View Full Version : The "BOTTOM" line...

01-29-2013, 07:16 AM
Because you're in denial about your own homosexual attraction to penis, you cannot even consider my argument on a conscious level, so you reject it on its face. Take a good, hard look in the mirror and maybe you'll see some growth and happiness when you accept this basic truth about yourself.

Hi everyone. I'm Chase....Chase McThirsty.

I'd like to take this time to clarify some things regarding common sense and sexuality.

For starters...If Pee-Pee's and Wee-Wee's are that prevalent and clear cut to determining homosexuality why is the TS quoted above absolved of having one?

Does hating your penis give you a free pass to trash the people (CHASERS) who actually pay to see "her" jerk off on camera?

Now I understand preference but does the she really "respect" any preference other than her own?

If she disregards a mans right to say he's hetero, why should her right to be female be upheld using the same logic?

Penis and balls aside is everything else on or inside the her body constitutionally unisex? Or is the she just full of it?

You are who you say you are...that's your right.

So it's the her right live her life as a female.

Despite having a penis, having testicles, having a prostate gland and high testosterone, it's this individual free right to call herself a female despite being born with those extremities and I respect that.

Doctors respect that, medical researchers respected that, psychologist respect that and on and on....

So when I say that I'm only attracted to females be it TS or genetic. How does that get swept to the side and I get declared a homo?

What, because of the dick? Okay lets forget that a penis and clitoris are made of the same skin tissues for a second since the TS I quoted above is "strictly bottom".

But wait! Doesn't anal sex bring exposure to the prostate gland? A male sex organ? Some doctors (proctologist and urologist) would stay that the penis is just the middle man to climax and the male prostate is the true miracle behind sexual pleasure. So when a man inserts his dick inside a m2f transsexual anus thus making contact with said tgirl's prostate is that gay as well or is there some rule that cancels out prostate glands as well?

Tgirls Chasers and tgirls alike...I challenge you to rise above the ridiculousness that some tgirls use to discourage men's desires simply because they hate the skin that they're in. It's uninformative, it's contradictory and plan of selfish. And despite this Tgirls flip flopping in a previous thread it's counter productive to right that people can be who ever they want to be!

And in 2013 I'm a firm believer that there are some women walking Gods green creation who just happen to have dicks to.

I just happen to love them the same as genetic women.

Stay Thirsty!

01-29-2013, 07:22 AM


01-29-2013, 07:44 AM



01-29-2013, 07:48 AM
Pretty much agree with every point you made

Well said my friend, stay thirsty

01-29-2013, 07:53 AM

01-29-2013, 08:09 AM
Fail huh...

And if Padme had suspected Anakin Skywalker of frequenting tranny sites...?


01-29-2013, 08:10 AM
Self-haters gonna hate...

01-29-2013, 08:18 AM
Self-haters gonna hate...

Hmm....that quote deserves to be archived in gif form.

Would a ugly chick blowing her brains out be too insensitive....?

01-29-2013, 08:22 AM
Hi everyone. I'm Chase....Chase McThirsty.

I'd like to take this time to clarify some things regarding common sense and sexuality.

For starters...If Pee-Pee's and Wee-Wee's are that prevalent and clear cut to determining homosexuality why is the TS quoted above absolved of having one?

Does hating your penis give you a free pass to trash the people (CHASERS) who actually pay to see "her" jerk off on camera?

Now I understand preference but does the she really "respect" any preference other than her own?

If she disregards a mans right to say he's hetero, why should her right to be female be upheld using the same logic?

Penis and balls aside is everything else on or inside the her body constitutionally unisex? Or is the she just full of it?

You are who you say you are...that's your right.

So it's the her right live her life as a female.

Despite having a penis, having testicles, having a prostate gland and high testosterone, it's this individual free right to call herself a female despite being born with those extremities and I respect that.

Doctors respect that, medical researchers respected that, psychologist respect that and on and on....

So when I say that I'm only attracted to females be it TS or genetic. How does that get swept to the side and I get declared a homo?

What, because of the dick? Okay lets forget that a penis and clitoris are made of the same skin tissues for a second since the TS I quoted above is "strictly bottom".

But wait! Doesn't anal sex bring exposure to the prostate gland? A male sex organ? Some doctors (proctologist and urologist) would stay that the penis is just the middle man to climax and the male prostate is the true miracle behind sexual pleasure. So when a man inserts his dick inside a m2f transsexual anus thus making contact with said tgirl's prostate is that gay as well or is there some rule that cancels out prostate glands as well?

Tgirls Chasers and tgirls alike...I challenge you to rise above the ridiculousness that some tgirls use to discourage men's desires simply because they hate the skin that they're in. It's uninformative, it's contradictory and plan of selfish. And despite this Tgirls flip flopping in a previous thread it's counter productive to right that people can be who ever they want to be!

And in 2013 I'm a firm believer that there are some women walking Gods green creation who just happen to have dicks to.

I just happen to love them the same as genetic women.

Stay Thirsty!

I cosign 100 percent.

01-29-2013, 08:28 AM
A Perfect example of a perfect fucktard chaser. His offended from what he knows deep down inside his dickweed brain, what he truly is. Mc.Shit.. , You are NOT straight, any guys who is obsessive of cock and being in constant hunt of cock is NOT a straight guy more of bi or confuse fag mofo. A pito, penis, dick has no femininity on it, its a masculine shit. Damn, some of this mad snakes go in "vagina mode", once the truth is being told. Rant somewhere else. He even attack a girl because she feels more comfortable with a vagina than a penis on here. Learn to accept that not all TS like their dicks, some are going to eventually chop that fuckin tumor just like any other tumor...

Am out of this nonsense... don't have time.
All chasers out there, pay mofos ... you want your fucking fetish , YOUR MASCULINE DICK ? ... then PAY PAY PAY ....
Most you guys just want a toy with NSA to used...NOT A RELATIONSHIP WITH US...

01-29-2013, 08:35 AM
A Perfect example of a perfect fucktard chaser. His offended from what he knows deep down inside his dickweed brain, what he truly is. Mc.Shit.. , You are NOT straight, any guys who is obsessive of cock and being in constant hunt of cock is NOT a straight guy more of bi or confuse fag mofo. A pito, penis, dick has no femininity on it, its a masculine shit. Damn, some of this mad snakes go in "vagina mode", once the truth is being told. Rant somewhere else. He even attack a girl because she feels more comfortable with a vagina than a penis on here. Learn to accept that not all TS like their dicks, some are going to eventually chop that fuckin tumor just like any other tumor...

Wow....where do I start?

Oh I know.

What makes you call yourself wild?

01-29-2013, 09:13 AM
You guys are all forgetting one more very important thing: trying to convince us that we should like something about ourselves (to which many of you reduce us), simply because you fetishize it, is to imply that our validation depends on you.

Don't fucking flatter yourselves! :lol:


01-29-2013, 08:04 PM
You guys are all forgetting one more very important thing: trying to convince us that we should like something about ourselves (to which many of you reduce us), simply because you fetishize it, is to imply that our validation depends on you.

Don't fucking flatter yourselves! :lol:


No, you're flattering yourself.

I'm not trying to convince you of liking anything nor do I care to.

If you wish to play the victim of being objectified while ironically maintaining a career in "PORN" then continue having fun with that rediculous notion. Just don't expect anyone else with with half a brain to buy it though...

You're ignorance, misinformation, biased opinion, resentment and disrespect for those who pay to see you show your dick on film is what's on display now which is for everyone else to see and make there own conclutions regarding since last time I checked, no one was forcing you to bend over and "make love to the camera" in the first place....

Keep in mind that Mel Gibson and Michael Richards are actors to, but look where their comments got them...

01-29-2013, 08:35 PM
No, you're flattering yourself.

I'm not trying to convince you of liking anything nor do I care to.

If you wish to play the victim of being objectified while ironically maintaining a career in "PORN" then continue having fun with that rediculous notion. Just don't expect anyone else with with half a brain to buy it though...

You're ignorance, misinformation, biased opinion, resentment and disrespect for those who pay to see you show your dick on film is what's on display now which is for everyone else to see and make there own conclutions regarding since last time I checked, no one was forcing you to bend over and "make love to the camera" in the first place....

Keep in mind that Mel Gibson and Michael Richards are actors to, but look where their comments got them...

unfortunately trans woman are objectified and fetishized regardless of if their in the industry or not.yes, genetic woman are objectified as well but they dont really have to deal with guys who are attracted to their gender but wont date them because of the very thing that attracts them.unfortunately i find that those type of men out number the men who arent ashamed and insecure about their attraction to ts woman.i think because of this allot of ts woman rather just make a profit off the masses of men who objectify (and reject them at the same time) than allow themselves to be used for experimentation or sexual thrills.

01-29-2013, 09:25 PM
Kind of seems like apple and oranges, because sexual identity and sexual orientation are two separate issues. Hey, you can call yourself Darth Vader if it makes you happy, makes no never mind to me. I'm not a sex worker and I'm objectified just as much as these other girls that has posted so it's not a matter of them putting themselves out there so much as guys simply being cock hounds and hiding behind the " it's ok I'm not gay cause its attached to a girl" . To me what really show a guy true colors when they make a fetish of the cock, cum, balls and mention little to nothing of the girl herself. Look at the very threads on the forum especially the fem boy thread, how is that even on a Ts forum there are gay sites for that kind of content. No one has the right to tell anyone else if they are gay or straight, male or female, but the world will be a better place once people admit to themselves what they are truly feeling. As many have already stated, most of the people here wouldn't even openly date a trans person.

01-29-2013, 09:36 PM
unfortunately trans woman are objectified and fetishized regardless of if their in the industry or not.yes, genetic woman are objectified as well but they dont really have to deal with guys who are attracted to their gender but wont date them because of the very thing that attracts them.unfortunately i find that those type of men out number the men who arent ashamed and insecure about their attraction to ts woman.i think because of this allot of ts woman rather just make a profit off the masses of men who objectify (and reject them at the same time) than allow themselves to be used for experimentation or sexual thrills.

Yeah well let the non-industry trans women speak for themselves since they've got a more legitimate case then tgirls who reluctantly frequent this site while giving their ass to kiss.

How can a trans woman who jerks off on film bitch about the aftermath? Your sexual preference and occupation are usually two seperate things but you've never seen Malcom X bitching while making hoods for the Klan. So if you don't like it then do yourself a favor and stop wasting yourself and other time. Despite Bella's grandstanding generalizing. There are plenty of tgirls out there who would love to be in her place that truly appreciate what the men in question have to offer.

And despite what you and Bella assumed I'm not here to be either of your guidence concilers. You can both hate your body parts until forever. There are too many tgirls out there who have made pease with there piece and don't mind sharing a piece with no malice behind it to feel slighted about your reluctancy.

My issuse comes in when the men who do accept you as when get casted as homo's for excepting you for you all will your fighting for society to accept you as female regardless of whats between you legs.

To me that shit is counter productive.

Furthermore if a man who might be open to seeing a ts is subjected to a tgirl like you or Bella first, who the hell can blame him for not being partial claiming the next?

I personnally have been seeing tgirls most of my adult life so to hear some special needs victim who's never met me declare me as some random dick hungry fetishist simply for calling out her hypocrital bullshit while you co-sign it really doesn't shead any possitive light on the matter.

01-29-2013, 10:15 PM
You guys are all forgetting one more very important thing: trying to convince us that we should like something about ourselves (to which many of you reduce us), simply because you fetishize it, is to imply that our validation depends on you.

Don't fucking flatter yourselves! :lol:

I think 'validation' will always depend on someone else to a certain extent. Otherwise why is acceptance so important?

I agree that we should all accept who we are and be comfortable with ourselves, but if you're fighting for acceptance for your community then isn't the whole point about how others regard you?

If your validation only depended on yourself, then your genitalia wouldn't really matter; therapy or counselling would be better suited to your needs...

01-29-2013, 10:49 PM
Yeah well let the non-industry trans women speak for themselves since they've got a more legitimate case then tgirls who reluctantly frequent this site while giving their ass to kiss.

How can a trans woman who jerks off on film bitch about the aftermath? Your sexual preference and occupation are usually two seperate things but you've never seen Malcom X bitching while making hoods for the Klan. So if you don't like it then do yourself a favor and stop wasting yourself and other time. Despite Bella's grandstanding generalizing. There are plenty of tgirls out there who would love to be in her place that truly appreciate what the men in question have to offer.

And despite what you and Bella assumed I'm not here to be either of your guidence concilers. You can both hate your body parts until forever. There are too many tgirls out there who have made pease with there piece and don't mind sharing a piece with no malice behind it to feel slighted about your reluctancy.

My issuse comes in when the men who do accept you as when get casted as homo's for excepting you for you all will your fighting for society to accept you as female regardless of whats between you legs.

To me that shit is counter productive.

Furthermore if a man who might be open to seeing a ts is subjected to a tgirl like you or Bella first, who the hell can blame him for not being partial claiming the next?

I personnally have been seeing tgirls most of my adult life so to hear some special needs victim who's never met me declare me as some random dick hungry fetishist simply for calling out her hypocrital bullshit while you co-sign it really doesn't shead any possitive light on the matter.

I'm sorry when did i say i hate my penis or call someone homo.stop fucking lumping me in with other people and actually read what i write.
I'm done responding to you.your just as dense, arrogant and rude as the girls you complain about.it's impossible to have an adult convo with someone who insists on ranting.your post made about as much sense as jamiethewild did.

01-29-2013, 11:25 PM
I'm sorry when did i say i hate my penis or call someone homo.stop fucking lumping me in with other people and actually read what i write.
I'm done responding to you.your just as dense, arrogant and rude as the girls you complain about.it's impossible to have an adult convo with someone who insists on ranting.your post made about as much sense as jamiethewild did.

Let the record show that my initial comments were addressed to Bella and Bella only.

"You" choose to respond to me in 3 different threads along with co-signing Bella's comments instead of distinguishing your own point of view till now.

Kind of seems like apple and oranges, because sexual identity and sexual orientation are two separate issues. Hey, you can call yourself Darth Vader if it makes you happy, makes no never mind to me. I'm not a sex worker and I'm objectified just as much as these other girls that has posted so it's not a matter of them putting themselves out there so much as guys simply being cock hounds and hiding behind the " it's ok I'm not gay cause its attached to a girl" . To me what really show a guy true colors when they make a fetish of the cock, cum, balls and mention little to nothing of the girl herself. Look at the very threads on the forum especially the fem boy thread, how is that even on a Ts forum there are gay sites for that kind of content. No one has the right to tell anyone else if they are gay or straight, male or female, but the world will be a better place once people admit to themselves what they are truly feeling. As many have already stated, most of the people here wouldn't even openly date a trans person.

Even "Remy757Photog" made her point here w/o having to drink Bella's Kool-aid. And I respect that.

Next time be specific on your point and you wont have to back peddle afterwards. Besides if you don't drink the same Kool-aid as Bella then why pick up the glass?

Bella needs a reputable shrink not an online advocate.

01-29-2013, 11:38 PM
Let the record show that my initial comments were addressed to Bella and Bella only.

"You" choose to respond to me in 3 different threads along with co-signing Bella's comments instead of distinguishing your own point of view till now.

Even "Remy757Photog" made her point here w/o having to drink Bella's Kool-aid. And I respect that.

Next time be specific on your point and you wont have to back peddle afterwards. Besides if you don't drink the same Kool-aid as Bella then why pick up the glass?

Bella needs a reputable shrink not an online advocate.

I can agree with some of the points a person made without signing up for the cause.

01-29-2013, 11:42 PM
resisting the urge to join the fray...

we can't we all just get along and ignore each others opinions? :joke:

keep calm and carry on

01-29-2013, 11:55 PM
There is so much fail, hyperbole, misquoting, and externalized shame and hatred in Chase's posts that I've been ignoring them to the farthest extent possible. I'm merely speaking reality from my perspective. We're not even talking about my feelings about my own body in this thread - that was his red herring. We're also not talking about gentlemen who respect trans women as whole people, whether the women perform in porn (read: do it as only their job) or not. We're talking about people who fetishize penis and could care less who it is attached to as long as they could be considered a feminine person. If he can't make the separation between real and make believe, then I don't need counseling - he needs kindergarten.

And if he can't understand that this thread was a proportional response to 'Would you be seen in Public with a TS,' then that's even more evidence that he's just a troll anyway. He's not even attempting to understand my point of view, he is not trans, and therefore his continued protests make him the obsessed, self-hating one here. Attempting to bully other girls out of agreeing me is another indication of a weak argument. I mean just look at his name. He clearly thrives on the sensational. I'm curious to know who owns this sock-puppet.

Personally, I don't think anybody should address him anymore, but I'm sure we all will. :lol:


01-29-2013, 11:59 PM
I can agree with some of the points a person made without signing up for the cause.


01-30-2013, 08:45 AM
I understand where Chase's frustration is coming from even though I feel he came on a little too strong. Im attracted to TS and GG equally and there's certain things I like about all the girls I've ever been with regardless of what's between their legs. The problem is that it doesn't stop people from labeling me or girls from judging and that pisses me off.

Willie Escalade
01-30-2013, 08:52 AM
I understand where Chase's frustration is coming from even though I feel he came on a little too strong. Im attracted to TS and GG equally and there's certain things I like about all the girls I've ever been with regardless of what's between their legs. The problem is that it doesn't stop people from labeling me or girls from judging and that pisses me off.
This right here.

Jamie French
01-30-2013, 09:30 AM
The problem with labels is essentially a problem with words/definitions so let's break the actual words/definitions down and maybe try to make some sense of this.

A homosexual is a person who has an attraction to the same sex.

A transgendered person is someone who has changed their gender but not necessarily their sex.

A transsexual person is someone who has changed their sex and most likely their gender in a way that most closely resembles the classical assignment one would expect of their physical sex.

Seems to me if we are talking purely about sexuality then sex is really the only operative word and gender has absolutely nothing to do with the equation. This means that if you're physical sex is that of a male and you partake in sexual activities that involve male sexual genitalia then you are in fact engaging in a homosexual activity, regardless of the other parties gender.

I could see a guy taking issue with being told that they are attracted to someone of the same gender as it would imply that you are attracted to a gender role that they in fact aren't. It's a mislabel.

But being told that you are a homosexual seems completely legitimate as we are only talking about two people's (same) physical sex.

What's troubling is that being called a homosexual is somehow perceived as being less than desirable and in fact an a full on insult to most men who find themselves in this type of situation. I've known many homosexuals in my 33 years - not one of them has led me to believe that their homosexuality had anything to do with whether or not they were a disagreeable person. So I don't understand what's so bad about being called a homosexual... it's seems as arbitrary as saying that you don't want to be called an omnivore or a truck driver or a person who likes the color blue.

(As an aside: I am not excluded from homosexual labels - because, you know... logic.)

01-30-2013, 10:23 AM
re labels ... or bisexual if you enjoy GG and TG

01-30-2013, 04:34 PM
The problem with labels is essentially a problem with words/definitions so let's break the actual words/definitions down and maybe try to make some sense of this.

A homosexual is a person who has an attraction to the same sex.

A transgendered person is someone who has changed their gender but not necessarily their sex.

A transsexual person is someone who has changed their sex and most likely their gender in a way that most closely resembles the classical assignment one would expect of their physical sex.

Seems to me if we are talking purely about sexuality then sex is really the only operative word and gender has absolutely nothing to do with the equation. This means that if you're physical sex is that of a male and you partake in sexual activities that involve male sexual genitalia then you are in fact engaging in a homosexual activity, regardless of the other parties gender.

I could see a guy taking issue with being told that they are attracted to someone of the same gender as it would imply that you are attracted to a gender role that they in fact aren't. It's a mislabel.

But being told that you are a homosexual seems completely legitimate as we are only talking about two people's (same) physical sex.

What's troubling is that being called a homosexual is somehow perceived as being less than desirable and in fact an a full on insult to most men who find themselves in this type of situation. I've known many homosexuals in my 33 years - not one of them has led me to believe that their homosexuality had anything to do with whether or not they were a disagreeable person. So I don't understand what's so bad about being called a homosexual... it's seems as arbitrary as saying that you don't want to be called an omnivore or a truck driver or a person who likes the color blue.

(As an aside: I am not excluded from homosexual labels - because, you know... logic.)

I like your approach Jamie but I'd have something to add. I think there are many words we use that when utterances are made in any other forum than a purely scientific one (specific to the field of that word) then we must consider the colloquial meaning, definitions and allusions attached to that word.

Language and communication is all about shared meanings and even though you may be entirely technically correct in your usage of a term if that is taken to mean something else by the majority of your potential (not necessarily actual) listeners then you have mis-communicated and the truth has been misrepresented.

I'm attracted to pre-op tgirls, but I think to declare my actions or my status as homosexual really betrays a truth - the majority of listeners would take that to mean I sleep with men, and as I have no attraction to men, while I wouldn't be offended at that notion, it's not what I'd be trying to communicate. Neither does saying I'm straight bring the whole story across because this would generally be taken to mean attracted to genetic women. On a more objective look at that truth claim I think there is something fundamentally different about someone who is attracted to genetic women only and someone attracted to pre-op tgirls also. To equate the two leaves out a truth. I don't think bi is adequate (although it may be getting closer) because that suggests that I like men and women. The problem with sexual labels here is that there isn't one for liking genetic women and pre-op tgirls (I like post-op too for the record but the issues discussed here do seem to center around the whole cock issue ... irony anyone?) so any label you try to apply is somewhat of a misrepresentation. People might get offended at being called homosexual and if they do that's a shame, but offense aside I don't think that term rightly communicates what that person 'is' or 'to whom that person may be attracted'.

So many grey areas, so few labels.

Right, bit of an essay already but one addendum. As far as attraction to cock goes I've never seen that as a big dealbreaker for your sexuality. Of course it is traditionally a masculine signifier just as a pussy is a feminine one. But thankfully we live in an incredibly interesting time where medical science is at a point that a person can alter their body to an incredible degree to match their psychology. So absolutist statements like 'a cock is masculine, therefore if you're attracted to cock you're attracted to masculinity' maybe were never true but surely not now.

It's a matter of context. If I see a picture of just a nice bum, am I attracted to it? Well, that depends doesn't it? I can comment on it being a nice bum but until we zoom out and see who's it is I can't really say if I'm attracted to it. A bum can be a shared male and female attribute. It turns out in our time so is a cock. I'm not attracted to a cock on a man, but I am to one on a woman. You know what, it's a fun thing to play with, but due to the wiring in my brain I can only experience that fun if it's in the context of a woman. 'Chasers' seem to be classed as those obsessed with the cock, and I'm sure that can be taken to an unhealthy level, but when we're horny we do tend to focus like that sometimes. When looking at gg porn sometimes all that matters is seeing a really sexy pussy, that's what we want at that moment. But context still applies; that would be ruined for me if the camera zoomed out and it was on a F2M pre-op ts.

Well, I'll stop now. 'Succinct' is not my middle name. I hope I made my point objectively and without any hint of defensiveness. Behind all that stuff and the bullshit from various people it's an interesting topic of sexual identity I think. And clearly an open question for many.

01-30-2013, 04:39 PM
ya know. the problem isn't the label so to speak because the labels are well defined and absolute.

the issue is how you see yourself and your partner and how you resolve that against the well defined labels.

for that reason, there will never be a consensus because people don't want to be associated with particular labels AND more importantly, most people can't differentiate between sexual fetishism and reality, sex and gender.

therefore the debate, while not moot, is pointless because of many people's fears and biases, rationalizations and justifications, fantasies and what they really do.

01-30-2013, 10:35 PM
A homosexual is a person who has an attraction to the same sex.

A transgendered person is someone who has changed their gender but not necessarily their sex.
Seems to me if we are talking purely about sexuality then sex is really the only operative word and gender has absolutely nothing to do with the equation. This means that [...] you are in fact engaging in a homosexual activity, regardless of the other parties gender.

Do all you ladies agree with that?

Are you comfortable with the notion that no matter what you do, a man is homosexual if they have sex with you?

Seems controversial to me. But I am not a transsexual so will concede my thoughts to your informed opinions...

I think Jamie is definitely wrong on one level because homosexuality is also the attraction to a person of your own sex. Therefore an attraction to a t-girl shouldn't necessarily equate to homosexuality if that t-girl looks incredibly feminine.

01-30-2013, 10:36 PM
We're talking about people who fetishize penis and could care less who it is attached to as long as they could be considered a feminine person.

Who are these much mentioned cock-hounds, whose only goal is dick? I'm not so sure they exist. If I only wanted dick, why would I bother with TS? There are far more gay dudes out there who are more than happy to provide some dick. It can't be that they're closet-cases, as many girls on here have said, dating and being with t-girls is more stigmatized than just being gay. Why would a gay dude go through all the trouble only to be denied the masculinity he's attracted to?

01-30-2013, 10:47 PM
Who are these much mentioned cock-hounds, whose only goal is dick? I'm not so sure they exist. If I only wanted dick, why would I bother with TS? There are far more gay dudes out there who are more than happy to provide some dick. It can't be that they're closet-cases, as many girls on here have said, dating and being with t-girls is more stigmatized than just being gay. Why a gay dude go through all the trouble only to be denied the masculinity he's attracted to?

Baby steps.

Furthermore, some of us aren't as detectable as your comment would indicate.


01-30-2013, 10:58 PM
Who are these much mentioned cock-hounds, whose only goal is dick? I'm not so sure they exist. If I only wanted dick, why would I bother with TS?

because you can get the dick and still plead being "straight". after all, she's a woman, and you could careless what's between her legs right? :whistle:

01-30-2013, 11:05 PM
gay men like men.

transwomen are not men. transwomen are males, but not men.

q.e.d. gay men generally are not attracted to women.

easy so far right?

non gay men may like other men or women (where the woman can be female or male)

non gay men that do not like other men are straight men.

non gay men that DO like other men as well as women are bisexual.

I am fairly certain that no one will debate the above statements.


non gay men that do not like other men but do like transwomen (the members of the forum) are the only ones that really don't like their place in the sexual-continuum label game while the members of the groups above are generally fine with it. Hmm....I wonder where the problems lie...with the labels as a whole or just within the one group that dislikes it.

transwomen will always be males but they still remain women.

i really don't understand why it is so difficult to separate genetic sex and gender....to separate the act of sex/orgasm from the idea of genetic sex.

if you have a cock and suck a cock, that is and always will be a homosexual act.
if you have a vag and eat a vag, that is and always will be a homosexual act.
plain and simple.

that you engage in sexual acts of pleasure that are defined as homosexual does not make you a homosexual. its the same as eating cardboard in church on sunday. eating the wafer is an act a catholic would do but it doesn't mean you are a catholic.

01-30-2013, 11:06 PM
Do all you ladies agree with that?

Are you comfortable with the notion that no matter what you do, a man is homosexual if they have sex with you?

Seems controversial to me. But I am not a transsexual so will concede my thoughts to your informed opinions...

I think Jamie is definitely wrong on one level because homosexuality is also the attraction to a person of your own sex. Therefore an attraction to a t-girl shouldn't necessarily equate to homosexuality if that t-girl looks incredibly feminine.

Kinda depends on the guys reasons on why he's attracted to me and how he really sees me.I've def been with guys and you can tell it was more about the dick.there was no attention payed to the feminine areas of my body or attributes.to me that's a bit gay-ish
I also been with guys who payed attention to my totality as a woman and that's always great.even if they may show some attention to my cock they're still straight cause I'm not a man.I'm a woman.

01-30-2013, 11:09 PM
The problem with labels is essentially a problem with words/definitions so let's break the actual words/definitions down and maybe try to make some sense of this.

A homosexual is a person who has an attraction to the same sex.

A transgendered person is someone who has changed their gender but not necessarily their sex.

A transsexual person is someone who has changed their sex and most likely their gender in a way that most closely resembles the classical assignment one would expect of their physical sex.

Seems to me if we are talking purely about sexuality then sex is really the only operative word and gender has absolutely nothing to do with the equation. This means that if you're physical sex is that of a male and you partake in sexual activities that involve male sexual genitalia then you are in fact engaging in a homosexual activity, regardless of the other parties gender.

I could see a guy taking issue with being told that they are attracted to someone of the same gender as it would imply that you are attracted to a gender role that they in fact aren't. It's a mislabel.

But being told that you are a homosexual seems completely legitimate as we are only talking about two people's (same) physical sex.

What's troubling is that being called a homosexual is somehow perceived as being less than desirable and in fact an a full on insult to most men who find themselves in this type of situation. I've known many homosexuals in my 33 years - not one of them has led me to believe that their homosexuality had anything to do with whether or not they were a disagreeable person. So I don't understand what's so bad about being called a homosexual... it's seems as arbitrary as saying that you don't want to be called an omnivore or a truck driver or a person who likes the color blue.

(As an aside: I am not excluded from homosexual labels - because, you know... logic.)


Agree ...

Any guy sucking, taking or fantasizing of a masculine/cock is NOT straight. Don't come up with this bs to TS's "but am straight" No, you aren't. Either your bi, pan-sexual,confuse, or gay. Some gays also happen to like TS's, i heard stories. You guys don't fit the straight label upon straight ppl. Theres nothing feminine of a cock.

01-30-2013, 11:09 PM
gay men like men.

transwomen are not men. transwomen are males, but not men.

q.e.d. gay men generally are not attracted to women.

easy so far right?

non gay men may like other men or women (where the woman can be female or male)

non gay men that do not like other men are straight men.

non gay men that DO like other men as well as women are bisexual.

I am fairly certain that no one will debate the above statements.


non gay men that do not like other men but do like transwomen (the members of the forum) are the only ones that really don't like their place in the sexual-continuum label game while the members of the groups above are generally fine with it. Hmm....I wonder where the problems lie...with the labels as a whole or just within the one group that dislikes it.

transwomen will always be males but they still remain women.

i really don't understand why it is so difficult to separate genetic sex and gender....to separate the act of sex/orgasm from the idea of genetic sex.

if you have a cock and suck a cock, that is and always will be a homosexual act.
if you have a vag and eat a vag, that is and always will be a homosexual act.
plain and simple.

that you engage in sexual acts of pleasure that are defined as homosexual does not make you a homosexual. its the same as eating cardboard in church on sunday. eating the wafer is an act a catholic would do but it doesn't mean you are a catholic.

Actually I'm not male.i may not be female either.however there are major biological difference between me and you

01-30-2013, 11:15 PM
Actually I'm not male.i may not be female either.however there are major biological difference between me and you

genetically speaking, most people are one of xx or xy with less than 1/ 2 of a percent having klinefelter syndrome. if you are one of the latter group, then my post doesn't apply to you.

01-30-2013, 11:16 PM
I think this is an issue of sexual orientation not sexual identity, but only partly so. Being attracted to a trans woman (in her entirety, mind body and soul) is not homosexual. Being attracted to the penis, making a fetish of our penis, and/or interacting sexually with our penis is a homosexual act. Ultimately there's nothing wrong with participating in homosexual activities. I call foul at the chasers which I define as a person who only has sex and/or make a fetish of transsexuals and refuse to openly date us, as you people are essentially treating us as less than human, just an object of desire. I also don't feel there is a feminine cock, there is having GRS or not, cock in and of itself is masculine.

01-30-2013, 11:20 PM

Agree ...

Any guy sucking, taking or fantasizing of a masculine/cock is NOT straight. Don't come up with this bs to TS's "but am straight" No, you aren't. Either your bi, pan-sexual,confuse, or gay. Some gays also happen to like TS's, i heard stories. You guys don't fit the straight label upon straight ppl. Theres nothing feminine of a cock.

+1. but how about this thread (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=65177)?

btw: also agree with everything rallycola said (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showpost.php?p=1269383&postcount=34)

01-30-2013, 11:22 PM
if you have a cock and suck a cock, that is and always will be a homosexual act.

that you engage in sexual acts of pleasure that are defined as homosexual does not make you a homosexual.
How does that help clarify things? lol

Some things can be defined as homosexual acts, but engaging in 'an homosexual act' does not necessarily make you gay?

Is that what you're adding to the discussion? :P

Kinda depends on the guys reasons on why he's attracted to me and how he really sees me.I've def been with guys and you can tell it was more about the dick.there was no attention payed to the feminine areas of my body or attributes.to me that's a bit gay-ish
I also been with guys who payed attention to my totality as a woman and that's always great.even if they may show some attention to my cock they're still straight cause I'm not a man.I'm a woman.
Well fair enough. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to play with your 'feminine areas' tho! lol

Any guy sucking, taking or fantasizing of a masculine/cock is NOT straight. Don't come up with this bs to TS's "but am straight" No, you aren't. Either your bi, pan-sexual,confuse, or gay. Some gays also happen to like TS's, i heard stories. You guys don't fit the straight label upon straight ppl. Theres nothing feminine of a cock.
Again fair enough. So implicitly you are still a man then right? Right up until you get your SRS, then you will become a transsexual - and even then it is still homosexual for a man to have sex with you?

(I guess that's what you're telling us...) :/

01-30-2013, 11:25 PM
I think this is an issue of sexual orientation not sexual identity, but only partly so. Being attracted to a trans woman (in her entirety, mind body and soul) is not homosexual. Being attracted to the penis, making a fetish of our penis, and/or interacting sexually with our penis is a homosexual act. Ultimately there's nothing wrong with participating in homosexual activities. I call foul at the chasers which I define as a person who only has sex and/or make a fetish of transsexuals and refuse to openly date us, as you people are essentially treating us as less than human, just an object of desire. I also don't feel there is a feminine cock, there is having GRS or not, cock in and of itself is masculine.

Then by definition, your saying that any man who interacts with a TS is homosexual because interacting with one, in her entirety, means interacting with her cock.

01-30-2013, 11:25 PM
I think this is an issue of sexual orientation not sexual identity, but only partly so. Being attracted to a trans woman (in her entirety, mind body and soul) is not homosexual. Being attracted to the penis, making a fetish of our penis, and/or interacting sexually with our penis is a homosexual act. Ultimately there's nothing wrong with participating in homosexual activities. I call foul at the chasers which I define as a person who only has sex and/or make a fetish of transsexuals and refuse to openly date us, as you people are essentially treating us as less than human, just an object of desire. I also don't feel there is a feminine cock, there is having GRS or not, cock in and of itself is masculine.

you are differentiating between sex and gender on a level that most posters (usually dudes) here do not. for most, the issue is so blurred but it should not be. identity (gender) speaks to the emotional relationship you can or are capable of having where type of sex acts engaged in should not be the defining characteristic.

i for one don't care if someone calls me straight, bi or gay because i know what i am and what i am not. why other people can't come to an understanding with their own feelings and forget the labels really shows the emotional immaturity many have.

01-30-2013, 11:27 PM
Then by definition, your saying that any man who interacts with a TS is homosexual because interacting with one, in her entirety, means interacting with her cock.

i believe it's possible for some transsexuals not to have a penis, or not to consider their penis a part of their "real" identity... know what i mean?

01-30-2013, 11:29 PM
genetically speaking, most people are one of xx or xy with less than 1/ 2 of a percent having klinefelter syndrome. if you are one of the latter group, then my post doesn't apply to you.

first there are females (who were born females with xy).
second.i wasnt talking about chromosomally (i dont think thats a real word lol). while true that i was born male through long term hormone use i no longer feel like my body is a male body.hormones actually do allot more than just give us boobs and makes us fat.it actually changes the way our organs and bodies function.in reaction to the hormones your whole body tries to function as close to a females as possible and the earlier one starts hormones the more drastic these changes are.when i see my doctor he has to stay aware and make sure im aware that allot of the same health issues that woman typically face are health issues i may face myself (with the exception of genital related stuff like child birth).
for example do you have to worry about mammograms in your future? i guessing no but i do.just like prostate exams arent in my future.
i think if one want to be technical.no im not female but im no longer male either.

01-30-2013, 11:30 PM
Then by definition, your saying that any man who interacts with a TS is homosexual because interacting with one, in her entirety, means interacting with her cock.

i don't see that at all in Remy's post.

you are reading too much into it.

homosexual sex acts are are very significant part of defining a homosexual identity but not the only thing. you are neglecting the emotional and social constructs involved with your orientation and preference.

let me ask you this question...nysprod...if you were kissing Remy or JP or any transwoman, JUST KISSING....are you kissing a) a man, b) a woman, c) a female or d) a male?

01-30-2013, 11:31 PM
Most of you guys are Bisexual....

You guys, stop arguing for something you know deep down what you are or discover to be.

Any confident straight men wouldn't be ranting like many of you guys are...

01-30-2013, 11:33 PM
Well fair enough. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to play with your 'feminine areas' tho! lol

it happens quite allot.especially with clients but i dont judge,i just take their money lol

01-30-2013, 11:47 PM
first there are females (who were born females with xy).
second.i wasnt talking about chromosomally (i dont think thats a real word lol). while true that i was born male through long term hormone use i no longer feel like my body is a male body.hormones actually do allot more than just give us boobs and makes us fat.it actually changes the way our organs and bodies function.in reaction to the hormones your whole body tries to function as close to a females as possible and the earlier one starts hormones the more drastic these changes are.when i see my doctor he has to stay aware and make sure im aware that allot of the same health issues that woman typically face are health issues i may face myself (with the exception of genital related stuff like child birth).
for example do you have to worry about mammograms in your future? i guessing no but i do.just like prostate exams arent in my future.

your argument, while not incorrect about the results of hormonal treatments, really isn't what makes you a woman. it is just part of it. the psychological basis of being a woman is not rooted in mammograms and prostate exams. your primary sex is genetically determined and cannot be altered which is what i was addressing. we are just talking about different things.

a woman (the cultural, social and emotional), regardless of how she got there, (born genetically female or through transition) is defined by a set of physical and psychological factors which usurp the idea of genetic sex.

remember, gender is largely a human concept. monkeys and dolphins and mice, etc don't have this concept because they are simply males or females. the most masculine and ugly giraffe will still get mounted when she is in heat by a male of her species. humans have the concept of a psychological gender that doesn't always align with genetic sex AND the capability to change gender.

Rusty Eldora
01-30-2013, 11:51 PM
OK I enjoy being with Tgirls, and yes I really enjoy sucking cock and being topped as well as topping them. I also still really enjoy all sexual activities with gg's. So that puts me somewhere on the continuum between totally gay and totally straight - where specifically on that I am does not matter to me.

Do I bring up to my friends and family that I love spending time with Tgirls - haven't yet - on various escort hobby boards I have Rusty for discussing Tgirl type activities and another handle for discussing gg activities, because there are both guys and girls, even gg escorts, that will 'disown' you for TS activities.

01-30-2013, 11:51 PM
Then by definition, your saying that any man who interacts with a TS is homosexual because interacting with one, in her entirety, means interacting with her cock.

No you are twisting my words. I said "attracted" in her entirety not interact. I also said certain things are homosexual activities but not necessarily makes a person a homosexual. I grew up in a Catholic church and while not catholic when I pray I do sometimes fall back on those prayers I grew up with and my rosary.

01-30-2013, 11:51 PM
Most of you guys are Bisexual....

You guys, stop arguing for something you know deep down what you are or discover to be.

Any confident straight men wouldn't be ranting like many of you guys are...

i'm not ranting. i'm simply pointing out the flaws in everyone's logic.

please, let's not start the debate about what "bi" is in this thread because bella will jump in with her bullshit argument that she is the only real bi person ever and everyone else is just a poser

01-30-2013, 11:54 PM
your argument, while not incorrect about the results of hormonal treatments, really isn't what makes you a woman. it is just part of it. the psychological basis of being a woman is not rooted in mammograms and prostate exams. your primary sex is genetically determined and cannot be altered which is what i was addressing. we are just talking about different things.

a woman (the cultural, social and emotional), regardless of how she got there, (born genetically female or through transition) is defined by a set of physical and psychological factors which usurp the idea of genetic sex.

remember, gender is largely a human concept. monkeys and dolphins and mice, etc don't have this concept because they are simply males or females. the most masculine and ugly giraffe will still get mounted when she is in heat by a male of her species. humans have the concept of a psychological gender that doesn't always align with genetic sex AND the capability to change gender.
I want taking about gender either hun

01-30-2013, 11:58 PM
your primary sex is genetically determined and cannot be altered which is what i was addressing. we are just talking about different things.

i once made this exact same point and someone got offended (or maybe they were angry). that person was not transgendered either

01-31-2013, 12:00 AM
i'm simply pointing out the flaws in everyone's logic.

You know a 'confident straight man' would never do that ... lol

01-31-2013, 12:05 AM
i don't see that at all in Remy's post.

you are reading too much into it.

homosexual sex acts are are very significant part of defining a homosexual identity but not the only thing. you are neglecting the emotional and social constructs involved with your orientation and preference.

let me ask you this question...nysprod...if you were kissing Remy or JP or any transwoman, JUST KISSING....are you kissing a) a man, b) a woman, c) a female or d) a male?

If that person identifies themself as female, I'm kissing a woman.

01-31-2013, 12:21 AM
No you are twisting my words. I said "attracted" in her entirety not interact. I also said certain things are homosexual activities but not necessarily makes a person a homosexual. I grew up in a Catholic church and while not catholic when I pray I do sometimes fall back on those prayers I grew up with and my rosary.

Non-sequitor...if you engage in homosexual activities you are either bi or gay...being attracted to, or interacting with, a person who identifies their gender as female exclusively, means you are straight.

01-31-2013, 12:26 AM
Sexual acts don't get to be gay or straight because acts themselves don't have orientations. An act can't be attracted to another act. Only people have sexual orientations.

01-31-2013, 12:29 AM
I consider myself a straight female but since am not a post-op i got to be real with reality because pre-op girls will attract bisexual men, which many of you are in here .. Srry "nysprod" but you seem to be desperate for facts to be sugar coded. You are NOT a straight man, you are bisexual maybe till you seem desperate for post-ops maybe then ill change my opinion about you.

01-31-2013, 12:37 AM
I consider myself a straight female but since am not a post-op i got to be real with reality because pre-op girls will attract bisexual men, which many of you are in here .. Srry "nysprod" but you seem to be desperate for facts to be sugar coded. You are NOT a straight man, you are bisexual maybe till you seem desperate for post-ops maybe then ill change my opinion about you.

You consider yourself to be "straight female"...fine...then a man who is attracted to or interacts with you is straight.

Jamie French
01-31-2013, 12:39 AM
I like what I said better. You're just rationalizing so you don't have to be called the gay because being called the gay is some how a bad thing.

I like your approach Jamie but I'd have something to add. I think there are many words we use that when utterances are made in any other forum than a purely scientific one (specific to the field of that word) then we must consider the colloquial meaning, definitions and allusions attached to that word.

Language and communication is all about shared meanings and even though you may be entirely technically correct in your usage of a term if that is taken to mean something else by the majority of your potential (not necessarily actual) listeners then you have mis-communicated and the truth has been misrepresented.

I'm attracted to pre-op tgirls, but I think to declare my actions or my status as homosexual really betrays a truth - the majority of listeners would take that to mean I sleep with men, and as I have no attraction to men, while I wouldn't be offended at that notion, it's not what I'd be trying to communicate. Neither does saying I'm straight bring the whole story across because this would generally be taken to mean attracted to genetic women. On a more objective look at that truth claim I think there is something fundamentally different about someone who is attracted to genetic women only and someone attracted to pre-op tgirls also. To equate the two leaves out a truth. I don't think bi is adequate (although it may be getting closer) because that suggests that I like men and women. The problem with sexual labels here is that there isn't one for liking genetic women and pre-op tgirls (I like post-op too for the record but the issues discussed here do seem to center around the whole cock issue ... irony anyone?) so any label you try to apply is somewhat of a misrepresentation. People might get offended at being called homosexual and if they do that's a shame, but offense aside I don't think that term rightly communicates what that person 'is' or 'to whom that person may be attracted'.

So many grey areas, so few labels.

Right, bit of an essay already but one addendum. As far as attraction to cock goes I've never seen that as a big dealbreaker for your sexuality. Of course it is traditionally a masculine signifier just as a pussy is a feminine one. But thankfully we live in an incredibly interesting time where medical science is at a point that a person can alter their body to an incredible degree to match their psychology. So absolutist statements like 'a cock is masculine, therefore if you're attracted to cock you're attracted to masculinity' maybe were never true but surely not now.

It's a matter of context. If I see a picture of just a nice bum, am I attracted to it? Well, that depends doesn't it? I can comment on it being a nice bum but until we zoom out and see who's it is I can't really say if I'm attracted to it. A bum can be a shared male and female attribute. It turns out in our time so is a cock. I'm not attracted to a cock on a man, but I am to one on a woman. You know what, it's a fun thing to play with, but due to the wiring in my brain I can only experience that fun if it's in the context of a woman. 'Chasers' seem to be classed as those obsessed with the cock, and I'm sure that can be taken to an unhealthy level, but when we're horny we do tend to focus like that sometimes. When looking at gg porn sometimes all that matters is seeing a really sexy pussy, that's what we want at that moment. But context still applies; that would be ruined for me if the camera zoomed out and it was on a F2M pre-op ts.

Well, I'll stop now. 'Succinct' is not my middle name. I hope I made my point objectively and without any hint of defensiveness. Behind all that stuff and the bullshit from various people it's an interesting topic of sexual identity I think. And clearly an open question for many.

01-31-2013, 12:39 AM
You consider yourself to be "straight female"...fine...then a man who is attracted to or interacts with you is straight.

Nah - they could both just be wrong... lol

Jamie French
01-31-2013, 12:52 AM
Guys are never going to cop to the fact that a penis is a penis is a penis... if we are talking about your sexuality we are not talking about what wrapping paper you prefer, we are talking about the reproductive organs that lay beneath and weather or not you are attracted to them. Turns out if you unwrap a package and there's a penis underneath and the corner of your mouth raises up a little bit... guess what. You like the same toys as all the other gay boys on your block, you just like the ones that come in the pink package rather than the blue.

01-31-2013, 01:01 AM
Sexual acts don't get to be gay or straight because acts themselves don't have orientations. An act can't be attracted to another act. Only people have sexual orientations.

Well, a female sucking on a penis is not a gay activity, but a male sucking on a penis is. Again, there's nothing wrong with that and if the chasers (by my definition) would realize that they would be able to get over their issues with dating trans women

01-31-2013, 01:07 AM
I like what I said better. You're just rationalizing so you don't have to be called the gay because being called the gay is some how a bad thing.

So when I look at your avatar pic with your pretty little ass and cock, and I feel myself getting hard and start thinking about what a hot fuck you are, that means I'm either gay or bi?

01-31-2013, 01:11 AM
You know a 'confident straight man' would never do that ... lol

oh, i'm confident but...when did i ever say i was straight? i'm not and i'm fine with that.

forgetting personalities altogether...the issue has always been for me how i weigh my attraction to an "image" vs. the person.

i prefer women with diamond or inverted triangle faces and an inverted triangle to hour glass body shape with large breasts. Not all of the women in the world i find amazing fit this description but its my "type" so to speak.

that said...i find some "amateur/cd/tv/traps" physically attractive, because of the stylish and highly suggestive "image" they present with. i have no problem jerking off to anything that makes my dick hard. i would jerk off more quickly to a "trap" than I would a picture of Katie Couric because the former is more physically appealing. that doesn't mean however that i would date/marry a "amateur/cd/tv/trap" because they might not identify as a woman. i don't want to be with a person that just dresses like a woman as a fetish.

the best example i can give is kayla coxx. I have maintained that I am intensely aroused by "kayla coxx" and when "kayla" is performing, i really like what i see. If "kayla coxx" was here now, i'd ruin her for other men (or do my best too fuck her in ways that are illegal in most states). but i have no interest in lexx parker. "kayla" is not a woman...lexx is just a dude that when in drag is damn fine. i just know the difference between being aroused by a persona and attracted to a person. that's all.

when rupaul first debuted nationally with his song...i found the image arousing but i understood that i wasn't attracted to the man behind the makeup...but the performer bending the gender line. rupaul and kayla are characters when when the make up comes off and the feminine clothes get put away, i have no physical attraction to at all.

Jamie French
01-31-2013, 01:20 AM
Yeah, but don't feel bad because I'm the fag that took the picture to begin with. You are not alone.

So when I look at your avatar pic with your pretty little ass and cock, and I feel myself getting hard and start thinking about what a hot fuck you are, that means I'm either gay or bi?

01-31-2013, 01:23 AM
Yeah, but don't feel bad because I'm the fag that took the picture to begin with. You are not alone.

There you go...a wise man once said "just shut up and fuck"...that's excellent advice...

Jamie French
01-31-2013, 01:28 AM
When I'm on cam4, Skyping, Facebook, etc... and some dude comes on and say, "Hi my name is John and I'm straight and..." I immediately close the conversation and block the dude. There are few worse turn offs than someone who approaches you and immediately advertises their insecurities by asserting how manly/hetero they are. I like talking to fully functioning, self aware human beings not cartoon versions of men. Women, I never have a problem with - always cool, always real.

01-31-2013, 01:35 AM
When I'm on cam4, Skyping, Facebook, etc... and some dude comes on and say, "Hi my name is John and I'm straight and..." I immediately close the conversation and block the dude. There are few worse turn offs than someone who approaches you and immediately advertises their insecurities by asserting how manly/hetero they are. I like talking to fully functioning, self aware human beings not cartoon versions of men. Women, I never have a problem with - always cool, always real.

i call bullshit. men may be insecure about some things and overcompensate for others, but women are, by far, more unstable and less level-headed than men. if i had a nickel for every time some dude did a bipolar shift on me and went from "cool" to "asshole" in 3 seconds, i'd have, maybe 2 nickels. if i had a penny for every time i saw a woman go from "sweet" to "cunt," i'd own the english speaking world.

01-31-2013, 01:38 AM
When I'm on cam4, Skyping, Facebook, etc... and some dude comes on and say, "Hi my name is John and I'm straight and..." I immediately close the conversation and block the dude. There are few worse turn offs than someone who approaches you and immediately advertises their insecurities by asserting how manly/hetero they are. I like talking to fully functioning, self aware human beings not cartoon versions of men. Women, I never have a problem with - always cool, always real.

That's not me...I'm all man...i love sucking tgirl cock and fucking tgirl ass...so whatever label someone puts on me I really couldn't care less...I love sucking gg pussy and fucking that too...no interest in boys or men, although I've tried...

01-31-2013, 01:40 AM
That's not me...I'm all man...i love sucking tgirl cock and fucking tgirl ass...so whatever label someone puts on me I really couldn't care less...I love sucking gg pussy and fucking that too...no interest in boys or men, although I've tried...

:banana: yeah inconsistency and hypocrisy

01-31-2013, 01:50 AM
:banana: yeah inconsistency and hypocrisy

You apparently didn't see the "shut up and fuck" post...lol

01-31-2013, 01:51 AM
You apparently didn't see the "shut up and fuck" post...lol

oh, i didn't think you were talking to me. no one ever wants me to shut up.

01-31-2013, 02:00 AM
oh, i didn't think you were talking to me. no one ever wants me to shut up.

Ok, keep talking and don't fuck then...lol

01-31-2013, 02:03 AM
Ok, keep talking and don't fuck then...lol

you would miss me...everyone would miss me. when i'm back on clinic rotation in march, and my posting goes down again like it did last year, your world will come to a grinding halt.

01-31-2013, 06:27 AM
Being attracted to the penis, making a fetish of our penis, and/or interacting sexually with our penis is a homosexual act.

I also don't feel there is a feminine cock, there is having GRS or not, cock in and of itself is masculine.

All I can really say in response to all the people who believe in this notion is that it's impossible to have a homosexual act with a "woman".

SOOO....if you feel like a woman and claim to be a woman. Than that's what you are...PERIOD!

Those are the individuals that I'm attracted to not just a dick with heels. So if a trans woman feels that me showing attention to any part of her body is gay I'd have to how much of a woman she was in the first place???

What's funny is that a man can have nothing to do with a penis at all and will still bend another guy over as easlily as he would the tranny looking for a top. So this "penis = masculinity' theory used to weed out homo's is half assed to say the least.

And dispite all the conjecture here regarding dick fetishes I'm more inclined to connect with the biggest sex organ of all, the "human brain". Not some insecure tranny who feels less than the sum of her parts.

So when I'm holding a tgirls hand, I'm not holding man hands..
And when a give a tgirl a kiss, I'm not kissing a mans lips. A trans woman is a woman from head to toe. And if she disagrees then "she's" not for me. Now seriously what dl dick hungry chaser would go through all that just to find a mate?

As for Bella, you can flip flop all you want but the fact is that you hate your dick and anyone who likes anything about it. Which is fine that's your curse. The problem is your occapation places your attitude at odds with the fans of your work who don't know any better.

And since most of the tgirls who've posted in thread have pretty much their own opinion on the men they attract you can stop telling me to listen to your comments as if they're law.

I can't take your word because I was simply turned out by a wiser breed of tgirl....LOL!

01-31-2013, 06:46 AM
Well, a female sucking on a penis is not a gay activity, but a male sucking on a penis is. Again, there's nothing wrong with that and if the chasers (by my definition) would realize that they would be able to get over their issues with dating trans women

By that logic why would sucking on your titties any less of a gay act than sucking on Rick Rosses???


01-31-2013, 06:55 AM
i love it how people can read the same thing and come to entirely different conclusions because they infer based only on their biases.

01-31-2013, 07:13 AM
i love it how people can read the same thing and come to entirely different conclusions because they infer based only on their biases.

Not sure if you're calling my bias but a lovely ts friend of mine once qouted "One is not born woman but she becomes one"

With that being said, how can any man be gay or bi by default if the person of interest identifies as a woman as well as looks the part?

01-31-2013, 07:21 AM
Not sure if you're calling my bias but a lovely ts friend of mine once qouted "One is not born woman but she becomes one"

With that being said, how can any man be gay or bi by default if the person of interest identifies as a woman as well as looks the part?

i'm not debating that. i agree with you that if you are a man and with a woman (genetic or trans) that's all well and good.

BUT, the difference is and always will be why you are with her. if you are with her to fulfill a fantasy or sexual fetish, and you see her as nothing more than the receptacle you deposit your cum in or on, you are really nothing more than a client, and i understand the judgement and resentment a girl would have if she knows you are with her for a cock. i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the label they choose to apply to their clients, but i understand the resentment. if you are with a woman that happens to still have a penis, but you are attracted to her, for her personality more so than the anatomy, that's a real and healthy relationship that bares no judgement.

01-31-2013, 07:28 AM
oh, and one more thing...in my experience with transwomen who are not in porn/escorting, which is admittedly very small (n=11, but only 2 on a very close/friendly level), these are not questions they have because they are not sought after as pleasure objects and have far better self-image than what i witness here based on the opinions and insecurities girls do not realize they are demonstrating with some of their posts.

for a transwoman to label her clients as gay or doing gay shit speaks volumes about what she thinks of herself even if she types otherwise.

01-31-2013, 07:43 AM
As for Bella, you can flip flop all you want but the fact is that you hate your dick and anyone who likes anything about it. Which is fine that's your curse. The problem is your occapation places your attitude at odds with the fans of your work who don't know any better.

And since most of the tgirls who've posted in thread have pretty much their own opinion on the men they attract you can stop telling me to listen to your comments as if they're law.

I can't take your word because I was simply turned out by a wiser breed of tgirl....LOL!

So every girl here who agrees with me (and that's most of them) is wrong? All hail the self-described chaser and his self-validating viewpoint. Apparently, if we don't love our bodies entirely - 100% - nor the men who fetishize and reduce us to the parts we dislike most, it's not their perversion; it's ours. We should just learn to not just accept our penises (even though they can be inverted) as what defines us because they're only thing men seem to want from us, and as I said before, we all need them to validate us or else we're good for nothing. I apologize for my insolence, oh master of transsexual attraction.</sarcasm>

While I appreciate your desire to be my spokesman, as long as you're insistent on putting words in my mouth and forcing an objective discussion into becoming one about how your opinion of others trumps their own, you lack the ability. You should only speak for yourself, and even then, sparingly.

for a transwoman to label her clients as gay or doing gay shit speaks volumes about what she thinks of herself even if she types otherwise.

It's not about the activities; it's about the object of their attraction which is seldom an entire person.


