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View Full Version : Transgendered Thoughts

02-17-2013, 05:00 AM
Hello Ladies,

I love to fantisize, it really makes my dick rock hard, and I like to assume that everybody does also? I often see the thread about you ladies that you are pursuing the feminine routes, not so much as being the dominante figues within your sex lives? I've often wondered if you ever deviated from the typical feminine role, and chose to dominate your men; which is something that I have often fantisized about?!? Let's face it, we, men who have dicks control the situations all of the time, its just in our nature. But in your cases, the shoe is on the other foot? Do any of you ever dominate, dig deep into the assholes, and do the men ask for this treatment? I like to think that I would enjoy the domination aspect from time-to-time; but not on a regular basis, which is a trait that most men don't seem to admit to here on the forum? Please let me know if I'm out of touch, and have watch too many videos, of if I'm somewhat in touch with reality?


02-17-2013, 05:20 AM
Let's face it, we, men who have dicks control the situations all of the time, its just in our nature.

You're delusional....

02-17-2013, 05:32 AM
I don't fantasize about that AT ALL. The only time I ever topped and dominated guys was way back when I escorted and I had to really make an effort to put on a good show. I actually really dislike it when guys don't take the lead in the bedroom... Big turn off for me.