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View Full Version : Windows 8 Survival Guide

09-16-2012, 10:12 PM
Whether we like it or not, Windows 8 is here to stay. Soon after October 26h, 2012, computers will start shipping with the new Operating System. Soon thereafter, Windows 7 will become an endangered species. While normally we might herald the coming of a new OS, Windows 8 defies the traditional logic and paradigms of ANY previous version of Windows. Microsoft has attempted to combine tablet, Smartphone, and computer Operating Systems into a single interface. While the idea is to keep familiarity amongst different Microsoft Operating Systems, it becomes a jumble of, “What the hell were they thinking” interfaces. That is right, I said interfaces. No longer is the traditional desktop the only interface you will be greeted with with. When you first start your computer, you will be greeted with a Start ‘Panel’. This panel consists of Live Tiles; basic applets or mini-apps. Desktop is one of these Live Tiles. Of course, clicking on the desktop tile leaves you with a desktop that has NO START MENU!
Welcome to my guide. As you can see, there is a need for someone to sit down and explain this new Operating System thoroughly. Through the course of this discussion, I will discuss tricks and tips that have helped me survive this OS. This is not a guide about the merits of Windows 8 or whether I dislike it. It is a guide to help you through it, if you end up having to use it.




09-16-2012, 11:17 PM
If they really believe Windows 7 is gonna go bye bye, they are outta there fuckin mind, hell XP is still hanging around for a reason!!!

09-17-2012, 12:43 AM
If they really believe Windows 7 is gonna go bye bye, they are outta there fuckin mind, hell XP is still hanging around for a reason!!!

It's NOT SMART to run an operating system that's no longer updated or patched. People who run XP simply shouldn't be. I'll agree that many people will hold out and continue using Windows 7 until support through Windows Update is cut-off or skip Windows 8 and update to the next OS release coming down the pipeline in seven years, but running Windows Vista is preferable to running XP these days if only for the security concern.

I'm just sick and tired of Microsoft introducing features into Windows that allow the computer illiterate to continue using PCs without learning how to use PCs. That's what OSX is for, damn it. If they want to remain naive and ignorant, they should be forced to pay a premium to do so. That's the same platform Apple has been running on for years.

The release of Windows 8 leaves the technically inclined among us very few options. Either switch to an operating system like Linux which allows customization over resource usage, or back-step to Windows 7 and stay stuck behind the times. Thanks, Microsoft; you fuckin' douchebags.

09-17-2012, 03:59 AM
It's NOT SMART to run an operating system that's no longer updated or patched. People who run XP simply shouldn't be.

Windows XP is still on extended support and is still getting security updates and hotfixes until April 2014.

09-17-2012, 05:14 AM
Windows XP is still on extended support and is still getting security updates and hotfixes until April 2014.

Windows XP is on extended support, but only to businesses who purchased commercial licences. Retail copies, OEM, and product upgrade versions don't apply. As far as common XP home and pro users are concerned, support ended April 14, 2009. Besides, the few security updates that Microsoft has released since SP3 have been dwindling since April 2011. It's odd to see more than two non-critical fixes released in a single month since then.

09-17-2012, 06:46 AM
Oh I'm so excited. Microsoft is coming out with a new OS. Will this make me a happier person or just frustrate me and make me hate my pc tasks even more than I do now? There's a reason why Apple has taken over the world and Mr Softie will some day become a very irrelevant platform in public libraries and old folks homes.
They didn't get the internet, they didn't get search, they didn't get cloud, they didn't get mobile. Every new trend in computing and social networking eludes them. I don't want to learn windows 8 or bing, or any other ratty crap they think of. I'll use my XP desktop till the plastic case begins to disintergrate. Then I'll start a new life with an ipad and my pc days will be over forever.

09-17-2012, 09:50 AM
Oh I'm so excited. Microsoft is coming out with a new OS. Will this make me a happier person or just frustrate me and make me hate my pc tasks even more than I do now? There's a reason why Apple has taken over the world and Mr Softie will some day become a very irrelevant platform in public libraries and old folks homes.
They didn't get the internet, they didn't get search, they didn't get cloud, they didn't get mobile. Every new trend in computing and social networking eludes them. I don't want to learn windows 8 or bing, or any other ratty crap they think of. I'll use my XP desktop till the plastic case begins to disintergrate. Then I'll start a new life with an ipad and my pc days will be over forever.

Apple certainly hasn't taken over the home computer market. I'm sure there are lots of people who won't mind Windows 8 a bit. It's awesome if you like the thought of booting up your PC, logging in, and seeing right away how many facebook messages you have, how many new emails, the day's weather forecast, and any RSS feeds you might subscribe to among a myriad of other things.

I'm just the type of person who would rather load an email client to read my email. If I want to check the rest of that junk, I load a browser and manually navigate to whatever page I want. I'm not paranoid about anything, I just don't want my computer doing things I haven't specifically asked it to; especially not while I'm in the middle of working in photoshop, programming, or rendering video. I need my resources, mang.

MSN was established as a search engine two years before Google. Apple wasn't the first to create cloud networking (but neither was Microsoft). Microsoft was producing operating systems for PDAs and smart phones long before Apple introduced the iPhone. Lastly, while Apple released the iPod first, it didn't have such a choke-hold on the market when Microsoft released the Zune. It sounds like I'm being a Microsoft fan boy, but what I'm actually trying to say is that Microsoft pretty much fails at everything except selling operating systems. I'm sure that's not really true, but their consumer device division blows goats for quarters. That's for damn sure.

The old PC versus Mac debate is over now that they both run the same hardware. The only thing left to debate about is Windows versus MacOS. Windows is RAM heavy and OSX isn't, but Macs are stupid-expensive and for the price, they just don't boast powerful hardware specs. The old security debate is about moot, too. The more people who buy Macs, the more malware will be produced to specifically target them. Recent studies show that OSX is just as or more exploitable than Windows 7.

So, which operating system do you *LIKE* more? lol.

09-17-2012, 10:52 AM
Windows 8 is fine. The other enhancements over the start screen make it more than worthwhile. Even the start screen is fine, I mean who on previous versions sits and looks at their start menu all day. Another overblown pointless complaint just because it's Microsoft. Windows will be around a very long time, and Windows Phone could surprise some people when WP8 hits

09-17-2012, 12:19 PM
Regardless of what is said, I will stick to windows 7 for a couple years at the very least, supported or not, I know how to protect myself, know the risks involved and know that I will not really enjoy windows 8 enough to pay to upgrade to it.

09-17-2012, 12:36 PM
Mac users read this with fascination - and a degree (sorry) of smugness. Mac runs a far better OS IMHO

09-17-2012, 01:08 PM
I'm still using XP, I'm happy with it, know how to protect it, and I'm not switching till I'm absolutely forced to.

And for the aPple pOlishers, how's that new dock you had to buy for the five werking out? :tongue:

09-17-2012, 01:11 PM
Not buying 5 for a loooong time