View Full Version : Some girls do it for money others do it for free dinners

12-31-2012, 06:05 AM
This kind of made me sick.
But I'm sure she will get a lot of support from some of the ladies?

my my my!
12-31-2012, 06:54 AM
God what a fucking leech:loser:

12-31-2012, 07:13 AM
I don't see the big deal? She's single and going on dates, she could of easily fallen for one of those guys.

12-31-2012, 07:15 AM
I don't see the big deal? She's single and going on dates, she could of easily fallen for one of those guys.


12-31-2012, 07:16 AM
She's pretty. It seems lame to me, but if she gets guys to keep buying her dinner then good for her I guess. lmao at the spreadsheet

12-31-2012, 07:38 AM
Lol @ you guys thinking this is something new.i guess y'all never saw breakfast at tiffanys.
Don't act like some guys don't have ulterior motives when going on dates.how many of y'all or your friends try to get laid on the first date.where's the outrage at that??

12-31-2012, 07:46 AM
This kind of made me sick.
But I'm sure she will get a lot of support from some of the ladies?

Friggin low life bitch...and I'll bet my balls, my kids balls, and everyone's balls that the dufus she's going out with has bokoo bucks...no doubt whatsoever!

12-31-2012, 07:52 AM
Lol @ you guys thinking this is something new.i guess y'all never saw breakfast at tiffanys.
Don't act like some guys don't have ulterior motives when going on dates.how many of y'all or your friends try to get laid on the first date.where's the outrage at that??

12-31-2012, 09:34 AM
Lol @ you guys thinking this is something new.i guess y'all never saw breakfast at tiffanys.
Don't act like some guys don't have ulterior motives when going on dates.how many of y'all or your friends try to get laid on the first date.where's the outrage at that??

Well of course in the book shes a hooker so that's a given.

I pretty much always pay for dinner with girls even if they are just friends. Just the way I was raised. Guys get paid more than girls in general so i dont see that as an issue.

12-31-2012, 09:38 AM
Well of course in the book shes a hooker so that's a given.

I pretty much always pay for dinner with girls even if they are just friends. Just the way I was raised. Guys get paid more than girls in general so i dont see that as an issue.

I was talking about the movie with Audrey Hepburn in which she was not a prostitute...

12-31-2012, 10:03 AM
I see no problem in guys paying for dinner. You have any idea how much more expensive it is to be a girl????

Makeup, nail polish, perfume, way more clothes (bras alone are pretty expensive, or things like pantyhose which aren't even designed to last long), shoes, Jewelry, hair (a haircut for long hair is more expensive than short hair, and that isn't even talking about getting perms, getting it colored, or getting it styled).

And now, want to talk about trans specific costs? I've spent thousands on laser and electrolysis alone so far ~_~ Not to mention hormone costs, blood tests, surgeries....

I didn't start transition till 28...trust me, being a guy was WAY cheaper (and I dressed nice).

Oh no, a girl gets a "free" dinner (they still need to get ready and dolled up to get that dinner you know, and deal with a guy trying to grope them or an evening of uncomfortable conversation if they aren't into you).

If it were just about money and getting a meal...it would be way less trouble (and cheaper in terms of time / cost) to just stay at home and make some eggs or something (not really expensive to feed yourself you know, even if you want to go fancy and cook yourself a nice chicken breast and some veggies...you aren't looking at much in terms of cost).

Actually, I could eat out every night if I wanted... but I don't, simply because it would make me fat ~_~

So...yea...a girl getting a "free" dinner might sound nice... but really it is such a minor thing. It is more about the guy showing a bit of dominance and trying to impress her a bit and getting to know each other and starting on the road to romance :P Which, is well worth it.

If you are working a min wage job...yea, I guess I could see how it would be a problem though ~_~ And, well, that is more an issue of dating outside of your social class (to me dinner cost means nothing, I don't want to date a guy who is so stressed about going out all the time).

01-02-2013, 05:47 AM
At least a working girl has the balls to call her self what she is...a working girl.
Be it for sex or for a night out.

This woman....straight up hoe!

01-02-2013, 05:56 AM
I am from the south, and men in the south always pay for dinner.

And it don't matter if they are friends or potential girlfriends.

It's called courting!

My husband paid for all our dates until we got married, now we share a wallet.

When I was in college, I'd go on dates constantly.

Most of the time bad ones, but I'd go on 3 to 6 dates a week.

WHY? Because I was trying to figure out the type of men I'm interested in and what turns me off.

You really don't know till you start dating.

It also taught me the best way for me to date and how to be a better date and girlfriend/wife.

I also learned alot on each date.

01-02-2013, 06:17 AM
num num num num num....yeah ok.
the economy has been in the ass end of a cow for the past 10 years.
incomes have been dead or dying.
so let me sum it up, every hour of every day another cute girl turns 21 while every hour of every day any hot girl who thinks she can do this kind of shit is getting older and well let's face it.....the words "old" and "hot" do not go together.
If i'm taking a girl out to dinner it's because I want a nice dinner and she happens to be there. Be it a $25 dinner or a $100 dinner.
and if you ask me this woman was and is a straight up ho and needs a nice back page profile set up.
but this is why online dating is just not worth it. just go to the local bar if you live in a large or medium sized city and see what's out there.
and remember sure she is hot today and may be worth a $100 dinner....but...well in 3-2-1...oh look another very cute girl just turned 21 and will really appreciate a fun night out and a $25 dinner and a giggle!

01-02-2013, 07:23 AM
Shit, approach me in a bar and you still paying homie lol

01-02-2013, 07:34 AM
every time a i take a woman out, date, friend, co worker, lady who works at the door...i pay. I even pay for their friends/relatives if they are female and if they are with me (within reason). I agree with a previous poster. Men generally make more than woman and i like the company of females. But I dont like this woman attitudes nor woman using my dollars as a way of finding themselves

01-02-2013, 07:47 AM
This kind of made me sick.
But I'm sure she will get a lot of support from some of the ladies?

she get's my support too (and i'm not a woman). she's separating fools from their money

01-02-2013, 07:52 AM
every time a i take a woman out, date, friend, co worker, lady who works at the door...i pay. I even pay for their friends/relatives if they are female and if they are with me (within reason). I agree with a previous poster. Men generally make more than woman and i like the company of females. But I dont like this woman attitudes nor woman using my dollars as a way of finding themselves

since you pride yourself so much in paying for women, i'm not sure why you have a problem if they use your money to discover themselves. perhaps you should revise your charity because there is actually a fine line betwix being a sucker and a gentleman

01-03-2013, 06:02 AM
Look I don't mind paying for friends. I agree with you 100% friends are friends but a date is a date. And if a woman is using men for free dinners.....I'm sorry GET THE FUCK ON BACK PAGE and rent out your booty like a proper girl.

01-03-2013, 07:38 AM
I guess with all that money she is saving she can finally afford that nose job, she needs it!

01-03-2013, 10:50 AM
Never in a million years would I allow a girl to pay on a first, second or any date for that matter. If I go out on a date, I fully expect to pay and will even stop them if they offer.

This girl however, simply finding guys to buy her dinner on a dating website, is pathetic.

And it's not like she is broke and starving. Doing this because you are in financial trouble, while still messed up, would be somewhat understandable. But she is doing it so she can eat like a queen on someone else's money.