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11-03-2012, 07:09 AM
need I say more? lol what are your thoughts...

11-03-2012, 07:36 AM
If they treat star wars like Marvel, they will make movies and tv shows. However they will leave the original product alone. Honestly, I am willing to give Disney a chance on making a movie. 2015 is their slated date. I would like to see someone take a spin at making a star wars movie. In fact, I finally glad that Lucas stopped living in the past, because he is now able to bring forth his other ideas that will be new and refreshing. He has been sitting on too many good concepts for far too long. Star Wars was great, but I really think he can bring something even better. Hence my theory is he has something really big up his sleeves. I mean you sell your franchise while its hot and then come out with something 10 times better and make gobs of money. You don't sell your cash cow unless you got something better.

11-03-2012, 07:40 AM
A Star Wars, from the same studio that made The Avengers. Yes this could work.

Couldn't get much worse than the prequels, could it?

11-03-2012, 08:02 AM
Disappointment. If young George Lucas time traveled into the future and saw this, he'd kick old George Lucas' ass.

11-03-2012, 08:06 AM
This means the worst: the terrible movie series will keep on going and going and going...

11-03-2012, 08:44 AM
I think it is brilliant, unless someone gets it into their mind to try to 'reboot', which I think is not a very good possibility.

Lucas' original intent was to have 12 movies I think so handing the franchise over to a studio like Disney is a good move. What I think will really be interesting is the casting choices they make and the characters they pursue or bring back.

Disney has already shown that they can handle an action franchise well and I think the Star Wars franchise is so beloved that they would be foolish to screw around with it too much. I'm optimistic that 2016 will be a good year for sci-fi Fans :)

11-03-2012, 11:46 AM
Hope it works.:)

11-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Danthepoet's post was edited by me at his request to remove the name of the facebook members which he inadvertently included in one of the pictures

11-03-2012, 01:37 PM
Yes indeed. Thank you very much, Prospero!

Quiet Reflections
11-03-2012, 06:20 PM
It is great for the Series. Disney has 4 bil tied up in this deal already I trust they wont screw that up and risk not making that money back. They will be hands off just like they are with Marvel. Lets not forget they run a business and putting mickey (which for some reason people seem to think is a real option) in everything 1. has never happened with the other companies they acquired and 2. is a poor business model that would seriously damage the already poor reputation of the parent company.

11-03-2012, 07:13 PM
Disney = Pirates of the Caribbean and the Avengers

Nuff Said

11-04-2012, 07:25 AM
I think it's terrible for a lot of reasons. Mostly because I'm a complete purist when it comes to Star Wars. There's only 1 Star Wars, and it ends with Luke blowing up the Death Star, everything after is a joke with poor storytelling, lack of coherant phillosphy and lack of continuity. The so-called "prequils" are even worse. But here's why I am not down with it.

1) Too Many Too Fast - A new one every 2 to 3 years is what the mouse announced. It seems a bit rushed, considering they just got it handed to them.

2) Pirates and Avengers - There isn't a lot of humor in Star Wars, there was in both of those. Disney is a kids studio. Name me one true action/sci-fi movie that they've turned out that was good. Tron 2, beautiful visually. Avengers probably succeeded more because it was a separate division run by the people who made the comic books. Lucasfilm is not going to have that freedom. I can't see it.

3) The Muppets - Yeah, the muppets. Look what happened when Disney got ahold of them. They wanted to put their stamp all over it, and they ruined the Muppets for a generation or two.

4) Kids stuff - Disney doesn't market the same way Lucas did. Disney is cuddly and friendly, Lucas did his toys with guns and swords (light-sabers). The nature of Disney is to make things kid-friendly, not to toy with brother-sister incest, chopping off hands or cutting someone in half, or dropping an emperor off a really tall platform. The only time Disney kills off people, it's usually the main character's parent, and it's usually off-screen. Hell, Barbosa in Pirates was already dead and they wouldn't kill him off.

Yeah, not trusting Disney at all with it.

11-04-2012, 08:00 AM
Just to add something to the feared kidification of any Disney owned studios