View Full Version : Anyone know who this is?

11-21-2012, 07:46 PM
Does anyone know who this cute trap is?

Dino Velvet
11-21-2012, 07:49 PM
Aubrey Kate (https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuH5ls7CIZKBQ91JXhQbgeehZ2kJ4j Xn8GLX7ZagiA5zLmP7JNeBvAjauz61N5ixdUCdArQqvIdZz5uI zcpfk6oQoEqPs8sF8ZEhpixGs5XGKFeu6CYcT51reB0DQ6yKJb tMBeCdaVwJ9rGEX9RbeQCIHjg34BR0Q-gk2Vp574wYzxjFYhkecohNS3MBfSEA_1lywLwpJFeEui_1cGtX _11ey4uWR0rKp8k3rntS4zz7HhiT13xrjUvI_1qek1ReVaVCgd 5rYwJovP82ho10cjqODAYOztJ-BZq-38_1wm9IEoKkf5X5HgsLzAgOByg7VvKeWBVKc4IVS8722rUF4Z YPfkWqrqff47MKkH0Ul16Z7ndJNOQVbm38TC3m9c8JBhAFm26Z geyCOiopEFVi1buieaqVwceH9N0xkC_1e8e8ISPHXpn28xkDTR tgotAx9RVPnG2uEpkWA1u_1G1WQ7TMgLcL-02V0rfBlvdHp3WbIRwJVPuf_16WHIXQG-Q-Ztcyoh8m0SuAEJ4cFMLPEJBVOtBNN7bAtdruicpiZ1qmIu9_1o G9osjFMl0YHY1nHApn7b1Sah6evhPF0VsytfZi7AQcC_1PWLqK ZsiBnSv10dv6laReyVvLh-quAnP0ITX_12esjZ08G1H-TZNLoa58Zvzsv9BKIrZnejzFKalH2i_1QAjc_1McmJvMr6ji_1 NfC38gjg_1UEDh9kunrFE42QiqOgWbyksSQQm1M-HgXJTOlfs1iFE_10Bzw-xv-nKfUkHOCTIe6IvUXFle8FjcAHsb6mgfdYb-sNLmrIR315CBrxh9f5LX0enx0V4ryeFRBeJl-v3RuqrQQUf1lE932UwxEx8SrQvmNBreIvBdbOAZm5hrOghTH0S HkXSmOiCzFQH7cAmzqboukPzEaYSy9o_1U3ZfnIEH_118xSbHF tl86bSMifl95RU2gRC_1iZBd5nnme_1E2D0hb-z_1r7OmIrYZn7OvXsPCxCpJQsUC-gbLP3L4_1B2yIRTN4kLd6XrXgJD1vaebJXSaYEV50Up8ZvImXY RNziIDvESg0OfZfEwc0nTje0wUHyL9gW686ZLV_1-v8lQOA1f848ic2mORYSAPJtvPTWjYeDO6nWTWEp5_1W3EO8e9p jH6H6ag2BVhah3JIsibTjVhoMKceNn4d4uUrKwtPqePWCLnIRf KQG8h6rY1rTSc562CDkKXLKNYx6Bgf_1Eo8nRrb5z5cgrA0bC-YawpbHYy7rTh7xP5u1CwKbhFAyV850Z4arYGOQvJASNSladdXD GJORDDPAnH9loQEYIuUsqvMOkYql4nZLPGmFFoB_12WH84gFay-EGDJadk&num=10&hl=en&safe=off&bih=1084&biw=1920)


11-21-2012, 09:30 PM
She's a delicate, little being. Lovely!

11-21-2012, 11:52 PM
I remember when her and that girl madison used to cross now they both have progressed amazingly!

11-22-2012, 05:41 AM
I remember when her and that girl madison used to cross now they both have progressed amazingly!
Oh! With Marissa Madison? Beauty with beauty.
So I guess Aubrey doesn’t look the way she does on the picture anymore, BLKGSXR?

11-22-2012, 05:58 AM
Her beautiful breasts...

11-22-2012, 06:04 AM
MADISON AND AUBREY KATE BFF - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_zVF6NlzoE)

11-22-2012, 06:05 AM
Is there a Johnson involved?

11-22-2012, 06:33 AM
Her beautiful breasts...
Oh! yes, of course! Thank you, Ben!!
She's lovely! And yes, what a beautiful breast!

11-22-2012, 08:00 AM
Dude I saw Marrissa Madison last night shes pretty damn cute still!
I remember her no tits so Ive seen a caterpillar evolve into a Butterfly basically.

11-22-2012, 06:20 PM
Many thanks.

11-23-2012, 12:55 AM

There is a rumour which is probably bullshit, (I personally dont buy it) that both Aubrey and Madisson have AIDS.

11-23-2012, 05:09 AM
I suggest to you we shouldn't spread it, especially if we don't buy it...

11-23-2012, 09:25 PM
I don't like to trade in rumors either, but when it comes to the big A, I'd rather hear a rumor and be cautious going forward. I already take no chances, but that would make it a no-fly zone with me for a while until I had a little more proof to the contrary.

11-23-2012, 10:03 PM
I don't like to trade in rumors either, but when it comes to the big A, I'd rather hear a rumor and be cautious going forward. I already take no chances, but that would make it a no-fly zone with me for a while until I had a little more proof to the contrary.
I totally understand and share your concern, JPH, but I find that it's precisely the problem; this no-fly zone. My thinking is, these girls are probably living off escorting; pretty easy to break their whole life by spreading this one simple rumour, if you’re for instance, a rival, or just anybody who has some kind of beef with them. That’s why we should be very careful about such things.
As to any of us guys, as you said, we should always be very careful and cautious. Always.