View Full Version : So... What tablet do you use?

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 07:42 PM
So last week I finally broke down and bought my first tablet - a Nexus 7. One thing I have discovered quickly is that a lot of my media I've acquired over the years can't be played on it. Sort of bums me a little.

So I'm curious - what tablets do you use... what have you found is good or bad with the tablet you have?

And since you all expect it: here's a naked pic.


01-03-2013, 07:45 PM
Samsung Galaxy Tab - still trying to work it out - had it less than a week.

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 07:47 PM
Samsung Galaxy Tab - still trying to work it out - had it less than a week.

That was one of the options I had considered too... I've heard many good things with that one.

01-03-2013, 07:50 PM
Here's the one I use...

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 07:53 PM
Here's the one I use...

I'm holding back on the old jokes out of the respect I have for my elders. :p.

01-03-2013, 07:57 PM
ipad a great piece of machinery

01-03-2013, 07:57 PM
I use a leagal pad!!!

01-03-2013, 08:06 PM
You're supposed to ask BEFORE you buy :)

I have a Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD, iPad 2, iPad 3, Microsoft Surface, and Acer Vivo Tab RT. I'll probably get a iPad Mini in the near future.

The one that I personally use the most is the Surface, but that's because I've always been a PC person...although I absolutely hate the keyboard on it and it is wireless only.

The Acer Vivo Tab RT I use when I am out and about because it is 4G LTE capable.

I like the iPads but hate iTunes.

I hate Android all around so only use the Nexus 7 to make sure my site functions on the Android operating system and for some other misc. things. You're right though, the encoding hassle of having things play on Android systems is not fun.

The Kindle I barely use except to read on.

My preference is the iPad if you like iTunes, otherwise, Surface (full USB port, micro SD storage, plays all types of media, beautiful screen, well-crafted, familiar interface, etc.) if you don't mind not having ANY useable Apps... at least for a while.

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 08:33 PM
You're supposed to ask BEFORE you buy :)

I have a Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD, iPad 2, iPad 3, Microsoft Surface, and Acer Vivo Tab RT. I'll probably get a iPad Mini in the near future.

The one that I personally use the most is the Surface, but that's because I've always been a PC person...although I absolutely hate the keyboard on it and it is wireless only.

The Acer Vivo Tab RT I use when I am out and about because it is 4G LTE capable.

I like the iPads but hate iTunes.

I hate Android all around so only use the Nexus 7 to make sure my site functions on the Android operating system and for some other misc. things. You're right though, the encoding hassle of having things play on Android systems is not fun.

The Kindle I barely use except to read on.

My preference is the iPad if you like iTunes, otherwise, Surface (full USB port, micro SD storage, plays all types of media, beautiful screen, well-crafted, familiar interface, etc.) if you don't mind not having ANY useable Apps... at least for a while.

You're the first person I've heard speak positively of the Surface and it was another I considered.

Willie Escalade
01-03-2013, 08:35 PM
iPad here...I'm viewing this site on it right now in fact...:dancing:

01-03-2013, 08:38 PM
kindle fire hd
ipad 2

01-03-2013, 08:42 PM
I use Kamagra Tablets!! Keep me nice and hard baby!

and no batteries to worry about!


Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 08:43 PM
I use Kamagra Tablets!! Keep me nice and hard baby!

and no batteries to worry about!


I fully expected you to post a pic of you with a 10" tablet shoved up your bum...

I'm mildly disappointed.

01-03-2013, 08:44 PM

(Nice pic, Wendy)

01-03-2013, 08:44 PM
I fully expected you to post a pic of you with a 10" tablet shoved up your bum...

I'm mildly disappointed.

Do they make them? I WANT ONE!!!

01-03-2013, 08:44 PM
Incidentally I work in IT, but haven't made a hardware purchase for nearly two years since I got my Thinkpad T420. I can browse webshops for hours on end only to sigh in disappointment at the lack of "progress".

Looks like a tablet could be fun though, for watching erotic material in bed without fan-related disturbances.

01-03-2013, 09:02 PM
You're the first person I've heard speak positively of the Surface and it was another I considered.

I think MS bashing is en vogue right now so I'm not surprised. Personally, I like the Acer Vivo Tab RT better but it is a beefier device (with full keyboard attachment) and I am weak so I don't like carrying it around for long periods of time.

As for the Surface, basically since my life is not built around Apps, the most important factors for me were the full, on-device USB port (on the Acer it is on the keyboard dock) and the extendable storage.

I love the ease of transferring stuff to the Surface via USB thumb drive. It just doesn't get any easier.

Full USB port
Extendable storage via micro SD (I have a 64GB card in mine)
Familiar Windows environment
No additional apps needed to play media
Comes with MS Office
Great sound
Solidly built and great performance from a slim, attractive device

Type Keyboard and Touch Keyboard both suck.
Proprietary charger is STUPID to have these days.
Windows 8 - steep learning curve.
MS App Store VERY LIMITED... some apps don't even work.
Short Battery Life (I keep my brightness high though because of my Asian eyes)

The iPad and the Surface are the only tablets that I've actually ENJOYED using and viewing things on, but again, I just don't like Android devices and all the clutter they come with. But that's just me. The Galaxy series are fine devices and no doubt, very fast with beautiful screens.

01-03-2013, 09:13 PM
iPad mini. It fits in my purse so I like it. Im also a mac girl who has used IOS devices since the first iPhone so I am very comfortable with this device. More and more content is also being created with these tablets in mind so things are getting better in that regard.

Wendy, you are a sexy bitch. I enjoyed the naked pic.

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 09:18 PM
Incidentally I work in IT, but haven't made a hardware purchase for nearly two years since I got my Thinkpad T420. I can browse webshops for hours on end only to sigh in disappointment at the lack of "progress".

Looks like a tablet could be fun though, for watching erotic material in bed without fan-related disturbances.

The downside is scrolling while jacking requires you stop.

http://25.media.tumblr.com/efe4beaba80e45e15cf65682944207f6/tumblr_mg26jj0vbf1rfe8tso1_500.jpg (http://wendysummerscom.tumblr.com/post/39572879732/whats-a-t-girl-to-do-while-waiting-for-her)

01-03-2013, 09:20 PM
I'm not so much into still content, but if that were the case I'm sure the image viewing software/apps on most tablets would allow for photo slideshows so that my hands can be elsewhere occupied. :)

Love your upper signature photo; toes and cock!