01-31-2013, 07:51 AM
i'm not debating that. i agree with you that if you are a man and with a woman (genetic or trans) that's all well and good.

BUT, the difference is and always will be why you are with her. if you are with her to fulfill a fantasy or sexual fetish, and you see her as nothing more than the receptacle you deposit your cum in or on, you are really nothing more than a client, and i understand the judgement and resentment a girl would have if she knows you are with her for a cock. i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the label they choose to apply to their clients, but i understand the resentment. if you are with a woman that happens to still have a penis, but you are attracted to her, for her personality more so than the anatomy, that's a real and healthy relationship that bares no judgement.

See the problem with this set up is that I've got 3 ts friends that I've known for over 3 years who ramdomly call me up strictly for the things you've listed as fetish.

To them it's not a fetish it's simply how they get off. They don't ask for money, they don't ask to be taken out and they don't want a relationship.

They want to get sucked off, occassionally fucked and do some fucking of their own.

So how do these particular ts women fit into the equation of men who simply use tgirls as sex objects?

Should I feel used and appalled or when tgirls like Bella go off on one their typical rants just call up one of them for a "second opinon"? LOL!

01-31-2013, 07:52 AM
Bella...do you see the inherent hypocrisy in your post (as well as the post you are railing against).

you are both arguing using the same logic but to reach different conclusions.

each of you are attempting to define the other based on your biases, while not accepting the definition the other will place on you.

its almost the "i'm rubber and you are glue" argument. there will never be an answer because neither of you will budge from your starting position.

01-31-2013, 08:00 AM
See the problem with this set up is that I've got 3 ts friends that I've known for over 3 years who ramdomly call me up strictly for the things you've listed as fetish.

To them it's not a fetish it's simply how they get off. They don't ask for money, they don't ask to be taken out and they don't want a relationship.

They want to get sucked off, occassionally fucked and do some fucking of their own.

So how do these particular ts women fit into the equation of men who simply use tgirls as sex objects?

Should I feel used and appalled or when tgirls like Bella go off on one their typical rants just call up one of them for a "second opinon"? LOL!

well, first off, i don't believe that you have such a situation, as you would have led your argument with your own experiences rather than start a thread railing against labels.

more importantly, that you refer to them as ts women means that YOU are segregating them from women at large, and in that, you are seeing them as something different.

....but....what you are describing is a friend with benefits. that's NOT A FETISH unless you only see them as a cum dumpster.

you said something above about how a woman self-identifies, but what's critical here, and a point far too often missed and lied about is not about a woman's self-identity, but really how much a man equates a transwoman with a genetic woman beyond the physical attraction.

01-31-2013, 08:06 AM
Bella...do you see the inherent hypocrisy in your post (as well as the post you are railing against).

you are both arguing using the same logic but to reach different conclusions.

each of you are attempting to define the other based on your biases, while not accepting the definition the other will place on you.

its almost the "i'm rubber and you are glue" argument. there will never be an answer because neither of you will budge from your starting position.

Wrong. I'm not talking about all men. I am not talking about men who are attracted to women who happen to have a penis. I'm talking about men that fixate on penis for their own gratification and to the minimization or exclusion of the rest of the person attached. I've phrased this in a multitude of different ways, so if you can't make that distinction, then that's on you. If you're doing it subconsciously, then you're in denial. If you're doing so on purpose, then you're just trolling.

I've said what I have to say here. Those of you who will twist it to suit your own needs should grow up.


01-31-2013, 08:11 AM
We should just learn to not just accept our penises (even though they can be inverted) as what defines us because they're only thing men seem to want from us, and as I said before, we all need them to validate us or else we're good for nothing. </sarcasm>

This of course should read:

'We should just learn to accept our penises (even though they can be inverted) as what defines us because they're only thing men seem to want from us, and as I said before, we all need men to validate us or else we're good for nothing.'

Sorry. I'm suffering from a bit of malaise today.


01-31-2013, 08:13 AM
Wrong. I'm not talking about all men. I am not talking about men who are attracted to women who happen to have a penis. I'm talking about men that fixate on penis for their own gratification and to the minimization or exclusion of the rest of the person attached. I've phrased this in a multitude of different ways, so if you can't make that distinction, then that's on you. If you're doing it subconsciously, then you're in denial. If you're doing so on purpose, then you're just trolling.

I've said what I have to say here. Those of you who will twist it to suit your own needs should grow up.


i'm not even arguing with you, you twit. i'm making a cognizant argument about how hypocritical both you and chase are being because you are both too stubborn to budge from your argument. oh well. you call it trolling...you call it denial...all meaningless words from a person whose opinion doesn't matter except for internet banter.

as i said to you in a PM some time ago...we are people just talking on a meaningless website, and it matters not what either of us think since we will never see eye to eye.

01-31-2013, 08:18 AM
i'm not even arguing with you, you twit. i'm making a cognizant argument about how hypocritical both you and chase are being because you are both too stubborn to budge from your argument. oh well. you call it trolling...you call it denial...all meaningless words from a person whose opinion doesn't matter except for internet banter.

as i said to you in a PM some time ago...we are people just talking on a meaningless website, and it matters not what either of us think since we will never see eye to eye.

See eye-to-eye nothing. Reducing ANY person to ANY body part is wrong. Period. If you can't see that, then you don't belong anywhere near trans women. Stick to porn.

This isn't about opinion. It's about common decency. Get it now?


01-31-2013, 08:20 AM
See eye-to-eye nothing. Reducing ANY person to ANY body part is wrong. Period. If you can't see that, then you don't belong anywhere near trans women. Stick to porn.

This isn't about opinion. It's about common decency. Get it now?


if you read my posts, you would see that i agree with that point completely.

01-31-2013, 08:34 AM
well, first off, i don't believe that you have such a situation, as you would have led your argument with your own experiences rather than start a thread railing against labels.

more importantly, that you refer to them as ts women means that YOU are segregating them from women at large, and in that, you are seeing them as something different.

....but....what you are describing is a friend with benefits. that's NOT A FETISH unless you only see them as a cum dumpster.

you said something above about how a woman self-identifies, but what's critical here, and a point far too often missed and lied about is not about a woman's self-identity, but really how much a man equates a transwoman with a genetic woman beyond the physical attraction.Well it's clear you don't know me very well but those who do know my M.O. know I have no reason to exaggerate now. This isn't the first time that I've brought this up and I honestly didn't think it was necessary with all rope she was using to hang herself anyway.

Plus, she'd either ignore it like she does most key points made or try to twist it into me being a womanizer and having no credibility. But it is what it is. And my call logs and text messages "recieved" don't lie.

I've been seeing tgirls for over 10 years now. But it's to a point now where I don't really distinguish ts from the genetic women I'm intimate with.

But for the sake of this thread the Tgirls I see are mostly versatile and negate most of what Bella and Amber stand for in regards to men that bottom and suck ts cock. They still look to me to open the pickle jar and they still feel safe with me when walking through the park.

Because sometimes we have sex in the park...LOL!

01-31-2013, 08:52 AM
Well it's clear you don't know me very well but those who do know my M.O. know I have no reason to exaggerate now. This isn't the first time that I've brought this up and I honestly didn't think it was necessary with all rope she was using to hang herself anyway.

Plus, she'd either ignore it like she does most key points made or try to twist it into me being a womanizer and having no credibility. But it is what it is. And my call logs and text messages "recieved" don't lie.

I've been seeing tgirls for over 10 years now. But it's to a point now where I don't really distinguish ts from the genetic women jKI'm intimate with.

But for the sake ohIf this thread the Tgirls I see are mostly versatile and negate most of what Bella and Amber stand for in regards to men that bottom and suck ts cock. They still look to me to open the pickle jar and they still feel safe with me when walking through the park.

Because sometimes we have sex in the park...LOL!
I have not made any comments about men who bottom and suck cock.this is should be the last time that i ask you to not lump me into a group of perceived people.do not use me to be your soap box, especially when it comes to points that i did not make.
Now I'm going to go back to day dreaming about this sexy dude who just got done sucking my dick not more than an hour ago (but i hate that right smh) lol

01-31-2013, 09:13 AM
See eye-to-eye nothing. Reducing ANY person to ANY body part is wrong. Period. If you can't see that, then you don't belong anywhere near trans women. Stick to porn.

This isn't about opinion. It's about common decency. Get it now?


Some tgirls love their dicks and don't mind using them. So why not speak for yourself instead of making it seem like I'm bashing all tgirls who hate their dicks and strickly bottom????

Not all of them are as warped in the mind as you are and they dont throw the gay word around w/o feeling a bit contradictory when speaking it.

It's not our fault that some tgirls don't feel the same way that genetic girls do when we approach them. But I'm not about to second guess my motives or lifestyle simply because she has a tendency to go bat shit standing naked in the mirror.

So at the end of the day no matter how much you ignore the reality of it matter, the fact is that complaining about men who only see you for your dick all while flashing your junk in front of a camera for all the world to see is and forever will be FUCKING STUPID!

01-31-2013, 09:17 AM
Some tgirls love their dicks and don't mind using them. So why not speak for yourself instead of making it seem like I'm bashing all tgirls who hate their dicks and strickly bottom????

Not all of them are as warped in the mind as you are and they dont throw the gay word around w/o feeling a bit contradictory when speaking it.

It's not our fault that some tgirls don't feel the same way that genetic girls do when we approach them. But I'm not about to second guess my motives or lifestyle simply because she has a tendency to go bat shit standing naked in the mirror.

So at the end of the day no matter how much you ignore the reality of it matter, the fact is that complaining about men who only see you for your dick all while flashing your junk in front of a camera for all the world to see is and forever will be FUCKING STUPID!

