View Full Version : When bad press turns really BAD...

03-24-2006, 03:41 AM
If you are familiar with me- you will know that I have been involved in a lot of media, both mainstream and adult. Though, I am a shamless self promoter, I just found out about something that was very offensive published about me that I find quite disturbing.

If any of you are familiar with Bizarre magazine-it is a magazine about the bizarre. I have had a pretty good working relationship with them to in the past. They covered my London party, I did a photo shoot for them, and recently I was contacted by a staff writer to do an interview and provide some pictures for an article they were preparing on my now famous sex scene with female to male transsexual Buck Angel.

I gladly provided them with everything they asked, and the writer seemed like a very nice person. In fact, he even wrote me an email off the record, asking me how I had gotten such a 'perfect shaped ass' (his words). To which, I gladly responded as I have nothing to hide about my surgical modifications. This was about two months ago. I get a call about two weeks ago from Buck telling me that the article came out great and I was looking forward to seeing it. Gia (Darling) had mentioned the article to me as well and would be bringing a copy to NYC with her. However, what they both did not realize that the same writer in the back of the magazine had written a 'review' of sorts about the movie (Allanah Starr's Big Boob Adventures').

Now, putting yourself out there for people to judge you, you can expect a lot of criticism and negativity along with the compliments and positivity. I have developed a very thick skin in this business, and am not phased by trash talk. However, this was no review-this was a three page article set to insult me, degrade me, offend me, and make fun of transsexuals in general. I was and still am in shock at this poisenous attack. Especially because the article was written by the SAME person who had such nice things to say about us and the film in the same issue and had been so kind to me through email. After I had donated my time, pictures, and effort to help them, they went and wrote a hideous piece geared at completely making me look bad. REALLY BAD.

Here are some of the intellectual comments that the 'reviewer ' had to say : About me: "looks like a scary 40 year old man in a tartan mini skirt', 'a curious looking man with breasts', (her) penis is a different color like the rest of her body like meat starting to go bad', 'absurdly inflated lips', 'homosexual', (no one) would feature (her) on a magazine cover unless they are doing a feature on vomiting epidemics'. I totally believe in freedom of the press and to write what you wish- but this was no review- it was like this person had a personal vendetta against me. The review basically made fun of everyone in the film- they called Gia, "Pamela Anderson look a like with a man's voice', the made fun of Buck Angel, they called all of the actors gay and hard up for money. This from the same magazine who had solicited my help and had been so supportive in the past. I find that the whole piece was degrading and disgusting to the ts genre and completely bigoted an ignorant. To find me unattractive is one thing, to keep on referring to me as 'a 40 year old homosexual man' is very disrespectful. I have had some bad reviews in my porn career from self admittedly luck luster performances. However, I am extremely confident of this film. AVN gave it an excellent review ( http://www.avn.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Reviews&Secondary_Navigation=Title_Review&Action=Show_Review&Content_ID=257489 ),
everyone has given it good reviews. The movie is selling well as well. The fact is of ocurse that not everyone may not like it, find it boring-what have you. AND THAT is perfectly OK. It is one thing to comment about performances, editing, lighting, a poor film in general- but to pick apart every scene in the most horrendous fashion is no review. This was clearly a hate article disguised as a review. It is a shame that Bizarre supports this form of transphobia and ignorance. If you find this disgusting, as I did, the review was called "Tawdry Tails' and you can write to the editors james_doorne@dennis.co.uk and alex_godfrey@dennis.co.uk and let them know how disturbing this transphobic article is.

And trust me, I just scratched the surface of the they said- when I get the article scanned properly, I will post it.

03-24-2006, 03:55 AM
I'm not familiar with the magazine... why bother even posting the article, Allanah? The quotes you posted show that it's BS from someone with some sort of twisted agenda....fuck 'em...

03-24-2006, 03:57 AM
A.] Kudos to you for seemingly to not take it personally.

I mean you gotta take a personally slanderous article, personal. That what it is. The publication will publish whatever they can to the target audience in an effort to sell. You have communicated this 'awkward position' quite well. They have the right to print whatever they want, but they we're hell bent on printing 'their ideal story' for their 'target market' and you and your reputation seems caaught up in the middle.

One review/article does not a person make.

You are pretty thick skinned...be yourself...keep doing what you do.....things will work out and it will create an opportunity or two several years later.

Perhaps you can contact the author and write an editorial...once again be yourself.

your attitude is outstanding....remain positive...do not falter to being negative.....the true hustler will make it work.

sorry that you got got.

03-24-2006, 03:57 AM
because- someone could very well post this with their own agenda
i rather publicly acknowledge it- than to try to conceil it

i am not one to hide the good or bad

03-24-2006, 03:58 AM
It's actually my favourite magazine and I'm completely surprised by this - it was in the back of the magazine in a review section but normally they show the bizarre and the strange with a wry sense of humour, this was downright venemous and can only have been with an agenda (or the editor missed this piece).
Kudos to Allanah for posting it - shows she's not afraid of covering up people who attack her and it's obvious that we can see it's a homophobic piece.


03-24-2006, 04:08 AM
I've checked out Bizarre magazine a few times, it's retarded for the most part. There's a guy where I work who, for what it's worth, is a very ultra conservative kinda guy (strange at an essentially GLBT nightclub, but it happens). He buys the magazine every month, and tries to get me to read it. If people are unfamiliar with it, it frequently features (in the issues I've seen) pictures of mutilated people, horrible accidents, deformed babies, that sort of thing.

This guy also enjoys watching beheadings on the internet (the Jihad! Jihad! stuff, but of course he hates "them damn evil doers", just appreciates the videos; and I'm certainly not advocating beheadings, I just find his morbid fascinations disturbing).

I only mention his ultra conservative leanings because I've found people of that bent seem to find a perverse interest in the misery of others many times. I don't know why, but that's been my observation over the years.

Bizarre is printed with these people in mind. The loser jocks and such. I'm not sure about the majority of the rest of the magazine, because I never really checked out much more then the idiotic picture spreads my co-worker has shown me.

I'm going to read the article first chance I get (and I have no reason to expect it isn't as offensive as Allanah has said it is), and if it's as suckish as I bet it is, I'll definately email those clowns and call 'em a bunch of jerks.

I hate that juvenile, "anything to boost sales" mentality. It's taking the easy way out and pandering to the mindset of the easily manipulated consumers. Give 'em an inch, they take a mile.

They have every right to publish whatever they want, and people who disagree with it have every obligation to tell them they are fucked up.

03-24-2006, 04:16 AM
Look, I didn't particularly enjoy the film in it's entirety, but it was pretty good. I certainly didn't enjoy the scene with Buck - to me that was a fairly transparent exploitation of the shock factor the scene would clearly generate. Having said all of that, I knew going in that the scene was an integral part of the film. It was my choice to buy it and view it - it's that simple. I don't find Buck attractive, but will concede that he he has certainly pulled off achieving masculinity. I'm pretty sure that he really doesn't want men to find him attractive anyway (although I may be wrong). More to the point, I respect Buck for his choices and the efforts that he has made - as I respect you. I may not agree with some of what you say, but that has no bearing on my respect for your achievements.
I, similarly, respect the other girls here, and TS's in general. There appears to be an unhealthy undercurrent here: good-looking girls are fawned over, but girls that are early in their transition, or just haven't been able to achieve stunning good looks, are outright slated. A recent thread inviting members to post pictures of their most unattractive girl comes immediately to mind, but that was merely the most overt manifestation of the problem.
I'm not claiming to be an expert on TG issues, but these people seem to be missing the point in at least one respect: the girls are fundamentally doing it for themselves. Any degree of feminisation (or in rarer cases, masculinisation) should surely be considered - by them - to be a victory. Few GG's are supermodels, so why should all TG's be? To me, you, Buck, and any and all other TG's are due credit purely for your efforts on your own behalf - not to please me or any other.

03-24-2006, 04:20 AM
I've checked out Bizarre magazine a few times, it's retarded for the most part. There's a guy where I work who, for what it's worth, is a very ultra conservative kinda guy (strange at an essentially GLBT nightclub, but it happens). He buys the magazine every week, and tries to get me to read it. If people are unfamiliar with it, it frequently features (in the issues I've seen) pictures of mutilated people, horrible accidents, deformed babies, that sort of thing.

Your calling something retarded? Don't base the whole readership on one person you've met.

I only mention his ultra conservative leanings because I've found people of that bent seem to find a perverse interest in the misery of others many times. I don't know why, but that's been my observation over the years.

See US Government, most media, Hollywood, etc - yawn...

Bizarre is printed with these people in mind. The loser jocks and such. I'm not sure about the majority of the rest of the magazine, because I never really checked out much more then the idiotic picture spreads my co-worker has shown me.
In-correct. The picture spreads may stimulate some so called "loser jocks" but at least they don't censor like most mainstreams magazines and present the world as it really is. Your sensitive being may need the world sugarcoating, I don't.

I'm going to read the article first chance I get (and I have no reason to expect it isn't as offensive as Allanah has said it is), and if it's as suckish as I bet it is, I'll definately email those clowns and call 'em a bunch of jerks.
Please please please don't. This will only undermine those of us who might want to send an intelligent, legible letter asking for an explanation of why they would do this. Please just leave it alone. Vicki wasn't mentioned so there's no need for a caped crusader act. Please don't.

I hate that juvenile, "anything to boost sales" mentality. It's taking the easy way out and pandering to the mindset of the easily manipulated consumers. Give 'em an inch, they take a mile.
See Hollywood and almost every media outlet. Again, at least some magazines are willing to show material and cover topics others absolutely won't.

They have every right to publish whatever they want, and people who disagree with it have every obligation to tell them they are fucked up.
Yes they do and yes they do but not from you (please) - you're more fucked up then most of the people in that magazine and certainly than most who wrote it. I'd love to see you feature in that magazine.

Truth is and Allanah will agree but the magazine has always been very accomodating towards TS's - Allanah has featured before, Buck Angel is a regular and even in this issue there is a great article on them both. This review was in a seperate part of the magazine accessable only by ripping the pages open. This is why we think there was a seperate agenda or seperate editors for each part and why the question needs to be asked why would they publish this. That question needs to be put to them by coherent, calm people who can articulate themselves. Not you, Honda. Go take that break you keep talking about.

03-24-2006, 04:28 AM
Hmmm. . .I detect, once again, some passive agressive loathing on your part towards me.

I'm sorry if I called a magazine you liked retarded, but that's my opinion from my exposure to it.

I don't know why, but I keep getting the impression that you don't like me for some reason lately. All I've posted against you was some humerous jabbing at the misspelling of your name several times.

I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly don't "get it". Whatever.

03-24-2006, 04:31 AM
I have no impression either way on liking you or not. I'm sure you're a perfectly likeable chap in person.
I think you post some very biased and naive comments (above) and that's why I feel the need to respond to the above post - I'm not sure if I recall anything else of yours I've responded to recently.

03-24-2006, 04:39 AM
Biased would apply in many cases in the past, and looney as well, as far as many of my posts. But I'm not an idiot, I think that much can be agreed on.

Although drunk on occasion can not be ruled out.

03-24-2006, 04:40 AM
Hmmm. . .I detect, once again, some passive aggressive loathing on your part towards me.

I'm sorry if I called a magazine you liked retarded, but that's my opinion from my exposure to it.

I don't know why, but I keep getting the impression that you don't like me for some reason lately. All I've posted against you was some humorous jabbing at the misspelling of your name several times.

I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly don't "get it". Whatever.

Maybe it's just because he thinks that Vicki is an arrogant bitch with an over-inflated ego, and he thinks that it's just sad that you feel the need to play Don Quixote in regards to her...or maybe not...I know that I certainly don't feel that way about her...

03-24-2006, 04:45 AM
Oh for crying out loud, I'm not Don Quixote anymore.

I tipped all the windmills, burned all the villages, plowed salt into the earth, and rode a damn bus 3000 miles. I'm just goofy like that.

She is a great girl, though, so you can't blame a guy for trying.


03-24-2006, 04:52 AM
Honda, you know that I'm just fuckin with ya...yer old school here, amigo...

03-24-2006, 05:46 AM
Allanah, I have to agree with khun_diow's slant on this backstabbing review. Afterall, I think the readership of this rag would be bored to tears on a legitimate review. They are selling the bizarre, so they made the movie sound bizarre, with total distortion's about the actors, production etc. This is what sells for them. Certainly no reason for you to take it personal, as you've become thick skinned along the way. You have plenty of positive feedback from many forums (tv, magazine articles, movie awards, tons of admirers ) on your career, your look, and most of all your personality......all of which speaks for it self. Yeh, it too bad they had to backstab you on this one, and you have every right to let them know what you think of this treatment in light of the fact that you have been co-operative with them in the past. It's a two way street, and you can remind them of that next time they want to "use" you.

03-24-2006, 10:20 AM
thats crazy....why in hell would they write something like that? it makes zero sense at all. alannah and gia are two of the most passable girls out there. in vegas, there were TONS of boys hitting of them without knowing their T.

George Costanza
03-24-2006, 03:49 PM
In fact, he even wrote me an email off the record, asking me how I had gotten such a 'perfect shaped ass' (his words).

That's the only part that I would disagree with. Other than that comment, the rest is bullshit.

03-24-2006, 06:13 PM
"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" Albert Einstien ...

You're listening to a simple mind Allanah. The world is filled with them.

03-24-2006, 07:41 PM
Here are some of the intellectual comments that the 'reviewer ' had to say : About me: "looks like a scary 40 year old man in a tartan mini skirt', 'a curious looking man with breasts', (her) penis is a different color like the rest of her body like meat starting to go bad', 'absurdly inflated lips', 'homosexual', (no one) would feature (her) on a magazine cover unless they are doing a feature on vomiting epidemics'.

There are some insults that are so baseless and exaggerative that they fail to offend. All that they do is to prompt you to tell the person "talk to the hand" while exhibiting the body language of Jack from Will & Grace. Or as Trick Daddy would say, "Ah hah, okay, whassup? Shut up!" Indeed, insults by their very nature are but mere exaggerations and half-truths. I would not be offended by those remarks, however, I would be confused as to what would make someone write such hyperbolic mess.

You don't look like a man.

You don't look scary.

My penis is darker than the rest of my body (lol). The head is lighter than the rest of my body. This goes for a lot of people. Show me the human being who has the same skin tone all over the body.

Your lips might be inflated, but this is hardly a handicap. Ask black women and others.

03-24-2006, 08:00 PM
a well known T-girl once said:
"t-girl attraction is a lot like masturbation, 5% of men admit to liking it, 5% are screwed up on some religion or cult, and the other 90% are just lying their asses off!!".
and also: "if a group of men see a t-girl, and they all give their opinions,
the guy who is the most vocal about NOT being attracted, is the MOST interested!".
the latter might be the case here.
in all honesty, you can have all sorts of opinions of Allanah, but a 40 year old male in a skirt is very far fetched!

03-24-2006, 09:24 PM
because- someone could very well post this with their own agenda
i rather publicly acknowledge it- than to try to conceil it

i am not one to hide the good or bad

THEY SUCK!!! - you are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-24-2006, 09:40 PM
I think they are just threatened by you - not only are you better looking than most XX chicas, you're becoming extremely successful as a businesswoman in a 'trade' where traditionally XX women are on the bottom 5% and Xy women are on the bottom .03%.

Jealousy, babe.

It reads that way, too. If i'd never seen you in the flesh before, or even never a pic [thank god neither are true!] I'd just say, "Mang! that's a lot of hating. It can't be for real. She can't be that bad. Likely this guy/gal writing this piece wanted a piece of her and she wasn't giving any away!"

Soldier on, babe. These are just some maggots to never trifle yourself with again.

03-27-2006, 04:27 AM
40-year old male in a skirt??
wish there were more of those!
esecially with legs like these!!!!

11-18-2007, 11:49 AM
sounds like someone was paid off to do a hatchet job. I smell the stench of, say, a Jerry Falwell type.

11-18-2007, 12:06 PM
40-year old male in a skirt??
wish there were more of those!
esecially with legs like these!!!!

woah.. those are hot :D

The real dynamic duo :D


11-18-2007, 03:14 PM
Someone trying to boost their post count

11-18-2007, 04:14 PM
I posted it because I wanted to know how it was resolved. Did SeanChai kick ass? Did Allanah sue? Enquiring minds want to know. This is a perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. for many months I, lurker, was content to puruse threads looking for porn. But was management content with that? Noooooooo, they had to force everyone to register to see the pics.

11-22-2007, 12:58 PM
What a bunch of assholes. Allanah, your the greatest. Your gorgeous. That bullshit was written out of jealousy, plain & simple.