View Full Version : Transgender girlfriend reverted back to male

12-24-2012, 10:55 PM
I was thinking....
To someone is happened?
You are fall in love with a shemale or a transgender and she is your girlfriend but after some times she confess to you that she wants to be a man again, but she loves you and want stay with you.
Then? You have decided to stay with him or you have left this relationship?
Personally I don't know what I'll do... I think that if I really love she, I can stay with he also....

12-24-2012, 11:02 PM
I'm guessing that's them fucked then! :shrug :hide-1:

12-24-2012, 11:26 PM
Would you be attracted to the male version? That is the question I ask. I honestly don't think I would be.

12-24-2012, 11:28 PM
I find if they were really transgendered they wouldn't "revert back"...

So ummm..yeah

12-24-2012, 11:38 PM
I would leave him. That person said that they were born in the wrong body and now says they want to change back . I would feel betrayed and bamboozled. I am attracted to feminine women gg and tg

12-24-2012, 11:43 PM
Sometimes trans porn forums get on my nerves..especially when I see threads like this one! In my opinion if a transsexual "reverts" she/he were never really transsexuals at all! They were either attention seeking, had body dysphoria, money purposes, or entertainment industry....real transsexuals know who they are inside and out!

12-24-2012, 11:52 PM
Sometimes trans porn forums get on my nerves..especially when I see threads like this one! In my opinion if a transsexual "reverts" she/he were never really transsexuals at all! They were either attention seeking, had body dysphoria, money purposes, or entertainment industry....real transsexuals know who they are inside and out!

I know for a fact there's at least one high-profile porn "girl" who frequents this site and is no more transexual than Barack Obama is. This person strictly does the whole "shemale" thing for money/entertainment. It's not all that uncommon.

12-24-2012, 11:54 PM
I think I know who you are talking about. I will pm you my answer.

12-25-2012, 12:04 AM
Chickenshits...Spit it out!

Los Angeles resident
12-25-2012, 12:27 AM
I would dump that person because the thought of doing a guy disgusts me.

12-25-2012, 01:58 AM
Transgender is the blanket term for any non gender conforming behaviour (even crossdressing). So, they might not be TRANSSEXUAL, but they are still very much transgendered.

And, really, there are a lot of manifestations of transgendered people (along with the entire semantics / binary battle of "male" or "female", which is simply foolish in the first place).

I identify as male. Even though I have been on hormones for 22 months, had an orchiectomy, dress in female clothing, have long nails and hair, and can pass (and want to look as feminine as I can).

Really, the only thing that differentiates me from a "real transsexual" is I don't buy into the idea that I have to label myself female in order to embrace femininity.

So, when you say he reverted "back to male"....in what way? Simply he considers himself male now? But still looks / is feminine? Or, is he trying to embrace the stereotypes of a "man" and is trying to act like he "should" and adopt a more masculine presentation?

12-25-2012, 02:14 AM
I know for a fact there's at least one high-profile porn "girl" who frequents this site and is no more transexual than Barack Obama is. This person strictly does the whole "shemale" thing for money/entertainment. It's not all that uncommon.

There is really that much money to be made in transgender porn? I think there is much more money in other industries without putting oneself in life altering procedures and under hormones if one was not truly transgender.

12-25-2012, 02:16 AM
Transgender is the blanket term for any non gender conforming behaviour (even crossdressing). So, they might not be TRANSSEXUAL, but they are still very much transgendered.

And, really, there are a lot of manifestations of transgendered people (along with the entire semantics / binary battle of "male" or "female", which is simply foolish in the first place).

I identify as male. Even though I have been on hormones for 22 months, had an orchiectomy, dress in female clothing, have long nails and hair, and can pass (and want to look as feminine as I can).

Really, the only thing that differentiates me from a "real transsexual" is I don't buy into the idea that I have to label myself female in order to embrace femininity.

So, when you say he reverted "back to male"....in what way? Simply he considers himself male now? But still looks / is feminine? Or, is he trying to embrace the stereotypes of a "man" and is trying to act like he "should" and adopt a more masculine presentation?

for many of us it isnt simply an idea that we're buying into.when you word it like that it sounds like your saying that our identity as woman is shallow and misguided.i respect where your coming from but ive spent my whole life KNOWING that i was a woman inside.it was a source of great pain and confusion growing up.its not simply femininity (ive been feminine my whole life) that i aspire to but womanhood.

12-25-2012, 02:44 AM
I also disagree with Rabbiteyes..

Then by that regard do you prefer the male or female pronouns?

And did you change your name to female?

If you identify as a man..why would you want to look feminine?

Doesn't make sense..

Taking hormones and having orchiectomy proves nothing of being transsexual.

You can get both with out talking to a counselor/psych!

In my opinion too many are misdiagnosed and actually suffer from body dysphoria.

12-25-2012, 03:03 AM
for many of us it isnt simply an idea that we're buying into.when you word it like that it sounds like your saying that our identity as woman is shallow and misguided

What is the difference between...

A person born male, but has a great deal in common with women. Is sexually "feminine", is physically feminine, has a more feminine personality, sounds feminine, wishes to look even more feminine (and begins to take hormones and has surgeries), takes on a feminine social role, and dresses feminine....and thinks of himself as a he.

And a transsexual who does the same things, but considers herself a she?

I have found in the last year as I began to look more feminine that more and more people try to CONVINCE me I'm female.

I ask myself why this is... why people close to me are suddenly so sure I am female (when 2 years ago, they were so sure I was male). I came to realize that the identification of my gender was for their own benefit.

That their understanding of how gender worked simply didn't allow for there to be a boy who seemed in all ways what they saw as female (in the same way the opposite side sees a transgendered woman and demands she is a male because she was born that way).

I don't try to tell others what they are (only myself). But, as I sit back and watch the entire dynamic of non-gender conforming people, I see that they have grown up with the same social expectations as the rest of the population.

Transgendered people aren't free of society telling them their entire lives that "boys are boys" and "girls are girls"... and in their minds, when they cross a certain threshold of femininity... their minds switch over to considering themselves female. ((Just as those around me did when I crossed that threshold).

To me, it is all a silly battle of semantics. While it shouldn't matter...in our messed up society, the simple label of "male" or "female" has profound effects on a persons life (which is why I may legally change my gender to female at some point). But, the deeper battle over the words themselves? I do think is a little silly.

I don't understand why the definition of male and female are so limited... why there can't exist someone like me and be male (when there obviously is). It is proof that the entire binary battle is rather misguided.

Basically, our society is very much existing in its own head :P A man sleeping with me may feel great and fine if he can call me a girl...but if he uses another word, suddenly his entire world comes crumbling down around him?

If I use one word and sign a piece of paper, I can marry the man I love. If I use another word, suddenly it is illegal and wrong?

If these facts of how our country / population works aren't proof of a delusional society, I don't know what is.

12-25-2012, 03:10 AM
In my opinion too many are misdiagnosed and actually suffer from body dysphoria.
Kelly is 100% correct.

Not just body dysphoria, but many other disorders as well.

12-25-2012, 03:11 AM
There is really that much money to be made in transgender porn? I think there is much more money in other industries without putting oneself in life altering procedures and under hormones if one was not truly transgender.
Not so much porn, but escorting.

12-25-2012, 09:11 AM
I find if they were really transgendered they wouldn't "revert back"...

So ummm..yeah

Ya mean ya cant just turn it off? lol

12-25-2012, 11:05 AM
If you're truly in 'love' with them, why would the gender they identify with/present make a difference?

12-26-2012, 06:42 AM
there are some homophobic gays on this thread

Homophobic gays

HOMOPHOBIC GAYS and the difference between a TS & a CD/TV/DQ

Tgirls calling guys "fags" for liking them.
http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=57502 (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=57502)

I've been tricked


homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove

http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.single.html

12-26-2012, 06:51 AM
You are gay - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsVpdBIi1BU)

Homophobic Gay Guys - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaChXj0wjbs)

ARE YOU GAY? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjAVa9RAfWQ)

I have been meeting a lot of people lately that seem to be homophobic.

In fact, I have honestly met more homophobic homosexuals then heterosexuals.

This is my message to those homo's who hate on homo's.

Homophobe are really closeted gays study says
Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?

Are homophobes secretly gay? A new study purports to prove it.

Why have some of the nation's most vehement anti-gay activists—Ted Haggard, Larry Craig—had gay sex scandals of their own? An op-ed in the New York Times' Sunday Review section tries to explain. The authors of the piece, two research psychologists, say they have "empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire." Their argument—summed up in the Times headline as "Homophobic? Maybe You're Gay (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?ref=opinion)"—promises to resolve a long-running debate in the field. For at least 15 years, scientists have been trying to use objective laboratory measures to prove the he-who-smelt-it-dealt-it (http://www.odps.org/glossword/index.php?a=term&d=4&t=318) theory of human sexuality. Has a research team based at the University of Rochester finally done it?
The new study works like an elaborate game of "homo say what (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Homo%20Say%20what)?": Evidence of private, homosexual urges is elicited by subtle verbal cues. The researchers start by asking college freshmen, mostly women, to rate their sexual orientation on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 means completely straight; 5 means bisexual; 10 means totally gay) and then to say how much they agree with politically charged statements like, "Gay people make me nervous" and "I would feel uncomfortable having a gay roommate." Once the students have been characterized according to their relative degrees of gayness and homophobia, they're shown a series of icons or photos of wedding-cake figurines (http://www.weddingaccessories.net/wedding-cake-toppers/bride-and-groom-figurines/) on a computer monitor—two women, two men, or a man with a woman—and told to label each one as being "gay" or "straight." In a final twist, some of the "gay" and "straight" images are preceded on the screen by a subliminal verbal cue—a word flashed quickly on the screen that reads either me or others. If seeing the word me shortens a student's reaction time for the gay-themed imagery, it's taken as a sign of her implicit homosexuality. On a subconscious level, at least, she's associating the word me with gayness.

