View Full Version : Allanah's Cum Shot

02-17-2004, 02:50 AM
Just thought I would share my new hair color with all of u....

02-17-2004, 02:52 AM
Just thought I would share my new hair color with all of u....

02-17-2004, 03:31 AM
You look more beautiful than ever and we all worship you. But look at Lobo's topic and explain to me why girls want SRS. I realize tgirls aren't objects of our fantasies (I've gotten that lecture), but why can't you be happy staying transexual? When a girl becomes post-op, why would I still be interested in her? Trannychasers are into girls with dicks: when they have it chopped, they're not shegirls any more. And they're not gg's. I can get plenty of pussy. They become just aveage looking girls in a big city with no way to make a living. Allanah, you have a lot of influence in the TS world. Please tell all the young latino transexuals in NYC what a mistake SRS is.

02-17-2004, 05:08 AM
First of all, thank you so much for the compliment!

My goal is to look better and better as the years go by.

In response to your request, I am afraid I really can not give advice to anyone about refraining from SRS because first of all, I have not had SRS and secondly, I believe that is a highly personal decision.

I don't think sweetie that the reason a girl has a sex change is to get men or not get men. I don't think that should be an issue or is an issue. Speaking to friends who have had the surgery, they had it because it made them happier and feel complete. I respect everyones decisions and I know sex changes who are very happy and content.

And you are right, having SRS does not make anyone a genetic woman. It makes them a post op transsexual woman. I think it is a little selfish
to condemn anyone for having SRS. While many girls might be the object of sexual fantasies for guys, we are are not objects and have to live with ourselves everyday. While a guy might see a girl for an hour or see a picture or masturbate to her image, he doesn't have to deal with her life day to day. Some people are extremely unhappy with their genitals and who is to say that correcting that problem is bad?

I get very angry when people bash girls who have SRS or when they do not. Alot of ts are also guilty of this bashing. If it is not your thing then that is fine. You dont' have to sleep with the person. (By saying "YOU" I am speaking in plural terms). I am sure some people are disgusted by transsexuals who have a penis . So my motto is, live and let live.

I have a very close friend who I have known for many years and she just had her SRS in Canada. I am very happy for her because that is what she has always wanted and she accomplished her goal. It is a very difficult surgery to have and get through. It is not going to make her life easier, but it is going to make her feel better about herself.

Kisses Flabby and all!

02-17-2004, 02:53 PM
Allanah, I think you are cool as you are hot, which is very.

02-18-2004, 04:32 PM

Great hair cut n colour... what about some more pics for my wallet



02-28-2004, 08:05 AM
Sorry I didn't see this earlier...but sssssmokin! 8)

On the SRS thing...I know it's a lot different from the POV of someone whose information comes from an intro gender course than the girls themselves, but from what I've read, girls who get SRS do because they actually are disgusted with their male genitalia and are not capable of living any semblance of a normal life without the procedure.

The book we read on transgenderism is called "S/He" I think...I can't remember who it's written by.

02-29-2004, 06:11 AM
Allanah You are the most prettiest Girl in New York. Guys she is the Real Deal. I would love for Allanah To be My Girlfriend, I would Wine and Dine Her every night of the week. Keep it up. If you like that oic Gentlemen then u should joing Shemaleexotica she is defintely smokin in all of her photoshoots

02-29-2004, 07:27 AM
Yes she does look Good :D

02-29-2004, 10:13 AM
Thanks Guys!

03-01-2004, 07:58 AM
Pussycat dolls anyone? :D

05-31-2005, 08:34 PM
Allanah, you are simply outstanding! Very, Very Beautiful.

Greg (aka Tiny)

05-31-2005, 08:45 PM
Just thought I would share my new hair color with all of u....
I have to be honest. It is hard to focus on your hair color with your beautiful naked body and cum on your stomach. :lol:

You look spectacular as always.

05-31-2005, 08:54 PM
What color was it before?
LOL, just kidding

Vicki Richter
05-31-2005, 11:06 PM
Yes she looks great and the b*tch seems to improve with age. Is it just me or does Allanah looks 100 times better with present sized boobs than the triple G basketballs she had going on for awhile. I don't even say that cattily. I mean that. My next comment is a little catty, but it's all in fun.

Allanah, is that egg white mixed with conditioner on your tummy? 8)

06-01-2005, 12:26 AM
Vicki, Allanah is just awesome, my fav girl on the site, you my dear are a close second! Your pics are very hot!

