View Full Version : Why do SOME transgendered people have it nailed into their head that their this dream

11-16-2012, 11:03 AM
THATS THE ONLY DREAM , i get tired of hookers raggin on black men and complaining when they act like they have these high fucking standards ... its like really , take a step back and look at reality , you being someones dream or someone being LUCKY to SLEEP with you IS the only dream .
Oh yes im LUCKY to be abused by an obnoxious bias deprived backpage hooker
oh yes this is my DRREEEEAAAAM ! LMFAO GET REAL !!!! i feel so bad for guys that waste the 100 dollars smh

11-16-2012, 12:24 PM
Yes, dreams are one of our greatest gifts. Everything we have today, was once only a dream. And a dream is like planting a seed. You have to think ahead and see what are the real fruits of the seed are. The rewards of what the fruits are, should determine how much water and energy you put into cultivating the seed/dream. You are beautiful, on the outside, yes. But what other forms of love will you give to the world, considering you could be on earth for many decades longer? It doesn't matter, what people like yourself, have done in the past. You can be the first. Create a new mold, if you must. And if nothing else, just create. Creating something that feeds others, physically or spiritually, will also help you to feed yourself, physically, when your dreams become real things.

Nice of you to visit. I wondered how you were doing?

11-16-2012, 05:56 PM
It’s good to have self esteem, but at some point it gets over the board for some people indeed. I suppose that for someone who makes so many sacrifices on appearance, on fitting outside look to inside feeling, it might be easier to fall in such a trap. The positive aspect is that it can counterbalance the feeling of inadequacy some t-women might have. The negative one is that you can miss opportunity at meaningful relationships.
For guys, there’s nothing wrong with entertaining fantasies. The problem arises when you start confusing fantasy and reality. You have to keep measure of what is and what’s not.
I can figure some circumstances in which life is easier alone than with someone. But in general, I find that there is nothing as precious in a life as a meaningful relationship. Anyone who starts with standards in meeting people is also bound to miss many opportunities to meet someone who could be great. And that’s terrible, imo. Am I making sense, Lady Mimi? and do I understand properly your post?

11-16-2012, 05:58 PM
Seriously, if u wanna charge for ass, then i can just go find it from a hotter genetic chick who will give it up for free.

It's NEVER that serious!

Some dudes are thirsty as hell!

11-16-2012, 06:00 PM
Seriously, if u wanna charge for ass, then i can just go find it from a hotter genetic chick who will give it up for free.

It's NEVER that serious!

Some dudes are thirsty as hell!

Awesome advice. Didn't you just knock some poor girl up by giving it to her for free? What a stand up guy!

11-16-2012, 06:01 PM
Awesome advice. Didn't you just knock some poor girl up by giving it to her for free? What a stand up guy!


and my princess is paid for and taken care of, that's all that matters to me!

I got 2 kids to be supporting, i dont got time to be payin for ass.

I have other priorities.

11-16-2012, 06:14 PM

and my princess is paid for and taken care of, that's all that matters to me!

I got 2 kids to be supporting, i dont got time to be payin for ass.

I have other priorities.

Brilliant. Can you afford to support two kids - or is welfare picking up some of it?

11-16-2012, 06:18 PM
I got 2 kids to be supporting, i dont got time to be payin for ass.
I have other priorities.
Like spending so much time on the net? And anyways, if this is all true, Freddy, why do you spend so much time on HA, if you don't mind me asking?

11-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Like spending so much time on the net? And anyways, if this is all true, Freddy, why do you spend so much time on HA, if you don't mind me asking?

Yo I havent been on here for like a month! I just recently started up again. I've been helping out with my lil princess.

I have my own life as well.

11-16-2012, 06:24 PM
Brilliant. Can you afford to support two kids - or is welfare picking up some of it?

How you gonna talk shit about welfare when alot of these tranny chicks would be on welfare if they weren't trickin?

11-16-2012, 06:25 PM
How you gonna talk shit about welfare when alot of these tranny chicks would be on welfare if they weren't trickin?

Answer the question.
Do you support your two kids fully - or do you rely on welfare?

11-16-2012, 06:27 PM
Answer the question.
Do you support your two kids fully - or do you rely on welfare?

why is it your business?

I know how to hustle

but so do these tranny chicks so i don't care to hear about the sanctimonious hypocritical comments

11-16-2012, 06:29 PM
why is it your business?

I know how to hustle

but so do these tranny chicks so i don't care to hear about the sanctimonious hypocritical comments

We're not talking about "tranny chicks" we're talking about you. You know how to hustle? So that includes getting some either desperate or low-intelligence individuals into bed, knocking them up so they pop out a couple of kids and you have the "hustle".
I bet you're barely paying child support, if any.

Come on Freddie - you're full of comments about how other people live their lifes. How about answering some questions about yours, "hustler"?

11-16-2012, 06:33 PM
We're not talking about "tranny chicks" we're talking about you. You know how to hustle? So that includes getting some either desperate or low-intelligence individuals into bed, knocking them up so they pop out a couple of kids and you have the "hustle".
I bet you're barely paying child support, if any.

Come on Freddie - you're full of comments about how other people live their lifes. How about answering some questions about yours, "hustler"?

Not an argument I want to be in so ill let it rock

11-16-2012, 06:35 PM
Not an argument I want to be in so ill let it rock

No you started it by being critical about others and their lifestyles.
Let us know about your lifestyle Freddie - cos it's not seeming very classy.

It's not an argument - just some facts.

11-16-2012, 06:48 PM
How you gonna talk shit about welfare when alot of these tranny chicks would be on welfare if they weren't trickin?
See and thats another thing i have never understood , IF YOU ARE ALREADY A WHORE MAKING MONEY THEN WHY TAKE FOOD/MONEY out of the mouths of people that really need it . Im sure if tax payers found out they were feeding "healthy" whores who probably makes more then they do , they would have even MORE of a problem paying ... Just greed thats all UGH
even when i was a provider , i never accepted food stamps

11-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Considering freddie kept declaring that he was done dating tgirls lol

11-16-2012, 09:08 PM
Seriously, if u wanna charge for ass, then i can just go find it from a hotter genetic chick who will give it up for free.

It's NEVER that serious!

Some dudes are thirsty as hell!

is it really free when you knock her up and are now stuck paying for life.you should know this better than anyone lol

11-16-2012, 09:09 PM
how do these threads keep turning into threads about freddie ? just askin

11-16-2012, 09:11 PM
how do these threads keep turning into threads about freddie ? just askin

some people have a hard time ignoring ignorance...im trying to work on not giving my time to idiots but as you can see im failing lol

11-16-2012, 09:15 PM
some people have a hard time ignoring ignorance...im trying to work on not giving my time to idiots but as you can see im failing lol
an epic fail at that girl lol you are too silly

11-16-2012, 09:23 PM
I've never been impressed with anyone that had an over-inflated opinion of themselves and their importance in the overall scheme of things. Yes, we are all important, we are after all, sintient beings but, the fact remains (as Jim Morrison so aptly pointed out), "Nobody is gettin' out of here alive!" Those that have an over-abundance of 'assholitis' may potentially go sooner, rather than later.

11-17-2012, 12:04 AM
More proof how much bitchs be on my dick hard body

11-17-2012, 12:08 AM
More proof how much bitchs be on my dick hard body

Then can you wear a fucking condom the next time so you don't have to pollute the gene pool further and have the rest of us paying for the product of your dick and the bitches who are on it?

11-17-2012, 12:21 AM
Then can you wear a fucking condom the next time so you don't have to pollute the gene pool further and have the rest of us paying for the product of your dick and the bitches who are on it?
Seanchai why waste your time with him hes a bitch ass kid.
Fools always have something to say, I havent seen freddie ever shut up...

11-17-2012, 12:22 AM
I can feel the tension in this thread.

11-17-2012, 05:09 AM
some people have a hard time ignoring ignorance...im trying to work on not giving my time to idiots but as you can see im failing lol

I guess that old saying comes to mind: "Never argue with a stupid person because you will never win. They have too much experience!"

Fredie - that was not directed at you because I don't know you nor have I read that many of your posts to know.

11-17-2012, 05:12 AM
In other nooz:

Hey, Firecracker! Nice seeing you around. Don't be a stranger.

11-17-2012, 05:22 AM
I'm an old man with a crush on Amberskyi. I have a dream that one day me and Amberskyi will ....

11-17-2012, 05:31 AM
Then can you wear a fucking condom the next time so you don't have to pollute the gene pool further and have the rest of us paying for the product of your dick and the bitches who are on it?

Freddie has a unique role in this place.

And for that, much thanks. Imagine if there was more than one of him....

11-17-2012, 11:08 AM
More proof how much bitchs be on my dick hard body
lol im not bitches Im just one - and i didnt even ask ur stank ass for nothing but to see ur face :) i adore how big your nuts are ... your face must be just as solid ... sorry for being interested lol
i got 2 dudes right here , right now 22 , and 21 im good , im just being greedy at this point so never mind , Ill assume its safe to say you have one less bitch on ur dick
back to the two IM juggling here :)

11-17-2012, 03:53 PM
Seriously, if u wanna charge for ass, then i can just go find it from a hotter genetic chick who will give it up for free.

It's NEVER that serious!

Some dudes are thirsty as hell!

Any guy who claims he's getting ANY ass for free is totally FOS IMO...yeah, maybe you're not handing over $100 or whatever every time your GF opens her legs, but how about all the dates, gifts etc you've gotten her...to say nothing of the BS we all put up with when they get hormonal, that takes an emotional toll...even some of these athletes and musicians, you hear about them going into strip clubs and giving these girls $1000's...no, there's NO SUCH THING as free pussy or ass...one way or another, you're going to pay!

11-17-2012, 05:56 PM
This whole thread of full of stupid stuff... why are people posting to it?

11-17-2012, 07:29 PM
This whole thread of full of stupid stuff... why are people posting to it?
it makes no sense for u to post here either if you think the topics are "stupid stuff". obviously u are attracted to "stupid stuff" too so shut up !

11-17-2012, 07:36 PM
THATS THE ONLY DREAM , i get tired of hookers raggin on black men and complaining when they act like they have these high fucking standards ... its like really , take a step back and look at reality , you being someones dream or someone being LUCKY to SLEEP with you IS the only dream .
Oh yes im LUCKY to be abused by an obnoxious bias deprived backpage hooker
oh yes this is my DRREEEEAAAAM ! LMFAO GET REAL !!!! i feel so bad for guys that waste the 100 dollars smh

I couldn't have said this any better. I wish I could "like" this 100 times.

