View Full Version : Cam4 show, EVA CASSINI

09-03-2012, 11:56 PM
Cam4 show tonight, tune in about 9pm central! http://www.cam4.com/evacassini/

09-04-2012, 05:36 PM
Eva, I think you are a very pretty girl except for 1 thing. Or maybe I should say 2. Those stupid (IMHO) piercings around your mouth do absolutely nothing for me.

Jamie French
09-04-2012, 07:50 PM
Well you can go ahead and fuck off. She didn't choose to get piercings with your consent in mind. She's my girlfriend and I wouldn't have her any other way. I actually share a life with her yet I don't even have the right to tell her things like that, (not that I would dare.)

Eva, I think you are a very pretty girl except for 1 thing. Or maybe I should say 2. Those stupid (IMHO) piercings around your mouth do absolutely nothing for me.

09-04-2012, 08:17 PM
I have every right to share my opinion Jamie and if you or she doesn't like it, tough shit.

09-04-2012, 08:41 PM
lol. The piercings look ok...

I doubt she'll want them as she gets older, but for now they look fine!

Jamie French
09-04-2012, 09:35 PM
Thought I told you to fuck off. No one gives a shit about your opinion... Do you honestly think you're going to get her to change in order to appease your private, unimportant little boner preferences? What other intent, if not change, would inspire you to share a negative, private preference with the rest of the world? No one is forcing you to look at her pictures. Whether or not you dig piercings is completely inconsequential. Voicing your opinion changes nothing and is therefor completely unnecessary. You don't matter. Drop dead scum fucker.

I have every right to share my opinion Jamie and if you or she doesn't like it, tough shit.

09-04-2012, 11:19 PM
I think rbiller touched a bit of a nerve here... :P

Jamie French clearly hates her girlfriend's piercings as much as him but can't say anything. lol

(Is the only purpose for voicing your opinion 'change'?)

09-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Well you can go ahead and fuck off.

lol . jamie

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 01:17 AM
Oh look... another retard.

I think rbiller touched a bit of a nerve here... :P
Jamie French clearly hates her girlfriend's piercings as much as him but can't say anything. lol
(Is the only purpose for voicing your opinion 'change'?)

09-05-2012, 01:39 AM
Oh look... another retard.

lol.. oh look another easily baited, humourless, attention seeking, ts drama queen.

09-05-2012, 01:52 AM
Oh look... another retard.

this pic is sooo cute, and the snake bites rock,as well as any personal expression body art.

And a very elioquient retort Jamie, loved it.

09-05-2012, 02:27 AM
And a very elioquient retort Jamie, loved it.

I assume that you mean eloquent?

IMO her response cannot be an 'eloquent retort' on the basis that she completely missed the obvious fact that I was winding her up...

(but I forgot that there's no point joking with most of the girls on this board)

The pic is good though. I like that her licking the piercings would have apparently invalidated my point if I was being serious (which I clearly was not)

09-05-2012, 02:35 AM
I assume that you mean eloquent?

IMO her response cannot be an 'eloquent retort' on the basis that she completely missed the obvious fact that I was winding her up...

(but I forgot that there's no point joking with most of the girls on this board)

The pic is good though. I like that her licking the piercings would have apparently invalidated my point if I was being serious (which I clearly was not)

Judy Garland - I Don't Care - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Q3gd6S1as)

09-05-2012, 05:22 AM
Very cute, beautiful eyes.

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 11:37 AM
Licking the piercings completely invalidated your point. That fact that you acknowledged it doesn't diminish the win.

I assume that you mean eloquent?

IMO her response cannot be an 'eloquent retort' on the basis that she completely missed the obvious fact that I was winding her up...

(but I forgot that there's no point joking with most of the girls on this board)

The pic is good though. I like that her licking the piercings would have apparently invalidated my point if I was being serious (which I clearly was not)

09-05-2012, 11:42 AM
Ermmmm... without any of you biting my head off. Could I say... maybe lighten up?

09-05-2012, 03:59 PM
Licking the piercings completely invalidated your point. That fact that you acknowledged it doesn't diminish the win.

Wow... either you're really stupid (like 'dumb as rocks' stupid) lol, or you're actually trying to wind me up now!

I hope it's the latter because that would be fun, but I think it's much more likely to be the former... (much more likely!)


@ Prospero, I'm light :)

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 06:18 PM
Yeah, I'm dumb. The kind of stupid person that runs their own music studio, video production company, is one of Grooby Productions highest paid video editors, runs their own solo website, dates the hottest trans and main stream porn stars alike, doesn't have to work a day job for a living, does what they want when they want without having to answer to a single living soul, stays in shape, is completely self disciplined, is drug and disease free, has a loving family life and is completely self actualized. I sure do sound pretty stupid.

You can't even begin to touch me ya' big wad. Let it go and return to your jerkin' off on the internet. That's your role in all of this. Don't forget your station in life.

