, progressive folks in some parts of the country.


PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — School officials violated state anti-discrimination law when they would not allow a transgender fifth-grader to use the girls' bathroom, according to a ruling by the highest court in Maine that's believed to be the first of its kind.
The family of student Nicole Maines and the Maine Human Rights Commission sued in 2009 after school officials required her to use a staff, not student, restroom.
"This is a momentous decision that marks a huge breakthrough for transgender young people," said Jennifer Levi, director of the Boston-based Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders' Transgender Rights Project after the Maine Supreme Judicial Court's ruling on Thursday.
The court concluded that the Orono school district's actions violated the Maine Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, overturning a lower court's ruling that the district acted within its discretion.
The ruling is the first time a state high court concluded that a transgender person should use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, according to GLAD. Federal courts haven't taken up the issue.
Students at the southern Maine high school Nicole now attends stood up and cheered when news of the ruling was announced, said her father, Wayne Maines.
School administrators across the country are grappling with the issue.
Colorado officials said last year that a suburban Colorado Springs school district discriminated against a 6-year-old transgender girl by preventing her from using the girls' bathroom.
In California, there's an effort afoot to try to repeal a law that allows public school students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their expressed genders.
In the Maine case, Nicole Maines was using the girls' bathroom in her elementary school until the grandfather of a fifth-grade boy complained to administrators. The Orono school district determined that she should use a staff bathroom, but her parents said that amounted to discrimination.
Nicole is a biological male who identified as a girl beginning at age 2.
Nicole, who's now 16, said after arguments before the high court last summer that she hoped the justices understood the importance of going to school, getting an education and making friends without having to be "bullied" by other students — or school administrators.
Nicole's father said all he had ever wanted was for his daughter to be treated just like her classmates. He said he was overcome with emotion when he learned of the decision.
"It sends a message to my kids that you can believe in the system and that it can work," Wayne Maines said. "I'm just going to hug my kids and enjoy the moment, and do some healing."
Melissa Hewey, lawyer for the school district, said the ruling provided clarity not just to Orono, but to schools around the state.
"The court has now clarified what has been a difficult issue and is more and more common in schools, and the Orono School Department is going to do what it needs to do to comply with the law," she said.
In the 5-1 ruling, the court had to reconcile two separate state laws, one requiring separate bathrooms based on gender and the other prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
In this case, in which the child had a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria, "it has been clearly established that a student's psychological well-being and educational success depend upon being permitted to use the communal bathroom consistent with her gender identity," Justice Warren Silver wrote.
The Supreme Judicial Court pointed out that its ruling was based on the circumstances of the case in which there was ample documentation of the student's gender identity. "Our opinion must not be read to require schools to permit students casual access to any bathroom of their choice," he wrote.

02-01-2014, 08:30 PM
Miranda, I've brought this up before as well.

Many Transgendered individuals associate themselves with "gay pride" parades, marches, and gatherings, where there are hairy men wearing dresses with no wigs and no attempt to show transsexuality in a positive light making out in public and showing a very degenerate version of a LGBT individual to the public.

The rest of the world sees footage of these parades or public gatherings of LGBT groups, and probably think transsexuals are a bunch of old men perverts dressing up for kicks. And real transgendered individuals standing next to them on the floats, get lumped in with that group.

I think the Transgendered struggle should be independent and not associated with the LGBT movement other than in solidarity. But showing up at those flamboyant , out there events sheds a negative light and actually sets transgendered progress back a little bit.

Good point. I always wondered why transgenders choose to associate themselves with the gay movement. Seems like they are reinforcing people ideas that its just a "man who dresses as a woman so they can fuck other men" stereotype.