View Full Version : Best advice from a ladyboy that changed my sexual life

11-29-2012, 06:16 PM
About 2 months ago, a ladyboy friend of mine and me were talking about feeling of condoms, mouth, hands, cumming inside the condom, etc.

My favorite way of cumming is inside the condom but most of the times i need to finish with the hand.

Then she said that, because i'm cut (she's cut too), i need to take great care of the skin of my cock, explaining that the best is to apply cocoa butter on my cock after every showers and to never use bare hand to masturbate.

Then she started to describe me what she called a "homemade ass" (that's when i started to laugh} made out of a tall and wide hard plastic glass with 2 hot/cold gel packs in it with a latex glove in between the 2 packs (like a slice of cheese in a sandwich). Then a bit of astroglide lube in the glove and voila.

I really didn't take all of this seriously when we were talking, but the next day, at the supermarket i bought cocoa butter. I started to apply it every time after shower and i rarely use my hand on my cock now.

I started to notice improvement in sensitivity after about 10 days.

Now it's been more than 2 months and sensitivity is just getting ridiculously high. I've never ever been able to cum while having just my cock sucked before, and it happenned to me several times in the past 2 weeks and i cum in the condom every time now. It even happen sometimes that when i get some parts of the head of my cock licked, i feel some crazy heat under my feet!!

So if you're cut and have to always finish with your hand after fucking, you know what to do.

It truly changed my sexual life. I hope it will change yours too.

Kevin Dong
11-29-2012, 06:21 PM
I'm not cut but definitely have issues with going too long/not being able to cum from getting brains. I am writing this down on my shopping list. Great tip Terry!

11-29-2012, 06:25 PM
Not a problem for those uncut ;)

The problem with being cut, is that it creates "hard skin" that makes you feel less. Just like your hands if using them for hard work.
I kind of figured one would be aware of this if their dick was cut...

Especially since almost all american movies when portraying masturbation use lubricants. Which isnt necessary if uncut. Its nice but not that needed.

11-29-2012, 06:35 PM
Not a problem for those uncut ;)

The problem with being cut, is that it creates "hard skin" that makes you feel less. Just like your hands if using them for hard work.
I kind of figured one would be aware of this if their dick was cut...

Especially since almost all american movies when portraying masturbation use lubricants. Which isnt necessary if uncut. Its nice but not that needed.

i hate masturbating with lube.

11-29-2012, 06:55 PM
I'm not cut but definitely have issues with going too long/not being able to cum from getting brains. I am writing this down on my shopping list. Great tip Terry!

yeah, it can't do harm :) and it smells good

11-29-2012, 06:57 PM
Then she started to describe me what she called a "homemade ass" (that's when i started to laugh} made out of a tall and wide hard plastic glass with 2 hot/cold gel packs in it with a latex glove in between the 2 packs (like a slice of cheese in a sandwich). Then a bit of astroglide lube in the glove and voila.

i'd be curious to know how she discovered this and for how long she had home tested it. did you ask her?

11-29-2012, 07:09 PM
i'd be curious to know how she discovered this and for how long she had home tested it. did you ask her?

She saw a photo on facebook posted by other thai ladyboys but it was made with a regular glass and sponges.

She works in a pharmacy so she thought a plastic glass would be safer and the gel packs would feel better. AND you can heat the gel packs :p

I'll take a picture of the thing next time i visit her place :p

11-29-2012, 07:19 PM
sounds like these inventions are popular with the ladyboys. do they have a name for the device? maybe they can patent these things and sell them- ladyboy approved homemade asses (package them free with a dvd of wendy williams solo for a limited time only)

11-29-2012, 08:09 PM
You Grooby guys are wacko.

11-29-2012, 08:48 PM
sounds like these inventions are popular with the ladyboys. do they have a name for the device? maybe they can patent these things and sell them- ladyboy approved homemade asses (package them free with a dvd of wendy williams solo for a limited time only)

I'm not sure, it's just a random pic that they found on internet that went viral on a thai message board for gays and ladyboys. Then everybody shared it on facebook. That's the only girl i know here who use something like that.

11-29-2012, 08:49 PM
You Grooby guys are wacko.

if you think this is wacko...lol

11-29-2012, 09:01 PM
About 2 months ago, a ladyboy friend of mine and me were talking about feeling of condoms, mouth, hands, cumming inside the condom, etc.

My favorite way of cumming is inside the condom but most of the times i need to finish with the hand.

Then she said that, because i'm cut (she's cut too), i need to take great care of the skin of my cock, explaining that the best is to apply cocoa butter on my cock after every showers and to never use bare hand to masturbate.

Then she started to describe me what she called a "homemade ass" (that's when i started to laugh} made out of a tall and wide hard plastic glass with 2 hot/cold gel packs in it with a latex glove in between the 2 packs (like a slice of cheese in a sandwich). Then a bit of astroglide lube in the glove and voila.

I really didn't take all of this seriously when we were talking, but the next day, at the supermarket i bought cocoa butter. I started to apply it every time after shower and i rarely use my hand on my cock now.

I started to notice improvement in sensitivity after about 10 days.

Now it's been more than 2 months and sensitivity is just getting ridiculously high. I've never ever been able to cum while having just my cock sucked before, and it happenned to me several times in the past 2 weeks and i cum in the condom every time now. It even happen sometimes that when i get some parts of the head of my cock licked, i feel some crazy heat under my feet!!

So if you're cut and have to always finish with your hand after fucking, you know what to do.

It truly changed my sexual life. I hope it will change yours too.

Masturbation in general will reduce the penis sensitivity. Your friend is right if you want to increase sensitivity. The less you use your hand to masturbate the more your sensitivity will return. I had cut back on masturbation awhile back when I found it hard to cum in a condom. By abstaining for using my hand, I found it much more sensitive.

11-29-2012, 09:23 PM
Masturbation in general will reduce the penis sensitivity. Your friend is right if you want to increase sensitivity. The less you use your hand to masturbate the more your sensitivity will return. I had cut back on masturbation awhile back when I found it hard to cum in a condom. By abstaining for using my hand, I found it much more sensitive.

try the cocoa butter too :)

11-29-2012, 10:28 PM
Wow this is... actually pretty useful. Was circumcised as a teen before having any kind of a sex life, and sensitivity has always been an issue. Not that any partners ever complained but it's not such a great deal for me :P . Not so sure about the homemade ass though

11-30-2012, 01:42 AM
About 2 months ago, a ladyboy friend of mine and me were talking about feeling of condoms, mouth, hands, cumming inside the condom, etc.

My favorite way of cumming is inside the condom but most of the times i need to finish with the hand.

Then she said that, because i'm cut (she's cut too), i need to take great care of the skin of my cock, explaining that the best is to apply cocoa butter on my cock after every showers and to never use bare hand to masturbate.

Then she started to describe me what she called a "homemade ass" (that's when i started to laugh} made out of a tall and wide hard plastic glass with 2 hot/cold gel packs in it with a latex glove in between the 2 packs (like a slice of cheese in a sandwich). Then a bit of astroglide lube in the glove and voila.

I really didn't take all of this seriously when we were talking, but the next day, at the supermarket i bought cocoa butter. I started to apply it every time after shower and i rarely use my hand on my cock now.

I started to notice improvement in sensitivity after about 10 days.

Now it's been more than 2 months and sensitivity is just getting ridiculously high. I've never ever been able to cum while having just my cock sucked before, and it happenned to me several times in the past 2 weeks and i cum in the condom every time now. It even happen sometimes that when i get some parts of the head of my cock licked, i feel some crazy heat under my feet!!

So if you're cut and have to always finish with your hand after fucking, you know what to do.

It truly changed my sexual life. I hope it will change yours too.
Dude i love it, i ve been having sensitivity issues for years. Will definitely try it and report back

12-01-2012, 04:54 PM
interesting, i'm uncut but have had sensitivity issues for many years. figured it was a medical thing, just keep fucking until the other is done. I'll look into this, thanks for the advice

12-14-2012, 06:45 PM
My dick is not at all sensitive so I have been using the cocoa butter for a little over a week now. I have not noticed any improvement as yet. Hope I am using the right stuff. I bought some raw cocoa butter which is very hard. I heat a small amount in the microwave for about a minute and I have been applying both morning and night. I will update after a total of 2 weeks. Sure hope this does work, at least a little.