Wow... either you're really stupid (like 'dumb as rocks' stupid) lol, or you're actually trying to wind me up now!

I hope it's the latter because that would be fun, but I think it's much more likely to be the former... (much more likely!)


@ Prospero, I'm light :)

09-05-2012, 06:47 PM
So you're disease free and completely humourless? Impressive...

Isn't your day job escorting?

Anyway, I don't care about all that. Good for you if you feel yourself to be successful in life.

I was very obviously just kidding with you about your dislike for your girlfriends piercings. I honestly couldn't care less!

You're either an incredibly stupid person, or you take yourself way too seriously. Real people sometimes like to share little jokes with each other because they're friendly and open for a bit of banter.

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 06:53 PM
Or maybe you just suck at making jokes.

Yeah, my avatar is that of a completely serious, self important dick.


So you're disease free and completely humourless? Impressive...

Isn't your day job escorting?

Anyway, I don't care about all that. Good for you if you feel yourself to be successful in life.

I was very obviously just kidding with you about your dislike for your girlfriends piercings. I honestly couldn't care less!

You're either an incredibly stupid person, or you take yourself way too seriously. Real people sometimes like to share little jokes with each other because they're friendly and open for a bit of banter.

09-05-2012, 07:03 PM
Guys and gals - you should just agree to disagree and erm, stay quiet. Jamie is obviously a sorted woman and Loveboof's humour doesn't appeal to her. So avoid each other?

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 07:22 PM
Here, everybody watch this instead. Music calms beasts, and I made it for Eva so it's tenuously related to the thread.

She Doesn't Like Boys - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Ud5vlIfNg&feature=plcp)

09-05-2012, 08:00 PM
Or maybe you just suck at making jokes.

Yeah, my avatar is that of a completely serious, self important dick.

The joke wasn't hilarious, but it was so obviously just a bit of banter:

"looks like jamie isn't too keen on those piercings either... winkey face .. l o l"

How could anyone not understand that?!

And your avatar looks like someone who takes themself too seriously trying to look whacky and fun. Like a facebook picture where half your face is obscured 'to be funny', where as what you're really doing is just obscuring your face because you're insecure or something...

[edit: but if you want to insist you don't take yourself too seriously, that other option I mentioned is still available lol.. you know, the 'dumb as rocks' one]

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 08:49 PM
An arm chair psychologist as well? How quaint. Looks like rationalizing your way into a winning position is not one of your strong suits.

(I totally win girls over cause I'm just so damned serious but somehow am able to fake being funny... a quicker way to wet panties you will not find.)

I dub thee: Straw Grabber.

The joke wasn't hilarious, but it was so obviously just a bit of banter:

"looks like jamie isn't too keen on those piercings either... winkey face .. l o l"

How could anyone not understand that?!

And your avatar looks like someone who takes themself too seriously trying to look whacky and fun. Like a facebook picture where half your face is obscured 'to be funny', where as what you're really doing is just obscuring your face because you're insecure or something...

[edit: but if you want to insist you don't take yourself too seriously, that other option I mentioned is still available lol.. you know, the 'dumb as rocks' one]

09-05-2012, 09:11 PM
Looks like rationalizing your way into a winning position is not one of your strong suits.

I dub thee: Straw Grabber.

lol.. looks like rationalising is not one of your strong suits!

There is no winning on the internet 'thee who's straw has been grabbed'...

The journey itself is enough to fill our hearts! :)

Jamie French
09-05-2012, 10:08 PM
Since when is rashonalizzing a synonym for spelling? Dude, you're trying waaay too hard. Just give up. You've met your match and then some.

lol.. looks like rationalising is not one of your strong suits!

There is no winning on the internet 'thee who's straw has been grabbed'...

The journey itself is enough to fill our hearts! :)

09-05-2012, 10:17 PM
Since when is rashonalizzing a synonym for spelling? Dude, you're trying waaay too hard. Just give up. You've met your match and then some.

lol. I wasn't making a point about your spelling! I just like to use anglicised versions because I am English... The word was in italics to draw attention to it - like saying 'full stop' (or 'period' for the Americans out there).

I don't feel like I have to try very hard at all to make you seem like a neurotic, ultra defensive person :)

I haven't met my match until you actually begin to understand any of the things I have said to you!

09-05-2012, 11:33 PM
I want to say something...Hey "lovedoof" ( or w/e you've cleverly named yourself ), you do understand that the appeal of my piercings are much more liked then not. I got them because i like them, had them for about 2 years, will continue to keep them, because i like them. They clearly look cute, otherwise ( doi ), i wouldn't have gotten them.

My girlfriend ( Jamie French ) and I, regardless of my appearance, connect on such an incredibly high level mentally ( intelligence ) and sexually ( fucking ). And to highlight my appearance, she loves every facet about me, i know this because we "talk" with high intention spans, the need and want to learn about each other, and love each other for "who we are", not "I will love you more if you change something about yourself".

