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09-21-2012, 03:28 AM
Judge Denies Transgender's Request for Name Change
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- A judge denies a transgender's request for a name change.
"I basically collapsed when I left the courtroom," said James Ingram.
James Dean Ingram filed a petition to legally change his name to Angela Renee Ingram.
Ingram listed "transition from male to female" as the reason. Oklahoma County District Judge Bill Graves denied his request.
"The thing is it wasn't about changing sex, it wasn't about changing gender, it is a name change," said Ingram.
Ingram says Judge Graves did not ask any questions about whether her intentions for wanting a name change were fraudulent in nature.
"If he would've cited that I was evading a bill or something like that then I could understand, but when he's reciting biblical, personal beliefs I think it's wrong," said Ingram.
Brady Henderson with the ACLU of Oklahoma calls it discrimination, "A person in Oklahoma is entitled to a name change unless there is a fradulent or essentially illegal purpose."
Henderson says Ingram's case is similar to a name change request Judge Graves denied last year.
Judge Graves refused to comment on camera, but sent FOX 25 the court documents from the change of name petition he denied in 2011.
According to court documents, Steven Charles Harvey petitioned to change her name to Christie Ann Harvey as she was in the process of undergoing sexual/gender change.
Judge Graves listed "the gender reassignment process will not alter Petitioner's DNA" as the reason the request was denied. Judge Graves also cited Genesis 1:27, 28: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..."
"Discrimination exists anytime an actor of the state in this case a judge refuses to treat people equally," said Henderson.
Ingram plans to meet with the ACLU to discuss whether to appeal or file a motion for reconsider for a new trial.
Ingram already goes by the name Angela, promising to fight to make it legal.

09-21-2012, 10:06 AM

Looks like a cocksucker to me.
He should be dis-barred.

09-21-2012, 10:27 AM
I usually don't reply constructively to Natina's posts, but this guy sounds like a real shit head. If Oklahoma state law allows legal name change so long as it isn't for fraudulent or illegal purposes, Bill Graves should be disbarred. Especially since he's citing bible passages as proof against her request. What happened to the separation of church and state? Idiots with opinions; that's what happened.

09-21-2012, 05:21 PM
Personally Id like to see this fucktard of a judge "rebar'ed"
Im very sure that the proper use of 3ft of steel could do wonders in the realm of enlightenment and understanding the mind of god

but then again I might just be cynical because I havent had my morning coffee yet so the love isnt flowing yet


09-21-2012, 10:22 PM
WTF?!?! i cant say what i would do to that piece of shit.:pissed::angry:censor

09-22-2012, 12:17 AM
The worst part is he knows damn well that reciting biblical passages undermines every freaking decision he renders, yet his ego refuses to get out of the way. This is why it's encoded in law people, because assholes have shown not only an inability, but a complete unwillingness, to keep church and state separate.

09-22-2012, 03:50 AM
Ok - Ive had my coffee and all day to calmly meditate on this

The judge is an AssHat

09-22-2012, 03:53 AM
Don't forget, America. You can expect plenty more of this from the religious right and the Republican party in general. The judge is a bigot and a moron, but he is far from untypical.

09-22-2012, 05:04 AM
Don't forget, America. You can expect plenty more of this from the religious right and the Republican party in general. The judge is a bigot and a moron, but he is far from untypical.

I don't know what this judge is...........or isn't . Seemingly it's a confounding and disappointing ruling, but bad rulings happen all the time, ( I give you Casey Anthony , OJ and Abdelbaset al Megrahi) You might remember the latter. When that occurred, I don't recall anyone here questioning the religious or political motives of the Scottish justice, or lack thereof.
Fortunately the petitioner has recourse, and the decision will more than likely be reversed........unfortunately we have no recourse from know it alls like you across the pond who think they understand US culture, politics and religion, and can't resist the temptation to curry favor but ultimately display their utter ignorance, and nasty political bias on a regular basis. Act like an adult, and think before making a partisan fool of yourself.
Here's a quick civics lesson, so listen up. Justices at the State level here are elected, and therefore reflect the political ideology of the electorate. Oklahoma is a very conservative State...( they probably wouldn't like you there ! ) that's not to suggest political and or religious beliefs should transcend or influence the law, but you only have to look at the 9th circuit court based in San Francisco...a wildly liberal activist court that routinely gets it's hand slapped by a higher court for involving themselves in cases they have no business being involved in. Bad decisions are bad decisions and are not exclusive to one ideology. Got it? Now play that guitar and stop injecting your politics on the GD board..

09-22-2012, 11:08 AM
Abdelbaset al Megrahi) You might remember the latter. When that occurred, I don't recall anyone here questioning the religious or political motives of the Scottish justice, or lack thereof.

religious motive? nah did not read any British news paper questioning the religious motives because it was not about religion.

