View Full Version : How Long?

12-31-2012, 05:22 PM
So does anyone have a New Years Resolution? And how long do you think you will stick to it?

Happy New Years Day, I hope you all are responsible tonight and do not engage in any stupid acts that result in injury or death! That also means sex...wrap it up!

12-31-2012, 05:40 PM
If I had to pick a New Years Resolution it would be to value my past as well as my present so my future will be filled w/ love & wisdom.

12-31-2012, 05:43 PM
So does anyone have a New Years Resolution? And how long do you think you will stick to it?

Happy New Years Day, I hope you all are responsible tonight and do not engage in any stupid acts that result in injury or death! That also means sex...wrap it up!
You talk about unsave sex? A good idea to remember about playing safe.

12-31-2012, 05:45 PM
You talk about unsave sex? A good idea to remember about playing safe.
Always a great idea considering so many babies are made on New Years by one night stands...but as well as diseases

12-31-2012, 05:45 PM
Mine will be to try appreciating what I have and continue with my long-standing goal to reduce the chase of materialistic possession. In essence: I will endeavour to have great experiences and enjoy life without the presence of a house, car or kids (although I would enjoy a girlfriend).

Willie Escalade
12-31-2012, 05:48 PM
I need to lose weight.

I need to find a better paying job.

I need to further improve my photography.

I need to see 2014!

12-31-2012, 06:06 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 :party::dancing:

12-31-2012, 06:41 PM
I need to lose weight.

I need to find a better paying job.

I need to further improve my photography.

I need to see 2014!

Made me smile Willie! I need a job.... I need to lose more weight! (lost about 34 pounds though in 2 yrs).... i dont have a camera , but I agree re: 2014
Lost 3 jobs due to take-over or insolvency... had 5 operations ... i'm looking forward to 2013 ! HAS to be better? :)

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 06:48 PM
I always wanna smear more goo on ladies in the upcoming year. Hoping for many gratuitous instances of my custard hose being unleashed in 2013.

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 07:01 PM
I need to lose weight.

Step one to losing weight is deciding you don't want to be fat anymore. When I got angry enough at myself I was mad enough to lose 100 lbs. If you can't run it off then walk it off. If you truly believe in yourself and take appropriate action to change you will get the results you desire.

Sometimes writing your goals and timetables out on paper and committing to it like a contract can be a help. Start by joining and going to the gym and eat good food mainly from the grocery store.

Kevin Dong
12-31-2012, 07:07 PM
Step one to losing weight is deciding you don't want to be fat anymore. When I got angry enough at myself I was mad enough to lose 100 lbs. If you can't run it off then walk it off. If you truly believe in yourself and take appropriate action to change you will get the results you desire.

Sometimes writing your goals and timetables out on paper and committing to it like a contract can be a help. Start by joining and going to the gym and eat good food mainly from the grocery store.

Great advice. Until you decide for yourself doesn't matter what anyone says.

12-31-2012, 07:08 PM
Quit smoking
Quit drinking
Quit quitting stuff! :shrug

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 07:18 PM
Great advice. Until you decide for yourself doesn't matter what anyone says.

Lucky for the folks who don't care as they can be happy getting fatter, smellier, and can make their will at 40.

12-31-2012, 07:18 PM
Try to prevent getting sober another year lol

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 07:20 PM
Try to prevent getting sober another year lol

Me too.http://board.freeones.com/images/freeones/smilies/joint.gif

12-31-2012, 07:21 PM
Oh and boyfriends..i def want to stay single for as long as possible this year

12-31-2012, 07:23 PM
Have no long-ass, pointless, crazy rants on HA. Yup... I said it. Refer me back to this if I do please.

Rusty Eldora
12-31-2012, 07:39 PM
I need to lose weight, I need my business to do better (along with a better economy)

I need to smile and laugh more, as well as enjoy my girlfriends more.

Amber - you do need one or two boyfriends, but ones that do not need to possess you.

12-31-2012, 07:42 PM
2012 was pretty good despite not accomplishing as much as I did in '11.

New part time job on campus
Take clases and apply for new program
This is a set up year for 2014

I had a pretty good year in '12 despite almost being killed and dealing with the consequences for the last few months.

12-31-2012, 07:56 PM
I need to lose weight, I need my business to do better (along with a better economy)

I need to smile and laugh more, as well as enjoy my girlfriends more.

Amber - you do need one or two boyfriends, but ones that do not need to possess you.

Boyfriends who don't want to possess me?? Pray tell where such a thing exist, sounds like a legend to me lol

12-31-2012, 07:57 PM
2012 was pretty good despite not accomplishing as much as I did in '11.

New part time job on campus
Take clases and apply for new program
This is a set up year for 2014

I had a pretty good year in '12 despite almost being killed and dealing with the consequences for the last few months.

You almost died??

12-31-2012, 08:11 PM
I don't know if I ever told this story here but back in September I was mesing around regularly with a freaky girl who liked to do poppers which I do not do. She gt me in an awkward position and ended up pouring the liquid up my freakin nose. That shit hit my sinuses and it felt like my head exploded. I tried to rinse the shit out of my nose but it kept burning. I looked up the consequenses online despite my near incapacitated condition and it said I needed to get to a hospital.

Here we are four months later and I have reduced hearing in my right ear and everything I eat tastes like old Mogen David.

Bitch never even called to see if I was ok and when I saw her in the club a while back she acted like nothing even happened.

12-31-2012, 08:24 PM
do not engage in any stupid acts that result in injury or death!

do you mean like driving?

12-31-2012, 08:37 PM
I don't know if I ever told this story here but back in September I was mesing around regularly with a freaky girl who liked to do poppers which I do not do. She gt me in an awkward position and ended up pouring the liquid up my freakin nose. That shit hit my sinuses and it felt like my head exploded. I tried to rinse the shit out of my nose but it kept burning. I looked up the consequenses online despite my near incapacitated condition and it said I needed to get to a hospital.

Here we are four months later and I have reduced hearing in my right ear and everything I eat tastes like old Mogen David.

Bitch never even called to see if I was ok and when I saw her in the club a while back she acted like nothing even happened.

I don't ever recommend putting shit in your sinuses.

On a more serious note, I am really glad you are OK (relatively). I don't know much about chemistry but I would guess going up the nasal cavity could have lead to some really serious consequences. I hope you get back to 100% soon.

Dino Velvet
12-31-2012, 08:44 PM
I don't know if I ever told this story here but back in September I was mesing around regularly with a freaky girl who liked to do poppers which I do not do. She gt me in an awkward position and ended up pouring the liquid up my freakin nose. That shit hit my sinuses and it felt like my head exploded. I tried to rinse the shit out of my nose but it kept burning. I looked up the consequenses online despite my near incapacitated condition and it said I needed to get to a hospital.

Here we are four months later and I have reduced hearing in my right ear and everything I eat tastes like old Mogen David.

Bitch never even called to see if I was ok and when I saw her in the club a while back she acted like nothing even happened.

Sorry to hear that, Ed. That's fucked up. She ended up being a sociopath dissociating herself from the event.

12-31-2012, 08:46 PM
I don't know if I ever told this story here but back in September I was mesing around regularly with a freaky girl who liked to do poppers which I do not do. She gt me in an awkward position and ended up pouring the liquid up my freakin nose. That shit hit my sinuses and it felt like my head exploded. I tried to rinse the shit out of my nose but it kept burning. I looked up the consequenses online despite my near incapacitated condition and it said I needed to get to a hospital.

Here we are four months later and I have reduced hearing in my right ear and everything I eat tastes like old Mogen David.

Bitch never even called to see if I was ok and when I saw her in the club a while back she acted like nothing even happened.

Lol wow,i suddenly don't really feel all that embarrassed about my sex blunders.sorry to hear that tho.so there's nothing you can do about your hearing?
I always hated poppers.gives me a killer headache and makes me feel like I'm in a bad 80s porn lol.plus i don't need the extra help losing up, taking dick comes naturally ;)

12-31-2012, 09:37 PM
Usually when I make resolutions on Dec 31 they never pan out.
SO..I decided to start my new years resolutions in October, so far so good.
Lose weight, cut out negative people and being positive under all circumstances were my resolutions.
Now I'll just glide into 2013 already on track.:wiggle::party:

12-31-2012, 09:47 PM
Oh and please do not drive drunk
DON'T DRIVE DRUNK. From 6pm-6am on New Year's Eve/Day AAA will take you and your car home for FREE, member or not: 800-222-4357

12-31-2012, 10:01 PM
How long? 9 or 10 inches - lol - happy 2013

12-31-2012, 10:09 PM
Lol wow,i suddenly don't really feel all that embarrassed about my sex blunders.sorry to hear that tho.so there's nothing you can do about your hearing?
I always hated poppers.gives me a killer headache and makes me feel like I'm in a bad 80s porn lol.plus i don't need the extra help losing up, taking dick comes naturally ;)

Nice Amber. Good to hear from you.

I met two girls who wanted this damned poppers.
And both shown their madness later.
I hate poppers, I hate the smell and I like normal girls,
where their natural smell makes me more horny.
Enjoy the new year, have a lot of fun.


01-01-2013, 02:41 AM
I don't really do New Year's resolutions.