Many researchers have used setups like this one—known as an " Implicit Association Test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_Association_Test)

"—to dig up evidence of covert inclinations or even racial prejudice. The idea is that it takes people less time to make connections between words or images when those connections conform to prior beliefs. A person might respond more quickly to the word blue if she'd been cued with the word sky, or—more disturbing—she might be faster on the word man after being cued with the word president. The Rochester team adapted this idea for their measure of sexuality: A student's secret gay identity could be revealed by testing whether she responded more quickly to me-cued gay pictures than to me-cued straight ones

http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/04/homophobic_maybe_you_re_gay_the_new_york_times_on_ a_new_study_of_secret_sexuality_.single.html

12-26-2012, 06:58 AM
Precious Roy - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvBbx8WaXxE)

Middle Sexes - Experiment on homophobia - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEuDDvqYbVw)

Middle Sexes - Experiment on homophobia

EXCLUSIVE: HBO to Develop 'Middlesex' as One-Hour Series
Rita Wilson, playwright Donald Margulies exec producing
By Melissa Grego -- Broadcasting & Cable, 7/6/2009 7:39:07 PM
HBO has optioned Jeffrey Eugenides' Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Middlesex and is developing a one-hour drama series based on the 2002 book.

Actor-producer Rita Wilson is executive producing, along with the project's writer Donald Margulies.

The working logline for the potential drama series being used internally at HBO is that it "follows the life of Calliope Stephanides and the epic family history that may hold the answer to her complicated sexual identity."

Margulies, known best as a playwright, won a Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for his play Dinner With Friends, which was made into an HBO telefilm.

If the Middlesex drama series follows the book's setting, it would take place largely in Detroit, where the main character grows up. HBO's recent comedy series entry, Hung, is also set in the Detroit area.

HBO declined to comment.

(The Middle Sex & an Experiment on Homophobia)
Psychiatrists from the University of GA, based after the murder of a transgender woman whose killers identified themselves as "not gay," conducted an experiment on several hundred men who identified as 100% heterosexual, and with never having had a same-sex encounter, and claiming never to have ever had a same-sex thought. So, these men were divided into control groups with a loop around their penis that measured their arousal to GAY PORN.


HA HA ha ha LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol

dick lubers

oral fixation


HA HA ha ha LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol

dick lubers

oral fixation


HA HA ha ha LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol

dick lubers

oral fixation


HA HA ha ha LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol

dick lubers

oral fixation

Los Angeles resident
12-26-2012, 07:58 AM
If you're truly in 'love' with them, why would the gender they identify with/present make a difference?

If you were dating a GG and she decided to become a female-to-male transsexual (meaning getting rid of her breasts, getting facial hair, getting a hairy body, dressing up in masculine clothes and living a more masculine lifestyle), would you still date him?

In other words, would you date Chaz Bono just because he used to be a woman? I wouldn't!

12-26-2012, 09:00 AM
There's 'dating' and there's 'love'. The OP said 'love'. If you truly 'love' someone and ditch them because of a major change in their appearance/life, you're not that much in 'love' to begin with.

12-26-2012, 09:20 AM
Its kinda easy for you to say that cause your bi i believe (sorry if I'm recollection is wrong).
For some people gender preference isn't that fluid.a change in gender could affect if your partner is sexually attracted to you.it is possible to fall out of romantically in love with someone but continue to love them as a person.we all know that romantic love is a combination of sexual attraction, intimacy and strong feelings.lose one component (such as sexual attraction) it could cease to be romantic.

my my my!
12-27-2012, 03:19 AM
Its kinda easy for you to say that cause your bi i believe (sorry if I'm recollection is wrong).
For some people gender preference isn't that fluid.a change in gender could affect if your partner is sexually attracted to you.it is possible to fall out of romantically in love with someone but continue to love them as a person.we all know that romantic love is a combination of sexual attraction, intimacy and strong feelings.lose one component (such as sexual attraction) it could cease to be romantic.

Exactly this.

Amber speaks the truth.

People fall in love with a total package, not just a brain or a soul.
Physical attraction is part of love. If the physical attraction is gone, there is not enough love to stay together, just enough love to still be friends or be completely separate.