View Full Version : So how many use an IPad?

10-07-2012, 02:03 PM
Do you like it?

What do you use yours for?

So much easer to use over my laptop

This thing is great!

Willie Escalade
10-07-2012, 03:20 PM
Right here! iPad 2 with iOS 6!

I usually use it at work (I have a lot of down time). I watch movies (both streaming and the few I've synced to it) on it. I read magazines and books on it, I edit my iPhone videos on it (iMovie), I've touched up pictures on it (Photoshop Touch and Photoshop Express, as well as Camera+ for iPad), I have Flipboard with all of my social media accounts added, as well as a few blogs and newspapers. Hell, when it's docked, I use it as a picture frame AND a weather station!

I do a LOT on the damn thing. One of the best purchases I've ever made; no regrets whatsoever.

10-07-2012, 04:01 PM
Yep - I got one a few months back. Terrific for checking e mail, writing on (with a blue tooth keyboard for long stuff), I get a lot of magazines and newspapers direct on it, easy to surf web on. Picture quality is fabulous. Downsides - the new OS deleted Youtube and replaced Google maps with their own unique re-invent the world and move all the geography around randomly Apple maps.

Great to store music and play it wherever you like - via its own speakers, plugged into mini speakers or via headphones. Other great apps include Kindle books (linked t my Kindle and my Iphone) BBC Iplayer, NPR, Linked-in, Facebook, Tunein Radio (I can listen to almost any radio station anywhere in the world) Soundcloud (hold it up and it'll id any msic played ambiently) plus lots more I have scarcely yet investigated.

10-07-2012, 04:30 PM
I use mine all the time. Using it now. Lighter than a laptop. No adobe flash though so that sucks.

10-07-2012, 04:33 PM
Yes - I forgot that one. No adobe allowed... imperialistic Apple again. But what can you do?

10-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Yes - I forgot that one. No adobe allowed... imperialistic Apple again. But what can you do?
It has nothing to do with being imperial but lots to do with Flash's inefficient use of system resources and its hit on battery charge, not to mention its numerous security flaws. Apple isn't alone: Adobe as well has thrown in the towel on mobile flash as they announced they are no longer developing for it.

10-07-2012, 06:41 PM
I stand corrected dakota - thanks. (I do otherwise like Apple - and have used their comps for 15 years)

10-07-2012, 06:50 PM
It has nothing to do with being imperial but lots to do with Flash's inefficient use of system resources and its hit on battery charge, not to mention its numerous security flaws. Apple isn't alone: Adobe as well has thrown in the towel on mobile flash as they announced they are no longer developing for it.

Mobile flash is finished because phones and portable computers are now capable with their processors of using regular flash. Steve Jobs was never honest about the problems with HTML5, however he is hawking a product and wants people to buy it, so you knock the other products. He was a great pitchman and people bought into it. I can say it with full confidence, flash will be around a long long time because its ease of use. Plus if HTML5 was the dominant product people would looking to break its security.

10-07-2012, 07:13 PM
I stand corrected dakota - thanks. (I do otherwise like Apple - and have used their comps for 15 years)
I probably like Apple a little too much. If only I'd invested the same amount of money into apple stock that I've spent on their products, I'd be a millionaire. lol
But seriously, I truly enjoy using Apple products and will probably get an iPad sooner or later. I bought my mother one last Christmas and she loves it.

Charges of imperialism might apply with Google. It was too soon to let go of Google Maps IMO since their own application wasn't ready for prime time. I've read, however, that one of the reasons they switched was that Google wasn't going to develop a turn-by-turn maps app for iOS as they have with Android. Who knows really. It's no secret that Jobs was out for blood against Google as he believed they used their seat on Apple's board to copy the iPhone.

10-07-2012, 07:19 PM
My boyfriend gave me his because I use it more than he does, but I still prefer my PC. I just like the extreme portability of the iPad for moving around the house. The lack of Flash kills it for me.


10-07-2012, 09:50 PM
I don't like Apple. Err, I should say I don't like Apple's operating systems because that's all the Apple versus Intel debate boils down to these days. Don't get me wrong, Macs are awesome for people who don't want to learn how to use a computer just to use a computer. They're also great for users who don't have high expectations of their computers.

I don't fall into either of those categories. *shrug*

10-07-2012, 09:57 PM
not an ipad girl here

10-08-2012, 08:37 AM
If you want to view flash websites, use Photon app. It's a browser that lets you view flash content. I use it all the time.

iPad 2!!