Your side of the argument is completely invalid...Your " joke", as you so desperately try to label it currently ( to save your ass mainly ) , did not at all sound like a joke. If you are such a cunning jokester, then perhaps you should have constructed it better, with a lot more thought behind it. Humor is self evident, as long as you construct it correctly, making sure the "CONTEXT" is appropriate, then you would have made a "funny" "joke".

By the way, I did NOT get these piercings with your consent in mind...so, go jack it where someone semi-cares about what you think. Smart thing, you coming on to this forum about girls with all kinds of diverse appearances to spew out a complaint about a girl's "look". That is all.

09-06-2012, 05:14 AM
I want to say something...Hey "lovedoof" ( or w/e you've cleverly named yourself ), you do understand that the appeal of my piercings are much more liked then not. I got them because i like them, had them for about 2 years, will continue to keep them, because i like them. They clearly look cute, otherwise ( doi ), i wouldn't have gotten them.

My girlfriend ( Jamie French ) and I, regardless of my appearance, connect on such an incredibly high level mentally ( intelligence ) and sexually ( fucking ). And to highlight my appearance, she loves every facet about me, i know this because we "talk" with high intention spans, the need and want to learn about each other, and love each other for "who we are", not "I will love you more if you change something about yourself".

Your side of the argument is completely invalid...Your " joke", as you so desperately try to label it currently ( to save your ass mainly ) , did not at all sound like a joke. If you are such a cunning jokester, then perhaps you should have constructed it better, with a lot more thought behind it. Humor is self evident, as long as you construct it correctly, making sure the "CONTEXT" is appropriate, then you would have made a "funny" "joke".

By the way, I did NOT get these piercings with your consent in mind...so, go jack it where someone semi-cares about what you think. Smart thing, you coming on to this forum about girls with all kinds of diverse appearances to spew out a complaint about a girl's "look". That is all.

Hey Eva (as you have so cleverly named yourself), I like your piercings.

I think they look cute. In fact my first post in this thread was to say something along those lines! That along with the context which was already evident in the first few replies very clearly establishes my remark as 'banter'. Not exactly a joke per se, but just some light teasing.

Along with the tongue-in-cheek emote that accompanied the words, I think it was pretty obvious...

I am happy for you and Jamie that you're so solid. Well done.

Hopefully in a calm moment you might find the time to have a glance at the progression of this thread and make up your own mind.



09-06-2012, 06:31 PM
IMHO.....doesn't sound like any joke Ive heard, and i have heard lots and lots of jokes. You are trying too hard to cover your tracks now. Trust me, I'm a George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Richard Pryor, Louie CK, Eddie Izzard, and Lewis Black fan and follower.....
I'm intelligent enough ,(more than enough), to understand and deem what sounds like, and is a joke....what you said was an observational, honest "opinion". I'm positive that even these greats would take a scowled look upon you.
Don't take me for a fool.

Eva, I think you are a very pretty girl except for 1 thing. Or maybe I should say 2. Those stupid (IMHO) piercings around your mouth do absolutely nothing for me.

09-06-2012, 06:53 PM
If you don't want to be taken for a fool maybe you should quote the right person next time? lol

Check out posts #5 and #7 if you want to see what I actually said... :whistle:

09-06-2012, 08:26 PM
Goddamn, boof: just gotta have the last word.
Splitting hairs over NOTHING is all you're doing.
Let it go already!

09-06-2012, 11:12 PM
Goddamn, boof: just gotta have the last word.
Splitting hairs over NOTHING is all you're doing.
Let it go already!

I don't think it is 'nothing' when someone replies to you with a certain amount of attitude and they clearly don't have a clue what they're talking about.

It's not about the last word, Eva has replied to me whilst quoting someone else. What am I to make of that? Who does she think she's arguing with, and about what?

I could very easily let it go, but seeing as I am somewhat invested in this conversation i'd like to make sure we're all on the same page...

Thanks for your input though Steve. I hope this response wasn't too long for you to concentrate on - I've noticed that most people on this site don't like to read more than one sentence comments! lol

[Just out of interest, have you read this thread? I am interested to know why you are approaching me. Does it seem like I have been particularly out of order to you? If so, please quote me (not something some other bloke has said lol). Does it seem to you like I was being serious with Jamie in post #7?]

I'd quite like some English people to come in here and explain what 'pulling-your-leg' means. I thought Americans referred to it as 'ball breaking', but obviously nobody has heard of that stuff here...

09-06-2012, 11:43 PM
woops, loveboof, didnt even notice...have a good one

09-07-2012, 12:00 AM
woops, loveboof, didnt even notice...have a good one

No problem. Nice of you to come on here and graciously apologise ;) Not many people find it easy to accept when they have made a mistake, but to have you come on here in front of everyone and clearly state just how wrong you were is a great reflection on your character!

have a good one