11-17-2012, 11:31 PM
I couldn't have said this any better. I wish I could "like" this 100 times.
yea i was really feeling it when i said that lol . It just really gets tired to me how people act as if they are so good or what hey have is so fucking special that it cant be found with the next hooker on backpage or even walking the streets . Half the time the people talking bad about black dudes is because they secretly WANT a black man but cant get one because THEY dont qualify or did not qualify to be some black guys "dream dime piece" and got hurt when they were slapped in the face with the reality of the situation , and that is simply Just like any man , black men have their own standards too , just because you have a big silicone ass and silicone tits does not guarantee that ANY man is going to put you on a pedestal and worship you . There are other factors that you have to consider , like attitude (a nasty attitude is the first thing that gets a big dick hard trust me i know) cos it can make a beauty into a beast and the other way around too . Other factors like face , age , and 'status' come into play as well with any man . IF YOU ARE POSTED ON A WEBSITE FOR HOOKING (speaking mostly about back page and criagslist ) you are basically telling the world that your standards have been reduced to nonexistence , so who the fuck are you to single out any one target group based on race .
Lets keep it real we all have to deal with different people in many different ways , to adapt , to be understood . its not anyones fault if you are socially bankrupt and do not have people skills OR for lack of a better term a racist .
So when i hear someone who murders standards constantly talking shit and targeting the back man is it makes me want to vomit .
I work as a web cam model all day everyday and my BEST costumers are black men . Sexy , nice , will give you what u want if you connect with them they are really great dudes LOL . Not to mention i am currently dating a black man . I will say im not in the best relationship , but i would not dream of bad mouthing this dude cos hes black and if i ever heard anyone say anything bad about my black king im going BACK TO JARIVS ON THAT ASS !!! lol

11-18-2012, 05:44 AM
I like this.

How you gonna talk shit about welfare when alot of these tranny chicks would be on welfare if they weren't trickin?

11-18-2012, 07:12 AM
yea i was really feeling it when i said that lol . It just really gets tired to me how people act as if they are so good or what hey have is so fucking special that it cant be found with the next hooker on backpage or even walking the streets . Half the time the people talking bad about black dudes is because they secretly WANT a black man but cant get one because THEY dont qualify or did not qualify to be some black guys "dream dime piece" and got hurt when they were slapped in the face with the reality of the situation , and that is simply Just like any man , black men have their own standards too , just because you have a big silicone ass and silicone tits does not guarantee that ANY man is going to put you on a pedestal and worship you . There are other factors that you have to consider , like attitude (a nasty attitude is the first thing that gets a big dick hard trust me i know) cos it can make a beauty into a beast and the other way around too . Other factors like face , age , and 'status' come into play as well with any man . IF YOU ARE POSTED ON A WEBSITE FOR HOOKING (speaking mostly about back page and criagslist ) you are basically telling the world that your standards have been reduced to nonexistence , so who the fuck are you to single out any one target group based on race .
Lets keep it real we all have to deal with different people in many different ways , to adapt , to be understood . its not anyones fault if you are socially bankrupt and do not have people skills OR for lack of a better term a racist .
So when i hear someone who murders standards constantly talking shit and targeting the back man is it makes me want to vomit .
I work as a web cam model all day everyday and my BEST costumers are black men . Sexy , nice , will give you what u want if you connect with them they are really great dudes LOL . Not to mention i am currently dating a black man . I will say im not in the best relationship , but i would not dream of bad mouthing this dude cos hes black and if i ever heard anyone say anything bad about my black king im going BACK TO JARIVS ON THAT ASS !!! lol
Nice to see you back Mimi...been wondering what's up with you. You should post some more recent pics of that sweet fine body of yours..:werd:

11-18-2012, 07:32 AM
is it really free when you knock her up and are now stuck paying for life.you should know this better than anyone lol

technically, you're not paying her. you're paying for your child's necessities. and it's really more than just a matter of money as children require more. also is a part of taking responsibility.


btw mimi, what ever happened to the guy you threatened to beat on a train with your shoe? good times

11-18-2012, 08:28 AM
hello mimi
its nice to see that you are back, please tell me , some people speak that you are hiv positive. are you?

doctor screw
11-18-2012, 08:45 AM
hello mimi
its nice to see that you are back, please tell me , some people speak that you are hiv positive. are you?

Didn't Vanessa say that??????hmmmmmm

Who are you bond82????? LOL

11-18-2012, 08:50 AM
hello mimi
its nice to see that you are back, please tell me , some people speak that you are hiv positive. are you?
oh absolutely ! given the title by a fucking a department of disease control subject who is indeed infecting the greater north side of chicago , currently checking in and out of the hospital for opportunistic infections and dying slowly alone broke old and miserable ... so if she said it its got to be true ! great work gumshoe you cracked the case

11-18-2012, 08:55 AM
it would not matter , im not all over facebook asking for rent money because aids has destroyed my immune system and im about to be thrown out into the cold with all of my drag outfits lol , im here in my 2 bedroom apartment with lovely new furniture two men a dog and it smells like pine sol and weed in here , im great !

11-18-2012, 09:13 AM
what about me do you like? I seem to to bring out the best in you

it would not matter , im not all over facebook asking for rent money because aids has destroyed my immune system and im about to be thrown out into the cold with all of my drag outfits lol , im here in my 2 bedroom apartment with lovely new furniture two men a dog and it smells like pine sol and weed in here , im great !

