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Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-26-2006, 03:55 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

This should make for very interesting thread and responses. So start the ball rollin'. LOL. :lol:



04-26-2006, 04:13 AM
1) My wife and I split, amicably, about 3 months ago.

2) 3 months or so

3) Nothing really, just enjoying the moment

4) not really applicable, in my case I guess.

5) n/a

6) n/a

7) no, I'm already investing half of my net worth in getting out of my last relationship...lol

8) Really, I'm only 29, so I still have lot's of time for something to happen and if it were to fall into my lap then that would be awesome, but I really am enjoying the freedom for the moment. I've never been one to constantly need companionship so for the time being I'm more than content to just sit back and chill and enjoy life as is.

04-26-2006, 04:15 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

04-26-2006, 04:27 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

I can believe that....

I'm single b/c I'm at a point in my life where I don't want/need serious attatchments. Not right now anyways. I'm happy just dating/hanging out/etc

04-26-2006, 04:52 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

I can believe that....

I'm single b/c I'm at a point in my life where I don't want/need serious attatchments. Not right now anyways. I'm happy just dating/hanging out/etc

I could stoop as low as u just did but I would rather not....... to bad your single thou I could never imagine why?

04-26-2006, 04:54 AM
I think he was being sarcastic. At least that is how I read it.
Your quite beautiful and I think most guys wouldn't understand someone dumping you for another person.

04-26-2006, 04:59 AM
Interesting questions. That said, here goes:

1. I am married and am extremely happy with my wife. We have an open relationship in which I can date other women as I please – provided I adhere to certain rules. I do so not because of any failing on my wife’s part, but because I have a libido that is ridiculously strong.

Most of the women that I date on the side are long-time friends that understand me well enough not to try and alter the balance of things. As much as I truly value each of them, I’ll never leave my wife. Surprisingly, the situation works out very well.

2. I’ve been married for roughly two and half years (but started seeing my wife about seven years ago). I’ve been seeing most of the other women I currently date for years. Only one is relatively new.

3. When not traveling on business, I work extremely long hours from my laptop. While I really enjoy what I do, there are times during the course of the day when I need a mental break from it all – hence my interest in this place, which has some genuinely interesting characters.

4. With the exception of my unquenchable appetite for flesh, I essentially have what I want. The few things that I lack are more dependent upon time and the fruition of plans already begun than any set of circumstances I can affect through force of will or further action.

5. N/A

6. N/A

7. N/A

8. N/A

04-26-2006, 05:00 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

Another ....

Shouldn't that sentence read "left me for A woman". ?


04-26-2006, 05:00 AM
Hmm, good thread.

1. I'm single because I have problems with the compromise aspects of a relationship, and I'm not really much of a "keeper" anyways, although I wish I was. I'm a jerk who has never been able to fully be what a beautiful girl deserves her guy to be.

2. I've had several short term "relationships", but nothing real or long term. I've always been big on the "jail break" option. I'm still not certain if I'm ready for a life long bonding right now.

3. I'm not seeking anything, just enjoying my time here. I came here initially chasing a girl (and she keeps smacking me on the nose), but you never know how something like that's going to turn out in the long run.

4. I think I've found what I'm looking for, but who know's? Two sides to every story and it takes two to tango (and I've never been big on dancing).

5. I plan on being less crazy and whatnot.

6. Now I can't remember what I answered to number 4, stop confusing me ;P

7. Not looking at this moment, so nothing to find. I guess a cool girl who I consider a great friend. I've actually already found her, but it's complicated at the moment.

8. My options would be to gradually repair damage I've done in the past, and someday be a real friend to a girl I like very much while not being a whacked out jack-ass. I probably would never be good relationship material, but I'd like to keep a true friend, hopefully for life.

Like I said, good thread as always Hara.

04-26-2006, 05:10 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)
-I don't have much time to devote to meeting women, and I see that kind of shit as a chore I can do without. Eventually, I'll get lonely and go back to dating and seeing less of my friends.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)
-I've been single for 4 months or so.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?
-I don't have a present relationship. Honestly, I pretty much seek out casual conversation with people that have like interests as me here. The pics are just an added bonus.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?
-Probably not. I spend way too much time hanging out with people I'm already familiar with or have tried out relationships with. I don't get out and meet new people enough, I guess.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?
-Idealy, I'd go out to concerts, hit bars... anything that mixes me in with a general populous of people, but I don't have time for any of that, so thus far, I guess the answer to this question is "N/A".

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?
-I spend too much time working, and I can't be bothered with finging a chick I'm compatible and comfortable with in my free time. Too much work. I'd rather just round up the friends and get shit-faced.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?
-I'm not seeking out a transexual. Socially, from my time spent casually chatting with gurls on the net, I find I have more in common with them than most GGs, but the chances of finding a TG that I'm emotionally compatible with here in Oregon are slim to none.

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?
-Doing the same thing I'm doing now and attempting to stay content with the fact that I'm single.

04-26-2006, 05:37 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

Another ....

Shouldn't that sentence read "left me for A woman". ?


Two types of woman sweetie biological woman, and transgendered woman....... Just because you think your homosexual for sucking cock doesnt mean you are. Lets remember that cock you long to suck is attached to tg woman.

04-26-2006, 06:08 AM
1)happily commited
2) dating my girlfreind for 2 1/2 years
3)enjoying the moment and preparing for my prime years of adulthood
4,5 & 6)I stopped looking, and my present lady fell into my lap, and shes almost a perfect fit for me. so not much else to look for except a reception hall and a hotel in hawaii when im setlled into a job
7)if i wanst hooked up now, id wouldnt spend alot of time looking. if you look too hard in one spot, you might miss out on too many other things.

04-26-2006, 08:32 AM
Ive been single for several years,primarily because im quite picky about the girls I'm attracted to,and because of my career in the industry.

Many girls cannot handle me being in the studio for several hous with beautiful,naked TS's,and I admit its not easy to be a good boy 100% of the time,although I have no reason to be at this point either.

I have however met someone recently who is involved in a similar line of work and i think she is the most beautiful,sweet,girl in the world,and im hopeful it will end up being a lifelong commited thing.....we shall see.

DJ Asia

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-26-2006, 10:17 AM
Like I said, good thread as always Hara.

Why Yes thankyou hondarobot. :wink:



04-26-2006, 10:46 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:
[quote=Harajuku Tgirl]
1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Three years in relationship with a fantastic girl and loving it more by the day.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

Three years.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Money - this is business along with I have a vested interest in the whole genre.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

Yep - found it and not giving it up.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

If I didn't have it, I'd invest most of my time to finding it.

04-26-2006, 01:11 PM
My answers:

1) I am single at the because I being single and having the freedom to do what I want when I want to do it, . That’s not to say I am selfish, it just suits me perfectly at the moment.

2) I have been single for almost a year now and am happy 

3) I am seeking new friends from all around the world who share the same interests as me, for friendship and meets if I ever visit the countries where they live.

4) I a way I already have I have met a few people who I really clicked with but I just enjoy talking to new people.

5) Cant find a correct way of answering this question in my present state.

6) n/a

7) I already invest time time here, I don’t work at the moment as I had a bad business relationship with my last business partners and am in the process of sorting it out. SO most of my free time is spent here. As for money as I said bad business partners but am en route to getting some money back, so when I do, who knows maybe

8) n/a

In closing I am only 28, and still have a lot of time ahead of me to meet lots of new interesting people. Although I feel I kinda missed the boat in someways, when I lived in the Uk there was a really great T*scene (for want of a better term) but here in Spain, I cant find much of a social scene. It all seems to be happening pretty far away.. but I’m working on that and joining different boards and stuff to find out if there is any kinda scene closer.

Thanks for posting such an interesting thread on the board. Hope my answers are ok and look forward to reading the others

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-26-2006, 06:27 PM
Thanks for posting such an interesting thread on the board. Hope my answers are ok and look forward to reading the others

Youre welcome. Very interesting responses from all the guys so far. Still looking to hear more from the rest of the board frequent dwellers. :wink:



04-27-2006, 01:32 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Yes, I am happily married and I love my wife dearly. Perfectly happy? Of course not; there's always some difference of opinion or desire or whatever. But very happy, yes.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

It will be 25 years in one month (May 24, 1981). Silver! Whoo-hoo! And I have no idea what to do to celebrate--any suggestions?

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

My wife is asexual. She has never been interested in sex, and far prefers cuddling to making love (which is ok, I love to cuddle, too). She is also completely hetero (to the degree that she has any interest in sex at all). I am bi and love sex. While sexual incompatibility is normally grounds for divorce, we love each other far too much for that to come between us. The solution, for us, is for me to seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere (which, with a tgirl partner, also satisfies my desire for the 'bi' side of things). This has worked out beautifully for us, and my wife (as I have mentioned here before) has even met one of my tgirl partners over dinner and they got along great.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

Already found it!

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

I will continue to see just a few tgirls that I have come to know well for my extra-curricular activities, and will continue to nourish my marriage in all ways.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

The time I spend online is a good part of my social life: I enjoy the discussions that can develop, whether in person, IM or in a forum, with tgirls and fellow tgirlaphiles. As for money, yes, I will pay for play when that's the girl's means of income. I have no problems there (other than insufficient cash, lol). I love that I've become good friends with girls who want to spend some personal time with me, off the clock as it were, and I have no problem paying for their professional services, just as I would any friend's professional services (like my friend the carpenter who just finished remodeling our bathroom).


You ask great questions, HTG!

04-27-2006, 01:40 AM
I am single because my bf or lover whatever he was left me for another woman.....

I can believe that....

I'm single b/c I'm at a point in my life where I don't want/need serious attatchments. Not right now anyways. I'm happy just dating/hanging out/etc

I could stoop as low as u just did but I would rather not....... to bad your single thou I could never imagine why?

I just told you why I'm single. I CHOOSE to be right now. Damn can't you read?

04-27-2006, 07:50 AM
1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)
-Im imposible to live whit. because I want love from more than one person and im away for long periods. working on a cargoship.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)
-This time since februari..before. 2 years.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?
-Nothing special something intressting comes always up.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?
-Bee the one I am..Maybee I already have the type of relation im satifyed whith singel whit short relations.

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?


04-27-2006, 08:45 AM
1.) Because studying and graduating college is more important than having a realationship to me.

2.) About 4 years.

3.)People here seem to be more respectful of ones feelings and preferences. ( i.e. more excepting)

4.)Probably not, but again I'm not really seeking unless that speacial some one comes along. :roll:


6.)See number 4, second part.

7.)Not really, I come here to hang out, most people here are cool.

8.)Wait for that someone to approach me.

To be frank, I'm 22, got dicked over really bad by my highschool sweetheart, currently studying Electrical Engineering with a Physics minor so I really don't have time to dedicate to a realationship. Currently with the help of you guys I can determine whether to renew my hope in biological females or to act on my true feelings thus remaining a part of this site. :?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-29-2006, 08:38 AM
TTT for Hara.

