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View Full Version : The negative stigma towards uncircumcised penises?

03-28-2006, 07:08 PM
What's up with it? I've noticed that a lot of people look down on uncircumcised people -- epsecially women.

My last girlfriend didn't know what one was (and she had been with 6 other guys before me; yes, I'm uncircumcised). She told me, after I told her (which I was nervous about), that she asked her mom for advice on the matter... and the "advice" she gave her was some absurd stuff; tales about "stinky" dicks in the army, and other weird nonsense.

I don't get it.

03-28-2006, 09:16 PM
well in america, more people are circumsized at birth (or soon after if parents pratice Judism) so not many girls see uncircumsized penises. i never saw one till i got interested in TS porn myself. My current girl also never saw an uncircumsized penis, and asked me what one looked like. in my mind the negative stigma comes from the bibles portrayal of uncircumsized vs. cricumsized.

03-28-2006, 09:51 PM
If not cleaned properly, one can develop the dreaded "fromunda cheese".

Related Note: On a recent episode of Talking Sex feat Sue Johanson (a television show about Sex here in the US hosted by an old lady), a 22 year old male caller had a question regarding oral sex. He wanted his girlfriend to perform it and the problem was she said he smelled horrible down there. He's tried soap, body wash, etc but no matter what product he used, she continued to complain about a stench.

Sue Johanson asked him: Are you circumsized?
Caller: No.
Sue Johanson: When you pull back your foreskin, how well are you cleaning your penis?
Caller: Excuse me?
Sue Johanson: (repeats question)
Caller: What exactly do you mean pulling back the foreskin?
Sue Johanson: (explains what the foreskin is)
Caller: You mean that skin can be pulled back?????

I nearly spat out my beer watching this exchange.

03-28-2006, 11:12 PM
Just wash it down there and all is fine.

and I think circumsizion at birth is not a good thing.....if a person wants to do it at a later age, by all means, go ahead.

but I've seen a baby getting circumsized, ..........it looked like some crazed Nazi torture.....that kid was screaming his lungs out......and later seeing that bloody gauze was like....."If I have a kid, I am NOT letting them do this to my son." Plus loss of sensation could fuck up his sex life, I don't want to see that either.

Also, when I was born, the doctors were gonna have me circusized....even though my folks did not want it....my mom, who just went through 20 hours of labor just to pass my out of an orrafice 50 times smaller than the size of me comming out ( I was 9 pounds, 4 ounces ), pretty much had to stop em. :lol:

All the stigma is just something to make the religious people feel better about themselves, being closer to god or whatever. :idea: that foreskin's there for a reason, so I am not getting my snipped :lol:

03-29-2006, 05:50 AM
circumscision is a bizarre ritual performed on baby males that cuts off part of their dicks and curtails sexual enjoyment forever.

thankfully, it is no longer routine in the USA but it still part of the Jewish faith. It's too bad no one can give back to me what was taken when I was 4 days old.

03-29-2006, 06:05 AM
Flabby I think it's still routine most places in USA.

I'm circumcised - was one of the only people in my school of 1500 (no Jews, 1 adopted Black and 2 Chinese whose parents owned the local takeway) which was embarressing - I was done at 8 because my foreskin was too tight, my Dad (what a guy) actually was done at the same time (38) as he thought it would cause an issue with his son growing up differently to him.
I've never ever had a problem with sensitivity, I love how superclean it is (I've seen more penises than most!) and never had a problem with someone giving me blowjobs.

However, I won't have my son circumcised as I do think it's an out of date and idiotic ritual unless there is a medical reason.

03-29-2006, 07:29 AM
The negative stigma towards uncircumcised penises?.

I think you misspelled "smegma".

PS negative stigma is repetitively redundant.

03-29-2006, 10:19 AM
What's the name of that condition where the foreskin can't be pulled back? .

Phimosis. Not very common in the wst now as boy babies are routinely checked soon after birth and if the foreskin is too tight, the opening is enlarged ( Freeze spray. Scissors. Snip.)

On the evidence I've seen it's very common in Asia.

03-29-2006, 10:31 AM
The negative stigma towards uncircumcised penises?.

I think you misspelled "smegma".

PS negative stigma is repetitively redundant.

Mmm... nope. "Negative stigma" isn't "repetitively reduntant" (much like the term "repetitively redunant, in itself) -- A mark or characteristic indicative of a history of a disease or abnormality.

I asked why people view uncircumcised penis as an abnormality in our society -- a very negative one, which is ironic, as it is regarded (and is) natural.

I wasn't talking about "smegma", or dick cheese; if I was, my oringinal post sure as shit had nothing to do with smegma.

P.S., thanks for attempting to thread crap; You're not an intellect.

04-02-2006, 02:34 PM
Mmm... nope. "Negative stigma" isn't "repetitively reduntant".

Time to repeat that ESL class.

04-02-2006, 08:05 PM
i love uncircumsized cocks. !!!!!

Lord Goatse
04-03-2006, 10:06 AM
Lord Goatse considers the genital mutilation that has become the norm in certain parts of the world to be somewhat barbariac. Hacking off a sensitive part of your child's todger should be no substitute for teaching them to wash it properly (or in Lord Goatse's case, getting my butler, Bentley to do it for me).

