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View Full Version : How do you feel about traveling?

Wendy Summers
02-26-2013, 11:13 PM
Traveling out to LA reminded me of why I don't like traveling. It's cool to get to visit and explore new places, but it's not quite as fun without some special to travel with. Traveling reminds me sometimes of how alone I am.

What does traveling bring up for you? Do you enjoy it? Not?

Also look ... naked pics below :)

Pics from this week's update to WendySummers.com (http://www.wendysummers.com./tour)

http://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_10276.jpghttp://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_30935.jpghttp://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_50011.jpg (http://www.wendysummers.com./tour)

02-26-2013, 11:25 PM
Travelling is the best!

02-26-2013, 11:33 PM
Hi Wendy,

I def. agree it's awesome to see new places but it also really sucks to do it solo and not have anyone to share it with. I think that lessens the impact and the vibrancy of the whole adventure. At least for me personally. I've done a lot of travelling and most of it alone. I still love to be new places and expand my horizons, but it's bitter sweet without friends, family, or a lover around I know these people and how excited they'd be to see cool, new things, try new foods, laugh at fucked up cultural faux pas etc.

I think travelling with some one just keeps the experience fresh. I'm working alone in Europe right now and although I'm having an awesome time, I think I take it for granted sometimes. Before I know it this will just be a memory and having some one close to share it with would encourage me and motivate me in ways I can't seem to do myself.

Still not entirely knocking travel though- I can't imagine just sitting in one place all the time and wondering what other places might be like. Push comes to shove, I'll roll alone if have to.

02-26-2013, 11:36 PM
PS- the pics are hot!!! :Bowdown: Thanks for posting 'em!:banana:

02-26-2013, 11:47 PM
I absolutely love traveling and if I was wealthy, it would be the #1 thing I would do, besides hire Christian lookalikes to bang me.

I traveled all throughout high school / college. Although, I'm sure that things have really changed as far as international travel goes so not sure I'd enjoy it quite as much today.

02-27-2013, 12:07 AM
It's cool to get to visit and explore new places, but it's not quite as fun without some special to travel with.

I feel the same way...So when is the road trip? :D

02-27-2013, 01:37 AM
I love to travel, but I'm more of the solo type. My own time and pace,plus if I was to meet someone like Wendy on my travels it would be easier to hookup without the drama of having someone with you.:)

02-27-2013, 01:58 AM
Cute pictures!

02-27-2013, 02:08 AM
I agree Wendy, traveling is always more fun with someone special and the shared experiences can last a lifetime. Although if you go with the wrong person, the memories or experience might be a little tainted. Had a trip planned last year to Puerto Rico with someone and by the time the trip came, things were already going bad. Broke up soon after we got back. But in general, I agree always more fun with a partner in crime :-) Next time you are out here, I'd be more than happy to show you around town and make sure your trip is fun and rewarding!

02-27-2013, 02:54 AM
What does traveling bring up for you? Do you enjoy it? Not?

i do it often, and i have a girlfriend (gg) who does it with me, so it's perfect. this year we're travelling to europe

02-27-2013, 02:59 AM
I think having someone there on the trip is always nice, just becomes a problem when it is a group thing. My girlfriend and I would do cruises with her brother and his wife just felt like we were on their schedule.

I had a friend who would take 3 months off from the job and hitchhike through Europe. What made it an experience was the friends he would visit in each place who would show him around or take him to a favorite hole in the wall for food or drink. That would be awesome to do...with my luck my adventure would probably wind up to be like in the movie Hostel and I doubt I would be lucky enough to get away!

02-27-2013, 03:07 AM
Love traveling, just hate airports. As to traveling with someone? Many times been on vacation and so wanted to have someone to share it with. The few times I have traveled with someone I was involved with, was a horrible experience. But, hoping that will change with my fiance!

02-27-2013, 03:48 AM
Where can I take you?

02-27-2013, 05:43 AM
Traveling reminds me sometimes of how alone I am.

you are never alone when you are schizophrenic, or if you believe in Jesus

02-27-2013, 05:56 AM
sometimes ya just need the right travel companions...




then again... sometimes solitude is best....

Rusty Eldora
02-27-2013, 06:14 AM
Traveling out to LA reminded me of why I don't like traveling. It's cool to get to visit and explore new places, but it's not quite as fun without some special to travel with. Traveling reminds me sometimes of how alone I am.

I was travelling a lot for work in 2004 to 2011, a lot less now thanks to the economy. Things changed a bunch when I met a cool Chinese woman in Guam who later moved to Hawaii. So I have GG girlfriends in Guam, Hawaii, and Seattle. My pleasure travel is now with a GF. It is good.

Back when I was married, travel with the family was a drag, except for ski trips which I really loved. Too bad my knees can't do that now.

Wendy, you'll find someone that is an excellent travel companion.

