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03-31-2006, 11:08 PM
anybody knows who this well known t-girl is?
picture is more or less 10 years old!
just to show what a steep hill they have to climb
to become the stunning girls they are now!

03-31-2006, 11:22 PM
Is it Joanna by any chance?

03-31-2006, 11:34 PM
Joanna jet???

03-31-2006, 11:34 PM
spot on, never thought anybody would guess!
another thread down the drain!

03-31-2006, 11:39 PM
It's not just us Brits that think Joanna is Fantastic :D

A whole load of us do.

04-01-2006, 04:16 AM

Ooooooh, you guys are so cruel ;-)

Were the fuck did you dig those up from? I don't think even I have them anymore!

Well anyway, what's important is that it lead to someone mentioning that hill that those of us chose to climb.
Because it then allows me to mention how steep it feels at so many times and how it's summit always seems to remain out of reach not matter how much we ascend.



04-01-2006, 04:36 AM
Those old pics are cute, Joanna is a sweet girl and just seems to keep getting more so.

Like I said awhile ago, somewhere lost in the web of HA threads by now, I think she will some day change the world.

I'm not being dramatic here, I honestly have that feeling.

04-01-2006, 05:22 AM
bad news, I've got them all I fear!
even in those days I was already a bigger fan than smoothie, if possible.
could it have been foresight?
don't underestimate the loyalty of your extensive army of afficionados,
we all think you've reached a summit so high that breathing is hardly possible, but I know very well that this is an easy thing to say for us!
as it seems that blackmail is no option here just one more hastily made compilation and than I'll quit posting them, I solemnly promise!
health and happiness, a.

04-05-2006, 10:16 AM
Hello Arena,

Whilst it is indeed gratifying to be placed on an edifice of such altitude that it makes oxygen deficit the appropriate measure, I wish to confer that my personal perception of my status reaches solely to the dizzying height of the soapbox that I occasionally (and some would say, arrogantly) choose to scale at the times when I feel compelled to preach the wisdom of "Jet".

So, before the flash of panties from stepping on to my soapbox in a short skirt, I must first say:
"Arena, please feel free to post as many related pics in your collection as you wish as these pics are a significant element in the evolution of the person you know me as today."

Whilst my first reaction on seeing these pics from more than a decade ago being published in this forum was one of embarrassement at my naive and akward beginnings, it then changed to a feeling of self-recognition from this being the time when I found the courage to show the world who I needed to be and which lead me on to the path to where I find myself today.


Joanna Jet

04-05-2006, 03:31 PM
J for Joanna?

04-07-2006, 01:08 AM
seanchai also noticed her true potential very early on..........
she even figured in the yum logo!!!

04-07-2006, 01:15 AM
the pics to prove it

04-07-2006, 02:15 PM

Well anyway, what's important is that it lead to someone mentioning that hill that those of us chose to climb.
Because it then allows me to mention how steep it feels at so many times and how it's summit always seems to remain out of reach not matter how much we ascend.



Perseverance, discipline and guts! Joanna you are a clear example of this.

All of you girls have my deepest admiration for having this.

04-07-2006, 02:16 PM

Well anyway, what's important is that it lead to someone mentioning that hill that those of us chose to climb.
Because it then allows me to mention how steep it feels at so many times and how it's summit always seems to remain out of reach not matter how much we ascend.



Perseverance, discipline and guts! Joanna you are a clear example of this.

All of you girls have my deepest admiration for having this.

04-21-2006, 07:07 PM
in the early days you could order very softcore photosets.
they were sent to you in a very professional manner, a grey hardcover box.
she's kept her professionalism over the years and expects the same comittment from everybody around her I suppose, there must have been a few dissapointing times!
here are some examples, only the legs are the same great ones!

04-22-2006, 07:17 PM
just for the sake of the contrast,
she looks like a young joanna lumley,
this is meant as a compliment, absolutely fab!

04-24-2006, 12:21 AM
Hi Arena95,

Joanna Lumley!! How could I possibly take your comment as anything but a compliment when she happens to be one of my greatest idols.
That lady has the most perfect of British accents whilst never losing her sex appeal, now matter how many years seem to go by.

And as for her Ad-Fab character, I want to be just like "Patsy" when I get older...
Stumbling around with the constant sniffles and too rich to give a shit about anything except getting an answer to that one frequent question:
"Dom or Bollie Darling?"


Joanna Jet

04-24-2006, 12:39 AM
jesus, that last pic is hot

04-24-2006, 06:22 AM
jesus, that last pic is hot

Yes, Joanna is a hottie -- either as a blonde or brunnette -- with some incredibly shaped legs, and that's not to dismiss any of the rest of her looks. I loved the set of shots Bob (Bob's T-Girls) took once with Joanna in a bikini. She is one very attractive woman!

Yes, any woman with great legs will always grab my attention (Barbiedoll, Joanna, Felicia, etc ...). Great legs are great legs after all! :)

Felicia Katt
04-24-2006, 08:26 AM
As Mae West once said: I have a good right leg and a good left leg and between the two of them, I make a pretty good living.

thanks for including my two good legs with those other's great ones


04-24-2006, 03:45 PM
lovely joanna,
dom or bollie?
I couldn't care less as long as it's drinking
it with the uncomparible jj!!!
don't ever lose your sense of humour!
love and health, a.