View Full Version : Eddie Murphy Is The Most Overpaid Actor In Hollywood

Dino Velvet
12-05-2012, 04:09 AM

Eddie Murphy Is The Most Overpaid Actor In Hollywood

By Dorothy Pomerantz (http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/author/dorothy-pomerantz-20121203/;_ylt=AmfPOW9ThyRo2aeM4tCsNGF7pxx.;_ylu=X3oDMTFoNT dxamZnBG1pdANNb2QgQXJ0aWNsZSBIZWFkZXIEcG9zAzMEc2Vj A01lZGlhQXJ0aWNsZUhlYWQ-;_ylg=X3oDMTJuYmNrb2Y5BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDNDI5NmIxNTAtMDBjYi0zZWQxLTk2NDctMjYxMDQ4M2 ZmOTY0BHBzdGNhdANuZXdzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3) | Forbes.com – 11 hours ago

Poor Eddie Murphy desperately needs a comeback. Remember back in the day when he was so funny on "Saturday Night Live" and in movies like "Trading Places" and "Beverly Hills Cop"? His voice work has helped make movies like "Shrek" and "Mulan" tolerable for adults, and even his family-friendly movies, like "Norbit" and "Dr. Dolittle," were good for some chuckles.

Forbes: Hollywood's Most Overpaid Stars (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45edeej/hollywoods-most-overpaid-stars-2/?utm_source=omg.yahoo.com&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=overpaid%2Bstars&partner=omg) But lately, Murphy’s career has just collapsed. "Imagine That," "A Thousand Words" and "Meet Dave" were colossal flops. Last year’s "Tower Heist," which was supposed to be something of a return to form for the comedian, failed to wow at the box office, earning $153 million on an estimated budget of $75 million. (In order to even come close to turning a profit, a movie has to earn twice its production budget in ticket sales, plus the millions spent on marketing.) Murphy then backed out of hosting the Oscars, which didn’t help his reputation.
His string of flops lands Murphy at the top of our Most Overpaid Actors list for 2012. We estimate that for every $1 Murphy was paid for his last three films, they returned an average of $2.30 at the box office.
To compile our list, we used data on actors’ earnings gathered for our Celebrity 100 (http://www.forbes.com/celebrities/) list. Box office grosses and budget estimates are from Box Office Mojo. We looked at the last three films each actor starred in over the last three years that opened in more than 2,000 theaters, calculating the return on investment for the studios who pay his (or her) salary.
The Biggest Box Office Flops of 2012 (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45mldj/the-oogieloves-in-the-big-balloon-adventure/?utm_source=omg.yahoo.com&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=overpaid%2Bstars&partner=omg)
Ranking second behind Murphy is a newcomer to our list: Katherine Heigl (http://www.forbes.com/profile/katherine-heigl/). For every dollar she was paid on her last three movies, they earned an average of $3.40.
After hits like "Knocked-Up," "27 Dresses" and "The Ugly Truth," Heigl’s quote shot up to the $12 million range. Unfortunately, the films she’s made at that price point have failed to deliver. Her most recent film, "One For The Money," earned only $37 million on an estimated $40 million budget. Heigl needs to step away from the expensive star vehicles and rebuild her career. Her next release is the ensemble pic "The Big Wedding," which hits theaters in April. Featuring Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon and Amanda Seyfried, the movie could give Heigl a chance to show how funny she can be when the pressure is off.
In past versions of our overpaid actors roundup, we looked at each actor’s films over the last five years. This year, we cut back to the last three years to give the list a more contemporary focus.
That dropped Drew Barrymore (http://www.forbes.com/profile/drew-barrymore/) from the top 10, but not because she has anchored any smashes lately. Barrymore was our worst-performing actor last year — her films earned only 40 cents for each $1 she was paid. However she hasn’t starred in three big releases over the last three years. We don’t count ensemble films where there is no clear star like Barrymore’s 2009 film "He’s Just Not That Into You," which was actually a hit.

Hollywood's Highest-Paid Actors (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45khmg/tom-cruise-4/?utm_source=omg.yahoo.com&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=overpaid%2Bstars&partner=omg)
Reese Witherspoon (http://www.forbes.com/profile/reese-witherspoon/) ranks third on our list with an average $3.90 return for every $1 she was paid. Witherspoon is one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood, but her choices lately have been questionable, like 2010′s "How Do You Know." With a ridiculously high budget of $120 million — a big chunk of which went to salaries for Witherspoon and big-name co-stars Paul Rudd, Jack Nicholson and Owen Wilson — the romantic comedy never had a chance of turning a profit. It grossed just $49 million at the box office, making it one of the worst-performing films of 2010.
Her most recent film, "This Means War," didn’t help much. The $65 million action comedy did OK, earning $157 million worldwide, but it wasn’t enough to get Witherspoon off of our most overpaid list.

The Top-Earning Dead Celebrities (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45hggm/no-1-michael-jackson?utm_source=omg.yahoo.com&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=overpaid%2Bstars&partner=omg)
Sandra Bullock (http://www.forbes.com/profile/sandra-bullock/) makes a surprise entry in fourth place with a $5 return for every $1 she was paid. In 2009 Bullock starred in one of the biggest films of the year, "The Blind Side." Not only did it earn $310 million at the box office globally, it was made for just $30 million, making it one of the most profitable films of the year. It was also a big earner for Bullock, who had a profit-sharing deal on the project. But her two other films of the last three years were stinkers: "All About Steve" and "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close."
Rounding out the top five is Jack Black, whose films returned only $5.20 for every $1 he was paid. Last year’s comedy "The Big Year" barely registered at the box office. Big-name stars like Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson couldn’t overcome poor reviews and a less than sexy topic — birdwatching. It earned only $7 million.


12-05-2012, 04:58 AM
and when these over-paid talentless superstar assholes call 911 with chest pains the emergency room nurse who saves their crumby lives earns about $65,000 per year.
I think the City of New York has tried to invoice Lindsay Lohan for the endless hours of NYPD overtime her booze binge antics actually costs taxpayers. to say nothing about tying up EMS personnel for real life emergencies.

maybe someday we'll collect from her estate.

12-05-2012, 05:17 AM
Dude's got a bad wrap after selling out to Disney. Most of his old comedy and standup fans have long moved on, and I'd imagine it's a little harder to attract a younger crowd when most under the age of 25 don't remember his hilarious stand up. He used profanity as an art form.

12-05-2012, 05:20 AM
and when these over-paid talentless superstar assholes call 911 with chest pains the emergency room nurse who saves their crumby lives earns about $65,000 per year.
I think the City of New York has tried to invoice Lindsay Lohan for the endless hours of NYPD overtime her booze binge antics actually costs taxpayers. to say nothing about tying up EMS personnel for real life emergencies.

maybe someday we'll collect from her estate.

Even Oliver Stone said that actors are overpaid. I mean, look at what Lindsay Lohan has made in the past. Where has all that money gone? The prevailing joke would be: up her nose -- ha ha!
And, too, $7 million for Just my Luck....

12-05-2012, 05:40 AM
Drew Barrymore knocks Will Ferrell off top of lowest earners chart

Forbes magazine's list of the lowest-grossing stars is headed by star of box-office flops Going the Distance and Whip It:


12-05-2012, 07:02 AM
and when these over-paid talentless superstar assholes call 911 with chest pains the emergency room nurse who saves their crumby lives earns about $65,000 per year.
I think the City of New York has tried to invoice Lindsay Lohan for the endless hours of NYPD overtime her booze binge antics actually costs taxpayers. to say nothing about tying up EMS personnel for real life emergencies.

maybe someday we'll collect from her estate.

Good post Flabby.

Other point I guess is that it often happens that comparatively good movies don't make money. The Big Year was a case in point. Yes, it wasn't great, but it was a lot more subtle and gentler than the gross-out comedies which sadly sell big these days.

And finally, "overpaid" should be interpreted in other ways, not just by the gross of the movie seat sales. If it included the quality of the acting, most of the current crop of movie stars would fall into that category.

12-05-2012, 07:18 AM
The only thing I want to know is Eddie a HA lurker or a member?

OTOH, Eddie is the man, so even though he is not doing raw comedy anymore its all good.

Cecil Rhodes
12-05-2012, 08:10 AM
The only thing I want to know is Eddie a HA lurker or a member?

OTOH, Eddie is the man, so even though he is not doing raw comedy anymore its all good.

Is Eddie a TS murderer or is he not ?

Cecil Rhodes
12-05-2012, 08:14 AM
Katherine Heigl, it's way past time & your current career slump is only going to get worse until you show them big titties of yours . Hell, you showed your ass when you were 14 and that was 20 years ago .

12-05-2012, 08:19 AM
Murphy made one great film, Walter Hill's 24 Hours, I don't think there are any others worth seeing, but at least I know who he is; I don't know who Reese Witherspoon is, or Lindsay Lohan and I feel sure that had they made any fillms worth seeing I would have seen them.

12-05-2012, 08:20 AM
Murphy made one great film, Walter Hill's 24 Hours, I don't think there are any others worth seeing, but at least I know who he is; I don't know who Reese Witherspoon is, or Lindsay Lohan and I feel sure that had they made any fillms worth seeing I would have seen them.

You must have left at the interval, Stavros. It was called 48 Hours. :yayo:

Cecil Rhodes
12-05-2012, 08:22 AM
Murphy made one great film, Walter Hill's 24 Hours, I don't think there are any others worth seeing, but at least I know who he is; I don't know who Reese Witherspoon is, or Lindsay Lohan and I feel sure that had they made any fillms worth seeing I would have seen them.

Pick Flick

12-05-2012, 08:38 AM
Murphy made one great film, Walter Hill's 24 Hours, I don't think there are any others worth seeing, but at least I know who he is; I don't know who Reese Witherspoon is, or Lindsay Lohan and I feel sure that had they made any fillms worth seeing I would have seen them.

Reese Witherspoon was great in Walk The Line! If you haven't seen it, you should.

12-05-2012, 08:45 AM
Everyone listed is horrible, Eddie needs to be Axel Foley or hes worthless, Heigles nothing special and Witherspoon shoud have stuck to being a dumb blonde. Now that I think of it, most movies suck these days, nobody has any original plots anymore.

12-05-2012, 09:08 AM
Murphy made one great film, Walter Hill's 24 Hours, I don't think there are any others worth seeing, but at least I know who he is; I don't know who Reese Witherspoon is, or Lindsay Lohan and I feel sure that had they made any fillms worth seeing I would have seen them.

Murphy was also pretty good in Trading Places, which was a decent film in every respect.

12-05-2012, 02:35 PM
You must have left at the interval, Stavros. It was called 48 Hours. :yayo:


12-05-2012, 06:40 PM
COMING TO AMERICA is still hilarious, even in 2012.

12-05-2012, 07:00 PM
COMING TO AMERICA is still hilarious, even in 2012.

Yeah Coming to America is pretty awesome, so is Trading Places. The Beverley Hills Cop films are entertaining, 48 hours was ok, and I quite liked The Nutty Professor when I was a kid. Also, he was funny in Skrek...

So it turns out he's actually done quite a few good films then?

I think the point is they're mostly behind him...

12-05-2012, 10:46 PM
I agree so much that I think its a waste of time to even talk about him

12-06-2012, 02:25 AM
I thought "Bowfinger" was pretty funny.

12-10-2012, 03:18 PM
I'll never forgive Murphy for making Pluto Nash.


Holy sh**, Chris Pine's come a long way!