02-27-2013, 01:12 PM
Surpised to find so many tame, shy people. Surely the challenge of travelling alone is to meet new people and see what happens. I have had some real adventures in the past, and a few hairy moments. I hitch-hiked outside Orange in the South of France once and was picked up by a raving lunatic whose wife had run off with another man -he showed me the photos amidst much aggressive swearing. He kept changing the cassette and pointed to the guage as he was running out of petrol. When I said I had no money for it, he stopped the car, and threw me out in the middle of nowhere. On another occasion I shared car expenses with an Israeli, we left Rome and got as far as Lyon when I jumped ship and took the overnight train to Paris for free- with so many soldiers aboard (who travelled free overnight in those day) the guard didn't check anyone's tickets. If you are a relaxed and personable sort of person, you can travel in many parts of the world at low cost and stay in people's homes at no cost. If you stay, as I used to, in youth hostels, you can meet interesting people, usually young in their 20s (as I was when I did it) -I spent a few days in Rome with a guy from Chile with whom we had some fascinating discussions about Allende and Pinochet; I once stayed in a Paris youth hostel with someone who claimed to have been the presenter of a children's show on Indian TV, and travelled to Greece on another occasion picking up an artist and an Indian air force captain on the way. I spent some hours in a train between Cologne and Bonn talking to an attractive American woman, c28 who then started going on about Ayn Rand and was furious when I fell asleep. I could go on about this for hours but the details are often interesting to me but boring to others.

Get out there, travel, have adventures, meet people! And leave your inhibitions behind!

Willie Escalade
02-27-2013, 01:18 PM
Wherever I travel, there's usually someone I know in that locale.

02-27-2013, 01:36 PM
The pictures of you in the blue dress are just adorable Wendy. Come see me you pretty award winning gem!

But i digress.

I agree with Stavros. Travel is a great opportunity to meet people and have adventures. Especially when you are young. But I do know that, if that is NOT your bent, then going to a wonderful and dreamt off place can seem a little sad if you've no one to share it with then or afterwards. In my experience few people are interested in travellers tales when you get back home..

I travel and always have done a lot for work. That is different. It's not just business meetings either - but the sort of project where i am often immersed in the local community. Which is, for me, one of the finest ways of travelling. You get under the skin of a place and begin to be given a little of a view of how it really is there - rather than gliding by in your metaphorical car snapping pictures of the landscape and seeing the famous sites.

02-27-2013, 01:56 PM
Traveling out to LA reminded me of why I don't like traveling. It's cool to get to visit and explore new places, but it's not quite as fun without some special to travel with. Traveling reminds me sometimes of how alone I am.

What does traveling bring up for you? Do you enjoy it? Not?

Also look ... naked pics below :)

Pics from this week's update to WendySummers.com (http://www.wendysummers.com./tour)

http://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_10276.jpghttp://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_30935.jpghttp://www.wendysummers.com/tour/galleries/81/thumb_50011.jpg (http://www.wendysummers.com./tour)Thanks for the pics, sexy tribble, I started hearing that song "Devil in a Blue Dress" when I saw the big one. You look great in that dress, baby.

Traveling by yourself sucks and I'm sorry you had to do that. I did quite a bit of that in the 3 years between my marriages. I think the worst way to travel by yourself is flying, because unless there is someone sitting with you, you feel so isolated at altitude. It's easier when you're driving because you can always pull off and get some human contact at truck stop or whatever.

I hope you can find someone to be with, my dear. You deserve all the best.:Bowdown::Bowdown::Bowdown:

02-27-2013, 02:55 PM
I agree with you Wendy. I spent more than 20 years of my life leaping on and off planes and visiting all corners of the world in the pursuit of business. After a while any sense of novelty palls, even with airline gold cards and hotel upgrades, and on the rare occasions that you do sneak in some personal time to see something special, the pleasure is reduced by not being able to share it with a loved one. I had some great and occasionally dangerous times and one day I'll write a book, but I don't really miss it.

And as always, Ms S, nice pics.

02-28-2013, 11:34 AM
I love travel but then again I haven't had to be a "road warrior" for work like some of you.

I typically travel alone; other than having airfare to and from, and a place to sleep at my destination, I tend to like to play things by ear. I also do a lot of walking and, frankly, most people I know can't keep up.

Wendy Summers
03-03-2013, 07:33 PM
Thanks for all the compliments on the pics guys - I personally love that set.

Glad to see I'm also not alone on the whole traveling is better sharing it with someone you care about. Getting ready to travel again in March - but there I'll have a few local folks to show me around.

03-03-2013, 08:13 PM
Come to London and I'll happily show you around and show you off x

03-04-2013, 02:18 AM
Reminds me about how much freedom we have given up since 9/11. I travel every week and I abhor the TSA and their stupidity.

03-04-2013, 02:46 AM
I had some great and occasionally dangerous times and one day I'll write a book, but I don't really miss it.

Let me know what it's called..I'll be sure not to read it!

I've traveled by boat, plane, bus, car, mororbike and submarine (didn't like that, that's why i left it till last), but i love travel, it's often times better than the destination.

03-04-2013, 05:06 AM
Come to London and I'll happily show you around and show you off x

If Wendy's with you, she'll need a chaperone. I can do that.

03-04-2013, 05:15 AM
Minus the floods and the yellow/red shirt riots travelling in Thailand is relaxing and fun!

03-04-2013, 11:40 AM

These are so of the best pics of you I have seen. They are truely lovely and very sexy. I have followed you over the last year or so and seen the fun and genuine decency as a human being shine through. I am sure you will not be alone for long. If I lived in the states I would travel with you.