Greg (aka Tiny)

el hermano
06-01-2005, 12:59 AM
lookin good, allanah

06-01-2005, 01:41 AM
Yes she looks great and the b*tch seems to improve with age. Is it just me or does Allanah looks 100 times better with present sized boobs than the triple G basketballs she had going on for awhile. I don't even say that cattily. I mean that. My next comment is a little catty, but it's all in fun.

Allanah, is that egg white mixed with conditioner on your tummy? 8)
Is that the formula they use in the movies? I've often wondered, at times when it clearly isn't what it's supposed to be.

I agree with you, btw. I think Allanah is one of those rare girls who really looks fabulous with melon boobs--especially since their shape and heft seem so realistic--but I also think that even for her lucious and voluptuous Latina body her boobs look better now than the 3G "basketballs" did. Nobody looks good with boobs that big, imho.

I saw your girl Danielle at the party very briefly...didn't even get a pic of her, though I did manage a brief hello. I had hoped for a little more contact, but it wasn't to be.

06-02-2005, 01:28 AM
so gidget seems ready for summer

be it coney island, the hamptons
or a secluded empty sandy stretch on molokai

highlights to complement a golden tan
and oh that dee likety licious body
but what a fabulous smile

allanah darling how marvelous you always look


06-02-2005, 02:49 AM

That pic and this post are almost a year old-


Oddly, its kinda the same color now though-
Hunny I change my haircolor like I change my implants.

Brunette one day- Blond the next.

BTW I miss those basket balls and regret taking them out.
I should have kept one so I could have bronzed it and send it to you Vicki-
like they do with those baby shoes.

But thanks, I think I have improved with time-
THANKS TO ALL THE FUKCING SURGERY I HAVE HAD, so I guess time had nothing to do with it. Just thousands of $ and hundrerds of cuts.

Hey I just realized I have been cut literally from ear to ear if you count all directly acrross if you count the face lift & neck lift, cheek and temp lift, and hairline.

I hope one day it does'nt flop back like a window shade!


06-02-2005, 02:52 AM
Summer plans?

Hmm workinf of course-

Party in London July 9
then I guess home

August is miserable in NYC BUT
got lots to do!

06-02-2005, 03:08 AM
Summer plans?

Hmm workinf of course-

Party in London July 9
then I guess home

August is miserable in NYC BUT
got lots to do!

Are you done being in movies? I would love a movie like "Girls Gone Wild" of just footage from your party for us guys that can't make it to NYC. I know it would be hard cuz most of the guys faces couldn't be seen.

06-02-2005, 03:41 AM
Hey Babe

No, I am not done with movies-
actually most of the sex scenes I have been filming have been exclusively for my website.

ShemaleStrokers 12 was just recently released and I have a scene in that.

The main reason I do not do more movies is because I get out to LA very infrequently.

Plans to shoot for Joanna and Gia have this year had gone bust because of scheduleing conflicts, so I hope to at least do a scene for Gia this year and another for Joanna- which are really the only 2 producers/directors I will work for, except ShemaleYum and ShemaleStrokers.

As far as the the type of tape u are talking about well that has had many lives. Unfortunately the person I was working on the initial project with, it just didnt work out so now I am talking to other investors.

It is is something I am really not interested in funding myself. I would rather be paid a fee and have royalties then have to be in charge of everything else, because so much is going on already.

SO we shall see!!!!

06-02-2005, 03:45 AM
That's cool. It would be a good movie or footage, like you said if someone put the money up. The regular porn thing gets kinda old. Thanks for responding though and for the heads up on what's going on. Keep doing your thing.

06-02-2005, 06:44 AM
Allanah Starr the reality show!?!
Just a thought you sexy thang you.....

06-02-2005, 10:16 PM
Allanah you look GREAT as always..hair, eyes, ass...etc
lookin at you im havin a hard time typin ..

06-07-2005, 04:56 PM
Allanah, yeah, you're gorgeous, sure....

but a lot of women on this board and in the industry are stunning.

What really excites me about you is your intelligence. The way you responded to the above post about post-ops tells me that you are very smart, sane and full of heart. I know that living as a transsexual in this messed up society can harden people (no pun intended) and even make them a little crazy. That's what once stopped me, as a straight man, from "getting serious" with a transsexual woman. I'm not here to be somebody's therapist. Had enough crazy GG's for a lifetime.

But when I hear women like you who know who they are and are cool enough to keep things in perspective, I realize I could get very serious with a woman who happened to be born a man. There is nothing sexier than a woman who is not blind to the world or herself but is not bitter or cynical either.