View Full Version : Mad email!

01-21-2013, 01:50 PM
This came in today for one of our models.

I had a chance to see your site. If you are not formally trained it can be liberating. You then would not be a product of any "school" of "group think". If you do all of the mundane tasks to keep the site as it is- then I applaud you. It would seem more effective to hire the very best web master you can get. Treat him/her with respect and keep them insulated from any stress or dis tractors. Then you become the idea person- you determine content; you ensure your "brand"; ie; the Most. . .in history- stays on message. But you already know that. I believe you are a very talented writer; visionary; business woman and actor. If you don't have a SAG card- you damn well should. I am certain that you are studying acting and you could act very well in any genre- whether Shakespeare or Scores. You remind me a little of Angelina Jolie- only you are far more beautiful; more feminine. You are also a very clever intellectual- without the "attitude" nor massive head (ego) of an Angelina Jolie. I could be wrong- but I bet you have the Adult Production Business "aced" and again I could be wrong- but I believe you are such a talented actor- the very little of your work I have seen I got just a "feeling" from your body language and how you seem like an actor who does everything spot-on professionally- that for a brief nano-second I saw a brilliant actor- "acting" perfectly the role of adult porn star. You have plans and goals, and I most certainly hope you achieve or find what you want. I have to be honest with you- I am good about talking about vision; great acting; being goal oriented; future plans "ad nauseum"- but the fact of the matter is that stunning women; gorgeous women who are slightly mysterious and might appear slightly "dangerous" to the "ignorati" (I speak Italian and Sicilian fluently, as well as 5 others- but I just made up the word- instead of "literati"- the literate- I wrote "ignorati" - kind of like "the ignorant" but more like those who live their lives of 9 to 5 quiet desperation marching in lock-step fashion to the cadence of their "masters"". "Masters" who are generally psychopaths and indifferent. Most in the US actually live in New York City and Connecticut and work in Manhattan usually at or near the top of corporations on Wall Street. I digress. Getting back to 7
"ignorati"- if it turns out to be a real word- it was completely by accident. What I meant to say earlier was that women who talk like you; dress like you; handle themselves like you; and are voluptuous and stunning as you are with your body; face; and glamour with the hint of "kink" - to put it plainly- have the same effect on me that Kryptonite has on Superman (sitting right now in his Fortress of Solitude hiding from the public as we speak- seems like the last time he ventured out- a kindly well meaning progressive stranger immediately after seeing him in Tights; French Style Panties: and a Cape (!) gave Superman directions to the Gay Pride Parade coincidentally taking place a few blocks away and insisted he drive Superman there! When Superman stepped out of the car the crowd roared their happiness that Superman was there. Assumptions- incorrect ones- were made. After a grown man and kissed him on the lips like the Sicilian "kiss of death- think of Michael Corleone kissing his brother Fredo on the lips in Havana followed by Fredo getting whacked for going off the reservation. So then a burly man grabbed Superman's ass and tried to put his hand down the THE FRONT of S Man's panties. On top of that the burly man was drunk as a Lord and reeked of "whisky fumes". "S" totally freaked out did his "up up and away" thing and made a bee line to his Fortress of Solitude. He sulks. Captain America sent him a message calling him Souper Man. "S" pulled the plug on his computer. Staring and sulking) So getting back to the Kryptonite part. Women who have far less of ALL of your human and achingly feminine qualities Have been my personal Kryptonite as I said earlier- rendering me weak; disoriented; my IQ reduced to single digits; my thought process as ineffective as it was inexplicably rerouted to a particular part of my body that is front and center generally a little below the equator. You understand. That "region" is not very good at being the "designated hitter" for the short circuited brain. In the presence of my "Kryptonite" I am reduced to rambling incoherently like I am now; and trying to act indifferent which is a mere flimsy facade; and desperately try to not stare like a jackass at the entity code named "Kryptonite" and FOR SURE don't let her catch me looking at the two regions that may possibly be on her body that correspond to the only two thoughts my brain's "designated hitter" can handle. Only one at a time. First the one- then the other- over and over. Cycling these two thoughts over and over reduce me to something more- much more primal than when I am not in the presence of my personal Kryptonite- members and leaders of the "Tribe Of Breath-taking Gorgeous Women Who Make Men Temporarily Enter Into A Complete Fugue State (as in Freud not Mozart) If They Merely Look At The Men. You are the new Queen of that Tribe. I don't care if you are a visionary or super intelligent or if you are an actor or whatever. The truth of the matter is you are a magnificently woman of great natural beauty blessed with genes that together gave you a wondrous physical presence of almost biblical proportions. You bring peace and comfort to many.

