View Full Version : Virtual Feminization - What would you look like as a woman?

Johnny Cocksville
03-02-2004, 04:14 PM
Virtual Feminization is an image enhancement process that takes a picture of you... as a man and transforms that same image into you... as a glamorous feminized woman. The process carried out by an artist technician employs hands on digital imaging to facially reconstruct and feminize your image using your own genetics and facial features as a base for the new beautiful, feminine you.

trippy shit.

Vicki Richter
03-02-2004, 05:16 PM
That is retarded.

03-02-2004, 07:38 PM
:P what a laugh ........ i checked on the other "model" page & there's your dim-witted president as a woman...... only you yanks could devise such a website - lol

Vicki Richter
03-02-2004, 08:29 PM
The end result is a real girl though. A morph takes two images to generate. They are using a model for the end state photographs in the morph. I mean the eyes aren't the same color or size or anything. It's basically saying... How would I look if I looked exactly like Pam Anderson. I could do a morph and show everyone how they could look like Tom Cruz. Would that be virtual Tom Cruz?

It's just silly.

As an example, how would they open her mouth from the starting image?


Blah... Gregg... Pffffffffffffffft.