View Full Version : Excellent Article about dating Transwomen?

10-26-2012, 07:34 PM
Trans girls are battling a mistake in nature to become what they were supposed to be. Many of them consider it a birth defect. It’s difficult to for them to find acceptance. Imagine waking up one day in the wrong skin and not being able to see yourself in the mirror as you see yourself inside. Many TS ladies live “steath” meaning no one around them -- socially or at work -- knows of their personal situation and medical history.

For some men, being attracted to a TS female can cause a little anxiety. Don’t let mis-information, ego and fear make you pass up the opportunity to get a great new girlfriend. Check it out. You very possibly could find a hidden treasure who just might be the love of your life.

The find a girlfriend FAQ:

1. If I get a girlfriend who is TS, does that make me gay?

No. This is not a gay issue. A transsexual woman is a girl.

2. What do they look like?

Remember it’s about the quality of the girl as a person. Appearance and feminization can depend on how far along they are in their transition. Their goal is to blend in undetected and live like a normal woman.

3. I’m not sure I know how to handle being with a transsexual physically. What should I


Take it at your own pace. A person is not the sum of their body parts. Some TS girls are pre-op (before having Sex Reassignment Surgery), some are post-op (after SRS), and some are non-op (don‘t plan on ever having SRS). You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but if you do, she’s the girl and you’re the guy regardless of what happens in bed. It’s that simple. Most girls are comfortable in the traditional female role.

4. I’m nervous. How do I go about it?

Don’t be nervous. Simply approach her in person, in chat or email her like you would any other woman. Talk to her about your concerns, she will understand. Be respectful and decent. Do not ask her for multiple photos or discuss sex with her on initial contact. You will come off like a pervert and will get rejected. Also don’t be fanatical or an admirer. It’s creepy. Just be yourself and have a normal conversation as if you met at a party or cocktail lounge.

5. What if my friends or family find out? Do I need to keep this secret?

When you find a girlfriend, what you do with that new girlfriend is your business. No one need know anything. I personally was in a relationship with a guy for several years. I was best friends with his sister and close with his family and to this day, none of them know of my past. Keep things to yourself. It's your new girlfriend's choice who she decides to tell.

Are you a fag?"

That's exactly what a man shudders to hear when his family, friends, coworkers or his boss discovers that his girlfriend is a transsexual.

"Yes" as an answer is obviously untrue. Gay guys are not romantically or sexually attracted to women.

"No" as an answer means you will have some explaining to do. So you say: No.

"This is a chick with a dick," that guy says to you. "Do you expect me to believe you're not messing with that thing? Is she the one fucking you in the ass, or are you fucking her in the ass? Maybe you're fucking each other? Either way, man, that's gross! Jesus, I had no idea you were like that!"

The post-op defense

If she's post-op – I'm sure you know what that means – you have a defense:

"Knock it off. She's had the sex-change surgery. She's a woman," you say.

"No, she's not a woman," the guy says. "She doesn't have female organs and she was born a dude, dude."

You may not be a redneck, but by this point in the conversation, your neck may be turning red. Along with your face. And your fist may be tightly clenched. What do you do now? Use that fist and put the ignorant son of a bitch in the hospital? Maybe you could try some logic instead:

"You have met transsexuals before and probably you didn't even know it. You may have even asked one out." Nah, he'll laugh at that. He'll say he can "spot a tranny" every time.

"Am I a fag? Have I ever hit on you?" you snarl at him. "Have I ever hit on any guy that you know of? I haven't and you know it, so I'm not a fag." Good argument, but he'll probably just think you won't hit on anyone you know in your family, social or work circles.

You could be dismissive, with humor:

"Her background doesn't matter to me. But doesn't she have great tits?" If she has great tits, he'll probably agree.

Slam it home hard if necessary

I believe the most effective way to shut down ignorant and/or intolerant people is to be very straightforward and honest, and to do this with solid conviction. You no doubt have your own way of phrasing such things, but this works for me:

"Look, she is my girlfriend. In her mind, she's always been a girl and she's in the process of making her body match what's in her head. Now, I really love this girl and I expect you to show some respect. Furthermore, what happens sexually between her and I is none of your business. If this really bothers you, then you are the one with the problem. Deal with it and go get help."

Yes, that's right, the man should stand up for his transsexual lady. Unfortunately, transsexual ladies usually discover this is unlikely to happen until the man is over age 40. I know there are exceptions to this rule, but it takes a lot of inner strength to put personal and business relationships on the line.

Usually, it takes many years for a man to gain the experience and confidence necessary for him to be able to risk losing those he's close to, or risk being ostracized. This is exactly why TS ladies have such a hard time finding a relationship with younger men. These younger ladies may hear the promises about love and romance, but what happens when she says: "I'd like to meet your parents and friends"?

He either delays that by offering up some lame excuse, or bolts for the door, never to be seen again.

Either he was afraid, or he was lying. It's not news that men will lie to get sex. With men under 40, it's almost always about sex. Even though this young man may desire a relationship with a transsexual, there will be moments when stark, cold reality gets in the way of that fantasy

If she's fully passable but pre-op, what happens if her tucked penis somehow becomes visible in her bikini bottom? What about if her Adam's apple is noticeable? If she hasn't completed electrolysis, facial hair might compromise the big secret. What about her voice? Oh my god – what will Mom and Dad think? What about the office Christmas party when she meets the boss?

If he has joint custody of children from a prior marriage, what happens if his ex-wife finds out? Will she try to use that as leverage in court to cut him out?

What about his football or golf buddies? What he dreads hearing is: "Are you a fag?"

Can you sense his ice-cold fear?

In this situation, when faced with the reality of entering into a legitimate relationship, he has to make a choice: Face down these people or run from the TS girl. Most often, he will run.

If you're a TS lady experiencing this problem, then it would be useful to talk about this openly and honestly with your man. You might as well find out if he can handle the ancillary relationship issues. This is far more problematic than what a genetic female experiences.

Did he say he can handle it? Good, then put him to the test. You might as well find out if he's telling the truth before you invest any more of your time and money in him. If he disappears on you, then you know for a fact that he can't handle it. Also apply this test to older men; obviously, there are a lot of liars with gray hair.

10-26-2012, 07:38 PM
Great info except for one thing...where/how can I find one??

10-26-2012, 08:00 PM
There are online dating websites such as Transgenderdate, TSDating, and even some girls on regular sites such as match.com or plentyoffish.com Even craigslist have single tgirls posting in the misc love section. I found my girlfriend off of ts dating.

10-26-2012, 08:01 PM
Great info except for one thing...where/how can I find one??

depends on where you are. currently, divas in san francisco has a wide variety of transsexuals for you to choose from

10-26-2012, 08:05 PM
I live in Dallas bluesoul we don't have bar club like Divas. We have some gay and lesbian bars but no transbars. I tried looking for a tgirl at one of those bars most were crossdressers, drag queens, or escorts which i was not looking for. I lot of regular 9 to 5 stealth girls are on transgender date and ts dating.

10-26-2012, 09:05 PM
I live in Dallas bluesoul we don't have bar club like Divas. We have some gay and lesbian bars but no transbars. I tried looking for a tgirl at one of those bars most were crossdressers, drag queens, or escorts which i was not looking for. I lot of regular 9 to 5 stealth girls are on transgender date and ts dating.

try going on craigslist and directing a question to the ts community requesting information about places where you can meet trans-women. in the mean time- here are some places that you can cruise:


10-26-2012, 09:12 PM
that is the first time I have heard the word "non-op" in 15 years of being around TS girls. wow

10-26-2012, 09:27 PM
that is the first time I have heard the word "non-op" in 15 years of being around TS girls. wow

First time for everything , for everyone I suppose.

10-26-2012, 09:38 PM
that is the first time I have heard the word "non-op" in 15 years of being around TS girls. wow

There are several performers who are non-op, I have heard it before, never thought it was new term.