Willie Escalade
01-03-2013, 09:28 PM
The downside is scrolling while jacking requires you stop.

http://25.media.tumblr.com/efe4beaba80e45e15cf65682944207f6/tumblr_mg26jj0vbf1rfe8tso1_500.jpg (http://wendysummerscom.tumblr.com/post/39572879732/whats-a-t-girl-to-do-while-waiting-for-her)


Dino Velvet
01-03-2013, 09:33 PM
Here's the one I use...


Pretty much. Still got my nifty Samsung flip-phone as the "9" on the old Panasonic stopped working. The best thing that I find about not being able to text is that you fall off the grid of humanity.

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Pretty much. Still got my nifty Samsung flip-phone as the "9" on the old Panasonic stopped working. The best thing that I find about not being able to text is that you fall off the grid of humanity.

So your targets.... I mean dates don't use smart phones, huh?

Dino Velvet
01-03-2013, 09:38 PM
So your targets.... I mean dates don't use smart phones, huh?

No, they're dumb and ask to borrow mine instead.

"Go ahead toots, call the cops!"

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 09:41 PM
No, they're dumb and ask to borrow mine instead.

"Go ahead toots, call the cops!"

You hand them the Panasonic with the broken key? #brilliant

Dino Velvet
01-03-2013, 09:48 PM
You hand them the Panasonic with the broken key? #brilliant


01-03-2013, 10:08 PM
I have a Galaxy Tab 8.9 and am very happy with it. Was tempted to go for the 10.1" but was told the 8.9 has the same number of pixels which, on a smaller screen that uses less battery, give it a higher dpi resolution. It's running ICS (4.0.4) and, given I sold my soul to Google a while ago, it does all the stuff I want and integrates seamlessly between my phone (Galaxy S2) and Windows 7 PC.

Had the Nexus 10 been out when I bought mine, I would undoubtedly have gone for it. Great spec and a very competitive price. I simply couldn't entertain an iPad on cost grounds and due to the nannying constraints of the IoS/iTunes environment.

My tablet mostly lives beside me on the coffee table when I'm watching telly as it's great for looking stuff up on the web and much more wieldy than a heavier laptop. Google Drive is also great for organising to do lists and the like which sync across all my devices.

01-03-2013, 10:35 PM

To the gentleman or lady who ANONYMOUSLY emailed me with a "no-reply email" [cowardly] personally with the colorfully worded rant about how I am "full of shit, everything I say is full of shit" and that there is "...no way I own all those things" because I am probably "...living in my parent's flea bitten basement..." etc. etc. etc. Rant rant rant.

Here you go. Granted I left out the Kindle Fire and one of the iPads because I am at my office / studio today and I didn't want to drive home to get them. But, as you can see, I have four of the devices I mentioned so it is no stretch of credulity to believe I have the other two as well. The Kindle I use only to read on so I have no need of it outside of my house. I have an iPad here at the office so I don't need to have the other one here.

I'm sorry you felt I was "bragging" listing the devices. It was only to say, "Hey, I've used all of these and these are my favorite... here are the reasons." I don't know why that made you so angry that you felt you had to write me personally but whatever. I don't lie. I don't have a reason to. I love technology, always have. I keep up with what's new and luckily enough, my site and my job enables me to do that. You're wrong. I'm not out begging for money or gifts from people. I buy everything I own with my own money except when someone sends me something... unsolicited.

As to the "No one in their right mind buys a $500.00 tablet just to see if a site looks good on it" rant...

Ummm... wrong. Tablets are invariably the way of the future and the way people will be browsing the internet. I see and acknowledge this and want to make sure my site adapts to be able to be enjoyed across all platforms. What you see as a "waste" of money, I see as an investment into making sure that happens.

Anyway, obviously you're monitoring this thread so I hope this satisfies you and I hope you have a wonderful year.

AGAIN... SORRY TO THE OP but this person emailed me with a no-reply and kind of irritated me. Back to the thread.

Left to right, Top to Bottom: Surface Tablet, Asus Vivo Tablet RT, Nexus 7, iPad 2

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 10:52 PM
PLEASE SKIP THIS POSTAs to the "No one in their right mind buys a $500.00 tablet just to see if a site looks good on it" rant...

I'm with you on this one - it's the entire reason WHY I bought the tablet and now that it has opened my mind to the inherent conflicts between content and tablet, so it is altering how I think about my websites.

Which is now making me think it's time to invest in some others. I knew how iOS butchered things thanks to my phone but never considered the issues with Android.

01-03-2013, 11:00 PM
I'm with you on this one - it's the entire reason WHY I bought the tablet and now that it has opened my mind to the inherent conflicts between content and tablet, so it is altering how I think about my websites.

Which is now making me think it's time to invest in some others. I knew how iOS butchered things thanks to my phone but never considered the issues with Android.

The problem is that everyone's devices handle content, especially videos, differently. It is a major pain. I'm just now realizing that data plans are going to trend more and more expensive as well, which to me, makes it even more important that you have content that is quality but not huge in file size, and designed with mobile media in mind, so you're not killing your Members with huge data usages, leaving them less money to spend on your site.

Just pray that Windows 8 doesn't catch on (at this point I think we're a long ways away) and Microsoft pulls back. If it does and they don't, and Live Tiles, Horizontal scrolling, and all the rest that comes with it becomes the preferred method of browsing... A LOT of people are going to be left redesigning their sites. As much as I love the idea of full-screen, no scroll, side browsing, it is a pain the rear to design for.

01-03-2013, 11:04 PM
The downside is scrolling while jacking requires you stop.

http://25.media.tumblr.com/efe4beaba80e45e15cf65682944207f6/tumblr_mg26jj0vbf1rfe8tso1_500.jpg (http://wendysummerscom.tumblr.com/post/39572879732/whats-a-t-girl-to-do-while-waiting-for-her)

Great pic Wendy , a real turn on :)

I bought a new iPad last week , great for viewing HA in bed :lol:

Super easy to use , love the fact that i can zoom in on the photos :wink:

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 11:08 PM
Great pic Wendy , a real turn on :)

If you like the screen capture, you ought to check out the HD video it's from, "Painting My Toes". It's an iFriends exclusive video I just added to my iFriends fan club (http://www.ifriends.net/VISITME/WENDYTGNEXTDOOR) I paint my toenails and decide to jerk off while I wait for them to dry -- wait until you see the top coat I add ;).

01-03-2013, 11:10 PM
I use a friend's pad for assignations... And an IPad to arrange them

01-03-2013, 11:11 PM
I'm holding back on the old jokes out of the respect I have for my elders. :p.

