View Full Version : New Google laptop only $249

10-22-2012, 04:36 PM
would love to hear from the tech crowd on this cool new Samsung thing running on google os. I'm looking for something I can use in my house for basic web browsing when I don't feel like turning on my pc.
wi-fi only so no data plan. seems like a cheap and reasonable alternative to ipad


10-22-2012, 04:56 PM
Looks interesting.

10-22-2012, 06:06 PM
I like the this video from gigaom
Video hands-on with Google's new $249 Chromebook - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoK8p1OZDV4&feature=related)

Ipad or tablet PC, are the most practical for work, for light tasks, or reading they are good, but not for many other tasks. So i guess this one will make it easier. also practical for people often on the road.

Now not sure, if it can replace my laptop, as i use many laptop specific software, for file transfer, etc...

10-22-2012, 06:21 PM
My next techy purchase will be a Windows 8 tablet. I just don't really have a usage for my laptop anymore oddly enough. It is nice to have the computing power but besides keeping up with updates, I've barely turned it on in the last six months or so.

Willie Escalade
10-22-2012, 06:30 PM
Until I get some real consumer reviews on Windows 8, I'll stick with my current laptop (and iPad)...looks good though...

10-22-2012, 06:45 PM
Google Laptop - meh - its a netbook really - great for simple light tasks but not a laptop you want for heavy use.

10-22-2012, 06:50 PM
Until I get some real consumer reviews on Windows 8, I'll stick with my current laptop (and iPad)...looks good though...

Oh, I'm most definitely not going to put my iPad to the side, although I am totally loving the Nexus 7 just because it is so much lighter. I'm just more curious about how websites will look on it since it will undoubtedly have some impact on the market. That being said, I don't think it has a prayer of challenging the current leaders in Apple and Kindle Fire HD.

I've heard good and bad about Windows 8 and I think its interface will do really well on Tablets. I'm going to get a copy and put on my old desktop before I upgrade my current desktop PC so I'll have a review for you soon :)

10-22-2012, 07:07 PM
Been using windows 8 for a couple months now in a VM - Its basiclly windows 7 with a tablet interface for touch screens. Its going to work great for tablet users and annoy regular PC users with the need to switch back to the normal "desktop" mode instead of the tile touch based mode. Just like any major change to a UI there's going to be a learning curve some people will like it and others hate it but its very functional and actually feels faster than windows 7 (although I havent actually taken the time to run the benchmarks)

If you want to try it out before you switch over I suggest using a virtual machine to sand box the OS - VMware Player works great as long as you have a fairly modern system to handle the additional load. Krissy - hit me up if you have questions or need to get a trial version going in a VM- you know where to find me.

10-22-2012, 07:27 PM
Been using windows 8 for a couple months now in a VM - Its basiclly windows 7 with a tablet interface for touch screens. Its going to work great for tablet users and annoy regular PC users with the need to switch back to the normal "desktop" mode instead of the tile touch based mode. Just like any major change to a UI there's going to be a learning curve some people will like it and others hate it but its very functional and actually feels faster than windows 7 (although I havent actually taken the time to run the benchmarks)

If you want to try it out before you switch over I suggest using a virtual machine to sand box the OS - VMware Player works great as long as you have a fairly modern system to handle the additional load. Krissy - hit me up if you have questions or need to get a trial version going in a VM- you know where to find me.

Thanks Hon :)

I've got a previous Quad-Core AMD that I no longer use so I'm just going to load it on that and see if I like it enough to upgrade.

It is amazing how lazy we've become as PC users. I read a Windows 8 review in a fairly reliable magazine and he basically said the same thing... that W8 was going to really irritate people because of having to switch between the tiles and the old desktop... which I understand is basically a two button push...? Oh the horror!

I used a Windows Phone for a while until Zune irritated me so much that I literally threw it down in frustration. I actually liked the tile interface so I think I will like Windows 8 just fine. But, before I brick my new build, I just want to test it out on my old computer for a bit :)

10-22-2012, 07:37 PM
Samsung Chromebook:
Processor: Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Processor; 1.7GHz Dual-core.

The largest drawback is that the local storage is only 16GB. You also get 100GB of free cloud storage from Google, but only for a period of two years.

If you're still thinking about going this route, it's not a bad option but be sure to buy an external USB hard drive if the thought of having to upload all of your personal documents to a cloud server puts you off.

It's not a bad choice if all you're doing is surfing the net. You'll need to spend some time getting used to Linux if you aren't already. I'd never recommend switching to Windows 7 or Windows 8 on the thing without at least upgrading your system RAM to 4GB. I really wouldn't recommend switching anyway.

10-22-2012, 10:14 PM
My IPad is good for now

No matter what you buy it's outdated in 3months...

10-22-2012, 10:27 PM
I really need a new Laptop,but my budget being what it is......lol.
The sad part being that it'll cost me about as much as a new one to fix this one.
but this one I can fix at my pace whereas a new one is a lump sum I just can't handle at the moment.

10-22-2012, 10:30 PM
I saw the commercial for this over the weekend. Hate to admit but the marketing was effective in the sense that they geared it to everyone. Someone like myself who is not really the most tech savvy. well i don't know much about computers at all really. It certainly made me think that if it's as easy as they say it is for everyone it's maybe worth a look. I'm still gonna follow this thread and do some research before I shell out the money.

10-22-2012, 11:05 PM
Hands on look Video.

Video hands-on with Google's new $249 Chromebook - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoK8p1OZDV4)

10-23-2012, 12:02 AM
My next techy purchase will be a Windows 8 tablet. I just don't really have a usage for my laptop anymore oddly enough. It is nice to have the computing power but besides keeping up with updates, I've barely turned it on in the last six months or so.
I'll always have a need/reliance on a laptop and I have a feeling Windows 8 is Microsofts's way of trying to catch up in the touch screen market. Bill Gates sadly missed the boat when the world went online just like they're missing it now with mobile.
Why not just improve the current desktop OS and introduce a separate interface for touch screen gadgets ?

10-23-2012, 12:13 AM
i have never understood how you can survive with an online only device. this is not going to be an everyday computer for the average user who likes to have files they can play on the fly (videos or music unless you are going to put EVERYTHING on google drive) and more importantly, if you like office, or are at least used to it, you might hate having to use google docs.

if you are talking about replacing your ipad with this device, then the only difference you might see would be the tablet vs. clam shell feel for your online experience, but i can't see how this will replace any of my computers....it lacks the power of a true laptop AND the flat/portability of a tablet.

i'll pass without ever even touching it because at work, we need to use tablets (the frigging ipad) in the clinic to run epic and almost every task i need when in the lab needs a native windows environment so for my personal computing, i'm going to have to stick with laptops and desktops that can actually interface with the devices i need at work.

that said...i have been running windows 8 since the beta release and its not bad at all. it took maybe 10 min to get used to the fact that metro sucks and it useless to me and that aero is stripped down but even the beta was stable and i didn't have many issues other than driver compatibility for some devices (which I expected since OEM and 3rd party device makers were not going to get everything ready for a beta).

in short...its just pick your poison. don't get entrenched in format wars or shiny objects. each device that TRIES to be a substitute for a full-fledged desktop computer (no matter the platform...win, mac, linux, etc) will have limitations. just realize that the #1 reasons win-based netbooks failed were lack of computing power. the chromebook, imho suffers the same fate with additional software drawbacks as well.