Thanks Mike! :wink:



04-29-2006, 06:32 PM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Well, I often had bad luck with girls. Lots of the girls in Michigan are either rednecks, thugs, religious nuts or men-hating lesbians. When I do find a girl I like and ask em out, most of the time it's the "Ohh, why can't we just stay friends? I'd hate to ruin what we have now." and other smeg. So I often get put into the dreaded 'friends zone". Maybe cause I'm a nice guy and not some beer drinking, shit talking asshole with a criminal record. The girls around here pretty much want their bad boys, and if they treat the girls like crap, the girls keep comming back for more, like a beaten wife does. Whitney Houstan syndrome I guess one could call it. :roll:

I guess I also got soem bad luck, since when I DO meet a girl who digs me like I dig them, SOMETHING always happened; a cute goth girl I was dating and vanished with her entire family, new people in the house, her cell was disconnected, and her pager # was no longer in service. And she did not even tell me before hand. Plus some girls I was about to date would stab me in the back at the last second. One girl I knew in Georgia did that, we were planning to see each other after knowing each other for 4 years. Two weeks before I Was gonnago down to see her, I find out she shacked up with some asshole from the Army. And she did not even tell me this before hand, I had to work my way through and around conversation to do it. :frustrated So anyway, lots of times it pretty much bad luck or the chick ends up treating me like used chewing tobaco. :violin

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

Pretty much since 2000.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Looking for a hot lil babe who knows how to have fun, I don't wanna be with some chick who looks, acts and dresses like she was raised by a nun, I don't want the Leave it to Beaver kinda thing :P I want someone who looks good, has a good time, ain't a prude and such. :peanutbutter

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

I have no idea. It's possible. :fc

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

See somone who gets my attention and start talking I guess. :shrug

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it

Yep, I would.

04-29-2006, 11:52 PM
Q1: Ok I think I am single, because my last girlfriend was never happy with anything she had, and could never make up her mind as to what she wanted to have or indeed be. Its very hard to be the person someone wants in their life, if that person is unsure of what they want, at one stage to please her I would have had to, stay at home all the time being creative, while holding down a well paying full-time job, be beside her at all times, while going it alone in developing new interests hobbies and friends, I should also have been a sensitive animal, and be a 5'2" sixfooter, I didn't mind trying, but the fact that she thought these conflicting demands were reasonable, well... Im single now...

Q2: I have been single for about two years

Q3: Well I always wanted to meet, a fully passable girl, that nobody would ever think was transgendered, because I like the idea that 'only the two of us would know' I know this is probably impossible, but a boy(lol) can dream.

Q4: I do not think I will ever find what I am looking for...

Q6: well I guess I am just not that lucky...

Q8: I am not inclined to spend too much time looking online, I am one of those that still has a suspicion and mistrust in online relationships, but I am trying to get over it..

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-28-2006, 09:24 AM
~Bump! LOL. More please..;)



10-28-2006, 09:45 AM
1. I am single because I thought I wanted to be. I had the best ts girlfriend ever, but I left her to be single (probably the dumbest thing I ever did). The problem was that she is post-op and I really wanted to find a pre-op girl (stupid huh).

2. I have been single for about 3 months now.

3. Just looking at the beautiful girls here. You never know, maybe I'll meete someone.

4. I hope to find what I am looking for within the next few months (or I'll go crawling back to my ex and beg her to take me back, but if she is smart she will just tell me to fuck off LOL).

5. Online dating (although that can be tough when you are looking for a ts girl). Clubs, social events (mostly gay social events like gay pride) etc...


7. I do invest a lot of time and money looking for that special girl.

One more thing.... Are you single Hara Juku Tgirl? ;)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-28-2006, 10:09 AM
One more thing.... Are you single Hara Juku Tgirl? ;)

Yes I am dan_drade..For over 3 years now actually. LOL No..Not by any shortage of men (I have alot of admirers and offers) but due to a few past bad experiences (one for 3 years - He was a recurring alcoholic and one for 2 years - He does drugs..i.e painkillers and cocaine)..I've decided put off dating guys for awhile (Im not hating men..I still like men but ofcourse!). Just simply dont want to go thru those BS again (theyre not my problems in the first place but theirs anyways). So you could say that Im enjoying life as a single T-woman. There are no restrictions, no curfews, noone farting near me or inside my room, no one literally telling me what I should and shouldnt do! What could be better?!? LOL :wink:



10-28-2006, 10:19 AM
One more thing.... Are you single Hara Juku Tgirl? ;)

Yes I am dan_drade..For over 3 years now actually. LOL No..Not by any shortage of men (I have alot of admirers and offers) but due to a few past bad experiences (one for 3 years - He was a recurring alcoholic and one for 2 years - He does drugs..i.e painkillers and cocaine)..I've decided put off dating guys for awhile (Im not hating men..I still like men but ofcourse!). Just simply dont want to go thru those BS again (theyre not my problems in the first place but theirs anyways). So you could say that Im enjoying life as a single T-woman. There are no restrictions, no curfews, noone farting near me or inside my room, no one literally telling me what I should and shouldnt do! What could be better?!? LOL :wink:



Don't hate sweetie :) LOL. I guess I can underestand you being single especially after a couple of bad trips. I too am sisngle for some of the very same reasons as you (but I do miss having a girl fart for me LOL).
And wow, I just saw some of your pics, you are a very beautiful woman.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-28-2006, 10:28 AM
I really should be getting to bed since im working tomorrow. LOL. My eyes are tired but my mind is still worked up. So anyways, going back to the topic at hand..Im not hating! LOL I just am taking my time and being cautious. I know I said this the last time and I ended up dating the druggie. LOL

But thanks for understanding where Im coming from and also for the compliment. :oops:



10-28-2006, 10:32 AM
I really should be getting to bed since im working tomorrow. LOL. My eyes are tired but my mind is still worked up. So anyways, going back to the topic at hand..Im not hating! LOL I just am taking my time and being cautious. I know I said this the last time and I ended up dating the druggie. LOL

But thanks for understanding where Im coming from and also for the compliment. :oops:


I am going to sleep too. It's 1:30 in the morning. You have a great evening and a great weekend.
Oh, and if you start dating again, just find a good guy (like me!!! LOL).

