View Full Version : Mixing Religion and Porn

09-13-2012, 12:14 AM
What do you guys think about mixing religion and porn? I thought about this today because TS Seduction released a scene featuring a Mormon being seduced into Tranny sex while trying to spread the word.

Personally I think it is a very bad idea because it can be controversial. I'm not Mormon. I would understand if one was offended.

09-13-2012, 12:25 AM
I'm offended by Mormons amongst others.

09-13-2012, 12:28 AM
I’m agnostic, from a catholic background abandoned at late teenage. I’m not easily shocked morally; I’m very open minded. There was a lot of bs revealed in late years about catholic institutions and pedophilia. That was terrible to hear. Yet, I am a little bit shocked when I see the characterisation of a nun in a sex scene. I respect the dedication of these women and I don’t find their personification funny in porn, not that I’m outraged either by it, on the other hand. But it does show some bad taste, in my opinion.
Therefore, I would say that as a general statement, I tend to agree with you, Franklin.
This being said, we do live in secularized societies. Our social and political regime has to separate State from Church in an unquestionable manner to function properly. We can be morally shocked, but we shouldn’t censor.

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 12:29 AM
Here's your new stud for the Mormon porno.


09-13-2012, 12:41 AM
Here's your new stud for the Mormon porno.


lol. Awesome new avatar Dino! I'm a Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson, fan from way back, and I think it's really cool how over he is now, particularly since many people thought he didn't have any charisma. As for the religion angle, I think it can work if done right. I watched a scene a while back with a Brazilian t-girl who was dressed as a nun getting fucked, and it was a huge turn on, so I think it is an area that is rich for future porn ideas.

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 12:52 AM
lol. Awesome new avatar Dino! I'm a Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson, fan from way back, and I think it's really cool how over he is now, particularly since many people thought he didn't have any charisma. As for the religion angle, I think it can work if done right. I watched a scene a while back with a Brazilian t-girl who was dressed as a nun getting fucked, and it was a huge turn on, so I think it is an area that is rich for future porn ideas.

I used to watch Dragon do comedy matches with Japanese Puro guys in Hollywood for PWG. He'd stretch the Hell out of people sometimes forcing them to kiss their own ass while bending them the wrong way. Fun times.

09-13-2012, 12:53 AM
I think I know the scene you’re thinking about, Theone. I was just thinking about it. It was in one of the "Secrets of Sao Paulo" series, with Paulo Mack and Carol Mancini in a little outdoor chapel. HOT! Yet, I still think it was bad taste. But that’s just me.

09-13-2012, 12:55 AM
I used to watch Dragon do comedy matches with Japanese Puro guys in Hollywood for PWG. He'd stretch the Hell out of people sometimes forcing them to kiss their own ass while bending them the wrong way. Fun times.
He almost gave a new meaning to the expression “get your head out of your ass!”, if I follow you, Dino. ;)

09-13-2012, 12:56 AM
The Mormon angle is a funny one to shoot. Never thought of that. But, definitely timely. : )

Anyone know if scientology has been done yet? :D

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 12:57 AM
He almost gave a new meaning to the expression “get you head out of your ass”, if I follow you, Dino. ;)

He sticks the top of a jobber's head in there like he's chalking up a pool cue. That fucker might not be big but he's a shooter.

It's Always Sunny in PWG - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hkPVf5DRd0)

09-13-2012, 12:58 AM
Anyone know if scientology has been done yet? :D
Would they make people reach levels? I’d go to some heights with you, Aly… ;)

09-13-2012, 01:04 AM
Levels yes! What is it Gozer or Zuul or something who runs the world. Gosh I forget. ;)

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 01:05 AM
Anyone know if scientology has been done yet? :D

You'll have to wait until a plausible storyline is created. Just too far fetched.


09-13-2012, 01:06 AM
There is the new Phillip Seymore Hoffman film "The Master" that is absolutely most definitely not about Scientology at all.
The Master - Official Trailer (2012) [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ1O1vb9AUU)

09-13-2012, 01:27 AM
[QUOTE=FRANKLIN;1197785]What do you guys think about mixing religion and porn? I thought about this today because TS Seduction released a scene featuring a Mormon being seduced into Tranny sex while trying to spread the word.

