View Full Version : Brain May 'Hard-Wire' Sexuality Before Birth

11-20-2012, 11:45 PM
ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2003) — Refuting 30 years of scientific theory that solely credits hormones for brain development, UCLA scientists have identified 54 genes that may explain the different organization of male and female brains. Published in the October edition of the journal Molecular Brain Research, the UCLA discovery suggests that sexual identity is hard-wired into the brain before birth and may offer physicians a tool for gender assignment of babies born with ambiguous genitalia.
“Our findings may help answer an important question — why do we feel male or female?” said Dr. Eric Vilain, assistant professor of human genetics and urology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a pediatrician at UCLA’s Mattel Children’s Hospital. “Sexual identity is rooted in every person’s biology before birth and springs from a variation in our individual genome.”
Since the 1970s, scientists have believed that estrogen and testosterone were wholly responsible for sexually organizing the brain. In other words, a fetal brain simply needed to produce more testosterone to become male. Recent evidence, however, indicates that hormones cannot explain everything about the sexual differences between male and female brains.
Vilain and his colleagues explored whether genetic influences could explain the variations between male and female brains. Using two genetic testing methods, they compared the production of genes in male and female brains in embryonic mice — long before the animals developed sex organs.
To their surprise, the researchers found 54 genes produced in different amounts in male and female mouse brains, prior to hormonal influence. Eighteen of the genes were produced at higher levels in the male brains; 36 were produced at higher levels in the female brains.
“We didn’t expect to find genetic differences between the sexes’ brains,” Vilain said. “But we discovered that the male and female brains differed in many measurable ways, including anatomy and function.”
In one intriguing example, the two hemispheres of the brain appeared more symmetrical in females than in males. According to Vilain, the symmetry may improve communication between both sides of the brain, leading to enhanced verbal expressiveness in females. “This anatomical difference may explain why women can sometimes articulate their feelings more easily than men,” he said.
Overall, the UCLA team’s findings counter the theory that only hormones are responsible for organizing the brain.
“Our research implies that genes account for some of the differences between male and female brains,” Vilain said. “We believe that one’s genes, hormones and environment exert a combined influence on sexual brain development.”
The scientists will pursue further studies to distinguish specific roles in the brain’s sexual maturation for each of the 54 different genes they identified. What their research reveals may provide insight into how the brain determines gender identity.
“Our findings may explain why we feel male or female, regardless of our actual anatomy,” Vilain said. “These discoveries lend credence to the idea that being transgender — feeling that one has been born into the body of the wrong sex — is a state of mind.
“From previous studies, we know that transgender persons possess normal hormonal levels,” he said. “Their gender identity likely will be explained by some of the genes we discovered.”
Vilain’s findings on the brain’s sex genes may also ease the plight of parents of intersex infants, and help their physicians to assign gender with greater accuracy. Mild cases of malformed genitalia occur in 1 percent of all births — about 3 million cases. More severe cases — where doctors can’t inform parents whether they had a boy or girl — occur in one in 3,000 births.
“If physicians could predict the gender of newborns with ambiguous genitalia at birth, we would make less mistakes in gender assignment,” Vilain said.
Lastly, Vilain proposes that the UCLA findings may help to explain the origin of homosexuality.
“It’s quite possible that sexual identity and physical attraction is ‘hard-wired’ by the brain,” he said. “If we accept this concept, we must dismiss the myth that homosexuality is a ‘choice’ and examine our civil legal system accordingly.”


11-20-2012, 11:56 PM

I need to read thread titles more carefully ... ;)

Dino Velvet
11-20-2012, 11:58 PM
And one November night in 2005 I was left here in a picnic basket re-birthed into confusion, hysteria, and psychosis. Around every corner is another womb ready to swallow you up, make it theirs, then spit you out changing you forever.


11-21-2012, 12:45 AM
this might finally explain why the thread 'just huge cocks (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=335)' has over 600,000 views

11-21-2012, 01:03 AM
And one November night in 2005 I was left here in a picnic basket re-birthed into confusion, hysteria, and psychosis. Around every corner is another womb ready to swallow you up, make it theirs, then spit you out changing you forever.

This one is by far the best version of the what? 4 if not 5 versions of the Body Snatchers? Great one! Philip Kaufman directing...

Dino Velvet
11-21-2012, 01:10 AM
This one is by far the best version of the what? 4 if not 5 versions of the Body Snatchers? Great one! Philip Kaufman directing...

This is an Italian film that is a rip-off of both Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Alien. Really good schlock especially if you're drunk enough to follow the story. Gory as all Hell too.

Contamination (A rémület ivadékai) (1980) (teljes film) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA0gYsjHGjU)

11-21-2012, 01:35 AM
This could be an incredible break-through, Natina! The human genome is now decoded, it’s normal we should make some findings relating to sexual identity. We already knew of some differences in male and female brains, but we were not sure if those differences were caused by hormones, either before or during life, or either genetically acquired. This is a huge step in showing that sexual identity is essentially genetic, and therefore totally innate; biologically determined during foetal development. This is all great! Surely has to be confirmed by more observations, but it’s great!
Yet, we have to be a bit careful. I’m pretty sceptical about some arguments presented in the article. For instance, this idea that women would have more symmetrical hemispheres, which could explain why they can better express their emotions. (“In one intriguing example, the two hemispheres of the brain appeared more symmetrical in females than in males. According to Vilain, the symmetry may improve communication between both sides of the brain, leading to enhanced verbal expressiveness in females. “This anatomical difference may explain why women can sometimes articulate their feelings more easily than men,” he said.”) First, emotion centers are not located so much in the two hemispheres as they are essentially, in fact, in the cerebral trunk and the limbic system, which are situated of course, under and right between the two hemispheres. And there is much more connections between the hemispheres and these regions than there are between the two hemispheres through the callous corpus in the first place. Therefore a more symmetrical brain would not explain anything, on the contrary. Moreover, the center specialized in language are situated in the left hemisphere and are principally responsible for the asymmetry of the brain in humans. To imply that in women, these centers, Wernicke and Brocka regions, are less considerable, would on the contrary result in a diminished capacity to express themselves, which is something any man has verified in daily life not to be true…
The last argument of the article is also totally absurd! ("Lastly, Vilain proposes that the UCLA findings may help to explain the origin of homosexuality. “It’s quite possible that sexual identity and physical attraction is ‘hard-wired’ by the brain,” he said. “If we accept this concept, we must dismiss the myth that homosexuality is a ‘choice’ and examine our civil legal system accordingly.”) It is founded on the principle, once again, that homosexuality is something different from the norm, unusual or even abnormal. History is showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that bi-sexuality is very common in humans, and that repression has essentially started in the West with Christianity.
Of course, the researches were not lead by historians nor by neurologists, but obviously by geneticists. They’re probably overjoyed by their findings and are reaching a bit too far in their expectations. But this is nonetheless great and very important news, Natina! Thanks for the post!

11-21-2012, 01:38 AM
This is an Italian film that is a rip-off of both Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Alien. Really good schlock especially if you're drunk enough to follow the story. Gory as all Hell too.

Contamination (A rémület ivadékai) (1980) (teljes film) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA0gYsjHGjU)
You always have special, funny stuff in your stach, Dino. I'll watch this one tonight after the 4th or 5th scotch. ThankS!!

Dino Velvet
11-21-2012, 02:54 AM
You always have special, funny stuff in your stach, Dino. I'll watch this one tonight after the 4th or 5th scotch. ThankS!!

That's the best way. If you get really loaded check out Samurai Cop.


Dan, did I tell you about my movie rating system? I judge films on 1-5 whiskey bottles, 1 being the best and 5 the worst.

Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Killer http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpg

Henry 2, Mask Of Sanity http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpghttp://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpghttp://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpghttp://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpghttp://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/1740668913/Jack-Daniels-Bourbon_normal.jpg



11-21-2012, 04:50 AM
That's a great idea! I'm adopting this one at once.

11-21-2012, 05:20 AM
...feel like this everyday... lol

11-21-2012, 07:00 AM

I need to read thread titles more carefully ... ;)

He does astrophysics, not biology. :)

11-21-2012, 07:04 AM
He does astrophysics, not biology. :)

I misread it too, but I thought that "hard-wired" referred to his hairstyle.....:whistle: