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View Full Version : Obama To Pardon Turkey Today: Which One Will It Be ?

Cecil Rhodes
11-21-2012, 02:20 PM
Well the JIVE ASSED TURKEY of course .

11-21-2012, 02:43 PM
Maybe the guy who ran against him for the Presidency. What was his name again?

11-21-2012, 02:59 PM
Maybe the guy who ran against him for the Presidency. What was his name again?

I saw those photos of him yesterday pumping gas. This isn't a go at Mitt who I just found out is 65 and looks awesome (money + lack of stress!) but the absurdedy or it all. It's amazing to think, 2 weeks ago, this guy had S.S. bodyguards, 20 hr a day meetings, PR people surrounding him ... and this week, he's pumping his own gas and going to a public movie theater to see "Twilight" (which 65 yr old goes to see "Twilight"?).

His body language, his look, his awful speech to his sponsors are interesting. He clearly thought there was no way, he wasn't not going to win ... the amount of money he's spent. 6+ years of his life invested in it. Having to eat humble pie to the sponsors. It's all pretty gutting. I think the more evil elements of the party (not Romney) probably sold him a few things that didn't end up happening.

Willie Escalade
11-21-2012, 03:21 PM

One of the comments stated: "So sorry he did not return as our next president. Congratulations for keeping it classy, Mr. & Mrs. R."

"Keeping it classy"? You've gotta be shitting me...:loser: