View Full Version : Former Teacher Makes Further Contact With Teen Lover

04-26-2006, 06:54 PM
Former Warren County teacher, Pamela Rogers is back in jail after making further contact with the teenager she’s been forbidden to talk to.

Rogers served several months in jail for having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student.

Police told the Southern Standard newspaper that Rogers contacted her teenage victim just hours after her most recent court appearance and then later sent the boy a pornographic video of herself.

The paper reports that Rogers is being held without bond. Right now Rogers has seven years of probation, but if she is found guilty of the latest violations that deal could be revoked.


Pamela`s MySpace web site :

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.badjocks.com/archive/images/rogers-4.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.badjocks.com/archive/pamela-rogers-turner-bikini-ms-monday-nitro.htm&h=374&w=500&sz=23&tbnid=AbE4rw2ThKCzLM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=127&hl=en&start=15&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPamela%2BRogers%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3De n%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN

04-26-2006, 07:21 PM
And I repeat:

Why didn't =I= have teachers like that when I was 13?


Tell me, huh?


04-26-2006, 08:15 PM
And I repeat:

Why didn't =I= have teachers like that when I was 13?


Tell me, huh?


true and me :evil:

04-26-2006, 09:04 PM
And I repeat:

Why didn't =I= have teachers like that when I was 13?


Tell me, huh?


agreed. there are acouple of teachers i would have loved to do that for me. :o

04-26-2006, 10:21 PM
im pretty sure the boy in question that she was w/ was 17 not 13 and his dad kept trying to claim the boy was mentally handicapped

04-26-2006, 10:40 PM
Police told the Southern Standard newspaper that Rogers contacted her teenage victim just hours after her most recent court appearance and then later sent the boy a pornographic video of herself.



04-27-2006, 05:32 AM
when will people realize.....that if a young teenage boy get to fuck with a teacher, and if she's hot and older......HE'S NOT A VICTIM, PEOPLE!

Hell, I wish I got seduced like that in school >_>;;

04-27-2006, 06:33 AM
DAMN! I look at that teacher and say what kind of a fucking retard drops a dime on something like that hitting on it. Then someone says, his father says he is mentallly handicaped. If he is, why the hell is father pushing him to come forward with this story! Shit, if the kid's retarded this could be a once in a life time opportunity. It just don't add up! It just don't add up! :cry:

04-28-2006, 02:58 AM
I would imagine that she made him do it again and again, until he got it right!

And I expect she made him put his hand up :D

Felicia Katt
04-28-2006, 03:11 AM
grading on the curves :)


04-28-2006, 03:25 AM
im pretty sure the boy in question that she was w/ was 17 not 13 and his dad kept trying to claim the boy was mentally handicapped

A 17 year old would have to be mentally handicapped to be stupid enough not to keep his mouth shut when he's tapping a quailty piece of ass like that.
This is every teenagers wet dream. The dream became reality for this idiot and he fucked it up. He should be ashamed of himself, seriously.

04-28-2006, 02:50 PM
Its the dad who is mentally handicapped.

04-28-2006, 06:06 PM
How would you all have reacted had the teacher been male and the student female?

04-28-2006, 09:59 PM
How would you all have reacted had the teacher been male and the student female?

Different situation there, mate. Just like (genetic) Girls can fake an orgasm, and/or arousal, it's pretty hard to "Force" someone to have a boner against their will. Unless she was using a strap-on and tapping his ass, it was probably consensual, whereas with a Female student/Male teacher, it could easily be actual rape. Further, it's pretty hard to do organic damage when an adult female has sex with an adolescent male, but organic damage is pretty common when an adult male forces sex on an adolescent female.
(think about the mechanics of it! plent of Genetic Girls get hurt if their partner's tool is "Too big", while a large pussy doesn't really do a whole lot to a pecker besides maybe a lack of stimulation.)

As for the "emotional" side of it- other than a certain "familiarity" that can lead to arrogance on the boy's part, and an erosion of the disciplinary structure of teacher/student, there really isn't much... but reverse the genders, and you get a whole raft of issues, along with risks, on the Girl's behalf. Genetic Girls get Pregnant, those too young to get pregnant get injured instead, Genetic Girls aren't wired like non-GDS boys mentally either. Non-Gender Dysphoria males have fewer self-image issues to begin with, and sex is more of a confidence builder. Boys tend to be prone to Arrogance, rather than insecurity (taken on average) and express their issues differently than gals do. This is part of what defines the difference between a Gay male, and a Transgendered individual (born with male gear and a feminine mental state).

Basically, there's a LOT less damage to the psyche of a boy getting it on with an older woman, than a little girl being used by an older man.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-28-2006, 10:51 PM
How would you all have reacted had the teacher been male and the student female?