Lord Goatse would like to add that he rather confused a female acquaintence of his from New Jersey (which I believe is somewhere in the United States) by whipping out his todger in a moment of passion. Her having never seen an uncircumcised willy before, she now believes that uncircumcised ones are four inches longer than the standard sniped sizes that she had gotten used to. But I have the Goatse family blood in me to thank for that.

Lord Goatse would also like to point out, for those bereft of a classical education, that the word 'Smegma' derives from the latin for 'soap'. He forgets what the latin for 'stinky mouldy cheese' is.

04-03-2006, 12:13 PM
Mmm... nope. "Negative stigma" isn't "repetitively reduntant".

Time to repeat that ESL class.

Just. Pure. Forum. Knit. Picking.

You're not cool; you're not intellectual for attempting to correct one's grammar or word usage on an online forum. I can only assume you're so hell-bent to do so on an online forum because you're too timid and mealy-mouthed to do in in "real life" -- whatever that may be.

Now, using "negative" before "stigma" (scar, blame, smear, etc.) is in no way repetitive. The scope of what "negative" is varies from "cynical" to "neutralizing" to "opposing" -- and I can only assume that your twit intellect equates both "negative" and "stigma" to the term "BAD", which brings us to this verbal equation:

"I have a bad cold." Now, an imbecile who thinks they're brilliant, such as yourself, would equate "cold" with "bad" -- thus equating the aforementioned statement to "I have a bad bad", when, in actuality (and every day English), you can describe something inherently "bad" as something bad, to further explain its condition. Which brings us back to my previous point, in that both "negative" and "stigma" do not simply encompass "bad". And, as I mentioned earlier, your "repetitively redundant" is, in fact, redundant in its own regard.

And to keep with the charm of your quoted post,
Time to repeat that ESL class.

And I'll add a nice,
Shut the fuck up.

04-03-2006, 12:15 PM
But I have the Goatse family blood in me to thank for that.

That can't be good... can it?

04-03-2006, 03:08 PM
What's up with it? I've noticed that a lot of people look down on uncircumcised people -- epsecially women.

My last girlfriend didn't know what one was (and she had been with 6 other guys before me; yes, I'm uncircumcised). She told me, after I told her (which I was nervous about), that she asked her mom for advice on the matter... and the "advice" she gave her was some absurd stuff; tales about "stinky" dicks in the army, and other weird nonsense.

I don't get it.

Most women I know said that uncut dicks are ugly...

04-03-2006, 03:45 PM
I have had rave reviews of my uncut dick from both men and women. Of course, after a long day/night of sweating, pissing, excreting semen the penis would not smell that sweet. However, the above is nothing a bath and proper hygiene cannot cure.

My only problem is that condom use sometimes causes my foreskin show signs of abrasion. I guess a libricant could prevent this.

04-03-2006, 07:36 PM
Stigma, smegma, negative, positive,

Cat, I thought Danny was just making a pun, confusing stigma and smegma, which I thought was pretty funny.

I couldn't help jumping in on the redundant issue, though. The funny thing about the word, "stigma" is that it used to have very, very good connotations, ie, the marks of the nails in the hands and feet of Jesus as a result of crucifixion -- more properly "stigmata" -- or the marks of certain saints or saintly persons who developed these marks magically as a result of identification with Jesus' suffering. So showing stigmata meant you were a saintly person.

Now stigma means a negative thing, like, "the stigma of a criminal record." So let me piss you both off. If you take stigma in its modern sense, it is redundant to say negative stigma, although we use redundancies all the time. If you include the possibility of the old definition, then using a term like "negative stigma" makes sense to distinguish it from saintly stigma.

04-04-2006, 04:03 AM
i think an uncut cock is HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!

04-05-2006, 01:21 AM
this is not something that will come up during Mayor Bloomberg's daily press conference:

In 2006, what is "normal" proceedure when a male baby is born in a New York City public hospital and the mother gives no instructions to medical staff concerning circumsicion? does the doc cut or let be? does anyone know the law?

04-05-2006, 03:19 AM
this is not something that will come up during Mayor Bloomberg's daily press conference:

In 2006, what is "normal" proceedure when a male baby is born in a New York City public hospital and the mother gives no instructions to medical staff concerning circumsicion? does the doc cut or let be? does anyone know the law?

There's a buffer period of at least a couple/few days, so the parents would most likely always be in on the decision. Unless, of course, it was medically necessary for the baby's health/survival, like if the poor kid's dick was fused to his eyebrows or something.

04-05-2006, 07:17 AM
look at these

04-06-2006, 07:16 AM
No, this is Smeg. :mrgreen:

04-06-2006, 09:26 AM
No, this is Smeg. :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd, haven't seen Lister and 'Rimmah' in ages. :lol:

04-06-2006, 07:35 PM
No, this is Smeg. :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd, haven't seen Lister and 'Rimmah' in ages. :lol:

They are on VHSand DVD, plus there's plans for a movie. :D

04-07-2006, 09:39 AM
No, this is Smeg. :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd, haven't seen Lister and 'Rimmah' in ages. :lol:

They are on VHSand DVD, plus there's plans for a movie. :D

Jeez, whatever happened to Red Dwarf: The Movie? I stopped watching that show when they got rid of Rimmer.

Rimmer was brought back.