Uhh, I think that was one.... :dancing:

(FWIW I do have a 1st gen iPad.)

01-03-2013, 11:14 PM
If you like the screen capture, you ought to check out the HD video it's from, "Painting My Toes". It's an iFriends exclusive video I just added to my iFriends fan club (http://www.ifriends.net/VISITME/WENDYTGNEXTDOOR) I paint my toenails and decide to jerk off while I wait for them to dry -- wait until you see the top coat I add ;).

:lol: tee hee, getting a bit revved up at the thought ! thanks I'll have a cheeky peaky !

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 11:15 PM
Uhh, I think that was one.... :dancing:

(FWIW I do have a 1st gen iPad.)

Quit making this so damned easy LOL

01-03-2013, 11:16 PM
Wendy , I love beautifully painted toes ! I seem to be in a small minority , but love my "little friend" held between two beautiful feet :)

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 11:19 PM
Wendy , I love beautifully painted toes ! I seem to be in a small minority , but love my "little friend" held between two beautiful feet :)

You really ought to check out both my ifrends fan club AND my website. I definitely love my toes wrapped around things ;).


01-03-2013, 11:23 PM
Quit making this so damned easy LOL

I also just got an incredible new desktop PC....

Wendy Summers
01-03-2013, 11:25 PM
I also just got an incredible new desktop PC....

I'm loathe to admit it, but we have an AppleIIe in our server room here.

01-03-2013, 11:27 PM
The Commodore in the pic above is actually the first PC I bought. It was bloody fast, with 640K of RAM and a 20MB hard drive!

01-03-2013, 11:43 PM
A large legal tablet

01-03-2013, 11:48 PM
The Commodore in the pic above is actually the first PC I bought. It was bloody fast, with 640K of RAM and a 20MB hard drive!

I was so proud of the first PC I bought with my own money... I think it had 2MB of RAM and a 250MB or less hard drive or something like that. I remember thinking, OMG, I will never use all this space! I think I use that in just about one update on my site now!

01-04-2013, 09:11 AM
I got Galaxy tab 2 7" during Black Friday sales.
Untill then I was going to go with Nexus 7 but went with Tab 2 due to sale price

and the inclusion of mSD slot.

Sure you can use a OTG cable on the Nexus, but who wants a big floppy dongle?
*ahem* (insert pun/joke here)

With regards to Video playback. I would suggest you give MX Player a try.

So far it has played everything. I did run a slight issue with FLV file (only

tested with 1 so far) The audio played but video was blank.

I installed FLV Video Player For Android video and flv played fine.

Other things to look at If you have not already.

Dolphin Browser.

AirDroid (AirDroid is a fast, free app that lets you wirelessly manage your

Android from your favorite browser.)

Kies Air (Similar to above but *Only for Samsung devices*)

Sleep Timer (Fall asleep to your favorite music. Will turn of the running music player. Works like a SleepTimer on the stereo or TV.)

Perfect Viewer (Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comic viewer.)

Lastly about Adobe flash. If you find you want or need adobe flash, you can still install it on nexus 7, guide link below.


01-04-2013, 08:26 PM
I was so proud of the first PC I bought with my own money... I think it had 2MB of RAM and a 250MB or less hard drive or something like that. I remember thinking, OMG, I will never use all this space! I think I use that in just about one update on my site now!

Yup, hence the need to keep adding storage space to the server! :dancing:

sukumvit boy
01-05-2013, 06:26 PM
This is the only tablet I use. I"m such a luddite,don't even have a cell phone.

01-05-2013, 07:45 PM
I have an ASUS TF Prime with attachable keyboard that doubles battery life and adds a SD reader and USB. I love it and the specs blow anything from Apple out of the water. I also have a Kindle Fire that I bought for it's size to read books on and nothing else. As far as something that will play any media file you throw at it, download MX Player, it's free and pretty much the tablet version of VLC.

01-06-2013, 04:52 AM
I bought a cheap chinese tablet just to see if its something that I would use. Its a AGPTEK... and aside from small issues (headphone jack not perfect, etc) it seems to get the job done. Got find the right media programs and settings that'll make the most of it.

But the real answer is that I'll either go Ipad or Ipad Mini... though I want to test out a Nexus 7 (interesting that you'd have any issues with media ... since Android suppose to do it all - but thats a discussion for another day).

01-06-2013, 04:57 AM
I really don't think I can justify the expense. For all intents and purposes my double-27" desktop-setup is a better fit. To and from work I try to get a little break from digital gadgets save for music playing from my N900. Tablets still have lousy hardware. Maybe a kindle for reading though, but I prefer physical books after having borrowed one from a friend for a week.

Is it eccentric? I don't see tablets representing a new paradigm that will replace laptops or desktops either, at least not for power users, perhaps for entertainment purposes. I surmise I represent a different group than the general population fits in though.

01-06-2013, 06:48 AM
I'm with you Kire, and more so since, as a graphics and web design professional, the thought of finger swipes on my 24" flatscreen gives me the shivers. I hate it when someone comes up to my monitor and *shudder* touches it with his or her greasy fingers to point at something. Hence I have little interest in Windows Ate, err, 8. I'm sure it's the cat's meow for tablets and the like, but not my desktop.

However much we may resist the paradigm shift to tablets from desktops and laptops, the world at large is heading that way, at least, as you say, for entertainment. As a porn producer, I have to face the fact that that means adult websites, even though the concept is anathema to me: photos and videos optimized for desktop monitors do not look nearly as good on a much smaller platform, be it a tablet or smartphone. But then again, CD audio quality is inferior to high quality vinyl, and MP3 is vastly inferior to CD quality, but guess what people listen to music on? (You said it yourself.) So it goes.

01-06-2013, 06:59 AM
Yeah, the finger swiping is horribly unergonomic as well. Not that traditional keyboards or mice are either, but at least you have decent alternatives, such as vertical mice, rollermouse, mousetrapper or the kinesis line of keyboards. In fact, I much prefer a conventional keyboard on my phone as well (N900). Hoping for the stylus to make a comeback, it would be much to the rejoice of myself and my friends. Alas, I don't steer the "progress", to wit I keep to somewhat eccentric models and makers of hardware. I still maintain that beyond areas of leisure (entertainment: surfing, videos, games, shallow apps) you must turn to a laptop or desktop for serious work. This could change in due time I suppose. I'm cheering for virtual reality to make an appearance before I succumb to old age, would be cheaper than escorts and you'd never have a bad time. :)

It must be annoying for web designers having to develop for three different scenarios: desktops/laptops, tablets and cellular (albeit I surmise the two latter are consolidated as much as can be; I don't know much of web design beyond the 10 ECTs I have in a PHP/jQuery course).

