View Full Version : Star Wars Solo Films

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 12:34 AM
Star Wars has always had a special place in my heart - it played a major role in me dealing with the rough spots of my childhood. I for one am stoked about Disney taking over the property.

The past few days they've indicated that beyond the new episodes there will be character centric solo films. Hinted at are Yoda, Han Solo, Boba Fett, & Jabba.

I really love the idea of Yoda in a Sanjuro style role or Fett in a Space Spaghetti Western. Jabba in a Mafia film?

The Star Wars setting really opens itself to playing in genres other than the adventures we've seen to date.

Anyone else excited with this?

And if you don't care... here's a picture demonstrating my love for Star Wars and Lightsabers...


02-07-2013, 12:35 AM
Stick your lightsabre where the sun don't shine. :banana:

ts interrupted
02-07-2013, 12:36 AM
Star Wars fiend!

02-07-2013, 12:45 AM
THe Mouse is going to fuck up the franchise. Enjoy your memories because DIsney is going to wring every last dollar out of the Force.

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 12:55 AM
THe Mouse is going to fuck up the franchise. Enjoy your memories because DIsney is going to wring every last dollar out of the Force.

Maybe - although they have handled Marvel very well since its acquisition.

02-07-2013, 12:55 AM
Fuck yes, finally a proper Ewoks flick.

Dino Velvet
02-07-2013, 12:59 AM
How about Yoda and Hoda save the Pyramids from the Muslim Brotherhood? Kathie Lee can come by and dunk everyone's head in water at the end.


Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 01:01 AM
Fuck yes, finally a proper Ewoks flick.

Bloodthirsty Ewoks IMO - have you read this?


Buddy Wood
02-07-2013, 01:12 AM
Star Wars was my life!!! I was obsessed with Boba Fett when I was a kid. I used to come up with my own story lines revolving around him and his bounty hunting adventures and then act out the stories with my action figures!!!

Hell yeah Intergalactic Spaghetti western starring Boba Fett! I'm first in line!! ;-)

J.J. Abrams is a good director. I have faith in the next trilogy...sort of

Great set Wendy!!! May the force be up your butt!!

02-07-2013, 01:15 AM
as far as i am concerned...there were only 2 star wars pictures of any value, george lucas is a terrible film maker and egomaniac and disney can suck it.

the disney films will be horrible shit and i refuse to see them. I have simply hated most disney produced features with such immense passion. moreover, after Empire, the entire SW story went downhill. Jedi is the worst of all 6 pictures, with TPM not far behind, demonstrating that I'm not some schmuck fanboy of the OT for the OT sake. I don't know why you would fuck up a good premise established in ANH and ESB with Jedi and the prequels.

for the record, my preference is: ESB, ANH, AOTC, Sith and I try to pretend the bookends of TPM and Jedi don't exist.

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 01:16 AM
Star Wars was my life!!! I was obsessed with Boba Fett when I was a kid. I used to come up with my own story lines revolving around him and his bounty hunting adventures and then act out the stories with my action figures!!!

Hell yeah Intergalactic Spaghetti western starring Boba Fett! I'm first in line!! ;-)

J.J. Abrams is a good director. I have faith in the next trilogy...sort of

Great set Wendy!!! May the force be up your butt!!

I knew I liked you for a reason LOL... I used to make up stories with my figures too.

Buddy, how did you like Captain America? Joe Johnston is rumored to direct the Fett film (he's been pitching it for a while).

Saw a great suggestion over on io9... if they have to cast a young Lando it ought to be Daniel Glover... I love this idea.

Dino Velvet
02-07-2013, 01:17 AM
As a Horror fella, I can relate to you Sci-Fi peeps. Let's hope this is the best Star Trek ever.

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 01:19 AM
as far as i am concerned...there were only 2 star wars pictures of any value, george lucas is a terrible film maker and egomaniac and disney can suck it.

the disney films will be horrible shit and i refuse to see them. I have simply hated most disney produced features with such immense passion. moreover, after Empire, the entire SW story went downhill. Jedi is the worst of all 6 pictures, with TPM not far behind, demonstrating that I'm not some schmuck fanboy of the OT for the OT sake. I don't know why you would fuck up a good premise established in ANH and ESB with Jedi and the prequels.

for the record, my preference is: ESB, ANH, AOTC, Sith and I try to pretend the bookends of TPM and Jedi don't exist.

What did you think of last summer's Avengers?

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 01:20 AM
As a Horror fella, I can relate to you Sci-Fi peeps. Let's hope this is the best Star Trek ever.


02-07-2013, 01:26 AM
i used to have all the starwars toys as well :) great stuff :_)

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 01:28 AM
i used to have all the starwars toys as well :) great stuff :_)

Scary thought: I STILL have all the star wars toys LOL

02-07-2013, 01:28 AM
i never got into star wars despite being born when this was HUGE, but even if i was this is exactly the kind of thing that would completely destroy it for me. i haven't enjoyed anything disney has made since the 90s and most of their output has either been about buying out some else's product or just releasing straight-to-video sequels to their most successful films.

so this is basically them applying the same business model to this franchise. if i was a part of disney, i'd absolutely love it. but i'm not. also, i've never understood why people despise lucas so much when he's the creator of said franchise and it's universe. as far as i'm concerned, if he's not involved, it's not really cannon. whether good or bad, it's his vision

02-07-2013, 01:33 AM
I was initially worried when Disney bought marvel but things have turned out ok so far so I have hope that Disney will do star wars justice. Having J.J. attached certainly gives me faith for the next trilogy. The thought of spin off stories outside the trilogy is very promising, here's to hopefully a promising future of Star Wars lore.

Dino Velvet
02-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Scary thought: I STILL have all the star wars toys LOL

Yeah... in your butt.

02-07-2013, 01:44 AM
I see the force is up your butt lol!:)

C. Saw
02-07-2013, 02:40 AM
Hopefully they're not ALL up her butt - my be uncomfortable with a Tie-Fighter up your ass. I am excited to see what can be done with continuing the movies. The mouse messing up the series? It can't be worse than what Jar-Jar did. I don't see how one can condemn the new stuff without seeing them, or some previews or something. Who knows what they will be like. By the way, the best , and only good movies are in order: Empire, New Hope, and Jedi.

...and May the force be up your butt. Great line, Buddy.

Quiet Reflections
02-07-2013, 03:02 AM
Jango Fett uncloned

02-07-2013, 05:23 AM
these are not the 'roids you are looking for.

02-07-2013, 05:45 AM
By the way, the best , and only good movies are in order: Empire, New Hope, and Jedi.

Sith > Jedi.

02-07-2013, 07:00 AM
Im not exicited about JJ doing Star Wars. I wasnt exicited about the Disney taking over Star Wars, but JJ I dont know. I didnt like Mission Impossible, Armageddon, and Cloverfield. But maybe Im just lowering the bar so I wont be pissed when Star Trek II new and improved, and Star Wars VII come out.

02-07-2013, 07:23 AM
What did you think of last summer's Avengers?

i thought it was an incredible cluster fuck

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 05:07 PM
these are not the 'roids you are looking for.

lolz - I approve!

i thought it was an incredible cluster fuck

You sir... are dead to me. :geek:

02-07-2013, 06:04 PM
lolz - I approve!

You sir... are dead to me. :geek:

1. it was iron man 3. the other characters were just supportive.
2. it dragged in the middle...the entire airship was totally unnecessary
3. too many convenient plot devices (hulk arrives on a motorcycle at the right time for example)
4. renner/scarlet scenes bored the shit out of me

i could go on with a long assed list of every flaw in the movie but its not worth it since that movie (and avatar) proved that people like shiny CGI and things blowing up. The Avengers simply was one of the most disappointing superhero movies I have ever seen.

Worst Superhero Movies I have ever seen...
5. Superman 3. Superman 4 was a bad movie, but in all honesty, it was an attempt, albeit a failed one, to revive a franchise that could not be any lower than Superman 3. Too many attempts at humor, too many departures from the flow of the first 2 films and richard pryor. nuff said.

4. Iron Man 3 (aka the avengers). Poorly driven story with terrible performances, reliance on unnecessary characters and plot devices, and a full failure to realize each superhero for their strengths because ultimately, the movie was Iron Man 3

3. Nipple batman. Need I say anymore than nipple, arnold, rubber lips and the batcard?

2. SP3 ... What a let down from #2. This movie suffers from the trilogy effect...that #1 is an origin story, #2 expands and #3 tries to expand more while failing to have real closure to an arc.

1. TDKR ... What a let down from #2. Too many plot holes and too many inconsistencies. As a movie, it didn't entertain but as a finale to a great series, it failed so miserably to live up to my expectations.

Now, I wrote all of that simply because I want to illustrate how much i hate TPM and Jedi. I hate Jedi and TPM so much more than I do the avengers and TDKR. Both of these SW movies were terribly disappointing from story through production and rank among the movies i will never watch again. At least for the Avengers, it is something I may sit and watch again.

Most fans agree that TPM was a failure because the scope was too large, the story interval was too small leaving too much to occur in AOTC and Sith, and only ewan and liam were any good in their roles (i'm not even going to talk about jar jar) but Jedi...well jedi, IMHO is often heralded for being part of the OT and not because it is a superior movie.

1. the empire (sith) managed to undermine all jedis everywhere (yes, we only really learn about the magnitude in the prequels, but just go with it because in ANH and ESB, the empire is ever present and dominant). they build the fucking death star (twice) and little furry bastards with sticks beat them. The ewoks are the single worst edition to the SW movies ... even shittier than Jar Jar.

2. Jedi clones too many scenes from his predecessors. The opening star destroyer, the 2nd death star that is even easier to infiltrate than the first, another energy beam, another invading hoard...its sad. Also...while we are on the topic of the death star...why not blow the fucking planet up then the moon rather than fly around it. the empire blows shit up all the time. this is a plot device that someone should have slapped lucas in his jowls for using.

2. Jedi is inconsistent...all of the feeling and momentum from ESB is lost because Lucas wanted a happy ending. It doesn't know if it wants to be a tale of furry empowerment where a native uprising foils technology, or a character study of a father and son, or an action movie. in all three respects, it fails because it never commits. like i said above...filmmakers usually botch the 3rd installment of a trilogy because they are so desperate for a happy ending that ties everything up.
2a. also, while we are on the topic of inconsistency...did the carbonite make Solo a fag? it must have.
2b. Jedi turned a story of a father and son into a story into a brother and sister that, don't forget, kissed in ANH.

3. Jedi is a kids movie. Whether the ewoks, the muppets, the intentional and unintentional humor or the fact that the movie is fake and plastic looking as opposed to the grungier look of ANH and ESB, it is made for 3 year olds to be indoctrinated into SW rather than entertain the core audience that made Lucas a rich man. The shitty banter and constant exposition demonstrate that Lucas was targeting the unindoctrinated.

again, i could go on and on but i won't.

i will close this long post by saying....
to me, Lucas made only 2 good SW movies and severely botched the rest. Because of that, I am quite happy that Epi 7-future will not be in his hands. I believe that there is little he could do to correct his mistakes AND i believe that though the EU has done a fine job expanding, he would screw using that material up as well. I had little faith in being entertained by any more of his vision of the SW universe. I do believe that Disney will make a better MOVIE than lucas because they will bring fresh eyes to the table...but that doesn't mean that I will like it because I fear they will aim too low (for kids) and I fear that they may adhere too strictly to the Lucas vision rather than look towards the EU. I can only hope that I am wrong and JJ reimagines SW the way he did with Trek.

Wendy Summers
02-07-2013, 11:45 PM
I do believe that Disney will make a better MOVIE than lucas because they will bring fresh eyes to the table...but that doesn't mean that I will like it because I fear they will aim too low (for kids) and I fear that they may adhere too strictly to the Lucas vision rather than look towards the EU. I can only hope that I am wrong and JJ reimagines SW the way he did with Trek.

The problem with Lucas Star Wars after TESB was he stopped involving the broad range of folks who collaborated with him in making ANH & TESB. The reigned him in and focused what he couldn't in the script. It's why I'm hopeful for these new movies - Kathleen Kennedy has a great track record of bringing talented folks together to collaborate.

C. Saw
02-08-2013, 01:27 AM
Sith > Jedi.
I realize that Jedi isn't a perfect movie, but it's still got the best cast. I think it is entertaining while Sith has one of the worst movie lines ever delivered. "Oh, Anakin, you're breaking my heart". Need I say more. Hayden Christiansen is a terrible actor and George Lucas doesn't know how to direct - since A New Hope, anyway.

Oh, I also agree somewhat with RallyColla's review of Avengers. I thought the movie was good overall, but was way overhyped by a lot of people. Most of it is a mindless action movie - which are not my favorite type of movies. The end was like, "we don't know how to end this thing, so we'll have our guys destroys some meaningless aliens with some gratuitous violence. Was it anything more than that?

02-08-2013, 01:28 AM
The problem with Lucas Star Wars after TESB was he stopped involving the broad range of folks who collaborated with him in making ANH & TESB. The reigned him in and focused what he couldn't in the script. It's why I'm hopeful for these new movies - Kathleen Kennedy has a great track record of bringing talented folks together to collaborate.

I agree, which is why I said that Disney should be able to produce a superior MOVIE than Lucas did in Jedi and the PT. I am saying MOVIE because Disney does make technically sound films that are well thought out, produced and directed and their aim is more for profit than completing a vision and being a prick (a la Lucas) so I believe they will not be so pigeonholed as Lucas proved he can be.

That being said, however, I find that Disney movies often lack a certain punch that other studios have to them.

List of Disney theatrical feature films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_theatrical_feature_films)

there is the list. they have certainly produced a tremendous amount of blockbuster films, but none of them are movies i favor and i believe that in the hands of another production house, many titles could have been better.

also, confounding the issue is that Marvel, though wholly owned by Disney operates outside of the Disney stronghold on family friendly entertainment. I read somewhere that ken fergie or whatever his name is, has almost the same unilateral control over Marvel Films as John Lasseter has over Pixar branded films.

Wendy Summers
02-08-2013, 09:50 PM
Oh, I also agree somewhat with RallyColla's review of Avengers. I thought the movie was good overall, but was way overhyped by a lot of people. Most of it is a mindless action movie - which are not my favorite type of movies. The end was like, "we don't know how to end this thing, so we'll have our guys destroys some meaningless aliens with some gratuitous violence. Was it anything more than that?

Absolutely it was more than that. The story wasn't about the aliens. The story was about these loners learning how to come together and, in fine Whedon style, become a post-modern family. Excluding Hawkeye, who's simply a plot piece (playing, go figure, the Lois Lane role of the film), each character had an arch: Tony Stark learning to become selfless; Steve Rodgers finding there was a place for him in the modern world; Banner claiming control over his inner Monster; Thor learning to set aside his pride; Natasha seeking redemption for the black ops work she'd done. The resolution for each of these arcs occurs mid-battle, leading to them all to work together and make the final play that ends the alien threat.

Structurally it's all very sound.

I agree, which is why I said that Disney should be able to produce a superior MOVIE than Lucas did in Jedi and the PT. I am saying MOVIE because Disney does make technically sound films that are well thought out, produced and directed and their aim is more for profit than completing a vision and being a prick (a la Lucas) so I believe they will not be so pigeonholed as Lucas proved he can be.

That being said, however, I find that Disney movies often lack a certain punch that other studios have to them.

List of Disney theatrical feature films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_theatrical_feature_films)

there is the list. they have certainly produced a tremendous amount of blockbuster films, but none of them are movies i favor and i believe that in the hands of another production house, many titles could have been better.

also, confounding the issue is that Marvel, though wholly owned by Disney operates outside of the Disney stronghold on family friendly entertainment. I read somewhere that ken fergie or whatever his name is, has almost the same unilateral control over Marvel Films as John Lasseter has over Pixar branded films.

Kathleen Kennedy has the same autonomy that Lasseter & Feige have.

C. Saw
02-09-2013, 06:31 AM
Sorry, Wendy, I'm not convinced. Before, I meant to say that the end was just gratuitous violence and action. Again, I did like the movie - the character interaction was the best part. I like Hawkeye, but there is a great sketch from Saturday Night Live, which I saw on Youtube - I think, where it shows what happens when Hawkeye runs out of arrows. Funny, I recommend a viewing. By the way, I not looking forward to Thanos appearing in the next movie. We don't need more space aliens. Well, I guess the movie makers do because they can't think of anything more creative to do with the Hulk. Thanos is not even a classic Avengers villain - didn't face each other all that often. We need Ultron and we need him NOW!

02-09-2013, 07:35 AM
I think the deal was to ensure his legacy is in the right hands. That said, I am worried.

Star Trek was the perfect film for the short attention span generation. Great the first time but it lessens with repeated watchings. The good guys were all bathed in BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT while the villains had dark colors.

I gathered this from the previews on the new film: If the Federation's security is so weak that any single person can break the codes and destroy the fleet then I hope they get what they deserve for letting a bunch of 20 year old's fly around space.

That brings me to Star Wars. They said they are skipping Thrawn which to me is a huge mistake. Zahn's books revitalized the franchise and Grand Admiral Thrawn is one of the best villains ever created.

I worry that Star Wars becomes a home for all the Disney actors like the Rock and Johnny Depp. There were no stars in the original. They just told a great tale.

Do we really need lots of spinoffs or is Disney just looking to milk the Star Wars cow?

Worry #2, JJ Abrams. Lost and Star Trek delved into time travel which, outside of Dr. Who, seems to be a sign of weak writing. When you need to use time travel it feels like the writers have run out of ideas.

Please do not retcon the destruction of Princess Leia's planet through the use of time travel. Please.

Edit: Which actor could pull off Grand Admiral Thrawn? Javier Bardem

02-09-2013, 07:50 AM
The very first Star Wars film in the mid-70s was ok. It's been an inexorable slide downhill ever since.

02-09-2013, 04:00 PM
Absolutely it was more than that. The story wasn't about the aliens. The story was about these loners learning how to come together and, in fine Whedon style, become a post-modern family. Excluding Hawkeye, who's simply a plot piece (playing, go figure, the Lois Lane role of the film), each character had an arch: Tony Stark learning to become selfless; Steve Rodgers finding there was a place for him in the modern world; Banner claiming control over his inner Monster; Thor learning to set aside his pride; Natasha seeking redemption for the black ops work she'd done. The resolution for each of these arcs occurs mid-battle, leading to them all to work together and make the final play that ends the alien threat.

Structurally it's all very sound.

i don't think we wee watching the same movie.

1) in each iteration of Iron Man, Tony has to learn to be selfless and that it is not all about him. To carry that arc here is pointless.
2) banner doesn't learn anything. he conveniently already knew how to do it after arriving on a motorcycle because the plot needed him to. he, in fact, had NO arc. He was mad but he's always mad so that explains everything.
3) rodgers never finds a place in the modern world. he merely talks a lot and feigns leadership.
4) Thor learned to set aside his pride in is own movie when he so again, this is a useless arc AND he is a little bitch.
5) natasha...(and hawkeye)...whatever...useless cunty characters.

and that you say that these realizations come after the dude dies and in the middle of the film just points out how shit the movie is. it makes the final act (a battle scene clearly inspired by michael bay and transformers) pointless because there is no conflict...they are united and unstoppable.

for a laugh

Everything Wrong With The Avengers In 3 Minutes Or Less - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYVZjKgoKdg)

02-09-2013, 04:07 PM
No ..... just no.

08-10-2023, 04:12 PM
Was the character name "Han Solo" chosen to be a vague reference to masturbation? Get it? Hand Solo. Maybe it wasn't even deliberate. Maybe it was a certain type of "Freudian slip" by George Lucas.

Also, was the nose and body of the X-Wing fighters deliberately designed to look phallic? It's got that thing on the front of it that is reminiscent of the head of a penis, and then the long shaft or body extending back.

08-10-2023, 09:21 PM
^^ you should get out more