Personally I think it is a very bad idea because it can be controversial. I'm not Mormon. I would understand if one was offended.[/QUOTE

I have a lady friend from Vegas that did a nasty nun scene for her site. Since I know her, and her intent... it was clear to me that she was not making some sort of religious statement, after all.....no nuns I have seen wear black latex and 6" pumps.
It was provocative, but sexy and I wasn't offended and didn't relate it to Mother Theresa somehow. lol I suppose I'd have to see this seduction scene to judge. If it was done with a specific intent to mock an individual or religion, I'd probably avoid it. And if it was done to mock one religion in particular, I'd suggest anyone involved go into hiding. Ask the Belgian cartoonist. Oh sorry...he's dead. Seduction is usually provocative, but not offensive like say Lucky Larry Flint. On whole I agree it can be conrtroversial. I don't watch nor enjoy porn because it's making a political statement....which is probably why HA attempts to segregate those issues.

Willie Escalade
09-13-2012, 01:42 AM
You'll have to wait until a plausible storyline is created. Just too far fetched.

THAT religious scene will be shot by Falcon Studios.

Seriously, it has no effect on me, and I was raised catholic. I remember Wicked Pictures had a movie called Falling From Grace (Google it); some pretty hot scenes in it.

09-13-2012, 01:55 AM
I think I know the scene you’re thinking about, Theone. I was just thinking about it. It was in one of the "Secrets of Sao Paulo" series, with Paulo Mack and Carol Mancini in a little outdoor chapel. HOT! Yet, I still think it was bad taste. But that’s just me.

Yep, that's the one. Definitely hot.

09-13-2012, 01:56 AM
I used to watch Dragon do comedy matches with Japanese Puro guys in Hollywood for PWG. He'd stretch the Hell out of people sometimes forcing them to kiss their own ass while bending them the wrong way. Fun times.

lol. Yes! Yes! Yes!

09-13-2012, 02:04 AM
I actually like a bit of a story-line in porn but a religious-based plot is a bit too much.

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 04:04 AM
I was raised catholic.

Me too. Hey brother.:cheers:

09-13-2012, 04:08 AM
Levels yes! What is it Gozer or Zuul or something who runs the world. Gosh I forget. ;)

If you wish to be the Gatekeeper, I will gladly be the Keymaster. Hail Zuul, baby!

09-13-2012, 04:09 AM
Levels yes! What is it Gozer or Zuul or something who runs the world. Gosh I forget. ;)

Nope, Zuul is the gatekeeper of gozer the gozarian. Also known as the stay puft marshmallow man.

Scientologists go on about 'galactic emperor xenu' which....to be honest, the first time I heard it, I thought they had a personal water craft (seadoo) for their deity type figure.

...Now, as to anything involving mormons and sex: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

As someone who was forced into that religion, I'd like to say that my turnoffs include magic underwear, old men, suits being worn by old men, and missionaries.

On the other hand, orgasmo was hilarious from what I remember of it. ^_^ And I've been known to sometimes dress like a nun. >.>

09-13-2012, 04:13 AM
Nope, Zuul is the gatekeeper of gozer the gozarian. Also known as the stay puft marshmallow man.

Scientologists go on about 'galactic emperor xenu' which....to be honest, the first time I heard it, I thought they had a personal water craft (seadoo) for their deity type figure.

Oh, it's much stranger than that. They used to come door to door at my apartment in LA and try to convert people. Forget Seadoo's, Zenu acutally used intergalactic 747's. Not spaceships that look like 747's, but actual Boeing 747's. It's a strange religion that is fabulously entertaining to hear about when sober and skeptical. I imagine it's even funnier when you're high.

09-13-2012, 04:38 AM
*random look up to refresh memory*
Oh, dc-8 actually. Why you'd have a turbofan looking thing in space, who knows.

As to the rest of their beliefs, well. *shrug* researched it at one point. It's nothing all that special, just weird. You can probably build better biofeedback gear yourself for less than one session with their auditing people, if you're into that. ^_^

I'm buddhist, but that's more a philosophy than a religion to me. ^.^

Also, for the record, I was a mormon missionary. *makes a YUCK face* And that basically turned me off rooming with boys FOREVER. And being as I didn't believe any of what they did, I was kind of really bad at it. You can only push someone so far with the threat of disowning, and that time pushed me wayyyy past that. Got back, transitioned, and have been living happily as a girl for a long while now. ^.^ No more magic underwear, no more loud noxious music and horrible singing, no more crazycult, and no more crazycultist 'family' to deal with. And no more fanfiction bible!

09-13-2012, 06:57 AM
I was raised catholic.

09-13-2012, 07:10 AM
It's a strange religion that is fabulously entertaining to hear about when sober and skeptical. I imagine it's even funnier when you're high.
I remember once inviting Jehovah’s witnesses in when my girlfriend and I were high. You should have seen her face when they came in and sat with us! I really thought it would be fun, but in the end it wasn’t, and they left quite mad; I don’t know exactly what I said, but one of then called me the devil, they got up, and slammed the door behind themselves…

09-13-2012, 07:53 AM
I just played a mormon where Vanity fucked me and then I fucked her for American Tranny #3 or #4

here is a pic from it...lol


09-13-2012, 09:02 AM
I just played a mormon where Vanity fucked me and then I fucked her for American Tranny #3 or #4

here is a pic from it...lol

Vanity...right. No one likes a show-off Christian! lol

09-13-2012, 09:51 AM
Oh GOD! That's a holy hole!

09-13-2012, 10:24 AM
I'd say that if the intent is to offend followers of any religious group - Christinaity, Hinduism, islam, Mormonism etc etc then it is wrong. You can argue with the tenets of a faith and the behaviour of its extreme elements - fundamentalist Muslims and Christians for instance - but I think the genuine feelings and beliefs of people, even if YOu think they're daft, should not be simply mocked - but engaged with.

So a TS dressed as a vinyl clad nun is fine if its aim is simply to have fun. But if the intent (usually pretty obvious) is to insult catholics then it should be avoided.

Insulting hypocrites and monsters is different. Pastor Jones, Ayatollah Khomeini for instance or the present pope. IMHO all fair game

09-13-2012, 10:25 AM
I remember once inviting Jehovah’s witnesses in when my girlfriend and I were high. You should have seen her face when they came in and sat with us! I really thought it would be fun, but in the end it wasn’t, and they left quite mad; I don’t know exactly what I said, but one of then called me the devil, they got up, and slammed the door behind themselves…


Whenever the Jehovah's call I tell them - variously - that we are born again or Satanists or Hindus or some such. They usually leave somewhat nonplussed..

09-13-2012, 10:30 AM
what do you mean i cant insult catholics for fun, gutted :(

09-13-2012, 10:34 AM
Well of course you can Liberty... I'm simply expressing an opinion. And I'd love you to dress as a nun the next time we meet.

09-13-2012, 10:37 AM
i have dressed as nuns before sp sure if you want me as a nun with a gun

I did a picture of me as a nun with an m4 assualt rifle and petrol bomb with the message " God Has Mercy , I dont " went down a storm and i managed to offend a vast amount of foolish religious nutters ... it was glorious haha

09-13-2012, 11:37 AM
I just played a mormon

... are you sure the spelling is correct? :dancing:

Willie Escalade
09-13-2012, 12:28 PM
i have dressed as nuns before sp sure if you want me as a nun with a gun

I did a picture of me as a nun with an m4 assualt rifle and petrol bomb with the message " God Has Mercy , I dont " went down a storm and i managed to offend a vast amount of foolish religious nutters ... it was glorious haha
Please repost that! I'd do it myself, but I'm on my iPad...

09-13-2012, 01:26 PM
I second that!

09-13-2012, 04:07 PM
here you go

Willie Escalade
09-13-2012, 04:49 PM
Bless me father, for I have sinned... :jerkoff

09-13-2012, 04:59 PM
see this is the shit i am talking about :)

I am thinking of mixing my God Empress duties into porn soon :) see when i am not fucking on cam , i am out there exterminating xenos and uniting humanity under my banner :) this is me on a typical working day when i am purging religion mwuahahaha

09-13-2012, 05:58 PM
I can see why I didn't connect that to religion Liberty. Great picture.
What's a xeno?

09-13-2012, 06:12 PM
What's wrong with insulting a bronze-age, middle-eastern, genocidal deity named Yahweh or his son Jesus (who was also Yahweh)?

Its like insulting leprechauns or unicorns.

09-13-2012, 06:43 PM
hmm .... why not try to make fun of the Muslims and Muhammad.....:geek:

Fucking pigs!!!!!!

09-13-2012, 06:45 PM
Irvin - calling Muslims "fucking pigs" helps no one. Most - yes most - Muslims are ordinary people.. men, women and children just getting on with their lives. The insane extremists who killed the US ambassador in Libya are part of a tiny (albeit vile) minority.

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 06:49 PM
Irvin - calling Muslims "fucking pigs" helps no one. Most - yes most - Muslims are ordinary people.. men, women and children just getting on with their lives. The insane extremists who killed the US ambassador in Libya are part of a tiny (albeit vile) minority.

Prospero just had his John McCain moment here.

McCain Supporter: "Obama is an Arab" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YIq5Q15L1o)

09-13-2012, 06:56 PM
Thanks Dino

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 07:13 PM
Thanks Dino

That lady still stickin' by her guns. Geesh!!! Doesn't even know she's talking to NBC either.

McCain Volunteer Sends Out "Obama is an Arab" letters - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOU9xZ4zcss&feature=relmfu)

09-13-2012, 07:19 PM
Clearly she has been reading the sort of stuff some of the more animated GOP supporters on this forum post.

Should totally stupid people have the vote?

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 07:35 PM
Clearly she has been reading the sort of stuff some of the more animated GOP supporters on this forum post.

Should totally stupid people have the vote?

Who's to determine the stupid? You could color a whole neighborhood with that brush.

09-13-2012, 07:59 PM
I wasn't seriously that stupid people shouldn't get to vote. They get the President they deserve. Sometimes even a President who at their level.

Dino Velvet
09-13-2012, 08:06 PM
I wasn't seriously that stupid people shouldn't get to vote. They get the President they deserve. Sometimes even a President who at their level.

I know. I guess we get the President we deserve but if the vote is 51/49 do the 49 deserve it too?

09-14-2012, 11:42 AM
Irvin - calling Muslims "fucking pigs" helps no one. Most - yes most - Muslims are ordinary people.. men, women and children just getting on with their lives. The insane extremists who killed the US ambassador in Libya are part of a tiny (albeit vile) minority.

Unfortunately, you are wrong there. Most muslims are extremists even if they say otherwise. If given the chance, they would cut your throat while you slept! The only option we have is to wipe them all out, so we can have a muslim-free world....

09-14-2012, 12:12 PM
The religion is based on violence, the world will turn into a Muslim part it says in the Koran. It is every Muslim's duty to fight any non-Muslim who refuses to submit to Islam. In Pakistan, as everywhere else in the Islamic states, the death penalty to be blasphemous utterances.
Islamic Supreme Court will almost never be free to find a Christian convicted of blasphemy.
A judge who makes it are usually killed.
If you read the Koran it says, among other things: in surah (verse) 47:4 "When you encounter the infidels in battle, strike off their heads - until you have defeated them all"...... :geek:

09-14-2012, 12:29 PM
Irvin... are you sure your real name is not Breivik? How much time have you spent in the Muslim world? Have you met ordinary Muslim men and women. What profound ignorance you display.

And as for selective quoting from the Qur'an.. one can do exactly the same thing with the Bible - which doesn't make every Christian a secret murderer.

09-14-2012, 05:06 PM
Irvin... are you sure your real name is not Breivik? How much time have you spent in the Muslim world? Have you met ordinary Muslim men and women. What profound ignorance you display.

And as for selective quoting from the Qur'an.. one can do exactly the same thing with the Bible - which doesn't make every Christian a secret murderer.

Well, You and I do not agree, but we can still be friends. No my name is not Breivik. I still believe that religion is dangerous when one takes the holy book literally, and do not think for himself but just follow the religious leaders blindly. :geek:

09-14-2012, 05:39 PM
Irvin. Now that is an altogether more reasoned position and one I agree with. Yes blind adherence to any faith - religious or otherwise - can be dangerous. Consier the millions who died because of Russian Communism, Maoism and Nazism. Consider the millions killed during the various Christian inquisitions. The countless innocent women killed as witches. And yes there are plenty of very stupid and blindly idiotic Muslims. But my point is that there are millions who are not. Millions who are nice ordinary people. I have spent many years working in the Middle east, one and off, and believe me... I met many many ordinary Arab Muslims and most are just like you or me.. or millions of Christians or Jews. Except they go to a Mosque instead of a church or a synagogue. Same God. Different name.

09-14-2012, 05:43 PM
Well, You and I do not agree, but we can still be friends. No my name is not Breivik. I still believe that religion is dangerous when one takes the holy book literally, and do not think for himself but just follow the religious leaders blindly. :geek:

No we can't be friends. I don't agree with you, I think you're racist idiot.
I'm no fan of Islam or any other religion but stating;
"Most muslims are extremists even if they say otherwise. If given the chance, they would cut your throat while you slept! The only option we have is to wipe them all out, so we can have a muslim-free world.... "

Shows your ignorance and is not welcome on this board.

09-14-2012, 05:49 PM
Wipe them out... all of them!

09-14-2012, 07:30 PM
i advise entire exterminatus of Earth .. just to be sure :) stay frosty all :)

Warhammer 40,000 Exterminatus Order - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgwLb9ZMraY)

this is our future as a species anyway :) we are doomed :)

Dino Velvet
09-14-2012, 07:41 PM
Somebody make a more extreme version of this. More Black Mass/Human Sacrifice Skin Flicks please.


09-14-2012, 10:23 PM
Unfortunately, you are wrong there. Most muslims are extremists even if they say otherwise. If given the chance, they would cut your throat while you slept! The only option we have is to wipe them all out, so we can have a muslim-free world....
Irvin, you’re a nice, fun guy and I personally appreciate your participation to this site. You’re right, many parts of the Koran call for violence and there is an idea of conquest defended in it. But you have to remember how violent the Judaeo-Christian texts are. The Bible is the most violent book I’ve ever read. And there was also an ideology of conquest at some point in Christianity.
I personally have several Muslim friends. My experience totally concurs with that of Prospero: they are very ordinary, hard working, normal, decent people. My daughter’s best friend is a Muslim; she’s the sweetest young woman you’ll ever meet.
You have to be careful not to confuse, in my opinion, social and political situations which involve or use religion as ideological base with what people are about in themselves, as human beings. As a matter of fact, such generalizations are in usual potentially more harmful than religion in itself, which is in most cases, an intimate refuge for the individual in his intimacy.

09-15-2012, 02:23 AM
Irvin, you’re a nice, fun guy and I personally appreciate your participation to this site. You’re right, many parts of the Koran call for violence and there is an idea of conquest defended in it. But you have to remember how violent the Judaeo-Christian texts are. The Bible is the most violent book I’ve ever read. And there was also an ideology of conquest at some point in Christianity.
I personally have several Muslim friends. My experience totally concurs with that of Prospero: they are very ordinary, hard working, normal, decent people. My daughter’s best friend is a Muslim; she’s the sweetest young woman you’ll ever meet.
You have to be careful not to confuse, in my opinion, social and political situations which involve or use religion as ideological base with what people are about in themselves, as human beings. As a matter of fact, such generalizations are in usual potentially more harmful than religion in itself, which is in most cases, an intimate refuge for the individual in his intimacy.

Look man I know that a lot of Muslims are good people and that have nothing to do with their religion.
I have several Muslim friends Shias, Sunnis, Alawis and Druzs and I also have former Muslim friends and they were humiliated, beaten when they left Islam. I know a girl and a guy in Egypt that left Islam and they were both imprisoned and raped by guards and they suffered broken jaws and hands and knees and they escaped from Egypt after that to Europe but after all this time 6 years they can't change their IDs religion to Christians cause Muslims believe that the religion that Allah their God acknowledge is Islam. So you can change your religion from any religion to Islam and your ID will be changed after 5 minutes but when it's from Islam to any other religion it will never happen even after 1000 years.
You want to know about Islam learn Arabic and read it in that language else you won't get many information cause they try to embellish it to other religions.
If they make a movie or caricature about their prophet it's like Armageddon to them on the other hand they make fun of Christian sanctities and it's okay in their book. I believe that the greatest value on earth is the human being and none should be killed because of their opinions or religion.

09-15-2012, 06:45 AM
How does any of that have anything to do with my post as an answer to what Irvin was saying?
Did you even read the post you quoted? Did you read the thread???

09-15-2012, 07:44 AM
What do you guys think about mixing religion and porn? I thought about this today because TS Seduction released a scene featuring a Mormon being seduced into Tranny sex while trying to spread the word.

Personally I think it is a very bad idea because it can be controversial. I'm not Mormon. I would understand if one was offended.

There's a fine line between comedy and blasphemy. Unfortunately, it's the people crying blasphemy that bitch the loudest and they're all crazy as fuck. I think bringing religion into porn is probably a bad idea, but it's certainly not against the law... in America, anyway.

09-15-2012, 08:17 AM
god and I havent been on speaking terms in years... we have a deal... god doesn't call me... I dont call god that way we both can happily go about our merry way.

The Devil on the other hand usually stops by for our regular movie night but always hogs all the popcorn... evil bastard...

09-15-2012, 01:53 PM
How does any of that have anything to do with my post as an answer to what Irvin was saying?
Did you even read the post you quoted? Did you read the thread???

I understand what you said but what I'm saying is don't confuse people and their religion.
You might know a person but that doesn't have to do with religion it's his manners and I agree that religion is a intimate refuge for a person.
But the thing is you talked about generalization what I'm saying is you can't know something until you read about it fully and especially in it's real language.
I finished my answer with this phrase I believe that the greatest value on earth is the human being and none should be killed because of their opinions or religion. So you see I agree with what you said and I disagree with irvin66 and every person have a great value and shouldn't be judged based on color or religion or opinions or his entourage. It's like when you say all the people living in Harlem or Rocinha favela are drug dealers or prostitutes and that's not true there's a decent and evil person in all of us and what you choose is what makes you a human or not.

09-15-2012, 09:20 PM
Clearly she has been reading the sort of stuff some of the more animated GOP supporters on this forum post.

Should totally stupid people have the vote?

Tiny minority ? Surely you can't be serious, yet you've been peddling this narrative since I've been on here. You look at the world , and Islam as you wish it to be.....not as it is.
It's entirely counterproductive to engage you in a discussion because no matter how many predominantly Muslim countries are in flames, you'll still defy what our eyes are telling us and stay right on that message about that "tiny minority" . How many of the world's Muslim hate the west? I don't have that answer, but I know it's more than a tiny minority.....regardless of how many cozy antidotes you lay on us about all your peaceful friends. We saw some of those moderate Muslims in the early hours and days of the Egyptian protests...where are they now? It's not only the radicals that take to the street with bad intentions, and hate in thier hearts, it's the ones in the background that not only sympathize with them...they enable them, and encourage them. People like you constantly try to downplay or marginalize the radical element and it's sympathizers. I submit The Islamic ideology of jihad is the predominant ideology in the Muslim world today. The rallying cry of al-Qaida - the shehada - is the cry of Muslim faith. Jihadist Islam is the predominant form of Islam worshiped in mosques throughout the world. And the ideology of jihad is an ideology of war against the non-Islamic world led by the US, yet here you are with head buried in sand trying to convince us otherwise. Are there moderate Muslims....the answer is yes...but I submit they may be the tiny minority. Take the once secular Turkey for example..it's transitioned from a pro-Western secular republic into a pro-Iranian Islamic republic in which secularists are jailed without trial for years on end.

We in the west, and the previous President in particular tend to think of Muslims in predominantly Muslim countries as all longing to be free from tyrannical leaders like the patriots in Boston Harbor. A noble thought to be sure, but I think we can pretty much dispel that myth after 10 years of war and expending more blood and treasure in attempting to realize that. The Taliban will be back in charge a month after the last US GI boards the last plane, and that is just the way the majority of Muslims in Afghanistan want it. If one is to look at the world as it is on this very day, with a modicum of common sense, and no agenda, one would have to conclude your "tiny minority" is wagging the dog.

09-15-2012, 10:59 PM
The Taliban will be back in charge a month after the last US GI boards the last plane, and that is just the way the majority of Muslims in Afghanistan want it.

That's actually a distinct possibility seeing as The Taliban are apparently thinking of severing their ties with al-qaeda and becoming a legitimate political party - working with the west...

09-16-2012, 12:51 AM
OMK quite peddling your ignorance. You have a positive Hitlerian attitude to Muslims.it will be the urgings of people like you that lead us to a far worst world - and conflict - that we've seen so far,

In your philosophy presumably the US and israel should Nuke iran - and any other troublesome ragheads. You racist fool.

If you actually listen to the reports the numbers at many of these demonstrations has been quite small. In Lebanon for instance a couple of hundred people - organised by extremists including hizb' ut tahrir - a known extremist orgnisation.

I loath the extremists. But you are totally wrong - and you are pissing in the dark - if you attribute the behaviour of a minority to the whole Muslim world.

I have spent a lot of time working in Muslim countries - not simply killing them OMK. You clearly have no knowledge - simply the ignorance of your ingrained hate and prejudice.

09-16-2012, 08:44 PM
god and I havent been on speaking terms in years... we have a deal... god doesn't call me... I dont call god that way we both can happily go about our merry way.

The Devil on the other hand usually stops by for our regular movie night but always hogs all the popcorn... evil bastard...

True - Remember: Heaven for the climate but Hell for the company

I like Jesus, but he loves me. So it's difficult :)

09-17-2012, 07:14 PM
I despise every single religion and see it as nothing more than shackles that limit what we can really achieve as a unified human race without it , they are remnants of an archiac era of humanity where we unenlightened with science and understanding .... one day there will be no religion .. not in our life times though ..

09-17-2012, 07:20 PM
True - Remember: Heaven for the climate but Hell for the company

I like Jesus, but he loves me. So it's difficult :)


and Liberty... I wish that were true. About 30 years ago the media was full of stuff proclaiming "god is dead' and talking the terminal decline of organised religion. I doubt if anyone looks at the world and feels that today.

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 07:43 PM

and Liberty... I wish that were true. About 30 years ago the media was full of stuff proclaiming "god is dead' and talking the terminal decline of organised religion. I doubt if anyone looks at the world and feels that today.

Personally I think God saw those statements and thought... "I'm dead huh? I'll stir up all the religious nut jobs and THEN we'll see who no longer has meaning."


09-17-2012, 07:43 PM

and Liberty... I wish that were true. About 30 years ago the media was full of stuff proclaiming "god is dead' and talking the terminal decline of organised religion. I doubt if anyone looks at the world and feels that today.

On the contrary. The message most organized religions try to spread to their congregations contradicts the truth. Despite polls showing that 80% of Americans identify with some kind of religious denomination and about 15% count themselves as agnostic or atheist, America is filling to the brim with a bunch of godless heathens who are demoralizing our country and faith itself is being threatened by extinction.


09-17-2012, 08:07 PM
lol i love the religion preachers ... i would like to stamp on them like insects .

Dino Velvet
09-17-2012, 08:17 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion but I'm fine with people having their religion. It's when people, like in my family, are slaves to it afraid of everything not knowing who to love or what to hate until an imperfect human(another man) tells them. I think when this type of manipulation and ownership is shed we'll be a better people until a better excuse to hate comes along. I'm still in my journey process and have my own demons to deal with.

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 09:03 PM
lol i love the religion preachers ... i would like to stamp on them like insects .

So... you wanna play gawd and Smite them?

09-17-2012, 09:19 PM
smite them yes , play god no as thats an illogical phrase ... smite them for the greater good is the correct term :)

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 09:36 PM
smite them yes , play god no as thats an illogical phrase ... smite them for the greater good is the correct term :)

Once again I shall pledge my boot to your cause...

Dino Velvet
09-17-2012, 09:43 PM
Playing God for increments of 10 minutes can be very enjoyable. Might be playing The Devil. Can't tell.

09-17-2012, 09:50 PM
Once again I shall pledge my boot to your cause...

I'm not religious - I feel I have no need for an imaginary friend and can explain the world far better through rational science than faith. I used to think that "everyone has the right to do anything that does not infer with the rights of another." But, with respect, I would agree you can have my size 12 to help. It's not God who's a problem, it's his bloody fanclub

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 10:03 PM
Playing God for increments of 10 minutes can be very enjoyable. Might be playing The Devil. Can't tell.

I play SIMS sometimes when I want to feel godlike. I build houses with no bathrooms.

09-17-2012, 10:14 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion but I'm fine with people having their religion. It's when people, like in my family, are slaves to it afraid of everything not knowing who to love or what to hate until an imperfect human(another man) tells them. I think when this type of manipulation and ownership is shed we'll be a better people until a better excuse to hate comes along. I'm still in my journey process and have my own demons to deal with.
I know what you’re talking about, Dino. I was raised as a catholic during the still very pious 60s, and I didn’t get rid of it without tears and pain.

I despise every single religion and see it as nothing more than shackles that limit what we can really achieve as a unified human race without it , they are remnants of an archiac era of humanity where we unenlightened with science and understanding .... one day there will be no religion .. not in our life times though ..
We can point out to the fact that religions have caused terrible harm through out history, created hostility and wars amongst nations, we can also point out to how much irrationality and absurdity it lead in the understanding of the world, we can also point out to how people are manipulated by people who always seek some power in the end, how people are exploited through their inner insecurity. But there is something within us we could call the symbolic function, which language is an example. Our understanding extracts some elements from reality and gives them a different meaning, or either amplifies this meaning and charge it with a sense of awe. We find many examples of that phenomenon in our daily life. An easy example that comes to mind is how crazy we can become as fans of our favourite sport team. How much is that an intrinsic part of our intelligence? We know that it is; we just don’t know to what extent. I’m afraid eradicating religion wouldn’t do the job. There is something much deeper there we can only potentially change by understanding better who we are as human beings. But one thing is absolutely clear, anyone who’s rational enough should never cease to oppose to religious (superstitious) people scientific discoveries and knowledge, and never cease to explain. There are such things as enlightenment and obscurantism; we have to fight the latter and live by the former.

Dino Velvet
09-17-2012, 10:33 PM
I know what you’re talking about, Dino. I was raised as a catholic during the still very pious 60s, and I didn’t get rid of it without tears and pain.

No tears or pain for me. The Monsignor was only an alcoholic. Father Bunny was considered the "cool priest" though. Oh-oh. I was more comfortable around the mean one.

09-17-2012, 10:58 PM
lol i love the religion preachers ... i would like to stamp on them like insects .

I used to think like that. I mean, it's easy to blame organized religion or faith itself for many of the modern hangups in society. In my opinion, the worst offense is that the faithful seem to ignore pertinent issues because this "mortal" life doesn't matter one bit. Meanwhile, generation after generation shits on the generation that follows. Why? There's no illegal immigration, budget deficit, or vast unemployed population in heaven. I think ignorance and disinterest have to be the two greatest tragedies religion has ever perpetrated on humanity.