Now many British media did discuss the economical motives behind it, oil contracts...Etc

09-22-2012, 11:21 AM
I don't know what this judge is...........or isn't . Seemingly it's a confounding and disappointing ruling, but bad rulings happen all the time, ( I give you Casey Anthony , OJ and Abdelbaset al Megrahi) You might remember the latter. When that occurred, I don't recall anyone here questioning the religious or political motives of the Scottish justice, or lack thereof.
Fortunately the petitioner has recourse, and the decision will more than likely be reversed........unfortunately we have no recourse from know it alls like you across the pond who think they understand US culture, politics and religion, and can't resist the temptation to curry favor but ultimately display their utter ignorance, and nasty political bias on a regular basis. Act like an adult, and think before making a partisan fool of yourself.
Here's a quick civics lesson, so listen up. Justices at the State level here are elected, and therefore reflect the political ideology of the electorate. Oklahoma is a very conservative State...( they probably wouldn't like you there ! ) that's not to suggest political and or religious beliefs should transcend or influence the law, but you only have to look at the 9th circuit court based in San Francisco...a wildly liberal activist court that routinely gets it's hand slapped by a higher court for involving themselves in cases they have no business being involved in. Bad decisions are bad decisions and are not exclusive to one ideology. Got it? Now play that guitar and stop injecting your politics on the GD board..

What an asshole OMK is - wholly unable to make any posting here without exposing us to his suppurating hatred. Whatan arrogant person his little remarks about "listen up" and 'got it' Pompous pratt. He truly is the ignoramus - (pace his remark about the al Megrahi case) - bending reality anywhichway to suit his poisoned political position. I doubt if they'd like you much there either OMK - with your taste for transgendered girls.
If they got a whiff of your sexual proclivities the good old boys would sort you out. You are a hypocrite - a fine person to be bleating about "injecting your politics on the GD board." You do it all the time

09-22-2012, 07:53 PM
Re: onmyknee's rant --

Casey Anthony and OJ weren't rulings by judges, they were verdicts by juries.

Not all states have elected judges. And those that do, not all of the judges are elected. In Oklahoma the State Supreme Court and the Apellate Court judges are appointed by the Govenor. The asshat in question was, however, elected.

The 9th Circuit judges are appointed by the President of the United States, not elected by the citizens of San Francisco. They're merely headquartered in San Francisco. There are 29 judges on the 9th and they come from all over the nation, not just San Francisco. The culture of SF has very little to do with the court. The court has jurisdiction over Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Some of the judges come from some of those states, not just SF.

The fact that the Oklahoma judge quoted from the Bible, which has no statutory weight, is certainly evidence of right wing Christianity. His registration as a Republican voter is evidence of his being a Republican.

Your entire screed is evidence that you're a moron.

09-22-2012, 09:34 PM
LMAO...did it really matter what the reason was? The point was it was a boneheaded decision, and stating it was about money simply makes it even more egregious. Here's the point you missed and what RL with his one sided world view that seeks to blame everything that's wrong the world on people he dislikes politically missed. The ACLU like the case in Oklahoma was involved in this case as well.....

By NBC News staff
The school system in Cranston, R. I., announced it is banning traditional father-daughter and mother-son activities, saying they are a violation of the state's gender discrimination law, the Providence Journal reported (http://news.providencejournal.com/breaking-news/2012/09/cranston-bans-f.html) late Monday.

Superintendent Judith Lundsten told the newspaper the decision was in response to a complaint from the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a single mother who said her daughter was not able to attend a father-daughter dance.
“This is 2012 and they [public schools] should not be in the business of fostering blatant gender stereotypes,” Steven Brown of the Rhode Island ACLU told WPRO News (http://630wpro.com/Article.asp?id=2535273&spid=37719).
According to the Providence Journal, Lundsten said that while federal law banning gender discrimination gives an exemption for such gender-specific events, Rhode Island law does not.

In a letter sent out in August, Lundsten says, “I acknowledge that many of these events have long traditions and for many parents, these types of gender-based events are not an issue, however, this is a public school system and under no circumstances should we be isolating any student from full participation in school activities and events based on gender," according to WPRO.
According to The Associated Press, School Committee member Janice Ruggieri said the school system can begin hosting "family dances" to accommodate all kinds of parenting situations.

Now that's pretty fucking stupid....wouldn't you say? In another article, it explains that the parent who complained was an atheist. I don't blame her atheist beliefs on the fact she's ruined a generations long tradition...It was also reported that the school offered to help find an adult male or even a relative to take her daughter to the dance, but the mother declined preferring to go ahead with the complaint.
The point I was attempting to make is there's all kinds of bad judicial and administrate decisions made for all types of reasons. Funny thing about RL and most of you all ....he has a major hard for what you call "the religious right"....yet you're strangely silent on places in the world that being gay or transgendered would result in immediate beheading, but like the liberals you are, I'm sure you're able to reconcile that some how.

09-22-2012, 09:45 PM
this anti-tranny judge should not be allowed membership on hungangels

09-22-2012, 10:23 PM
Re: onmyknee's rant --

Casey Anthony and OJ weren't rulings by judges, they were verdicts by juries.

Not all states have elected judges. And those that do, not all of the judges are elected. In Oklahoma the State Supreme Court and the Apellate Court judges are appointed by the Govenor. The asshat in question was, however, elected.

The 9th Circuit judges are appointed by the President of the United States, not elected by the citizens of San Francisco. They're merely headquartered in San Francisco. There are 29 judges on the 9th and they come from all over the nation, not just San Francisco. The culture of SF has very little to do with the court. The court has jurisdiction over Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Some of the judges come from some of those states, not just SF.

The fact that the Oklahoma judge quoted from the Bible, which has no statutory weight, is certainly evidence of right wing Christianity. His registration as a Republican voter is evidence of his being a Republican.

Your entire screed is evidence that you're a moron.

You too missed the entire point.....but zealots like you often do. The point was about BAD DECESIONS...not weather a judge or a jury makes them, or for what their motives may be. And in the case of the Lockerbie Bomber, that was in fact made by a judge(s) and it was a bad decision not because the bible was quoted, but because of money.
What's the point of saying all states don't elect judges other than to fill up space? What relevance is that when we're specifically talking about Oklahoma, which does. Again...a missed point by you. Thanks for the history lesson on the 9th circuit, but you missed the point there as well, which once again was about bad decisions based on politics....which you and RL seem to be using for your outrage in this case.... They're overturned for bad decisions more than any other circuit court in the country. Another missed point. ...maybe I should write slower? But were getting off track and you'll get confused again so let me make it simple...It is no less offensive when the 9th circuit makes a decision based on political ideology or activism and not the law, then when this pinhead in Oklahoma does the same thing. Neither is good for our democracy. Is that clear enough?

But the even larger point ( and I'm hoping you can handle this) to this entire thing is not some Judge in Oklahoma and a bad ruling, it's the uncontrollable urge by some on here to constantly inject their politics on a porn forum where the majority of people either come to see naked chics, talk to naked chics or sell naked pictures of themselves... not get a never ending editorial in left wing ideology. Pukes like RL and Prospero seem unable to control themselves in that regard and it results in a cancerous dialogue every time they do it. Maybe they have no one that listens to them in real life, and I can certainly understand that, so they come here for an audience. I suppose I could or should let it go as they actually humor me as much as they annoy me...but why should I ? ...they're polluting the G.D. boards. It's not like the mods haven't given a place to air all this out...they have , but it ain't here. If you weren't comprehending my point on the first part, maybe you'll understand this part?....moron.

09-22-2012, 11:02 PM
I'm really getting tired of you. Even when you are so wrong you have to keep coming back with rants and jibes.
It was funny for a while but now ... just so tiring.

09-22-2012, 11:13 PM
But the even larger point ( and I'm hoping you can handle this) to this entire thing is not some Judge in Oklahoma and a bad ruling, it's the uncontrollable urge by some on here to constantly inject their politics on a porn forum where the majority of people either come to see naked chics, talk to naked chics or sell naked pictures of themselves... not get a never ending editorial in left wing ideology. Pukes like RL and Prospero seem unable to control themselves in that regard and it results in a cancerous dialogue every time they do it. Maybe they have no one that listens to them in real life, and I can certainly understand that, so they come here for an audience. I suppose I could or should let it go as they actually humor me as much as they annoy me...but why should I ? ...they're polluting the G.D. boards. It's not like the mods haven't given a place to air all this out...they have , but it ain't here. If you weren't comprehending my point on the first part, maybe you'll understand this part?....moron.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that a topic like this will likely break down into political debate. If you don't like the topic, read it and form that opinion, but keep it to yourself. I think you should leave the forum moderation up to the moderator. If Sean has an issue with the political posts littering General Discussion, I'm sure he'd move the topics and say something. Fact of the matter is whether this is a porn forum or not, posts like these are obviously generating some sort of traffic to the board. If you want to do something constructive that may sway Seanchai's opinion about the misplaced thread issue, report them to be moved. If enough people report the topic, it'd likely be moved sooner than if you complain in the post and neglect to report it. Rocket science? I think not.

09-23-2012, 12:09 AM
James Dean Ingram should petition to be transferred to a facility in Massachusetts where you can get your name changed, be prescribed hormones and get sexual reassignment surgery- all on the taxpayer dollar... I guess crime does pay!