I've already answered these criticisms. If you feel the need to continue to ram your opinion down everyone's throats in such a rude way, then you cant be very sure of it, can you?

I don't get my validation here. Why do you?


01-31-2013, 09:22 AM
I have not made any comments about men who bottom and suck cock.this is should be the last time that i ask you to not lump me into a group of perceived people.do not use me to be your soap box, especially when it comes to points that i did not make.
Now I'm going to go back to day dreaming about this sexy dude who just got done sucking my dick not more than an hour ago (but i hate that right smh) lol

Fine, I was mistaken just don't go to bed mad at me okay...

Oh and you might wanna send the memo to bella as well since by her logic tgirls who like that type of action don't even exist.

01-31-2013, 09:28 AM
I've already answered these criticisms. If you feel the need to continue to ram your opinion down everyone's throats in such a rude way, then you cant be very sure of it, can you?

I don't get my validation here. Why do you?


Says the tgirl who make an anti chaser thread in response to negative ts thread in the first place...

Class is adjourned...Night, Night!

01-31-2013, 09:31 AM
Fine, I was mistaken just don't go to bed mad at me okay...

Oh and you might wanna send the memo to bella as well since by her logic tgirls who like that type of action don't even exist.

I never said that. I never even discussed the topic from the top woman's perspective, but I doubt even they like being reduced to their penis, whether they enjoy using it or not. You're still not even remotely close to addressing my argument.

Says the tgirl who make an anti chaser thread in response to negative ts thread in the first place...

Class is adjourned...Night, Night!

Again, the latter justifies the former, as does the attitude of those who see penis, not people.


01-31-2013, 09:38 AM
ok...ok...what if i offer to fly the 2 of you to a neutral site and you 69 each other. then can we settle this debate.

i find that 69ing makes all the pain go away

01-31-2013, 04:55 PM
ok...ok...what if i offer to fly the 2 of you to a neutral site and you 69 each other. then can we settle this debate.

i find that 69ing makes all the pain go away

........You honestly see some type of sexual tension between.

Sorry but that type of woman in general has never been my type. And I doubt I'm her type either but at least I'm not objectifying her as penis or anything else...so I'm sure that's progress.

Hmm...maybe I should use that as a disclaimer to all my post moving forward....

01-31-2013, 05:36 PM
no...i don't see sexual tension...i just realized (and pointed out pages ago) that this argument is moot because neither of you will budge and try to see each other's POV to make this any sort of an exchange of ideas. you are both so dug in AND equally dismissive of each other that it is pointless.

so...my solution is for you to blow each other because that is as outlandish as any real resolution here.

plus, it seems like you need some dick anyway.

01-31-2013, 07:57 PM
no...i don't see sexual tension...i just realized (and pointed out pages ago) that this argument is moot because neither of you will budge and try to see each other's POV to make this any sort of an exchange of ideas. you are both so dug in AND equally dismissive of each other that it is pointless.

so...my solution is for you to blow each other because that is as outlandish as any real resolution here.

plus, it seems like you need some dick anyway.

Have a care Jr.

With your kunt like back handed comments it's apparent that you could use a double dose of double penetration yourself.

For some one with no dog in this fight the built up resentment and animosity is visually comming apart at the seams. So maybe you could show Bella where you got your vagina and all will be well in the world.

01-31-2013, 08:08 PM
Have a care Jr.

With your kunt like back handed comments it's apparent that you could use a double dose of double penetration yourself.

For some one with no dog in this fight the built up resentment and animosity is visually comming apart at the seams. So maybe you could show Bella where you got your vagina and all will be well in the world.

and there it is. the inability to form a coherent argument then turns into personal attacks.

i hold no resentment and animosity. there is only one truth and i point it out on a near constant basis...this is a porn forum that we all come to for a bit of banter and entertainment. i've been on this board and will argue because its fun and i'm bored while sitting here waiting for the next step in an assay. that is all.

i have very definite opinions that oppose yours and bella's in this thread, so if you wish to see that as me trying to appear moderate, that's fine...it speaks to your intelligence for not understanding what i say. you are both wrong and i am right. but that doesn't matter because to you, bella and I are functional retards and you are right...but that doesn't matter because to bella, you and I are raging queers and she is right. that's what makes it fun because i'm just sitting at my desk, exercising my fingers trying to pass the time, not taking myself that seriously but knowing that all i have to do is dissent a bit and i'll send the likes of you and others off on tirades.

so reply if you will...insult and deride me or ignore me...the fact remains that our opinions are our own and remain utterly meaningless since we are not friends and will likely never encounter each other except on this forum we both joined because we like porn.

01-31-2013, 08:34 PM
and there it is. the inability to form a coherent argument then turns into personal attacks.

i hold no resentment and animosity. there is only one truth and i point it out on a near constant basis...this is a porn forum that we all come to for a bit of banter and entertainment. i've been on this board and will argue because its fun and i'm bored while sitting here waiting for the next step in an assay. that is all.

i have very definite opinions that oppose yours and bella's in this thread, so if you wish to see that as me trying to appear moderate, that's fine...it speaks to your intelligence for not understanding what i say. you are both wrong and i am right. but that doesn't matter because to you, bella and I are functional retards and you are right...but that doesn't matter because to bella, you and I are raging queers and she is right. that's what makes it fun because i'm just sitting at my desk, exercising my fingers trying to pass the time, not taking myself that seriously but knowing that all i have to do is dissent a bit and i'll send the likes of you and others off on tirades.

so reply if you will...insult and deride me or ignore me...the fact remains that our opinions are our own and remain utterly meaningless since we are not friends and will likely never encounter each other except on this forum we both joined because we like porn.

Save that BS because your stock has plummeted in here.

You know me and her don't like each other so why even make that 69 comment in the first place...?

Anyone with half a brain knows when they're being insulted so don't insult my intelligence any further.

If you know this is a porn site full of escorts than why the hell are you lecturing about fine dining on gag threads?

You can't bs a bull shitter Son.

Making snide comments on one hand all while playing the passive good guy role the next doesn't sit to well with me. At least Bella doesn't sugar coat her feelings or intentions.

Maybe you should be nice...she might donate you her balls.

01-31-2013, 08:51 PM
Save that BS because your stock has plummeted in here.

You know me and her don't like each other so why even make that 69 comment in the first place...?

Anyone with half a brain knows when they're being insulted so don't insult my intelligence any further.

If you know this is a porn site full of escorts than why the hell are you lecturing about fine dining on gag threads?

You can't bs a bull shitter Son.

Making snide comments on one hand all while playing the passive good guy role the next doesn't sit to well with me. At least Bella doesn't sugar coat her feelings or intentions.

Maybe you should be nice...she might donate you her balls.

oh silly man.

1...the frequent posters of this forum know exactly what the expect from me. my stock is the same as it has always been.

2...i made the 69 comment TO BE INSULTING AND INCITE the both of you. that's me stirring the pot. see #1 for what to expect from me and my stock value again.

3...the good guy role...maybe you should see some of the other threads as evidence...i'm almost always arguing with someone. i'm not a nice guy...i'm an incredible asshole. you would know this if you read other threads where the issues you brought up in this thread have been discussed at length. you have brought no new ideas or opinions forward (neither have i) as you have just regurgitated others have posted about countless times. this "bottom" line thread is a near constant debate on this site. please don't think that you are novel in any way because you are not special. you are not thoughtful. you are just like many others before you, hemming and hawing about a debate that will never be settled (and so am i). the difference is that i'm having fun with this while you feel insulted.

4...also you really should stop bring bella back up. at this point, her opinion is irrelevant because you and i are now discussing the intent behind our discussion. the present state of our conversation as nothing to do with labels or bella's opinion...it has to do with the fact that i am insulting your intelligence purposefully because it is clear that you have fragile ego and couldn't see that i was doing that pages ago.

01-31-2013, 10:49 PM
no...i don't see sexual tension...i just realized (and pointed out pages ago) that this argument is moot because neither of you will budge and try to see each other's POV to make this any sort of an exchange of ideas. you are both so dug in AND equally dismissive of each other that it is pointless.

Wrong. I've seen it from his point of view countless times and every time I make an exception and attempt to date someone whom I suspect is only attracted to penis, I regret it. I guarantee you that the number of men who want to bottom greatly outnumber the women willing to top, and I believe that that is the source of his frustration here. The bottom line is that this is a supply and demand issue. There's fewer of us (transsexuals) that there are of you (trans-attracted men), and so threatening us with the possibility of being alone if we don't accept those who only want us for dick is a logical fallacy.

And what does the OP try to do about it? He tries to invalidate our feelings about ourselves. He threatens that, ostensibly, if we don't love our penises, that we'll never find good men. My argument is that any man who would love us simply because we have penises are not good men in the first place.

I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever date a bottom man. Again, I didn't go through all of this transitional experience just to play the male role. For those that want to and the men that love them, more power to them, but it's inappropriate, even bullyish, for the OP to conclude that only tops deserve love because the rest of us supposedly hate ourselves. We don't hate ourselves. We hate that so many men only love one thing about us and the OP is still not even arguing that very important point.

Girls, don't believe they hype. There's always someone out there who will love you for you. Ignore this self-centered asshole and his manipulative, subjective opinions. You don't need him or his kind to be complete, and you don't have to love your penis. To do so or not is entirely your choice, but to be fair, those of who don't (or in my case, have only begrudgingly accepted a temporary situation), are those that will find men (and women) who love us for the complete people that you are.

If someone focuses on your penis, it's all they'll ever want from you.