As an atheist, it's really easy to point fingers and say "this is all your fault. Fix it", but you can't expect the same groups of people who have been taught to simply ignore life's largest problems and conflicts to clean up the mess they should be responsible for. It just won't happen. The best we can do is stop being so damn bitter against the faithful and start working hand-in-hand with them to make them realize that life is worth improving while we're here, no matter what happens after we're dead.

09-17-2012, 11:13 PM
so a quick summary, is it a no to a shemale gangbangs mohammed scene? before anyone thinks am being one sided, one of the TS is called jesus and has a fabulous beard.

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 11:22 PM
so a quick summary, is it a no to a shemale gangbangs mohammed scene? before anyone thinks am being one sided, one of the TS is called jesus and has a fabulous beard.

I think even if you make Jesus the bitch you're gonna have problems.

09-17-2012, 11:26 PM
I think even if you make Jesus the bitch you're gonna have problems.

if it was a TS called L.Ron Hubbard doing Tom Cruise and John Travolta I think there'd be a bigger shit-storm :)

09-17-2012, 11:29 PM
if it was a TS called L.Ron Hubbard doing Tom Cruise and John Travolta I think there'd be a bigger shit-storm :)

set in a fudge factory?? sounds a bit south parky! :D

Wendy Summers
09-17-2012, 11:33 PM
if it was a TS called L.Ron Hubbard doing Tom Cruise and John Travolta I think there'd be a bigger shit-storm :)

I'll shoot in two weeks!

09-17-2012, 11:33 PM
so a quick summary, is it a no to a shemale gangbangs mohammed scene? before anyone thinks am being one sided, one of the TS is called jesus and has a fabulous beard.
He fits indeed in the long tradition of tall beautiful blondes with pale skin…

09-18-2012, 12:05 AM
He fits indeed in the long tradition of tall beautiful blondes with pale skin…

Ha... you just said that Jesus looked like a bitch. Awesome.:twisted:

09-18-2012, 05:14 AM
Ha... you just said that Jesus looked like a bitch. Awesome.:twisted:
He looks like a long series of movie stars. Why did we choose to represent him that way? I think it has a lot to do with a cultural archetype; it’s an image or a symbol of what we find soft, sweet and nice. And for me, such a Jesus is indeed quite suspicious. He has much more to do with Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield than with a religious figure of Palestine in the first century…

09-18-2012, 08:22 AM
ahhh well since I am surrounded by Mormons and currently am one I can tell you many of their weird quirks. Yes they wear " magic underwear. You are taught that idols are blasphemous and when you ask about the markings on the buildings they dont answer. I fell away from the church when I was about 12 my parents were cool but the neighbor hood was not, Most girls didnt date me and in general school sucked, ANYWAY...to film the scene the correct way there are two 19 yo guys that have peaking hormones and I am sure horny as all hell. They see a opportunity to sneak away in a members house to suck eachother off, Low and behold the member finds them and the beg her for forgiveness and she opens her robe and pulls out a nice large cock and the fun starts

09-18-2012, 08:57 AM
He looks like a long series of movie stars. Why did we choose to represent him that way? I think it has a lot to do with a cultural archetype; it’s an image or a symbol of what we find soft, sweet and nice. And for me, such a Jesus is indeed quite suspicious. He has much more to do with Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield than with a religious figure of Palestine in the first century…

Blame the Catholics. I do.

09-18-2012, 11:16 AM
Hang about Grim... isn't the present Pope a Catholic (and a former member of the Hitler Jugend). I'll not hear a word against him.

09-18-2012, 01:16 PM
He’s the former head of the Inquisition, which changed name in the XIXth century to the “Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith”. Same institution, with a “politically correct” name before the concept even existed. This good old Benny 16 was what they now call the Prefetc, in other words, the Great Inquisitor, inheritor of Torquemada!
Yet I think the archetype comes from much deeper. The soft, blue eyed, blond hair Jesus in long robes in pastel colours settings is a representation of sensuality and seduction. It is present in almost every great Christian movie production ever made, aside the blond seductresses movies…

09-18-2012, 05:17 PM
They used to take people to court for Blasphemy in the UK. Gay News (is it still published) was prosecuted once for a poem it published which included a fantasy of Christ having gay sex.

But they scrapped the Blasphemy laws in the UK.

09-18-2012, 08:04 PM
set in a fudge factory?? sounds a bit south parky! :D

now I've got a nagging suspicion that they might well have done it already :)

09-18-2012, 08:09 PM
now I've got a nagging suspicion that they might well have done it already :)

check out the 200th episode and prepare to get an erection.

09-18-2012, 08:26 PM
check out the 200th episode and prepare to get an erection.

I'm just watching it now ..... :jerkoff