01-06-2013, 05:39 PM
iPad 2 here

Since I bought it a year and half ago, I almost never use my laptop anymore. Pretty much time I've used it is at my fantasy drafts. Taking my tablet on vacation is so convenient.

Sorry to break it to you Kire & Ecstatic but tablets are the future. Nearly all my friends' kids have one and my nieces & nephews fight each other mine when I bring it to family get togethers. They're fascinated by it. Kids are tactile by nature and it's small & lightweight ...

01-06-2013, 09:20 PM
Nexus 10...very awesome and Kindle Fire HD 8.9

01-07-2013, 05:33 AM
Hmm... the thrifty hacker in me is running an old B&N Nook Color running CM10.

So last week I finally broke down and bought my first tablet - a Nexus 7. One thing I have discovered quickly is that a lot of my media I've acquired over the years can't be played on it. Sort of bums me a little.

So I'm curious - what tablets do you use... what have you found is good or bad with the tablet you have?

Just curious - what media can't you run? I can run almost anything using MX Player, even on my outdated Nook Color...

01-07-2013, 06:55 PM
Hmm... the thrifty hacker in me is running an old B&N Nook Color running CM10.

Just curious - what media can't you run? I can run almost anything using MX Player, even on my outdated Nook Color...

When I was talking about media not running, I was speaking in a native format. That is, a consumer picking one up off the shelf and downloading a video to play without having to use an external app. I think that is the problem that site owners should be concerned about.

Most people just aren't tech-y enough to go through the hoops to download and install the proper app to play videos and just assume they should work right away. It can be frustrating for the consumer and that is MY main concern when it comes to these mobile devices.

A little misleading to say you can't play media on Android systems... I think it was originally my wording so just by way of explanation. Sorry for the confusion.

Wendy Summers
01-07-2013, 07:41 PM
When I was talking about media not running, I was speaking in a native format. That is, a consumer picking one up off the shelf and downloading a video to play without having to use an external app. I think that is the problem that site owners should be concerned about.

Most people just aren't tech-y enough to go through the hoops to download and install the proper app to play videos and just assume they should work right away. It can be frustrating for the consumer and that is MY main concern when it comes to these mobile devices.

A little misleading to say you can't play media on Android systems... I think it was originally my wording so just by way of explanation. Sorry for the confusion.

Yep - I'm looking at this from a "people not tech-y enough" standpoint.

Willie Escalade
01-07-2013, 09:39 PM
When I was talking about media not running, I was speaking in a native format. That is, a consumer picking one up off the shelf and downloading a video to play without having to use an external app. I think that is the problem that site owners should be concerned about.

Most people just aren't tech-y enough to go through the hoops to download and install the proper app to play videos and just assume they should work right away. It can be frustrating for the consumer and that is MY main concern when it comes to these mobile devices.

A little misleading to say you can't play media on Android systems... I think it was originally my wording so just by way of explanation. Sorry for the confusion.
...and that's how I'm able to watch most .flv videos (and download many of them as well) on my iPad2...

01-08-2013, 04:35 AM
Here's the one I use...

cool - you updated...

01-08-2013, 06:39 AM
I have the MS Surface RT. I sprung for the 64GB one.

I'll second all of Grooby's "PROs" for it, though I disagree with some of her "CONs". Personally I like the touch cover (though I didn't care too much for the type cover, that's the one with actual keys). The Win 8 learning curve isn't as steep as I thought it would be. I've been running it on my desktop since shortly after it RTMd. I bought my Surface on release day and it's been a dream.

I will absolutely agree on the charger. Granted, it charges in under 2 hours (which micro USB can't do for a battery like this) from completely dead, but the connection itself is a PITA.

There are literally thousands of Apps in the Windows App Store, some of which I have both on my desktop and on my Surface, but I don't know that I've noticed anything particularly lacking. I have several apps installed, but I also don't get the "App Crazy" people get. It's been my observation most people use very few apps, and while I certainly understand an attachment to THOSE apps (ask me how much I love my "Modern Reader" on my Surface), I don't understand disparaging an app store because it isn't filled with tens of thousands of shitty apps that no one uses, which both the Google and Apple App stores are. The Microsoft App store is heading that way too, it seems an unavoidable problem with mobile devices and this transition to App centric ecosystems. The only App I'm actually waiting for/wanting is a VLC Media player App, which is coming.

My battery life is excellent. I can get about 10 hours of Netflix out of it, which is pretty farkin awesome I think. I should time it to get the exact number, but I'm lazy.

Grooby if you want, send me a PM, might be able to help you with that battery ;-) I know a few tricks (most of which I only recently learned).

Glad to see another Surface owner! ^_^

I've used other tablets, but this is the only one that's ever really impressed me. It's a great toy, and it is actually capable of being so much more than a toy (tough to say, though admittedly not impossible, for Apple or Google tablets).

Also, I seriously love stuff automatically syncing between my desktop and Surface. That was pretty awesome.

01-08-2013, 07:03 AM
I have the MS Surface RT. I sprung for the 64GB one.

I'll second all of Grooby's "PROs" for it, though I disagree with some of her "CONs". Personally I like the touch cover (though I didn't care too much for the type cover, that's the one with actual keys). The Win 8 learning curve isn't as steep as I thought it would be. I've been running it on my desktop since shortly after it RTMd. I bought my Surface on release day and it's been a dream.

I will absolutely agree on the charger. Granted, it charges in under 2 hours (which micro USB can't do for a battery like this) from completely dead, but the connection itself is a PITA.

There are literally thousands of Apps in the Windows App Store, some of which I have both on my desktop and on my Surface, but I don't know that I've noticed anything particularly lacking. I have several apps installed, but I also don't get the "App Crazy" people get. It's been my observation most people use very few apps, and while I certainly understand an attachment to THOSE apps (ask me how much I love my "Modern Reader" on my Surface), I don't understand disparaging an app store because it isn't filled with tens of thousands of shitty apps that no one uses, which both the Google and Apple App stores are. The Microsoft App store is heading that way too, it seems an unavoidable problem with mobile devices and this transition to App centric ecosystems. The only App I'm actually waiting for/wanting is a VLC Media player App, which is coming.

My battery life is excellent. I can get about 10 hours of Netflix out of it, which is pretty farkin awesome I think. I should time it to get the exact number, but I'm lazy.

Grooby if you want, send me a PM, might be able to help you with that battery ;-) I know a few tricks (most of which I only recently learned).

Glad to see another Surface owner! ^_^

I've used other tablets, but this is the only one that's ever really impressed me. It's a great toy, and it is actually capable of being so much more than a toy (tough to say, though admittedly not impossible, for Apple or Google tablets).

Also, I seriously love stuff automatically syncing between my desktop and Surface. That was pretty awesome.

Another Surface Owner... and a happy one at that! Wahoo!

Funny how you like the Touch cover and my preference is for the type cover :)

The learning curve con really isn't a con... just said that for people who are not already used to Windows 8. Personally, I love the layout and feel of Windows 8 so RT was a cinch to learn.

I'm not really disparaging the MS App Store either... it just doesn't have the billions upon billions of apps that Apple or Android apps stores have. I never really got people using hundreds of apps either, but I do understand how competition creates a better (and more inexpensive) product in the end so the more apps you have, the better quality they become (ideally). That was more my point about the MS App Store... just not really any competition has built up yet so there are quite a few crappy apps there.

Anyway, nice to see you're happy with your Surface. You're absolutely right about the syncing. It blew me away the first time I logged onto my Surface and found my desktop almost exactly the way I have my desktop PC designed... and then my Windows Phone too :) Love that!

Thanks for the input... SO NICE to see I'm not alone in this!

01-08-2013, 07:12 AM
Another Surface Owner... and a happy one at that! Wahoo!

Funny how you like the Touch cover and my preference is for the type cover :)

Anyway, nice to see you're happy with your Surface. You're absolutely right about the syncing. It blew me away the first time I logged onto my Surface and found my desktop almost exactly the way I have my desktop PC designed... and then my Windows Phone too :) Love that!

Thanks for the input... SO NICE to see I'm not alone in this!

Ohhhhhh you have the WP8? I'm jealous! Sprint needs to hurry and get off their ass and carry one (and not totally half ass it like they did with the Arrive, fuckers took an awesome phone (HTC 7 Pro in Europe) and made it fail) or I'm ditching them for AT&T, data caps be damned I'll pay for a 20GB plan. I've been eyeing the Lumia 920, but I REALLY don't want to give up my physical keyboard, and I am so in love with tilt screens on phones. Yea, anywhoo....

Do you use SkyDrive much? I've only just started messing with it, and some of the other "cloud" junk. I was pretty skeptical initially, but I've been pretty pleasantly surprised. IMO the only thing missing are some "Automatically Sync" options, or at least I haven't found them yet. I haven't looked terrible hard, but it'd be nice.

Glad to see I'm not the only person that's bought into the Windows eco-system. I get soooooo much flak from pretty much everyone I know (though granted I'm quick to point out when anything they're doing doesn't work, and I immediately do it on my WP7, SurfaceRT, or PC, heh).

01-08-2013, 07:22 AM
Ohhhhhh you have the WP8? I'm jealous! Sprint needs to hurry and get off their ass and carry one (and not totally half ass it like they did with the Arrive, fuckers took an awesome phone (HTC 7 Pro in Europe) and made it fail) or I'm ditching them for AT&T, data caps be damned I'll pay for a 20GB plan. I've been eyeing the Lumia 920, but I REALLY don't want to give up my physical keyboard, and I am so in love with tilt screens on phones. Yea, anywhoo....

Do you use SkyDrive much? I've only just started messing with it, and some of the other "cloud" junk. I was pretty skeptical initially, but I've been pretty pleasantly surprised. IMO the only thing missing are some "Automatically Sync" options, or at least I haven't found them yet. I haven't looked terrible hard, but it'd be nice.

Glad to see I'm not the only person that's bought into the Windows eco-system. I get soooooo much flak from pretty much everyone I know (though granted I'm quick to point out when anything they're doing doesn't work, and I immediately do it on my WP7, SurfaceRT, or PC, heh).

Yeah, I have the Nokia Lumia 920 (AT&T) and I have to say, it is probably the most beautiful cell I have had. I pretty much love everything about it and the ridiculous reviews that call it a "brick" are just weird. It really isn't that heavy or feel that large in your hand. I actually thought having a larger phone would take a while to get used to, but now I find myself squinting when I look at my iPhone screen (and squinting is not good if you're already Asian to begin with). I think it is the perfect size for a cell. I still have an iPhone too but once that contract expires, I'll probably move that to another Windows 8 phone. I love the full site browsing, the great screen, and again, the mobile version of Office. I love that I can have a thought about a story that I'm writing and insert it right into the story via SkyDrive so I remember it for later. It makes writing and remembering things so much easier!

I just signed up for Office 365 so I'm going to start using SkyDrive more. Like you, I haven't really messed around with it much as I seem to have a natural distrust of "The Cloud". But, as I am writing more and more now, I like the idea of having my books and stories available wherever I am to continue, and I've always been a fan of One Note for sure. I think SkyDrive automatically syncs, no?

Personally, I really hope this Windows 8 / Windows RT thing takes off. I mean, from a design / webmaster standpoint, I really dislike it but as a lifelong PC user, I love that MS is finally catching up with Apple and doing a nice, eloquent job of it. I was actually hoping for something like this way back when the Zune came out, as an alternative to iTunes, which I really dislike. I bought into that with the Zune, then the ZuneHD, and a Windows phone way back then... all three ended up on the scrapheap though.

I think MS finally has a good start... it is just a shame to see technology reviewers so quick to start bashing the company when it is trying to provide people with a usable alternative to Apple and Android products (although from a developers standpoint, I can certainly understand it).

01-08-2013, 07:29 AM
Here is a short video guide for NFC for you WP8 users.

TEFU: How To Use NFC - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ntAxtAEKbM)

01-08-2013, 07:35 AM
I have an iPad!!!! I love it to death! Actually do my skype cam shows on it! Love it!

01-08-2013, 07:35 AM
Here is a short video guide for NFC for you WP8 users.

TEFU: How To Use NFC - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ntAxtAEKbM)

I like it :)

I do wish the Surface was NFC capable. I tried it between my Lumia 920 and my Acer Vivo RT and it really is pretty cool.

01-08-2013, 08:36 AM
I just signed up for Office 365 so I'm going to start using SkyDrive more. Like you, I haven't really messed around with it much as I seem to have a natural distrust of "The Cloud". But, as I am writing more and more now, I like the idea of having my books and stories available wherever I am to continue, and I've always been a fan of One Note for sure. I think SkyDrive automatically syncs, no?