I agree with you SidChromeAU. Had this been a male teacher and a 13 year old girl..views and commentaries would be going berserk. But lets face it men are natural "pervs" and hearing news such as this makes every guy think "I wish that had happened to me back when..". Does that make sense? :lol: LOL

Its such a shame that you guys think that a mature adult woman exploiting a boy is any different then when an Adult male exploits a young girl or boy (HELLO! Michael Jackson). So young boys (and men) dont have any hymen that can break, wont bleed and wont lose their virginity quite the way a girl/woman could. Its still the same in essence..Both predators..adult male and or female sexually molesting minors have mental problems IMO and therefore should be put away or get help.

So are you guys saying that if you were born genetic females that you would follow in her footsteps and advocate molesting kids who are 10/11/12/13/14 etc years of age like she did? And expects to get away with it? :roll: or would you as males have sex with a girl that age even if say it was consentual? What about your stand say if it was your own kids (sons and daughters) being molested? That is just SICK as saying you love child pornography!



04-29-2006, 12:04 AM
How would you all have reacted had the teacher been male and the student female?

I agree with you SidChromeAU. Had this been a male teacher and a 13 year old girl..views and commentaries would be going berserk. But lets face it men are natural "pervs" and hearing news such as this makes every guy think "I wish that had happened to me back when..". Does that make sense? :lol: LOL

Its such a shame that you guys think that a mature adult woman exploiting a boy is any different then when an Adult male exploits a young girl or boy (HELLO! Michael Jackson). So young boys (and men) dont have any hymen that can break, wont bleed and wont lose their virginity quite the way a girl/woman could. Its still the same in essence..Both predators..adult male and or female sexually molesting minors have mental problems IMO and therefore should be put away or get help.

So are you guys saying that if you were born genetic females that you would follow in her footsteps and advocate molesting kids who are 10/11/12/13/14 etc years of age like she did? And expects to get away with it? :roll: or would you as males have sex with a girl that age even if say it was consentual? What about your stand say if it was your own kids (sons and daughters) being molested? That is just SICK as saying you love child pornography!



all I'm saying is that the neighbors wife popped my cherry at 16, it lasted 3yrs, and I have no complaints :D

04-30-2006, 04:20 PM
December, you are talking out of your arse. I'd be interested to see your qualifications in this field - or any aspect of this field. I actually do have the requisite quals, and I can tell you that it is, in fact, possible to induce erection in order to rape a male. Even if that didn't happen, are you saying that a 13 year old gave informed consent - many could not. It is easier - in a truly fucked up way - for a female victim to admit trauma following this type of incident. That has a lot to do with the fact that dickheads such as yourself and other posters in this thread generally avoid behaving as you have here: few would tell a girl she's lucky to have lost her virginity early, but you all fall over one another to condemn a boy who was similarly victimised. Also, please tell me how psychological trauma such as that engendered by a gross abuse of trust can be gender-specific - let alone having to deal with keeping so many secrets. Kids at that age often have a warped perception of matters sexual (including a component of 'sex is dirty') - what impact do you think these events would have on any young psyche?
You are all projecting adult desires and responses onto a child. Don't.
Well said Harajuku.

The American Nightmare
04-30-2006, 06:15 PM
Isn't it also true that those who have been sexually abused as children are more likely to grow up and do the same thing to others?

04-30-2006, 10:34 PM
How would you all have reacted had the teacher been male and the student female?

I agree with you SidChromeAU. Had this been a male teacher and a 13 year old girl..views and commentaries would be going berserk. But lets face it men are natural "pervs" and hearing news such as this makes every guy think "I wish that had happened to me back when..". Does that make sense? :lol: LOL

Its such a shame that you guys think that a mature adult woman exploiting a boy is any different then when an Adult male exploits a young girl or boy (HELLO! Michael Jackson). So young boys (and men) dont have any hymen that can break, wont bleed and wont lose their virginity quite the way a girl/woman could. Its still the same in essence..Both predators..adult male and or female sexually molesting minors have mental problems IMO and therefore should be put away or get help.

So are you guys saying that if you were born genetic females that you would follow in her footsteps and advocate molesting kids who are 10/11/12/13/14 etc years of age like she did? And expects to get away with it? :roll: or would you as males have sex with a girl that age even if say it was consentual? What about your stand say if it was your own kids (sons and daughters) being molested? That is just SICK as saying you love child pornography!



Every guy I knew that had that happen to them have AMAZING amount of confidence in life from that. And they were getting ass pretty much everytime I turned around.

I did not even get a chance to KISS a girl till I was 20....and I still got some confidence issues since my teen years were a TOTAL WASTE. So ya gotta think about that.