11-18-2012, 09:15 AM
not to mention i look better than ever imo

11-18-2012, 09:17 AM
ur cool beans dude , you say whats on ur mind and you dont care ... just like me

11-18-2012, 01:06 PM
Mimi Plastique... don't be so fucking rude. It just seems to me there is a lot of incomprehensible stuff being posted here - private arguments in public and the like. And your arrival back here after a two year ban seems to have initiated a new era of dumb. So YOU shut up, lady.

11-18-2012, 01:22 PM
Mimi Plastique... don't be so fucking rude. It just seems to me there is a lot of incomprehensible stuff being posted here - private arguments in public and the like. And your arrival back here after a two year ban seems to have initiated a new era of dumb. So YOU shut up, lady.

Too late - she's gone again.

11-18-2012, 02:04 PM

11-18-2012, 04:57 PM
Mimi Plastique... don't be so fucking rude. It just seems to me there is a lot of incomprehensible stuff being posted here - private arguments in public and the like. And your arrival back here after a two year ban seems to have initiated a new era of dumb. So YOU shut up, lady.
Your HA celebrity moderator status has completely gone to your head.
You would initiate a banning petition if someone else spoke like that to one of the girls. You have lost your mind. "How dare she".."I'm a moderator"...lol

11-18-2012, 05:01 PM
tsdvdman - wrong. I would not initiate a bannng petition at all. The worst thing I said was she had initiated a "new era of dumb." Hardly a sign that my "celebrity moderator status" has gone to my head. Don't be daft. I have no celebrity. I merely was commenting on the inanity of this thread. It seems someone else found her comments elsewhere unnaceptable and she has been banned. NOT my doing at all.

11-18-2012, 05:45 PM
Probably because she attacked Michelle Austin for no reason in another thread

11-18-2012, 05:50 PM
Besides posting that Michelle Austin thread that was one of the meaner things I've seen posted here, the problem is narcissism. Clearly this isn't a thread about her observation of some transgendered people but specific ones. Everything with her is in one form or another a self-reference. It doesn't help for her thread to be dressed up as a general question, yet have so many head-scratching specifics that it has little applicability except to her.

11-18-2012, 06:50 PM
Did I miss something. why did she get banned? Seems like all the fun people get banned but these tired ass flat ass euros are on here 24/7

11-18-2012, 06:58 PM
Did I miss something. why did she get banned? Seems like all the fun people get banned but these tired ass flat ass euros are on here 24/7

She got banned for exactly the same reason she did the first time around.
Nasty, attacking comments on other models, spreading some pretty evil (and slanderous comments) on other girls and generally just being a nasty, insidious individual.
Instead of judging someone on their looks - why don't you guys look beyond that and see her for what she is.

I'm surprised her mouth hasn't gotten her into serious trouble or worse.
If you don't like the moderation here, leave.

11-18-2012, 07:20 PM
She got banned for exactly the same reason she did the first time around.
Nasty, attacking comments on other models, spreading some pretty evil (and slanderous comments) on other girls and generally just being a nasty, insidious individual.
Instead of judging someone on their looks - why don't you guys look beyond that and see her for what she is.
I'm surprised her mouth hasn't gotten her into serious trouble or worse.
If you don't like the moderation here, leave.
I didn’t have time to get to know her… But I do trust it’s for the best. Moderation here is just great. Prospero is a very well balanced person for one, and obviously he had nothing to do with this one anyways…

This all make me think of a new version for an old Beatles classic:
You say "Yes", I say "No".
You say "Stop" and I say "Go, go, go".
Oh no.
You say "Hello" and I say "Goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye".
I don't know why you say "Hello", I say «Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye «.
I don't know why you say hello, I say goodbye.
I say "High", you say "Low".
You say "Why?" And I say "I don't know".
Oh no.
You say "hello" and I say «Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye".
I don't know why you say "Hello", I say “Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye".
(Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye.)
I don't know why you say "Hello", I say «Goodbye ".
(Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye.)
Why, why, why, why, why, why, do you
Say "Goodbye, goodbye, bye, bye".
Oh no.

11-18-2012, 07:34 PM
Not defending her comments, and not impress with her looks, never was thirsty about her. My point is diversity suprisingly is not encouraged on this site. You accuse her of slander. Let the courts handle that, let the streets handle that. Also the models are adults. Let them defend themselves. As I said before, i do not understand the office politics of this site, this site needs more voices, not less, more speech, not less, more nuisances, not less. To restict speech is a part of tyranny, and if she is slanderous, then there are many other remidies. Now I admit i do not know the legal ramification for this site to allow such speech, but i have not read anything she wrote or what others wrote who were banned that reached the slander level. i do not know how you stop humans from being rude or being an asshole, but banning obviously does not work.

Again, let the streets and the court system handle her

She got banned for exactly the same reason she did the first time around.
Nasty, attacking comments on other models, spreading some pretty evil (and slanderous comments) on other girls and generally just being a nasty, insidious individual.
Instead of judging someone on their looks - why don't you guys look beyond that and see her for what she is.

I'm surprised her mouth hasn't gotten her into serious trouble or worse.
If you don't like the moderation here, leave.

11-18-2012, 07:36 PM
Not defending her comments, and not impress with her looks, never was thirsty about her. My point is diversity suprisingly is not encouraged on this site. You accuse her of slander. Let the courts handle that, let the streets handle that. Also the models are adults. Let them defend themselves. As I said before, i do not understand the office politics of this site, this site needs more voices, not less, more speech, not less, more nuisances, not less. To restict speech is a part of tyranny, and if she is slanderous, then there are many other remidies. Now I admit i do not know the legal ramification for this site to allow such speech, but i have not read anything she wrote or what others wrote who were banned that reached the slander level. i do not know how you stop humans from being rude or being an asshole, but banning obviously does not work.

Again, let the streets and the court system handle her

let the street handle her? lmaoo..i feel like i just stepped into a bad black exploitation film

11-18-2012, 07:43 PM
Not defending her comments, and not impress with her looks, never was thirsty about her. My point is diversity suprisingly is not encouraged on this site. You accuse her of slander. Let the courts handle that, let the streets handle that. Also the models are adults. Let them defend themselves. As I said before, i do not understand the office politics of this site, this site needs more voices, not less, more speech, not less, more nuisances, not less. To restict speech is a part of tyranny, and if she is slanderous, then there are many other remidies. Now I admit i do not know the legal ramification for this site to allow such speech, but i have not read anything she wrote or what others wrote who were banned that reached the slander level. i do not know how you stop humans from being rude or being an asshole, but banning obviously does not work.

Again, let the streets and the court system handle her

Oh fuck off, what a bunch of sanctimonious claptrap.

Does banning not work? It's cleared this board of more bullshit and it's been going along quite nicely with the diversity here. I can live without this place being brought down to the levels it has been on occassions.

You ask "how do you stop people from being rude or being an asshole" ? - I don't know, you've been consistently rude, sniping and putting people down - so why do you do it?

11-18-2012, 07:47 PM
My response was to the poster, who implied that he was suprised that she did not have her ass whipped before.
I am more interested in your thoughts on diversity of thought and speech on this site, and it needs more of it, more nusiance folks who shake rattle and roll.

let the street handle her? lmaoo..i feel like i just stepped into a bad black exploitation film

11-18-2012, 07:54 PM
My response was to the poster, who implied that he was suprised that she did not have her ass whipped before.
I am more interested in your thoughts on diversity of thought and speech on this site, and it needs more of it, more nusiance folks who shake rattle and roll.
There's a difference though between raising a controversial point about someone or something because you really feel it needs to be said and making malicious attacks based on looks or reputation. The latter type of nastiness doesn't really help anyone or anything and just degrades the conversation. On the other hand, there are ways to be controversial and thought-provoking at the same time. I don't think Mimi has mastered that yet.

11-18-2012, 08:03 PM
Not defending her comments, and not impress with her looks, never was thirsty about her. My point is diversity suprisingly is not encouraged on this site. You accuse her of slander. Let the courts handle that, let the streets handle that. Also the models are adults. Let them defend themselves. As I said before, i do not understand the office politics of this site, this site needs more voices, not less, more speech, not less, more nuisances, not less. To restict speech is a part of tyranny, and if she is slanderous, then there are many other remidies. Now I admit i do not know the legal ramification for this site to allow such speech, but i have not read anything she wrote or what others wrote who were banned that reached the slander level. i do not know how you stop humans from being rude or being an asshole, but banning obviously does not work.

Again, let the streets and the court system handle her
Buck, there’s a lot of diversity on HA! It’s one of the most open board I’ve seen! And I find a little bit strange that you would take for granted that anyone can defend him/herself as well as some others. Or that some would just feel like defending themselves against slanders rather than just simply decide not to come back. Why would anyone wants to be on a board in which it’s constant mayhem? I know I wouldn’t. The level of expression is very high on HA, very permissive. There’s a considerable number of mean spirited posts and, as you call it “colour” in the debates, here. There’s a line you cross beyond which it stops being fun and only gets to be annoying. I for one wouldn’t want that to happen.

11-18-2012, 08:06 PM
My response was to the poster, who implied that he was suprised that she did not have her ass whipped before.
I am more interested in your thoughts on diversity of thought and speech on this site, and it needs more of it, more nusiance folks who shake rattle and roll.

im all for free speech and such but i do believe it is possible to cross a line. as most people know im very outspoken,opinionated and aggressive when expressing my opinions.however there are a couple of things i try to avoid doing.i try not to result to all out name calling and personal attacks because i believe it distracts from whatever argument or point i was trying to make.i also try to avoid spreading rumors about public personas because it can have a very real impact in their lives.
mimi crossed both those lines.first when she attacked michelle austin unprovoked and secondly when she spread hiv rumors about another member of the forum.it is not unheard of girls getting hurt by previous lovers or clients over such allegations.

11-18-2012, 08:34 PM
There's a difference though between raising a controversial point about someone or something because you really feel it needs to be said and making malicious attacks based on looks or reputation. The latter type of nastiness doesn't really help anyone or anything and just degrades the conversation. On the other hand, there are ways to be controversial and thought-provoking at the same time. I don't think Mimi has mastered that yet.

Well said.

11-18-2012, 09:03 PM
There is an authorative double-standard here where people have selectively short memories and a lack of tolerance for certain ethnic groups. It's really no different than in larger society but you would think it'd be somewhat different here.
Kelly Shore used to come in here daily and start countless hate-filled post and threads about black people...some real mean-spirited shit. It got so bad that the majority of members used to laugh with her and nicknamed her KKK. None of the moderators/owners said a thing to her. We all know that recent racial threats/posts from Jamie. She is now on the front page when you log in.
It's blatantly obvious that the raft of the hand only comes down hard when it comes to a certain ethnic group of people.
I'm not condoning her actions of attacking someone..but it's definitely not outside of the lines of what many of trannys do on here on a regular.

11-18-2012, 09:17 PM
Please don't play the black card...i'm black, controversial and obviously still here

11-18-2012, 09:23 PM
tsdvdman... that is a wholly unfair accusation regarding racial bias among the owner and the moderators. We have all regularly deleted racist posts - and it is one of the things I find most intolerable.
The implication there was any animosity towards mimi plastique because of her ethnicity is just not in any way supportable. I noticed that, the minute she arrived, she started making aggressive and often utterly stupid remarks. Hence my remark about dumbness. Sadly plenty of people from all ethnicities do that. But if they direct their ire against black people or any specific ethnicity then they will get warned and if that persists then the site owner will - in all probability - ban or suspend them. I have certainly deleted quite a few racists posts. That is how i handle my "celebrity." But then i am one of those "tired ass flat assed euros" as Buck so eloquently described us lol....

I was not a moderator at the time Kelly made the remarks you report. if i had been she would have been treated - by me - no differently from any other racist. Please post links to racist remarks by Jamie.

11-18-2012, 11:01 PM
There is an authorative double-standard here where people have selectively short memories and a lack of tolerance for certain ethnic groups. It's really no different than in larger society but you would think it'd be somewhat different here.
Kelly Shore used to come in here daily and start countless hate-filled post and threads about black people...some real mean-spirited shit. It got so bad that the majority of members used to laugh with her and nicknamed her KKK. None of the moderators/owners said a thing to her. We all know that recent racial threats/posts from Jamie. She is now on the front page when you log in.
It's blatantly obvious that the raft of the hand only comes down hard when it comes to a certain ethnic group of people.
I'm not condoning her actions of attacking someone..but it's definitely not outside of the lines of what many of trannys do on here on a regular.

Absolute BULLSHIT. Don't pull that shit here - or you will be on your way out regardless of what colour you are.

Kelly wasn't active here when we owned the board but unless I was reading some entirely different threads I missed "countless hate-filled post and threads about black people" anyway. Please post links?

Please also post links to Jamie's "racial threats/posts". Didn't you make the same stupid comment when that asshat Darryl was removed?

I don't give a shit about what colour or race you are - if you don't have manners, if you attack people for no reason you're out. I don't see any trannys saying what she did here, maybe you missed the worst posts which I deleted, the ones left are bad enough.

I didn't see you complaining when we did remove the racists from this board. I'm getting tired of your crap also.

11-18-2012, 11:58 PM
racism is taught. one day when i was 18 i went to a friend's home. he was from the middle east? anyhow i was eating at his place and his sister asked me why i had a tan. i said because i like playing in the sun. she said that was bad. i said why. she said lighter skin is better to have than darker skin. for the first time in my life, i was told what was a better racial feature compared to another. i never was taught one single time about race as a kid up till 18. it was too late then (and now) to form a racial hatred because most of my personality had already been set. not being taught about race has its benefits as well as its harms. maybe it was a good thing but then again i was probably judged against as well as for in society without me knowing it like an idiot.

racism is as pathetic just like mankind's greed to have his name printed in history books or place his ego over another human being. we are all here for a short time. maybe 80 years or just a few. everyone will go and so will everything. history books and ethnocentrism included. the dinosaurs came and went and so did the neandarthals. the ice age came, thawed itself out, and may return again or that solar implosion. whatever. we will disappear too. better make the best of it and enjoy our lives every single day. this race nonsense reminds me of kindergarten bickering between two children, wah wah wah, i am better because of blah blah blah.

11-19-2012, 12:01 AM
[QUOTE=seanchai;1238014]Absolute BULLSHIT. Don't pull that shit here - or you will be on your way out regardless of what colour you are.

Kelly wasn't active here when we owned the board but unless I was reading some entirely different threads I missed "countless hate-filled post and threads about black people" anyway. Please post links?

Please also post links to Jamie's "racial threats/posts". Didn't you make the same stupid comment when that asshat Darryl was removed?

I don't give a shit about what colour or race you are - if you don't have manners, if you attack people for no reason you're out. I don't see any trannys saying what she did here, maybe you missed the worst posts which I deleted, the ones left are bad enough.

I didn't see you complaining when we did remove the racists from this board. I'm getting tired of your crap also.[/QUOTE
Senchai..First off.. don't threaten me simply because I make a comment or post something that you disagree with. I'm not a kid or some tgirl you can intimidate. I'm simply expressing what I see and feel on this board. I have NEVER outright disrespected you or anyone. MY opinions are mine.
You are liken to an adult bully who is striking some kind of revenge from high school.
EVERYONE here knows Kelly's reputation and the shit she used to post..however..she was allowed to spew her shit on a regular. I also don't have the time nor care to go back and post links..etc. I have nothing personally against Jamie..however..everyone knows she was posting threats..using racially charged language..etc. No one (the mods) said anything to her. Being confronted and having to look at OBVIOUS racially inequalities is uncomfortable and strikes a nerve. So..I get your reactions back to me.

11-19-2012, 12:07 AM
Please don't play the black card...i'm black, controversial and obviously still here
Amber I got noting but LUV for you and respect where you at in the game.
However (and this is nether here or there)..but I recall you starting a thread a while ago about why all the "hate" towards black TS..or something like that.
Your growth and maturity and experiences have obviously changed..and I commend you for doing your thang and being who you are.

11-19-2012, 12:23 AM
Tsdvdman, you’re obviously someone with a good head, articulated, bright and your posts are always interesting or fun. But you’re making such remarks on a regular basis, so much so that in fact, I just wander if you don’t have a case indeed, sometimes. As you might have noticed, I haven’t been here a long time and therefore, I can’t pretend to know what has happened in the past. And moreover, I’m not judging, here. But I find it would be a good idea to copy and reproduce these posts you’re talking about. I think you should make your case with by presenting the elements in question, no? I have indeed seen a few (but very few) “racially charged” posts on HA. But those I’ve seen were taken off. I repeat that I’m not equipped well enough to judge, as I’m relatively new here; but it sometimes seems to me that you’re pretty fast in pulling the trigger…
Besides, I’m not either “white Anglo Saxon protestant”, to use the extension of the acronym, and I can’t say I’ve felt any narrowness as far as I’m concerned…

11-19-2012, 12:51 AM
Amber I got noting but LUV for you and respect where you at in the game.
However (and this is nether here or there)..but I recall you starting a thread a while ago about why all the "hate" towards black TS..or something like that.
Your growth and maturity and experiences have obviously changed..and I commend you for doing your thang and being who you are.

i was mostly commenting on the opinions i was receiving at the time.i was hearing allot of black girls are ugly and manly kinda things.
as far as this forum tho ive never experienced any direct mistreatment or censorship

11-19-2012, 01:02 AM
Oh fuck off, what a bunch of sanctimonious claptrap.

Does banning not work? It's cleared this board of more bullshit and it's been going along quite nicely with the diversity here. I can live without this place being brought down to the levels it has been on occassions.

You ask "how do you stop people from being rude or being an asshole" ? - I don't know, you've been consistently rude, sniping and putting people down - so why do you do it?

I remember using this word once.

11-19-2012, 01:08 AM
Then can you wear a fucking condom the next time so you don't have to pollute the gene pool further and have the rest of us paying for the product of your dick and the bitches who are on it?

well some chicks are crazy and sabotage a dude and trap his ass.

This has been known to happen!

11-19-2012, 01:50 AM
In a thread a while back I recall Jamesedwards making all sorts of crazy anti-semitic comments. If I recall both Prospero and Stavros offered effective counter-arguments to them but it did not keep him from continuing to make attacks on Jewish folks. Now, let's say in the future I got banned for doing something out of line. Would I then have license to say that Jamesedwards' continued existence here indicates an anti-semitic bias? I could...but I wouldn't believe what I was saying.

I don't doubt that you've convinced yourself that there is some sort of bias against African-Americans on this board. But I'm not sure if you've committed yourself to fairly evaluating the evidence for that. Afterall, both people you came out and made non-defense defenses of did things that seemed like legitimate enough reasons to ban them.

Perhaps if you find Kelly Shore's comments and post them you will help add some meat to your argument (though her comments might pre-date the current ownership). On the other hand you might find they weren't as bad as you remember them being. We could compare them if you like to some of the comments JamesEdwards made. BTW, I'm glad JamesEdwards' comments were not taken down as their rejection by the community put a smile on my face. I only mention them because I think they demonstrate there has not been any sort of unique demonization of African-Americans here. The board has generally been pretty free-wheeling and this has resulted in many non-pc comments getting through the filter.

Anyone can support a proposition if they ignore evidence to the contrary.

11-19-2012, 02:46 AM
My point is that the banning seems too subjective, w/o an objective reasoning. Maybe a point system is needed, something measurable.

I have found that mentioning the unfairness is also taboo. I am many things, many of them bad. But I am not rude or nor sniping (that sounds gayish, like drag queen lingo) or put down people.

11-19-2012, 09:59 AM
My point is that the banning seems too subjective, w/o an objective reasoning. Maybe a point system is needed, something measurable.

I have found that mentioning the unfairness is also taboo. I am many things, many of them bad. But I am not rude or nor sniping (that sounds gayish, like drag queen lingo) or put down people.

Read the rules - that's what you get banned for.
Your have been rude multiple times in the past few days complaining about flat asses English trannies, you wouldn't touch WW or MA.

11-19-2012, 10:03 AM
You are liken to an adult bully who is striking some kind of revenge from high school.
EVERYONE here knows Kelly's reputation and the shit she used to post..however..she was allowed to spew her shit on a regular. I also don't have the time nor care to go back and post links..etc. I have nothing personally against Jamie..however..everyone knows she was posting threats..using racially charged language..etc. No one (the mods) said anything to her. Being confronted and having to look at OBVIOUS racially inequalities is uncomfortable and strikes a nerve. So..I get your reactions back to me.

It strikes a nerve because I've done everything to make this forum as open an acceptive to as many people as possible. Those who were racist were removed. I don't think "everyone here know's Kelly's reputation" - and your failure to show any posts regarding this only supports that. However, even if she did, that was before we owned this forum and as the owner of the forum at the time was a black person, then he obviously didn't find her offensive or not to remove.

Show me ONE OBVIOUS racial inequality on this board.
You want to look at bully - it's you - posting absolute bullshit under the name of racism. Read the fucking rules or get out also if you can't live with them.

11-19-2012, 10:27 AM
A point system? This isn't kindergarten. Maybe we could have them write "I will not be an asshole" 1000 times in a post just for "Time outs"...sigh.
If you fuck up you get removed,temporarily or permanently. That's the rules.
I wasn't here for her initial ban but you'd think that after 2 years you MIGHT be a bit less inclined to walk right back in with a bigger chip on your shoulder,at least not right away. And racism,really? It's not about color,it's about someone walking in here after a 2 year ban and attacking people immediately and viciously. I have never been banned but if I said things of the caliber she did I'd get permanently banned....

11-19-2012, 11:21 AM
well some chicks are crazy and sabotage a dude and trap his ass.

This has been known to happen!

Aside from the lack of a straight answer, you're insinuating that your "little princess" poked holes in your condom or saved your spooge in a turkey baster just so she could ride out the next 18 years supported by welfare. Are you really willing to smear her character like that just so you can seem a little more responsible? You've got that twisted anyway. If you were responsible, you would have known the chick well enough to figure she'd do you dirty like that long before you hit it raw. That's not responsibility, it's stupidity.

11-19-2012, 11:23 AM
Aside from the lack of a straight answer, you're insinuating that your "little princess" poked holes in your condom or saved your spooge in a turkey baster just so she could ride out the next 18 years supported by welfare. Are you really willing to smear her character like that just so you can seem a little more responsible? You've got that twisted anyway. If you were responsible, you would have known the chick well enough to figure she'd do you dirty like that long before you hit it raw. That's not responsibility, it's stupidity.

Not to mention according to him, this is the second time?

Can't wait until he comes back here to criticize others lifestyles and choices and to say how classy he is.

11-19-2012, 02:06 PM
I think some folks are missing the point, and the point is subjectivity vs objectivity. A poster mentioned that the previous owner did not find some postings offensive that the new owner found offensive and thus justifies banning. It is just not consistent. The issue is fairness/ interpretation. I am not here to defend Mimi. That is up to her. Nor defend the girls she supposedly shaded. They are adults and can defend themselves.
As far as my negative shoutouts, it was a personal issue that should have remained personal, not public. This is mainly a porn site that as a guest I should behave better and I will. I love the woman, I welcome the challenging banter and at times am amazed and quite frankly frighten by what gets some folks off. To each their own.
The only other point is that it seems the most interesting people are the ones that gets banned. Maybe, sadly, that says more about me than it does the people doing the banning.

11-19-2012, 02:24 PM
Did I miss something. why did she get banned? Seems like all the fun people get banned but these tired ass flat ass euros are on here 24/7

In a certain way I miss the old salvage days. But for the most part I don't and don't think many do.

At that time, several people seemed to be airing out other peoples dirty laundry and then contributing to a 20+ page thread that was basically a childish insult contest.

11-19-2012, 02:30 PM
People who just spout vicious insults at others and trade in crude attacks are a waste of space.

Does Buck really find these people "more interesting" than the sexy girls who post pictures, playful girls like Wendy who post pictures and fun remarks, good spirited intelligent discussions about sexual issues and other things etc etc. The creative things posted by Trish and martin and others in the story thread etc

If he wants to read lots of inarticulate and insane rageful anger there are plenty of other places to enjoy this kind of trash..

11-19-2012, 04:03 PM
I think some folks are missing the point, and the point is subjectivity vs objectivity.
Did you read the rules?
Clearly there will be more leeway for members who have been around and participated for longer, than others. Some will get warnings, some may get direct emails. There are participants on this post whom I've asked directly to chill out because generally they're good posters. Others (also in this thread) have had their one warning for using multiple usernames.

Some of the things you personally have said, if that was a brand new poster, they would have had 1 warning on the second time, kicked. We just don't need it.
When a known trouble maker comes back into the forum after a banning, only to start with the same abuse again, then there isn't going to be a second warning.

I've also invited people simply to leave the forum if it's not compatible - one of them arguing politically last week, has clearly chosen to do that after being caught out changing newspaper articles to suit his agenda and being told that he couldn't post unless he explained himself. He's welcome back once he's done that (and apologised to the membership).

Maybe, sadly, that says more about me than it does the people doing the banning.
If by interesting you mean their sole purpose here is causing fights, drama or having a soap box to spread vicious rumours or lies, then yes those "interesting" people are going to have to go elsewhere. Believe it or not, this forum is very lightly moderated and gives people a place to air their thoughts and grievances about the industry. I've always taken a stance to answer criticisms personally as I think having an transparent forum or business is important. This is a moderated forum, without that moderation I doubt there would be much of a forum, or participants and this forum is functioning with more activity, views and participation then any other I know.

11-19-2012, 07:08 PM
This is a moderated forum, without that moderation I doubt there would be much of a forum, or participants and this forum is functioning with more activity, views and participation then any other I know.
...with the rest too, but particularly with this, which totally corresponds to my personal experience.

11-20-2012, 08:07 AM
D Others (also in this thread) have had their one warning for using multiple usernames.

One of my pet peeves...thanks.
Always thought that should be outed...hate that shit.

11-20-2012, 08:45 AM
One of my pet peeves...thanks.
Always thought that should be outed...hate that shit.

Depending on what they've used the multiple usernames for, will depend on whether I out them publically or not. Certainly if they've been using it to attack someone, using both names to promote/support an agenda, then I do.
It doesn't happen as often as it did - and I know some banned users slip back in but it's not long before they reveal themselves ... said the scorpion to the frog.