Personally, I really hope this Windows 8 / Windows RT thing takes off. I mean, from a design / webmaster standpoint, I really dislike it but as a lifelong PC user, I love that MS is finally catching up with Apple and doing a nice, eloquent job of it. I was actually hoping for something like this way back when the Zune came out, as an alternative to iTunes, which I really dislike. I bought into that with the Zune, then the ZuneHD, and a Windows phone way back then... all three ended up on the scrapheap though.

Some stuff can do an automatic SkyDrive Sync (One Note is an example), but like when I save pics on my Surface, I'd like for them to automatically go into my SkyDrive too. It might be something I can turn on somewhere, I just haven't looked real hard. It's not on the charm menu or in the photos app that I can see.

The Zune! OMG I love mine. I never got the HD, but I did get a Zune some years ago. I still use the hell out of the Zune software, and I have a subscription that still allows me 10 free DRM downloads every month (that subscription plan went away... fucking RIAA... least I think they were responsible... fuckers... I blame almost everything on them, cause even if they're not responsible, they're responsible for enough they're getting away with). I **REALLY** hate iTunes, and never liked Apple products in general but iTunes is a friggen virus as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sad that it seems the Zune brand is going away in favor of XBox music. I don't like the XBox music interface nearly as much, and it doesn't seem to handle my existing music collection nearly as well as the Zune software does. I'm going to be sticking with that software until things have changed so much that it's impossible to run without finding a machine that's like 20 years old, heh.

I'm curious though, what do you dislike from a web-design/developer standpoint?

01-08-2013, 06:12 PM
I'm curious though, what do you dislike from a web-design/developer standpoint?

1. MS / Windows is going towards a less "graphically appealing" look in favor of their live tiles, which are largely text based. While they've yet to spread that across the spectrum, it is coming (browse the MSN page from your Windows 8 start screen!). I think they're just waiting to judge more accurately the success (lack of) Windows 8.

Obviously, porn is a graphically appealing business. Live tiles are great because they share information without clutter, but it is still pictures (visual representation) that drives people to porn sites. Regardless of the current popularity, it is a given that at some point Windows 8 interface (or something like it) will become "mainstream". Designing with the media that people are used to (I think something like 80% or higher computer users use some form of Windows) using presents unique challenges.

2. Side scrolling. Tablets are becoming, more and more, devices that are used in a landscape mode. Most websites today are designed with top-down scrolling. The natural thing to do if you believe that tablets are the future of the internet, is to design your pages for side-scrolling or single page (content is entirely visible on one page). Additionally, the way people browse on tablet / mobile devices is different. You use your thumbs a lot more so a smart designer would make navigation easy for thumbs to reach. That is challenging to do eloquently with today's design tools if you have a large page.

I could go on and on but you probably get the idea...?

01-08-2013, 06:39 PM
Galaxy tab

01-09-2013, 10:49 PM
1. MS / Windows is going towards a less "graphically appealing" look in favor of their live tiles, which are largely text based. While they've yet to spread that across the spectrum, it is coming (browse the MSN page from your Windows 8 start screen!). I think they're just waiting to judge more accurately the success (lack of) Windows 8.

Obviously, porn is a graphically appealing business. Live tiles are great because they share information without clutter, but it is still pictures (visual representation) that drives people to porn sites. Regardless of the current popularity, it is a given that at some point Windows 8 interface (or something like it) will become "mainstream". Designing with the media that people are used to (I think something like 80% or higher computer users use some form of Windows) using presents unique challenges.

2. Side scrolling. Tablets are becoming, more and more, devices that are used in a landscape mode. Most websites today are designed with top-down scrolling. The natural thing to do if you believe that tablets are the future of the internet, is to design your pages for side-scrolling or single page (content is entirely visible on one page). Additionally, the way people browse on tablet / mobile devices is different. You use your thumbs a lot more so a smart designer would make navigation easy for thumbs to reach. That is challenging to do eloquently with today's design tools if you have a large page.

I could go on and on but you probably get the idea...?

I'm not sure that side scrolling will be the norm for web design. Its possible, but I think the msn page you reference is a good example, and others like it. It makes the multi window experience in the modern ui very enjoyable with properly designed pages, and works with more graphics centric pages as well. Its definitely a shift in design layout though, and a big one, but one that overall looks sexy imo.

The waynpeople consume information has changed drastically, and while traditional desktops and laptops will still be around for a long time, tablets, and even phablets are going to dominate, as the mobility can't be beat. Blame apple's iPhone for starting this paradigm shift in how people consume information. They put technology in everyone's pocket.

As for the above posts about win8 on a desktop, I've been running it for months on mine, no touchscreen (I get mad when anyone touches mymonitors...grrrrr, and cringe with the all in one touchscreen hp we just bought last month), and it works great. I was actually surprised by how little time I spend in the modern ui on my desktop system, but enjoy the time I do spend there for the apps that I have that I use. For example I tend to use the news app heavily, as it just makes it VERY easy to catch up on news aggregated from multiple sources in a single slick program, and far more efficiently than a web browser with a gazillion tabs.

Understand too, I was a hardcore skeptic of windows 8 all the way to release, and took the plunge after it went rtm to see if I needed to stock up on win7 while it was still available. I haven't once looked back after upgrading, and will have all my systems upgraded when time allows. I think one of the BEST things MS did with win8 is around the privacy settings. Fire it up in a vm, and check out the defaults on install. Its pretty amazing, very pro-privacy, and beats the pants off anything out there privacy wise for default settings. Very cool move by MS in an environment where everyone is trying to data mine everything about everyone.

01-09-2013, 11:03 PM
Interesting note. Looks like the surface Rt has been hacked. Search for the thread on xda developer forums. Its pretty complicated, but really cool. You can install stuff not from the ms store now, though anything you want to install will still need to be recompiled to work on arm hardware. Not trivial by any means, just random nerdy awesomeness.

01-09-2013, 11:22 PM
Interesting note. Looks like the surface Rt has been hacked. Search for the thread on xda developer forums. Its pretty complicated, but really cool. You can install stuff not from the ms store now, though anything you want to install will still need to be recompiled to work on arm hardware. Not trivial by any means, just random nerdy awesomeness.

Interesting. I'll check it out. Well that will really kill the launch of the Windows Surface Pro if that is true. That was one of the major draws to it... the ability to install stuff just like a regular laptop. It will be interesting to see how MS reacts.