10-28-2006, 12:13 PM
1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Because I choose to be. I've got too much crap to deal with in my own personal life and can barely keep myself from going off the deep end. The last thing that I need right now is someone else to deal with.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

About...five years now; that was my first (loving) relationship. And that previous relationship still hurts. >_<

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Someone who understands me, I guess.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?


6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

Because my life doesn't look like it's going to get any easier for awhile. Once things settle down a little (like, once I can finally quit working and concentrate only on school), then I might consider looking for a real relationship. But that's at least a year and a half away.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

Uh...I don't think so.

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

I guess that I'll just have to test the waters on my own. ^_^

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-30-2006, 06:51 AM
I am going to sleep too. It's 1:30 in the morning. You have a great evening and a great weekend.
Oh, and if you start dating again, just find a good guy (like me!!! LOL).

LOL. Hope springs eternal..we shall see dan_drade. :wink:



10-30-2006, 07:37 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Haven't found the person that meets my criteria.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

Been a few years, since anything serious, or of substance.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Now that's the $64 trillion question. I feel that I am not really asking too much, but here's what I would expect from a mate: Trustworthy, dependable, keeps his word, intelligent, funny, emotionally stable and availible, clean and sober, no substance abusers. Ideally he would be between 35 - 55, but that's not a deal breaker. All the other things like looks, how much money he makes aren't really all that important to me.

Oh, and when I say 'he'. I wouldn't rule out the right woman if she came along, so it really is more of the right 'person' for me.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

I haven't the foggiest of notions. :roll:

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

I am not really lusting for or chasing a relationship, at this point in my life I am still doing alot of work on me, career, personal growth, family, etc. So, if love comes along fine, if not, that's fine also.

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

Because, I won't settle for less than I am worth

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

I live in cyber space, actually I don't have a earthly domicile, so I am always passing through one portal or another. :lol: But as to spending time online seeking a mate, no, that is not my raison de etre. :)

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

Continue to cherish the love I have from and for my family and friends.

Keep growing emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually, and in general being good to myself.

And finally keep buying stocks in Duracell and Eveready, even though I use re-chargeable batteries and have a number of non battery operated toys to keep me physically satiated. :oops:

This should make for very interesting thread and responses. So start the ball rollin'. LOL. :lol:



Dino Velvet
10-30-2006, 08:50 AM
One more thing.... Are you single Hara Juku Tgirl? ;)

Yes I am dan_drade..For over 3 years now actually. LOL No..Not by any shortage of men (I have alot of admirers and offers) but due to a few past bad experiences (one for 3 years - He was a recurring alcoholic and one for 2 years - He does drugs..i.e painkillers and cocaine)..I've decided put off dating guys for awhile (Im not hating men..I still like men but ofcourse!). Just simply dont want to go thru those BS again (theyre not my problems in the first place but theirs anyways). So you could say that Im enjoying life as a single T-woman. There are no restrictions, no curfews, noone farting near me or inside my room, no one literally telling me what I should and shouldnt do! What could be better?!? LOL :wink:



Don't hate sweetie :) LOL. I guess I can underestand you being single especially after a couple of bad trips. I too am sisngle for some of the very same reasons as you (but I do miss having a girl fart for me LOL).

I miss waking up next to my ex on a Sunday morning and letting out a greasy beer fart then pulling the covers over her precious head trapping her and not letting her escape the putrid fumes. She was a good egg and always a sucker for "The Covered Wagon." She still calls me to hook up from time to time.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-31-2006, 06:37 AM
I miss waking up next to my ex on a Sunday morning and letting out a greasy beer fart then pulling the covers over her precious head trapping her and not letting her escape the putrid fumes.

LMFAO! :lol:



10-31-2006, 08:11 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

This should make for very interesting thread and responses. So start the ball rollin'. LOL. :lol:




Haven't found the right person. I'm not just after sex. I wish I was. But I'm not. I'm looking for intimacy, trust, and and an open and honest relationship. Finding that is anything but easy.

The worst part is my sexuality. I have girls that like me. Not a problem at all. But I like transgendered girls. So, I've basically been celibate for about 4 years now since I ended a 13 year relationship with a TS (we're friends now...long story).

As for hoping I'll find something online...given up hope on that. As for meeting someone at one of the many parties, I really doubt it. Or at least finding what I'm looking for. I mean, grabbing my crotch or wagging an ass in front of my face is really lame. And I really, really don't care how big someone's dick is. I'd much prefer a conversation...maybe I'm looking for love in all the wrong places? :P

The thing is I don't have a problem taking care of someone financially. But, to me, I feel bad giving a tgirl money for sex. I feel I'm letting her down, if that makes any sense. Money doesn't buy happiness or if it does, it's very short-lived. I know, I've had tons of money, lost tons of money, and got it all back again. Yeah, I can afford lots of stuff, but I kick around in jeans and a tshirt and take the subway. To me, anyone who's impressed by a car or a jet or whatever accoutrement people buy to give themselves self-esteem is only letting him or herself down in the end.