So yes, a older woman 'exploiting ' a young boy is something a young male outta experience I think.

Hell, did'nt Jerry Seinfeld date a 16 year old once? And I think in afew states, the age is below 18.

04-30-2006, 10:43 PM
Isn't it also true that those who have been sexually abused as children are more likely to grow up and do the same thing to others?

That's a crock.

Jessy the body ventura had that happen to him when he was like 12 or 13. And he later on went from pro wrestler to governer of Minneasota for a few years, so he turned out alright.

Micheal Jackson pretty much never got any girls during his childhood and his teen years ( And you can't count that time with Brooke Shields, cause she's about as sexually nuetral he is. Even her name sounds like an anti-sexual device. Have fun on your date? No, she was wearing her Brooke Shields :P ) Pretty much the real life 40 year old virgin.................And look how great he came out. :roll:

04-30-2006, 11:19 PM
Isn't it also true that those who have been sexually abused as children are more likely to grow up and do the same thing to others?

The U.S. Department of Justice reported four million child molesters reside in this country. [2]
Almost half of all sex offenders are under 18. [3]
Ten years ago we had twenty-two rehabilitation programs for juvenile sex offenders - we now have 755. [4]
New York rape arrests of thirteen year old males increased 200% between 1986 and 1988. [5]
57% of child molesters were molested themselves as children. [6]
A typical molester will abuse between 30 to 60 children before they are arrested - as many as 380 during their lifetime. [7]

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-01-2006, 01:42 AM
Every guy I knew that had that happen to them have AMAZING amount of confidence in life from that. And they were getting ass pretty much everytime I turned around.

Hmm..Then thats all good provided both parties dont squeel then. LOL.

I did not even get a chance to KISS a girl till I was 20....and I still got some confidence issues since my teen years were a TOTAL WASTE. So ya gotta think about that.

Sorry to hear that Trogdor..I guess people can alwats make up for lost time. LOL :wink:

So yes, a older woman 'exploiting ' a young boy is something a young male outta experience I think.

Ofcourse every young boy has their own fantasies..Being with a woman, men, transexuals and whatnot. Fantasies are I think healthy then again if its coerced/manipulated by an adult then there lies the problem.

Hell, did'nt Jerry Seinfeld date a 16 year old once? And I think in afew states, the age is below 18.

In the state of NY, 16 is not legal as far as Im concerned.

Here go look:


USA New York Male to female: 17; Male to male: 17; Female to female: 17



05-01-2006, 03:05 AM
Its such a shame that you guys think that a mature adult woman exploiting a boy is any different then when an Adult male exploits a young girl or boy

It's all situational, really. When I was 13, I got trolled by a guy who was so good at it that I got his number and called him back to do it again (He was about 30 at the time). Later that year, I challeneged what is now the assumption that priests mollest boys but not the other way 'round. OK, he was a minister, not a priest, but the concept is the same. It's all relative to the situation.

And hey, except for when the little voices in my head scold me to clean the guns, I turned out just fine. :D

The American Nightmare
05-01-2006, 03:32 AM
Isn't it also true that those who have been sexually abused as children are more likely to grow up and do the same thing to others?

That's a crock.

Jessy the body ventura had that happen to him when he was like 12 or 13. And he later on went from pro wrestler to governer of Minneasota for a few years, so he turned out alright.

Micheal Jackson pretty much never got any girls during his childhood and his teen years ( And you can't count that time with Brooke Shields, cause she's about as sexually nuetral he is. Even her name sounds like an anti-sexual device. Have fun on your date? No, she was wearing her Brooke Shields :P ) Pretty much the real life 40 year old virgin.................And look how great he came out. :roll:

The plural of anecdote is not data.

05-01-2006, 03:34 AM
The plural of anecdote is not data.

I like that! :o

I'm going to 'roytit doon'. :D

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-01-2006, 08:57 AM
It's all situational, really. When I was 13, I got trolled by a guy who was so good at it that I got his number and called him back to do it again (He was about 30 at the time).

Youre 13 and he was 30..Hmm B1 does started early and has been around many a few blocks eh? LOL.

Later that year, I challeneged what is now the assumption that priests mollest boys but not the other way 'round. OK, he was a minister, not a priest, but the concept is the same. It's all relative to the situation.

:lol: I was gonna say..Thornbirds! (boy-man version) LOL :wink:



05-01-2006, 09:08 AM
i aggree blk....if my teacher was that hot....keep in mind i prefer guys...i would f*uck her....really goood..

05-01-2006, 09:11 AM
Hmm B1 does started early and has been around many a few blocks eh? LOL.

I was precocious. :D Hey, the girls at school weren't interested, so I took what I could get. :twisted: