View Full Version : Half time show bore

02-04-2013, 07:25 AM
That was a half time show to miss! At least last year Madonna had some back up talent for variety. Beyonce is overrated! I would have rather watched Mariah! I could have watched Tracy Morgan do stand up for 20 min.

02-04-2013, 09:57 AM
Ok this guy has 26 posts under his belt and with this last comment I think that's about enough.

02-04-2013, 10:39 AM
It was fine, lots of energy and lights and Beyonce. She was so hot she blew out the power. Gave the 49ers time to regroup,now that was a bad thing lol.:)

02-04-2013, 11:05 AM
Beyonce is one of those performers that if she did crap, no matter what people will still think its the best thing ever and many will rave it.

02-04-2013, 02:07 PM
I enjoyed it, decent singing and better to look at than the lineman.

02-05-2013, 05:50 AM
Must be a cultural thing. Over here we talk about the game at half time. Superbowl is almost like a rock concert with a football game going on in the background. :confused::confused::confused: