View Full Version : The ironic thing about homophobes

11-29-2012, 02:46 AM
Anyone else notice that the majority of the time those that are most vocal about not liking homosexuals are usually the least attractive examples of maleness?

Im not into men, I like tgirls and I like chicks (but like tgirls more), and am not into masculinity...end of story. However I think there is something about my personality or mannerisms that sometimes pegs me as someone who isn't entirely into chicks as every once in awhile I get crass comments thrown my way, or I'll encounter someone who seems to go out of their way to profess their hatred of homosexuals when they are in my presence....

The ironic thing? To a person each one of these people are the last people on earth I would think about grooving with if I was into that sort of thing...

11-29-2012, 04:18 AM
Out of odd interest, how many of those homophobic men have children?

11-29-2012, 04:40 AM
Out of odd interest, how many of those homophobic men have children?

And how many are Tea Party members discovered with their pants round their ankles in a compromising situation with another male?

11-29-2012, 04:43 AM
if this is true, it's an important scientific discovery that would explain why uganda is trying to execute all the good looking people in their country (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098210/Uganda-introduce-death-sentence-gay-repeat-offenders.html).

"Im not into men, I like tgirls and I like chicks (but like tgirls more), and am not into masculinity...end of story."

that means you're good looking and straight. thanks for clearing that up.

barney fife
11-29-2012, 05:03 AM
also the most anti gay people almost always end up having gay kids

11-29-2012, 06:39 AM
also the most anti gay people almost always end up having gay kids

Suffice it to say that perhaps the fathers became overbearingly homophobic once they realized their children naturally displayed behavior they associated with the opposite sex and it was that focus on ensuring their children grew up straight that both introduced their kids to the idea of homosexual relations and created an opposing conflict between child and parent. Damn, that was a long sentence.

11-29-2012, 11:53 AM
It is true that the most homophobic are often people with homosexual desires of some kind. Or else, why would they be so violent in their denunciation. When you disagree with some behaviour, you say it, you simply state it, you don’t get over yourself to castigate and spread hatred over people who act in such manner (unless of course it’s unlawful). There has to be a reason for the violence or the vehemence. Quite often it’s a show, but sometimes, it’s the manifestation of an intimate conflict with one’s own desires, that’s pretty obvious, and that can get to quite extreme lenghts.
Of course, you can’t make a generalization of this. You also have your regular integrist craziness (which in turn might by the way, quite often, reveal some past conflicts with the parents, or else why would you let someone else decide of every aspect of your life), etc. Besides, I don’t want to fall into some Cracker Jack freudism here, but there’s no doubt in my mind that the most violent critics of homosexuality are always suspicious of some skeleton in the closet…