01-09-2013, 11:29 PM
I'm not sure that side scrolling will be the norm for web design. Its possible, but I think the msn page you reference is a good example, and others like it. It makes the multi window experience in the modern ui very enjoyable with properly designed pages, and works with more graphics centric pages as well. Its definitely a shift in design layout though, and a big one, but one that overall looks sexy imo.

I think side / whole page viewing will catch on rather quickly once it gains a foothold. Don't YOU love how on the Surface, you can go backwards and forwards in your browsing history with just a finger flick? It will only be a matter of time from there that designers will want you to have all the page content be viewable without any scrolling at all (whole page viewing). At that point, I think the flick forward / flick backward motion is far more natural than up / down.

I have a touchscreen in my office and Windows 8 is a whole bunch more enjoyable on it. I do hate the fingerprints though. Have you tried out Logitech's Touchpad T650? It is what I use at home on Windows 8 for my desktop (together with a mouse for when I need fine tuning - Photoshop, etc.). It is a bit expensive but works really well with Windows 8 gestures without mucking up your screen. I've yet to be happy with any mice created for Windows 8 gestures.

01-09-2013, 11:30 PM
Interesting. I'll check it out. Well that will really kill the launch of the Windows Surface Pro if that is true. That was one of the major draws to it... the ability to install stuff just like a regular laptop. It will be interesting to see how MS reacts.

I doubt it will kill the surface pro. Most people wouldnot know how to recompile code to run on arm hardware which is what the surface Rt uses, but the surface pro will be standard x86_64 hardware. Also for anything closed source, compiling to run on arm hardware would be nigh impossible.

Its still pretty cool though, and opens the door for running tons of open source software, and even potentially running other OSes on the surface Rt.

01-10-2013, 12:34 AM
Currently have an iPad but cannot wait for the Surface Pro, that will be the ultimate tab for me.

What media can't you play on the nexus though as I've had zero problems playing any media on any android device?

01-10-2013, 12:52 AM
Currently have an iPad but cannot wait for the Surface Pro, that will be the ultimate tab for me.

What media can't you play on the nexus though as I've had zero problems playing any media on any android device?

Are you using Apps to play media?

Most Android devices cannot play FLV files (flash) in a native setting, which is what we're talking about, and still what most sites use to play media in browsers. Actually most mobile devices cannot either. I've had problems playing WMV files or MP4 files that I've rendered on a desktop and then transferred to my Nexus 7 too. When I researched it, I discovered that Android devices like certain codecs only.

From a site owner's standpoint, once you start trying to explain codecs to someone who has just bought the newest tablet and can't wait to view your videos... their eyes glaze over and you've lost them. I only like my Member's eyes to glaze over if I've just emptied a load of cum into them.

This is what Android plays natively... Try explaining this to someone who wants to play your videos but doesn't have the tech-i-ness to do it! That's why I think it is important for sites to start rendering in WebM, Ogg / Theora, VP8, and etc. I've already started.

01-10-2013, 03:02 AM
I think side / whole page viewing will catch on rather quickly once it gains a foothold. Don't YOU love how on the Surface, you can go backwards and forwards in your browsing history with just a finger flick? It will only be a matter of time from there that designers will want you to have all the page content be viewable without any scrolling at all (whole page viewing). At that point, I think the flick forward / flick backward motion is far more natural than up / down.

I have a touchscreen in my office and Windows 8 is a whole bunch more enjoyable on it. I do hate the fingerprints though. Have you tried out Logitech's Touchpad T650? It is what I use at home on Windows 8 for my desktop (together with a mouse for when I need fine tuning - Photoshop, etc.). It is a bit expensive but works really well with Windows 8 gestures without mucking up your screen. I've yet to be happy with any mice created for Windows 8 gestures.

Ok let's try again. last few times I tried to post the site timed out.

So I see your point about the side scrolling. I can definitely see that taking over for photo galleries and the like. It already works in a lot of unexpected areas (even on this site in threads).

For general web browsing though? Color me skeptical. Wouldn't be the first time I was WAY off on a prediction though. Long time ago while working at Best Buy when Netflix first came around and we had to push it, I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world. Guess who wishes they'd found a way to get a piece of that company early on?

The only touch devices I own are 2 Surfaces, an HP All in One (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HP+-+20%26%2334%3B+Touch-Screen+All-In-One+Computer+-+4GB+Memory+-+500GB+HDD+%2B+16GB+SSD/6835512.p?id=1218809264765&skuId=6835512), and my HTC Arrive. I will have more at some point, plan on getting a couple of touch monitors at least. Yea I'm with you on the "gesture" mice. I've yet to see one that I liked. Some of them have some pretty cool designs, but for actual use? Too awkward and clunky.

Before I invest in touch monitors though I'm going to have to find good screen protectors that do well at repelling fingerprints, or can at least be easily wiped clean with a cloth without a bunch of work or spray. A unicorn perhaps, but it's either that or my CDO will end up freaking out, heh.

01-10-2013, 03:10 AM
I'm still using a rooted Nook color, it's great for reading books.

08-31-2013, 09:48 AM
sorry for the old bump.
I noticed that Galaxy tab 2 had a new update in notification.
Jelly bean 4.2
Updated with no prob. The download was a bit big. about 590mb
looks good and feels very smooth and snappier than version 4.1
If you have this tablet, I would recommend you update.
I think this also applies to 1st generation of Tab as well.

08-31-2013, 09:52 AM
I prefer Cuneform... #teamassyrian


08-31-2013, 10:26 AM
This, of course

08-31-2013, 10:29 AM
I prefer Cuneform... #teamassyrian


Victoria, are you actually into Assyro-Babylonian study, or are you just fooling around? Both are cool but we might have some good chats if the former...x

08-31-2013, 04:28 PM
Victoria, are you actually into Assyro-Babylonian study, or are you just fooling around? Both are cool but we might have some good chats if the former...x

Was I foooling around? Sadly I was only making a joke. ;) But I do enjoy studying all kinds of of history. When I read the accounts it makes me giggle about what I used to do back in the day, like explaining to Jesus why he needed to be a carpenter. Extra points for those who THAT joke within 30 seconds.



08-31-2013, 06:34 PM
Was I foooling around? Sadly I was only making a joke. ;) But I do enjoy studying all kinds of of history. When I read the accounts it makes me giggle about what I used to do back in the day, like explaining to Jesus why he needed to be a carpenter. Extra points for those who THAT joke within 30 seconds.


Roflmao kina hard to nail your own feet though...

Jamie French
08-31-2013, 08:30 PM
Tablets are the really big phones that don't make calls, right?

08-31-2013, 08:52 PM
I have a rubbish low end tablet but want to get a higher end one capable of doing artwork on so wil probably go for a samsung soon...

08-31-2013, 09:01 PM
Tablets are the really big phones that don't make calls, right?
Right, if you wanted you could make calls via wifi.
I think you need a Google Voice account and app called GrooveIP
Youtube has a few demo videos of this.

Jamie French
09-01-2013, 12:22 AM
Not interested. I won't even own a TV.

Right, if you wanted you could make calls via wifi.
I think you need a Google Voice account and app called GrooveIP
Youtube has a few demo videos of this.

09-01-2013, 03:23 AM
Posted orginally by Macsearch... Roflmao kina hard to nail your own feet though...

Posted originally by me :)

Is it? My ex told me to go fuck myself... next thing I know. I started cammin and doing porn..

09-01-2013, 03:41 AM
Google Nexus 10 Love it!

09-02-2013, 01:15 PM
iPad 4

Wendy Summers
09-02-2013, 01:38 PM
Not interested. I won't even own a TV.

As someone running your own porn website - you really ought to reconsider that... a growing number of hits are coming from mobile devices -- it's how people are looking at porn these days.

09-02-2013, 05:58 PM
My tablet is a custom built desktop PC, dual booting Win7 and Arch, with the specs to run Digital Combat Simulator, because, you know, I like to actually be able to DO something with my computing devices. :D

09-02-2013, 07:19 PM
i have a kindle HD Fire and an IPAD 2 .. they are neat for browsing etc . great for streaming porn into the escort room :)

Jamie French
09-02-2013, 09:41 PM
If I ever become so profit conscious/business savvy that I wind up caring about freakin' gadgets, the very next thing I shoot will be a solo snuff film. I'll have Eva encode is for exclusive viewing on ipads.

As someone running your own porn website - you really ought to reconsider that... a growing number of hits are coming from mobile devices -- it's how people are looking at porn these days.

09-02-2013, 09:56 PM
As someone running your own porn website - you really ought to reconsider that... a growing number of hits are coming from mobile devices -- it's how people are looking at porn these days.

I have an iPad 4 (Retina Display) which has become my mobile computing support -it is smaller and lighter than a laptop/netbook which makes it more congenial to work with in the various libraries and archives I use; the battery power is outstanding and I don't mind using Pages as writing software. I have taken some superb photos with it, but have yet to load my favourite films and music, which I must do, because I find the iTunes library is ok for mainstream film and some music, but is allergic to high culture. Yes, one can access ballets such as Swan Lake, The Rite of Spring and Romeo and Juliet on YouTube but the quality of the product is not always good. But I would never stream porn onto my iPad or smart phone -the screen is too small on the latter, and 'porn on the run' smacks of desperation to me.

Jamie French
09-02-2013, 10:08 PM
I have a philosophical ax to grind against that that kind of technology. Seeing people spend all their time staring down into a tiny screen all day long drives me up the freaking wall.
I do this job because it's the only job I've ever had that I actually find fulfilling. This is only because I do exactly as I see fit at all times. The work I do is a direct extension of who and what I am. The moment I personally have to kowtow to lowest common denominators or broad based marketing opportunities/strategies, I'm out.

I have an iPad 4 (Retina Display) which has become my mobile computing support -it is smaller and lighter than a laptop/netbook which makes it more congenial to work with in the various libraries and archives I use; the battery power is outstanding and I don't mind using Pages as writing software. I have taken some superb photos with it, but have yet to load my favourite films and music, which I must do, because I find the iTunes library is ok for mainstream film and some music, but is allergic to high culture. Yes, one can access ballets such as Swan Lake, The Rite of Spring and Romeo and Juliet on YouTube but the quality of the product is not always good. But I would never stream porn onto my iPad or smart phone -the screen is too small on the latter, and 'porn on the run' smacks of desperation to me.

09-02-2013, 10:42 PM
as someone that rejects any and all apple products as inferior, i prefer android devices personally and professionally. it is such that i am likely never going to be able to get out of a windows environment due to work (pclamp 9, a major piece of software i use still needs xp to run properly) so i am still very much pc based but for mobility, i'm rocking samsung products. in fact, i'm one of the only people at work using a galaxy to run epic where all others are using ipads.

09-02-2013, 11:22 PM
I use iPad , and love it. I would like to try a Samsung Galaxy Note though.

Lovely pic btw, first time in my life I've wanted to be a green armchair :D

09-02-2013, 11:30 PM
I have the Samsung Galaxy Tab, chose that one because I also have the Note2 phone. Trying to keep everything the same so it would be easier to learn one then two.:cheers:

09-03-2013, 07:45 AM
iPad 4

09-03-2013, 11:09 AM
I have a philosophical ax to grind against that that kind of technology. Seeing people spend all their time staring down into a tiny screen all day long drives me up the freaking wall.
I do this job because it's the only job I've ever had that I actually find fulfilling. This is only because I do exactly as I see fit at all times. The work I do is a direct extension of who and what I am. The moment I personally have to kowtow to lowest common denominators or broad based marketing opportunities/strategies, I'm out.

I understand the point you are making -I know many people who have no interest in gadgets or smart phones and only use the internet because so few people write letters these days; and who think the obsession with email, twitter and facebook is anti-social. But staring at a screen all day is not much different from reading books and articles ie staring at pages all day -I used to be criticised for always having my head in a book and am probably not the only one even though I did (and still do) many other things too.
The internet and communications technology has not just transformed person-to-person communications and the availability of porn without the embarrassment (for some) of buying it in a shop; it has transformed learning, it provides you and me with a virtual library in which you can find most -not all, but most- things you need. And if you recall the hardware from the 1990s, you must surely know what a blessing it is to be able to walk around with the world in your pocket...

09-03-2013, 01:58 PM
I feel a bit mixed about newer technologies. In some ways I find they're much more than I need and can be alienating. I like being able to keep in touch...cell phones are great for both emergencies and convenience, but they also make people too accessible when they should be able to live in the moment.

The internet is so convenient for research, for sharing ideas, and even for being able to control interactions with people, but can also be addicting. I find the benefits outweigh the costs for me, just because I like having so much access to information.

I suppose the best thing about technology is that it's optional! You can't avoid coming into contact with the guy who is wearing an earpiece and talking to himself but you can make sure you're not that jackass.