I sound bitter, but I'm really not. Always find me with a smile and always, always ready to have fun and dance. Life's too short to take it seriously.

much peace all. :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-31-2006, 05:40 PM
yes im single, why cos most tgirls don't like men, or have had a bad experience from a ass hole so they find it hard to trust guys, and the only tgirls i see wanting a relationship are old hookers.

i spent a 1000 bucks over 2 years on my last gf which we broke up 4 months back, so yes id spend time and money on my next girl, or tgirl if i ever find a young girl who hasnt been used more times than a door handle on a toilet at a major airport.

LMAO! :lol: Funny post. I see you want a "brand new" Tgirl then who's just coming out/transitioning and not much sexual experience? LOL I think we have alot of those around if you look harder.

Goodluck passionateover. :wink:



10-31-2006, 08:51 PM
1. I am single b/c I am too shy to initiate a conversation with any girl I find good looking or attractive, and b/c I am soo inexperienced that I have never even gotten past 2nd base with anyone.

2. I have been single for about 2-3 years

3. I am not seeking anyone, I have sort of given up on relationships cuz the ones that I have had just dont seem to work

4. no probably not

5. skip

6. b/c I am a bum lol

7. no cuz i am scraping the bottom of the barrel as it is

8. stay single

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-01-2006, 06:02 PM
thanks sweety, she doesnt have to be a virgin, just not well used.

LOL. I cant blame you..Thats understandable.



Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-17-2007, 11:05 PM
*Bump pls. LOL ;)



02-17-2007, 11:32 PM
Im kind of single, although I am sort of dating a personal trainer who works at the gym I train at. It has not reached a sexual level as we have only just started seeing each other. Im just a bit wary as although she is really hot, I love my gym and train there three times a week and would not want to change if things do not go well and there is a weird atmosphere and gossip about me there. Maybe im just being paranoid but it's kind of like dating someone from work, if things go wrong with that person you are with it can be very hard to concentrate and a bad atmosphere can arise. So to sum up im not really looking for a relationship with this girl just some good clean fun (not to clean), I hope she sees it the same but it's always hard to tell. :)

Don't you just hate it when people get there wires crossed............

02-17-2007, 11:42 PM
Well, Hara, I dunno if I posted in here or not, and not about to look back through several pages, but this thread I posted, http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=10977&highlight=girls, will explain why I am still fucking dateless. :evil: :x

02-18-2007, 03:41 AM
1. I'm recently single. i just broke up with my ex because we didnt see each other enough to hold it together, since we lived a few hours away from each other.

2. I've been single for about a week now.

3. I'm not looking to jump right into a relationship, but but im not opposed to it either. If it happens, it should hopefully be a little easier than my previous relationship.

4. I think its possible that i could be in a relationship, but it wont kill me if im not. being single is pretty fun.

5. I'm not gonna be searching for that special someone high and low, im just gonna enjoy life and go out and have fun. If i run into her then awesome, im not gonna fight it.

6. N/A

7. I'm not really sure, I'll shell out cash to go on dates and stuff, but thats just normal.

02-18-2007, 04:16 AM
Lol, wow. I was a real dick towards Lexi. Guess I was having a bad day/week

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-18-2007, 05:01 AM
1. I am single b/c I am too shy to initiate a conversation with any girl I find good looking or attractive, and b/c I am soo inexperienced that I have never even gotten past 2nd base with anyone.

Aww..what you need bulldog is just constant practice. And it doesnt hurt to have a little faith in yourself! ;)



02-18-2007, 05:11 AM
"Whay are you single?"

I aint. :D

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-18-2007, 10:00 PM
Well, Hara, I dunno if I posted in here or not, and not about to look back through several pages, but this thread I posted, http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=10977&highlight=girls, will explain why I am still fucking dateless. :evil: :x

LOL I know Trogdor. Women are hard to SPELL at times. But hey you can't live with them, can't live without them. :lol: :wink:



02-20-2007, 04:46 AM
I'm single and probably will be 4 ever because I transformed from a guy who likes women,to a guy who likes women and T-girls, to a guy who likes T-girls.Since that is a very very small subset of humanity and even a smaller subset of that are genuinely looking for a relationship---the odds are against it.

02-20-2007, 05:18 AM
I'm single and probably will be 4 ever because I transformed from a guy who likes women,to a guy who likes women and T-girls, to a guy who likes T-girls.Since that is a very very small subset of humanity and even a smaller subset of that are genuinely looking for a relationship---the odds are against it.

you make your own future and if you are so set on having a pitiful life then you WILL have one. Grow some balls. Move to New York/LA/Atlanta, get a Job, go to some places where the girls hang out, get a few drinks in your system, solidify that backbone and have some of the best sex you never thought you'd ever have....and while you're at it, you may even develope a healthy relationship with someone.

Easier said than done, sure? But like anything that's worth a damn in life it always is.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-20-2007, 06:00 AM
Co-sign what DKG said. :P



02-20-2007, 06:37 AM
I actually choose to be single right now. Somewhat :roll: I know I need to work on some issues, so I can have a positive and healthy relationship with the next individual I'm involved with. That didn't stop me from having a brief something with a model I work with though. That didn't workout well :cry:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-20-2007, 06:59 AM
I actually choose to be single right now.




02-20-2007, 08:41 AM
Well, Hara, I dunno if I posted in here or not, and not about to look back through several pages, but this thread I posted, http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=10977&highlight=girls, will explain why I am still fucking dateless. :evil: :x

LOL I know Trogdor. Women are hard to SPELL at times. But hey you can't live with them, can't live without them. :lol: :wink:



That responce is not helping me much, Hara. >_>

02-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I'm single and probably will be 4 ever because I transformed from a guy who likes women,to a guy who likes women and T-girls, to a guy who likes T-girls.Since that is a very very small subset of humanity and even a smaller subset of that are genuinely looking for a relationship---the odds are against it.

you make your own future and if you are so set on having a pitiful life then you WILL have one. Grow some balls. Move to New York/LA/Atlanta, get a Job, go to some places where the girls hang out, get a few drinks in your system, solidify that backbone and have some of the best sex you never thought you'd ever have....and while you're at it, you may even develope a healthy relationship with someone.

Easier said than done, sure? But like anything that's worth a damn in life it always is.

OK, the longer I live, the more I question how much control we have over how destiny. Sure we can make our own decisions, but as I look at my life I can see how there were times I was supposed to get to a certain thing, but I chose something different, only to end up where I would have been anyway, only later in time. Sometimes things are gonna happen whether you fight them or not.
Now, why does being single mean it's a pitiful life? In reality what I want is an android that will come when I say so,make love to me when I want to,go to events when I need an escort, THEN DISAPPEAR TIL I NEED HER AGAIN! That doesn't exist!
I'm pretty much done with the having the best sex of my life stuff, so that doesn't even enter into the equation.There's nothing new under the sexual sun, so I'd be looking for something deeper than sex.
I had planned on moving to Florida 'til I realized how stupid it would be if my ONLY reason was to increase the traffic of t-girls in my life.Although I'm close to being obsessed, it's not the only thing I live for yet!

02-21-2007, 12:17 AM
1. Why are you single? Girls do not like me. I have low self-esteem. I have a very secluded life.

2. How long have you been single? 33 years

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? On-line: beauty. Real-time: nothing

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now? No, I do not think so.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not? Because I should find an angel, and angels are in heaven.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it? I have to sort out the issue of a job, in order to be able to court a girl.

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options? Suicide.

02-21-2007, 12:23 AM
I choose to be single at the moment because I so much stuff going on in my life that I'm not sure that I could handle someone else's shit on top of my own. Yeah, I'm still struggling with the stuff that I wrote here before (for those that remember), but life IS getting easier, bit by bit. Like that one Beatles song, "Life is getting better all the time", or something. I dunno.

But once I have my own stuff in gear, I definately plan to go looking for someone. To answer the questions question by question...

1. Why are you single? By choice. Well, perhaps my looks also have something to do with it, but I'm choosing at the moment to be single.

2. How long have you been single? Damn...all my life?

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? In real time? Just someone who understands me. Online? Just people to chat with, I suppose. There ARE some pretty cool people on this board, that's for sure.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now? Within a year I hope to...but do I think I will? Unlikely.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for? Bars, bars, bars and more bars. If there's anywhere else to meet women (besides a club--I can't dance worth a damn), then please, tell me.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it? Possibly. Not money, I don't think, since it's hard for me to come by. But time definately.

02-21-2007, 12:33 AM
Blimey Hara_Juku .. you don't arf ask 'em ... :wink:

Firstly I'd like to ask why any mindless idiot would leave Lexi for anyone else ? .. it beggars belief .. just a great shame that she's in Canada & I'm stuck in UK ... Grrr.

Secondly .. my wife & I parted amicably 3 years ago,after 33 years of marriage.The marriage had essentially been "dead" for quite some time & I take my full share of the blame for that.We still keep in touch on a regular basis & although we no longer love one another,I think we'd both be upset if any harm befell the other.

We have two lovely kids (now both grown up .. 32 & 26 yrs respectively) so they didn't suffer as a result of our decision & we decided to part company to coincide with my retirement. We now live approx 250 miles apart,though we do occasionally meet for Christmas,kid's Birthdays etc.

I am now single,live alone & have done for the last 3 years .. although in that time I've had two very good relationships with Transgendered ladies & a number of dates.Incidentally,my appreciation for Transgendered women had nothing whatever to do with the break-up of my marriage.

I'm prepared to invest as much time,effort & money in establishing a new relationship as it takes .. Obviously,I'm looking for a suitable TG lady with a view to a LTR .. therefore time & effort are rather more important than money .. but I'm by no means a cheapskate .. :lol:

If this site proves to be the place where I meet my next partner .. so much the better.

Bye for now,


Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-21-2007, 12:49 AM
Well, Hara, I dunno if I posted in here or not, and not about to look back through several pages, but this thread I posted, http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=10977&highlight=girls, will explain why I am still fucking dateless. :evil: :x

LOL I know Trogdor. Women are hard to SPELL at times. But hey you can't live with them, can't live without them. :lol: :wink:



That responce is not helping me much, Hara. >_>

LOL :lol: :wink:



02-21-2007, 02:30 PM
1. Ia happily married (to a beautiful pre-op TS).

2. We've been married since November 2006 and in relationship for 2 years.

3. I'm here to keep up with latest news and developments in the TS scene and movie/internet industry. Both me and my wife like porn.

4. I find it every time i log in. My long term happiness is based with my wife and I only 'window-shop' here.

5. Keep logging in.

6. N/A

7. No

8. I already have what I want.

02-21-2007, 06:23 PM
Well, Hara, I dunno if I posted in here or not, and not about to look back through several pages, but this thread I posted, http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=10977&highlight=girls, will explain why I am still fucking dateless. :evil: :x

LOL I know Trogdor. Women are hard to SPELL at times. But hey you can't live with them, can't live without them. :lol: :wink:



That responce is not helping me much, Hara. >_>

LOL :lol: :wink:



Neither is that one. >_>

02-21-2007, 07:28 PM
OK, the longer I live, the more I question how much control we have over how destiny. Sure we can make our own decisions, but as I look at my life I can see how there were times I was supposed to get to a certain thing, but I chose something different, only to end up where I would have been anyway, only later in time. Sometimes things are gonna happen whether you fight them or not.
Now, why does being single mean it's a pitiful life? In reality what I want is an android that will come when I say so,make love to me when I want to,go to events when I need an escort, THEN DISAPPEAR TIL I NEED HER AGAIN! That doesn't exist!
I'm pretty much done with the having the best sex of my life stuff, so that doesn't even enter into the equation.There's nothing new under the sexual sun, so I'd be looking for something deeper than sex.
I had planned on moving to Florida 'til I realized how stupid it would be if my ONLY reason was to increase the traffic of t-girls in my life.Although I'm close to being obsessed, it's not the only thing I live for yet!

you can have a successful and fulfiling life in florida. It doesnt have to be about the girls, but if you are so obsessed with them that you feel its something missing in your life, then why not? Also, if all you want is an andriod then I feel sorry for you. You obviously dont want a REAL and healthy relationship. Sounds more like you want a regular **** buddy. If thats what you want then I suggest you look into the escort business. But then you go on to contradict yourself by saying you want something "Deeper" than sex.

I think like a lot of people out here, you dont really know what you want. You have a general idea but you are still confused, searching.


02-23-2007, 05:57 AM
OK, the longer I live, the more I question how much control we have over how destiny. Sure we can make our own decisions, but as I look at my life I can see how there were times I was supposed to get to a certain thing, but I chose something different, only to end up where I would have been anyway, only later in time. Sometimes things are gonna happen whether you fight them or not.
Now, why does being single mean it's a pitiful life? In reality what I want is an android that will come when I say so,make love to me when I want to,go to events when I need an escort, THEN DISAPPEAR TIL I NEED HER AGAIN! That doesn't exist!
I'm pretty much done with the having the best sex of my life stuff, so that doesn't even enter into the equation.There's nothing new under the sexual sun, so I'd be looking for something deeper than sex.
I had planned on moving to Florida 'til I realized how stupid it would be if my ONLY reason was to increase the traffic of t-girls in my life.Although I'm close to being obsessed, it's not the only thing I live for yet!

you can have a successful and fulfiling life in florida. It doesnt have to be about the girls, but if you are so obsessed with them that you feel its something missing in your life, then why not? Also, if all you want is an andriod then I feel sorry for you. You obviously dont want a REAL and healthy relationship. Sounds more like you want a regular **** buddy. If thats what you want then I suggest you look into the escort business. But then you go on to contradict yourself by saying you want something "Deeper" than sex.

I think like a lot of people out here, you dont really know what you want. You have a general idea but you are still confused, searching.

I don't think I'm confused about what I would want from someone, but not sure how easily I can integrate a fulltime relationship into a life that has become so much only about me. It's sorta like kids--- I love hanging around other peoples kids because I can leave when I don't feel like being bothered. I would love to wake up with someone in my bed, but not everyday...Yep...I'm confused

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-23-2007, 06:03 AM
I would love to wake up with someone in my bed, but not everyday...Yep...I'm confused

Hmm..then you need a blow up T-doll! LOL :lol: :wink:



02-23-2007, 06:48 AM
Funny I won one of those at one of Allanahs parties (actually a girl won it and gave it to me). We took it back to my room, but only used the "throbbing member" part :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-23-2007, 07:08 AM
LOL You're quite funny sucka4chix. :lol:



02-23-2007, 07:22 AM
LOL You're quite funny sucka4chix. :lol:


Well, we didn't have a pump and we were too busy blowing each other.
Wow that was a great night, li'l too tipsy tho'

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-14-2007, 07:13 AM
LOL You're quite funny sucka4chix. :lol:


Well, we didn't have a pump and we were too busy blowing each other.
Wow that was a great night, li'l too tipsy tho'




04-02-2007, 07:05 PM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single?

*I am very picky. To my discredit, I have likely ended several potential LTRs during the dating process for quite whimsical reasons of either mine or hers.

2. How long have you been single?

*About 10 years without a serious relationship, maybe a little over a year since I went on a date, several years since I went on multiple dates with 1 person. (see #1 for irrational reasoning :roll: )

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)?

*Love. A partnership. Someone I can realize my dreams with. Someone who realizes her dreams with me.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

*Yes. Time is as Einstein said "relative". Ask me 2 years from now and I might say that I found her in days while she might say it took weeks or months to find it in me. If that sounded cryptic, let's just say that I have found someone I feel strongly about and believe in my heart I can realize my dreams with, but it is up to her to find it in me now.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

*Give her whatever she needs from me: my heart, my ear, my time. (Virtual breakfast in bed :wink: )

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

*Skip to the loo, my darling

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

*Assuming that the feeling is mutual, I would travel to the ends of the earth for her.

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

*Skip to the loo, my darling (really who skips to there? I see "accidents" happening that way. :lol: )

***To the overall question of Why are you single? and clarification of some answers: The pickiness I had was almost Chandler Bing, Jerry Seinfeld, or Eddie Murphy in "Boomerang" like. I didn't know I was doing it, and until recently unaware of the walls and obstacles I had self-imposed to avoid sharing myself. But now that I have taken those walls down, it is just a matter of time and commitment.

04-02-2007, 07:21 PM
1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Lets just say I've had a few bad experiences the past few years. Was with a gf for 3 1/2 years before all hell broke loose, and my last gf went psychotic on beer and anti-depressants. So I'm a bit jaded as far as jumping into another relationship.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

Since last fall.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Discussion, entertainment, making friends, maybe meet someone special

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

It's possible

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

putting on a blindfold and playing pin the tail on the donkey. I couldn't possibly pick the next gf any worse than the last two :P

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?
if i click with the person, yes

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

04-02-2007, 07:45 PM
1. Why are you single?

*just havent meet anyone who has caught my intrest as of late. went on a couple of dates last week just no chemistry there.

2. How long have you been single?

*was dating a ts back in jan for 2 months first month was great, thought hey this could be something, but ended up being someone who was different than what i had originally thought. not sure if it really that counts, before that was in a 5 yr relationship. so 3months but emotionally alot longer.

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)?

*just someone who i really connect with, im a nice guy looking for, the girl next door type dont seem 2 come across those to often these days.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

* um not sure if it happened would be great if not keep on looking.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

* just get out, go out on dates till i find someone that matchs great for myself.

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

*my answer was kinda of a maybe to number #4 so ill answer both yes and no. sometimes i just really have bad luck with women.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

* everyone goes thru ups and down in relationships if u find someone who is special enough and suits u why not i would.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-02-2007, 09:55 PM
Nice avatar cuteguy79. ;)



04-02-2007, 11:10 PM
thank u Hara_Juku Tgirl nice avatar urself :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-02-2007, 11:20 PM
thank u Hara_Juku Tgirl nice avatar urself :)

Thanks cuteguy79. :P "I vant to see moree"..J/k LOL ;)



04-03-2007, 05:57 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

1. Why are you single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: Are you happily married or happy with your current relationship?)

Ovid said, "I chase those who flee me, and flee those who chase me", and I think that pretty much sizes me up. I don't suffer from a dearth of female companionship, but there is no depth in any of those relationships. I've had one woman who until recently gave up on me after two years. She had it all: Looks, education, success,etc., but she wasn't for me, as I felt I didn't have compatibility where it mattered. I try to account for all contingencies, as I don't care to have my heart broken by not studying the situation clearly through. Iow, I can't allow my libido to take charge.

2. How long have you been single? (If you're attached, in a relationship or is married..then the question would be: How long have you been in a relationship or have been married?)

Hmmmmm. It's been a long time since I've had someone I could call "my girlfriend". Too long. :)

3. What are you seeking out on here (online or in real time)? If married or attached and in a relationship..What then seems to be lacking in your present relationship as the case may be?

Hmmmm. Compatibility for one thing. Someone to have fun with.

4. Do you think you'll ever find what you're seeking for within a few months to a year (timeframe) from now?

No. The worse thing one could do is put a timeline on something like that, because you can't ... you shouldn't. Not only that, I am not really actively seeking that right now. If it happens, it happens.

5. If you've answered YES to No.4, How do you plan to go abouts finding what you are looking for?

6. If you've answered NO to No.4, Why not?

It is the epitome of desperation to force a relationship with another complex individual based on a timeline. These things generally happen when one is not on the prowl.

7. Would you invest alot of your time on here (Online or in real time), money and what not to find it?

Hmmmm, good question. Again, this is something that would just happen. I don't know if one can plan on this.

8. If you answered NO to No.7, Then what are your other options?

This should make for very interesting thread and responses. So start the ball rollin'. LOL. Laughing

04-03-2007, 06:25 AM
Why are you single?

Im wondering how many people on here can answer these question honestly:

This should make for very interesting thread and responses. So start the ball rollin'. LOL. :lol:




Haven't found the right person. I'm not just after sex. I wish I was. But I'm not. I'm looking for intimacy, trust, and and an open and honest relationship. Finding that is anything but easy.

The worst part is my sexuality. I have girls that like me. Not a problem at all. But I like transgendered girls. So, I've basically been celibate for about 4 years now since I ended a 13 year relationship with a TS (we're friends now...long story).

As for hoping I'll find something online...given up hope on that. As for meeting someone at one of the many parties, I really doubt it. Or at least finding what I'm looking for. I mean, grabbing my crotch or wagging an ass in front of my face is really lame. And I really, really don't care how big someone's dick is. I'd much prefer a conversation...maybe I'm looking for love in all the wrong places? :P

The thing is I don't have a problem taking care of someone financially. But, to me, I feel bad giving a tgirl money for sex. I feel I'm letting her down, if that makes any sense. Money doesn't buy happiness or if it does, it's very short-lived. I know, I've had tons of money, lost tons of money, and got it all back again. Yeah, I can afford lots of stuff, but I kick around in jeans and a tshirt and take the subway. To me, anyone who's impressed by a car or a jet or whatever accoutrement people buy to give themselves self-esteem is only letting him or herself down in the end.

I sound bitter, but I'm really not. Always find me with a smile and always, always ready to have fun and dance. Life's too short to take it seriously.

much peace all. :)

Wow. Amazing how much one can change from day to day. There's still a bit of me in there...and a bit of someone else.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
04-03-2007, 06:31 AM
Wow. Amazing how much one can change from day to day. There's still a bit of me in there...and a bit of someone else.

Could you elaborate Mr whatsupwithat? :P

What has changed?