I people hear different things at different times. I heard one tg tell me that tops are generally more aggressive and bottoms are more passive. Now that was something new. I don't buy it, but her and her friends said it is true. It just depends what comes up in your conversation.

10-26-2012, 09:50 PM
Trans girls are battling a mistake in nature to become what they were supposed to be. Many of them consider it a birth defect. It’s difficult to for them to find acceptance. Imagine waking up one day in the wrong skin and not being able to see yourself in the mirror as you see yourself inside. Many TS ladies live “steath” meaning no one around them -- socially or at work -- knows of their personal situation and medical history.

For some men, being attracted to a TS female can cause a little anxiety. Don’t let mis-information, ego and fear make you pass up the opportunity to get a great new girlfriend. Check it out. You very possibly could find a hidden treasure who just might be the love of your life.

The find a girlfriend FAQ:

1. If I get a girlfriend who is TS, does that make me gay?

No. This is not a gay issue. A transsexual woman is a girl.

2. What do they look like?

Remember it’s about the quality of the girl as a person. Appearance and feminization can depend on how far along they are in their transition. Their goal is to blend in undetected and live like a normal woman.

3. I’m not sure I know how to handle being with a transsexual physically. What should I


Take it at your own pace. A person is not the sum of their body parts. Some TS girls are pre-op (before having Sex Reassignment Surgery), some are post-op (after SRS), and some are non-op (don‘t plan on ever having SRS). You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but if you do, she’s the girl and you’re the guy regardless of what happens in bed. It’s that simple. Most girls are comfortable in the traditional female role.

4. I’m nervous. How do I go about it?

Don’t be nervous. Simply approach her in person, in chat or email her like you would any other woman. Talk to her about your concerns, she will understand. Be respectful and decent. Do not ask her for multiple photos or discuss sex with her on initial contact. You will come off like a pervert and will get rejected. Also don’t be fanatical or an admirer. It’s creepy. Just be yourself and have a normal conversation as if you met at a party or cocktail lounge.

5. What if my friends or family find out? Do I need to keep this secret?

When you find a girlfriend, what you do with that new girlfriend is your business. No one need know anything. I personally was in a relationship with a guy for several years. I was best friends with his sister and close with his family and to this day, none of them know of my past. Keep things to yourself. It's your new girlfriend's choice who she decides to tell.

Are you a fag?"

That's exactly what a man shudders to hear when his family, friends, coworkers or his boss discovers that his girlfriend is a transsexual.

"Yes" as an answer is obviously untrue. Gay guys are not romantically or sexually attracted to women.

"No" as an answer means you will have some explaining to do. So you say: No.

"This is a chick with a dick," that guy says to you. "Do you expect me to believe you're not messing with that thing? Is she the one fucking you in the ass, or are you fucking her in the ass? Maybe you're fucking each other? Either way, man, that's gross! Jesus, I had no idea you were like that!"

The post-op defense

If she's post-op – I'm sure you know what that means – you have a defense:

"Knock it off. She's had the sex-change surgery. She's a woman," you say.

"No, she's not a woman," the guy says. "She doesn't have female organs and she was born a dude, dude."

You may not be a redneck, but by this point in the conversation, your neck may be turning red. Along with your face. And your fist may be tightly clenched. What do you do now? Use that fist and put the ignorant son of a bitch in the hospital? Maybe you could try some logic instead:

"You have met transsexuals before and probably you didn't even know it. You may have even asked one out." Nah, he'll laugh at that. He'll say he can "spot a tranny" every time.

"Am I a fag? Have I ever hit on you?" you snarl at him. "Have I ever hit on any guy that you know of? I haven't and you know it, so I'm not a fag." Good argument, but he'll probably just think you won't hit on anyone you know in your family, social or work circles.

You could be dismissive, with humor:

"Her background doesn't matter to me. But doesn't she have great tits?" If she has great tits, he'll probably agree.

Slam it home hard if necessary

I believe the most effective way to shut down ignorant and/or intolerant people is to be very straightforward and honest, and to do this with solid conviction. You no doubt have your own way of phrasing such things, but this works for me:

"Look, she is my girlfriend. In her mind, she's always been a girl and she's in the process of making her body match what's in her head. Now, I really love this girl and I expect you to show some respect. Furthermore, what happens sexually between her and I is none of your business. If this really bothers you, then you are the one with the problem. Deal with it and go get help."

Yes, that's right, the man should stand up for his transsexual lady. Unfortunately, transsexual ladies usually discover this is unlikely to happen until the man is over age 40. I know there are exceptions to this rule, but it takes a lot of inner strength to put personal and business relationships on the line.

Usually, it takes many years for a man to gain the experience and confidence necessary for him to be able to risk losing those he's close to, or risk being ostracized. This is exactly why TS ladies have such a hard time finding a relationship with younger men. These younger ladies may hear the promises about love and romance, but what happens when she says: "I'd like to meet your parents and friends"?

He either delays that by offering up some lame excuse, or bolts for the door, never to be seen again.

Either he was afraid, or he was lying. It's not news that men will lie to get sex. With men under 40, it's almost always about sex. Even though this young man may desire a relationship with a transsexual, there will be moments when stark, cold reality gets in the way of that fantasy

If she's fully passable but pre-op, what happens if her tucked penis somehow becomes visible in her bikini bottom? What about if her Adam's apple is noticeable? If she hasn't completed electrolysis, facial hair might compromise the big secret. What about her voice? Oh my god – what will Mom and Dad think? What about the office Christmas party when she meets the boss?

If he has joint custody of children from a prior marriage, what happens if his ex-wife finds out? Will she try to use that as leverage in court to cut him out?

What about his football or golf buddies? What he dreads hearing is: "Are you a fag?"

Can you sense his ice-cold fear?

In this situation, when faced with the reality of entering into a legitimate relationship, he has to make a choice: Face down these people or run from the TS girl. Most often, he will run.

If you're a TS lady experiencing this problem, then it would be useful to talk about this openly and honestly with your man. You might as well find out if he can handle the ancillary relationship issues. This is far more problematic than what a genetic female experiences.

Did he say he can handle it? Good, then put him to the test. You might as well find out if he's telling the truth before you invest any more of your time and money in him. If he disappears on you, then you know for a fact that he can't handle it. Also apply this test to older men; obviously, there are a lot of liars with gray hair.
Normally for something like this I would simply put an "I agree" emoticone; but this is such a good, enlightening post, MHarrigan, that I want to quote it all. Thank you!
Christian, we read the word "non-op" quite regularly on this forum, it seems to me. I can't imagine that the concept of a t-woman not wanting to have srs is something new and unknown to you, among all people... You know, it's a huge step for someone to decide to have such an anatomical change. I think it's one more elements of the pains and dilemmas t-women have to go through...

10-26-2012, 10:15 PM
that is the first time I have heard the word "non-op" in 15 years of being around TS girls. wow

they don't call this place the "guide to shemales and transsexuals" for nothing

10-26-2012, 10:28 PM
This article is awesome! Now if only the girls around my area weren't escorts...
(I have nothing against them,I just never paid for sex and never will)That isn't what I want.

10-26-2012, 11:19 PM
This article is awesome! Now if only the girls around my area weren't escorts...
(I have nothing against them,I just never paid for sex and never will)That isn't what I want.

Choas what big city do you live near? I see Pennsylvania as your location. I am sure there are some nice non escort tgirls near Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.

10-26-2012, 11:29 PM
I'm in Pittsburgh....Philly is too far for me and the only non-escort girls I have seen I am not attracted to....It sucks,but I still have hope.

10-26-2012, 11:32 PM
This article is awesome! Now if only the girls around my area weren't escorts...
(I have nothing against them,I just never paid for sex and never will)That isn't what I want.

Have you tried any online websites?

10-26-2012, 11:37 PM
I've always been afraid to....Afraid that I'll be greeted by someone different than I agreed to meet...Or worse...there are some seriously shady people around here...It can be hard to trust people quite often.

10-27-2012, 01:52 PM
Excellent article. thanks for posting it.

Trans girls are battling a mistake in nature to become what they were supposed to be. Many of them consider it a birth defect. It’s difficult to for them to find acceptance. Imagine waking up one day in the wrong skin and not being able to see yourself in the mirror as you see yourself inside.

I always say dating a trans girl it is not as exotic as it looks on the outside, and it can be something hard. You are talking about people that are struggling to be themselves.

Imagine your girlfriend not wanting to go to a restaurant with you, because she is afraid how people will treat her. Or coming home and finding her crying, because while grocery shopping some one screamed at her: you are a man.

Remember it’s about the quality of the girl as a person. Appearance and feminization can depend on how far along they are in their transition. Their goal is to blend in undetected and live like a normal woman.

I know a girl that dated a trans women that was early in transition, in her own words: it was an extremely hard experience, but a few years down the road, seeing how happy she became, and seeing her smile non stop, makes it worth it and priceless.

Don’t be nervous. Simply approach her in person, in chat or email her like you would any other woman. Talk to her about your concerns, she will understand. Be respectful and decent. Do not ask her for multiple photos or discuss sex with her on initial contact. You will come off like a pervert and will get rejected. Also don’t be fanatical or an admirer. It’s creepy. Just be yourself and have a normal conversation as if you met at a party or cocktail lounge.

Treating her like you treat any other woman, will get you way a head of 95% of the population. No girl like it when she read: i feel like doing something crazy, so i thought why not date a shemale. Or even: I am curios about having sex with another guy. (i am not kidding, i do get lot of those message)

asking for cock pics, or if i am top or bottom, is just a red flag. Same thing for aksing about my pro/post op status, i am more than what is between my legs, and if you only want to date me because of what it is between my legs, then i'd rather be single.

I've had a client via an escorting website, what he wanted was company and not sex, we just had some coffee and talked.

When he asked: how much i owe you? i said: nothing, was nice chatting to you. His talks where not sexual, neither did he ask about my genitals status, he used correct pronouns, and treated me like a lady, and never even mentioned or brought up the fact that i am trans, so i thought: There are so many people that don't know how to treat me, i can appreciate a gentleman and since we only talked i wouldn't ask for money.

10-27-2012, 02:13 PM
This article is awesome! Now if only the girls around my area weren't escorts...
(I have nothing against them,I just never paid for sex and never will)That isn't what I want.
Most (99%) of the Ts women in your area aren't escorts. FACT ;)

10-27-2012, 02:17 PM
Here is the thing about dating a transgender girl.

How widespread is the birth defect of been born into the wrong body? while the exact number is hard to know, studies gives number going from 1/1000 up to 1/30,000

Gender identity disorder may manifest in children, adolescents or adults, and appears more frequently in males than in females [source: WebMD]. While there are no recent statistics to show us how prevalent gender identity disorder is, we do know that an estimated 1 in 30,000 adult males and 1 in 100,000 adult females seek gender reassignment surgery, a treatment chosen by some people with GID [source: Merck].

another study http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TSprevalence.html

To calculate a rough lower bound on prevalence of MtF sex reassignment surgeries in the U.S., we simply divide the number of postop women, which is about 32,000, by the number of U. S. males between 18 - 60 (the age range from which most current post-ops originated), which is about 80,000,000:

32,000/80,000,000 = 1/2500.

Then how many are Stealth? Even when not stealth, no one go: Hi My name is Sally, i am trannsexual, and i am pre-op, do you like ts women?

Unless you have a friend and the friend one day say: George there is something i want to tell you......etc chances you might meet or not trans women in everyday life and you will never know it.

Of course you might get lucky, but don't hold your breath and say: unless i a meet a trans girl i want to stay single.

It can be like saying: i want to date a girl that is half Israeli, half Palestinian, her mother must be Brazilian, and she should speak 4 languages and know how to prepare authentic Indian dishes. While you might get lucky and be able to find such a girl, don't hold your breath.

10-27-2012, 02:21 PM
Most (99%) of the Ts women in your area aren't escorts. FACT ;)

Here the thing, if the girl is not an escort, why would she let people know her status? it is not like the law ask her to wear a t-shirt that say: hey i am trans.

The aim of transition, is to look like any other girl and not stand out, and there is no point letting every know they are trans, unless she want people to switch to male pronouns, and start arguing that as long as she have a penis she is a man.

10-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Most (99%) of the Ts women in your area aren't escorts. FACT ;)

I'm in Pittsburgh....Philly is too far for me and the only non-escort girls I have seen I am not attracted to....It sucks,but I still have hope.

In other words the ones I DO find attractive ARE Escorts. I should have clarified that,my mistake.

10-27-2012, 05:08 PM
There are online dating websites such as Transgender date, TSDating, and even some girls on regular sites such as match.com or plentyoffish.com Even craigslist have single tgirls posting in the misc love section. I found my girlfriend off of ts dating.

Transgender date had no one in NYC (?!)...TS Dating had pics of porn stars...the TGirl profiles I've seen on POF (very few and far between) are mostly hookers from BP, although I did start a convo with one who wasn't...

10-27-2012, 10:00 PM
Transgender date had no one in NYC (?!)...TS Dating had pics of porn stars...the TGirl profiles I've seen on POF (very few and far between) are mostly hookers from BP, although I did start a convo with one who wasn't...

interesting that you are passing judgement on escorts since your a using of them yourself

10-27-2012, 10:12 PM
you lost me with the whole younger guys suck at dating trans woman argument.it kinda just feels like your trying to persuade young ts girls into dating older men.
the fact of the matter is that some guys no matter what the age will have insecurities and hang ups.ive been dating for awhile now (years) and ive found no particular age to be better equipped with being able to openly date a ts girl.it really depends on the guy himself and just how comfortable he is in his sexuality.my boyfriend is 28 and he's been openly dating trans girls since high school.for whatever reason he never went thru all that guilt,shame and confusion that allot of guys go thru.

10-27-2012, 11:00 PM
I live in Dallas bluesoul we don't have bar club like Divas. We have some gay and lesbian bars but no transbars. I tried looking for a tgirl at one of those bars most were crossdressers, drag queens, or escorts which i was not looking for. I lot of regular 9 to 5 stealth girls are on transgender date and ts dating.

You're probably not looking hard enough.

TS girls like to go out and hang out too, and there's probably some hangout bars where on certain nights it caters to those drag lip sync shows that, for whatever reason, they like to participate in.

Go find them.
Dallas is big enough where there's at least a few, I'm sure.

10-27-2012, 11:15 PM
interesting that you are passing judgement on escorts since your a using of them yourself

Not a judgement at all, just a statement of fact...actually, if they're on a singles site I wish them all the best...

10-28-2012, 01:40 AM
Here the thing, if the girl is not an escort, why would she let people know her status? it is not like the law ask her to wear a t-shirt that say: hey i am trans.

The aim of transition, is to look like any other girl and not stand out, and there is no point letting every know they are trans, unless she want people to switch to male pronouns, and start arguing that as long as she have a penis she is a man.
I agree. For most trans women this is the aim.
However most trans women do not successfully* represent as Bio-women. Sadly.

*Successfully represent meaning 99+% of everyone they interact with assumes them to be Bio-women without so much as a second thought.

10-28-2012, 01:44 AM
Here the thing, if the girl is not an escort, why would she let people know her status? it is not like the law ask her to wear a t-shirt that say: hey i am trans.

Q. How do you know if there is a transsexual woman in a crowded room?
A. She's already told everyone!


10-28-2012, 02:31 AM
Here the thing, if the girl is not an escort, why would she let people know her status? it is not like the law ask her to wear a t-shirt that say: hey i am trans.

The aim of transition, is to look like any other girl and not stand out, and there is no point letting every know they are trans, unless she want people to switch to male pronouns, and start arguing that as long as she have a penis she is a man.

Maybe I'm not following this part of the conversation correctly,
but if a TS is looking for a regular date or hook up, she's obligated to tell the person she's hooking up with that she's a TS.

That's how people get killed and/or beat up.