09-23-2012, 04:31 AM
Just appeal this asshole ... with the first argument being 'he who is without sin..."

09-23-2012, 05:33 AM
You too missed the entire point.....but zealots like you often do. The point was about BAD DECESIONS...not weather a judge or a jury makes them, or for what their motives may be. And in the case of the Lockerbie Bomber, that was in fact made by a judge(s) and it was a bad decision not because the bible was quoted, but because of money.
What's the point of saying all states don't elect judges other than to fill up space? What relevance is that when we're specifically talking about Oklahoma, which does. Again...a missed point by you. Thanks for the history lesson on the 9th circuit, but you missed the point there as well, which once again was about bad decisions based on politics....which you and RL seem to be using for your outrage in this case.... They're overturned for bad decisions more than any other circuit court in the country. Another missed point. ...maybe I should write slower? But were getting off track and you'll get confused again so let me make it simple...It is no less offensive when the 9th circuit makes a decision based on political ideology or activism and not the law, then when this pinhead in Oklahoma does the same thing. Neither is good for our democracy. Is that clear enough?

But the even larger point ( and I'm hoping you can handle this) to this entire thing is not some Judge in Oklahoma and a bad ruling, it's the uncontrollable urge by some on here to constantly inject their politics on a porn forum where the majority of people either come to see naked chics, talk to naked chics or sell naked pictures of themselves... not get a never ending editorial in left wing ideology. Pukes like RL and Prospero seem unable to control themselves in that regard and it results in a cancerous dialogue every time they do it. Maybe they have no one that listens to them in real life, and I can certainly understand that, so they come here for an audience. I suppose I could or should let it go as they actually humor me as much as they annoy me...but why should I ? ...they're polluting the G.D. boards. It's not like the mods haven't given a place to air all this out...they have , but it ain't here. If you weren't comprehending my point on the first part, maybe you'll understand this part?....moron.

OK, I didn't quite understand all the nuances of the US legal system, but does that justify diving down my throat like you do every time someone puts forward a view that doesn't chime with yours? If you deal with people in the same way in real life you can't have many friends.

Why not try a simple, straight rebuttal just once instead of coming out like Judge Dredd in a flame war? One problem is that it makes all your posts read pretty much the same, to the extent that when you do have a justifiable point - it happens! - it gets lost in all the verbiage and bile.

It's genuinely tiresome. Nowadays I don't have the patience to construct detailed responses to your diatribes, because I, and I suspect many others feel just the same, know that I would just be wasting my time. You're that brick wall that it isn't worth banging your head against time and time again.

And if eventually all you generate by way of response to your posts in silence, don't for a moment consider it a victory. It just means we've all given up on you. Good luck - sincerely - with your life.

09-23-2012, 12:29 PM
And in the case of the Lockerbie Bomber, that was in fact made by a judge(s)

No. As a matter of fact the decision to release the Lockerbie bomber was NOT made by judges, but by Scotland's Justice Minister, Kenny Macaskill, an elected member of the Scottish Parliament, appointed to his role by the First Minister. Macaskill is a lawyer, but not a judge. In other words it was a PURELY political decision and not a judicial one. I can't see how it helps your case when you criticise someone else for lack of knowledge of your legal systems while you display such an obvious lack of knowledge of theirs.

FWIW I think the decision was wrong and al Megrahi should have been given terminal care in a prison hospital facility in Scotland; however the practice throughout the UK has long been to release terminally ill prisoners close to their predicted deaths and on advice by medical experts, and Macaskill was simply trying to be consistent. Your assertion that it was done for financial reasons is completely without foundation, and I would really like to see you try to prove that smear; however you might want to do a bit more research first.

BTW al-Megrahi did in fact die of cancer as predicted, earlier this year.

09-23-2012, 12:33 PM
I'm really getting tired of you. Even when you are so wrong you have to keep coming back with rants and jibes.
It was funny for a while but now ... just so tiring.:iagree::iagree::iagree:

Give him the boot Seanchai... you know it makes sense.
Hungangels would be a saner place without the daily postings from tea party central.

Jamie French
09-23-2012, 02:08 PM
She should just drive a few miles south and get her name changed in Texas where I live. Couldn't have been easier... judge looked at me, asked if I was James's representative, I said I was James... so she smiled, stamped my paper and said, "Have a good day Jamie." We just got my girlfriends done a few days ago...

09-23-2012, 02:17 PM
That is terrific Jamie...

09-23-2012, 03:40 PM
That's the way it should be done.

09-24-2012, 02:53 AM
you are SOooooooooo FUNNY

LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol

this anti-tranny judge should not be allowed membership on hungangels