01-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Good to know weirdness is alive and well!!

01-21-2013, 02:00 PM
Franklin or Freddy? :hide-1:

Willie Escalade
01-21-2013, 02:07 PM
Someone was partying too hard this weekend here in Las Vegas...

01-21-2013, 02:32 PM
ok...that was weird. i'd love to know who the model is.

01-21-2013, 03:25 PM
Bob Dylan once wrote a novel like that that went on for thousands and thousands of words... complete stream of consciousness gobbledegook. It was called "Tarantula'. I think he was strung out on amphetamines when he wrote it.

01-21-2013, 04:15 PM
I am appalled at the slur he casts on tractors.

01-21-2013, 04:20 PM
I like how there's no paragraphs.

01-21-2013, 04:47 PM
I like how there's no paragraphs.

I know - Just because he's a complete weirdo, that's no excuse for poor sentence construction.

01-21-2013, 06:22 PM
Did anybody actually read all of that drivel?

01-21-2013, 07:43 PM
Ok I admit I read it all; but then I am also ploughing doggedly through Run, Clarissa, Run so I guess I must be a masochist -when it comes to reading, anyway! Luckily not all writing is such torture.

Dino Velvet
01-21-2013, 07:49 PM
Too much reedin. The fuck? Tell me what it says.

01-21-2013, 07:53 PM
good to know that Patrick Bateman is indeed a real person and alive and well in NYC #yikes

01-21-2013, 07:54 PM
Dino, this thread will introduce it


01-21-2013, 08:02 PM
Borderline functional psychotics. Gotta luv em.

When he digressed way too long into the Superman analogy, and before that his in depth etymological explanation of his coined word 'ignorati', I think my head exploded.

Which model was the recipient of this awesome fan letter??

01-21-2013, 09:14 PM
I am glad he knew how to use spaces.

01-21-2013, 09:16 PM
Bob Dylan once wrote a novel like that that went on for thousands and thousands of words... complete stream of consciousness gobbledegook. It was called "Tarantula'. I think he was strung out on amphetamines when he wrote it.Thats my guess,too.Methamphetamine.

01-21-2013, 10:28 PM
Who was the model?
Must be someone pretty special to make someone that crazy. Then again it maybe it was just the drugs. Loved his use of 'ignorati'!

Rusty Eldora
01-21-2013, 10:53 PM
I read the beginning and the end, tried to imagine what was between.

so the model wrote the site - about what in particular, it was soon onto SAG cards you must be an actor. The punchline was just a void.

It was someone that speaks english as their first language, or possibly could be an alien with a word processor blender.

Truly odd

01-21-2013, 11:07 PM
I didn't understand it at all. The email is a clusterfuck.

01-21-2013, 11:45 PM
Is that by the same guy that seems obsessed with Amber and devotes rambling threads to her....or are they separate lunatics?...lol

01-22-2013, 12:25 AM
it's all a conspiracy!!! run for the hills!!

Dino Velvet
01-22-2013, 03:27 AM
Dino, this thread will introduce it


Thanks. I like writing psychotic stuff but reading it makes my head hurt.

01-22-2013, 03:29 AM
i have read few words and ive said fucked.

Dino Velvet
01-22-2013, 03:31 AM
i have read few words and ive said fucked.

Got an Aspirin for me?

01-22-2013, 03:38 AM
Got an Aspirin for me?
Paracetamol too in case u get cold.:mad:

sukumvit boy
01-22-2013, 04:00 AM
Did anybody actually read all of that drivel?

I couldn't finish it.