10-08-2012, 09:13 AM
I’m a caveman. Up to some years ago (only a few), I used an oven percolator for my morning cofee. I don’t own a cell phone, although I replace that of my girlfriend and of my daughter every time they need one. I also got my daughter her laptop, but I use an old table pc. I still have an analog tv and the regular dvd (not blue ray). Got the dvd 5 years ago: was using a vcr. Up to quite recently, I still used audio cassettes for playing music (and still have vinyl record player); but my girlfriend and daughter entrapped me and got me an Mp3 as a gift –and I use it… For furniture, I hate anything fancy or expensive; I own a couple of futons which I can throw the mat on the floor to watch tv or make love. It’s the best anyways to cuddle with your girlfriend as you watch tv. Old kitchen table for my work desk (got a couple of chests of drawers for papers) and I build myself my book shelves. I bought a couple oil radiators for home and I use that for as long as I can in fall (as long as my loved one doesn’t hysterically put the central system on); if it was up to me, I’d heat the place up with a wood stove by cutting and burning the city trees… ;)
Do I own a lap top? Hrm… no.

10-08-2012, 09:33 AM
you love your ipads cause most of you still own 10lb bricks as laptops ,you know who you are...
i tried using a pad but i realized that my smartphone does all of that and i can carry it arround in my pocket and it makes calls.
for heavy use i prefer my 14 inch ultrabook with dvd rom and for taking pictures nothing beats a camara.

10-08-2012, 09:35 AM
I agree with ilovetgirls36 that nothing beats taking pictures with a camera - though I have taken some shots with my iphone (b cause its amazing portability) that stand up pretty well in terms of quality and clarity to ordinary "snapshots." But the light conditions do have to be ideal.

10-08-2012, 04:59 PM
I been using an iPad for more than a year. Of course it's no substitute for a desktop or a laptop if you have any real computing to do. I use it mainly for keeping up with my mail, for reading (newspapers, blogs) and of course for checking in with my HungAngel friends :) It's small, easy to tuck into a purse (easier tucking than some other things). However, if I have anything of length to type I prefer my laptop (perhaps I should invest in the iPad keyboard Prospero spoke of). Some things I never figured out how to do with the iPad; e.g. how does one upload a picture to a HungAngel thread from iPad?

10-08-2012, 05:33 PM
Nope I don't know how to upload pictures either

10-08-2012, 05:50 PM
this thread makes me feel old. no doubt the ipad is a great device but I really need my clunky hardwired desktop with the physical keyboard and trustworthy mouse. and the sreen is really big... perfect for porn

I'm still getting used to iphone5 (my first ever Apple product). I understand people's attraction to their stuff but the Mac guys definitely have a different way of doing things. I guess I'll eventually get an ipad but I can't see myself ever being without my pc for "real" things

10-08-2012, 06:13 PM
Nope I don't know how to upload pictures eitherjust figured it out.

this thread makes me feel old. no doubt the ipad is a great device but I really need my clunky hardwired desktop with the physical keyboard and trustworthy mouse. and the sreen is really big... perfect for porn

I'm still getting used to iphone5 (my first ever Apple product). I understand people's attraction to their stuff but the Mac guys definitely have a different way of doing things. I guess I'll eventually get an ipad but I can't see myself ever being without my pc for "real" things
Agree about the "real" things.

From My iPad.

10-08-2012, 06:48 PM
I really thought I would hate the iPad, and I think I am even on record on one of the other (or this one) Grooby Forums as stating that I thought tablets weren't the way of the future. That being said, ever since I got the original iPad, I've upgraded with each new succession. Not one of those people who will stand in line overnight to get one but I just like keeping my tech up to date.

I use mine primarily to see how my site(s) look on mobile devices but also use it for reading books, Netflix, and Hulu Plus. I've basically cut my cable bill because I can find most of the shows and movies I watch through iTunes, Netflix, or Hulu Plus.

I just got the Nexus 7 though, and it is fast becoming my favorite, even above my iPad 3. It just feels natural in your hand... I'm looking forward to seeing what Apple will do with their expected 7" tablet.

Willie Escalade
10-08-2012, 07:09 PM
I really thought I would hate the iPad, and I think I am even on record on one of the other (or this one) Grooby Forums as stating that I thought tablets weren't the way of the future. That being said, ever since I got the original iPad, I've upgraded with each new succession. Not one of those people who will stand in line overnight to get one but I just like keeping my tech up to date.

I use mine primarily to see how my site(s) look on mobile devices but also use it for reading books, Netflix, and Hulu Plus. I've basically cut my cable bill because I can find most of the shows and movies I watch through iTunes, Netflix, or Hulu Plus.

I just got the Nexus 7 though, and it is fast becoming my favorite, even above my iPad 3. It just feels natural in your hand... I'm looking forward to seeing what Apple will do with their expected 7" tablet.
We need proof you use an iPad. Oh, wait...:slimer