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View Full Version : Famous shemale forum fedas.net has disappeared !!

03-22-2006, 01:47 PM
A Shemale forum was destroyed last night by hackers. All their content is gone, and there was a lot. These people should be strung up. I won't go into details in case these fools search the web for their names or recored of their work. Just suffice to say, these people are assholes and if you have your own database, be careful.

03-22-2006, 09:50 PM
Sad news. The fedas forum has been destroyed by some fanatics yesterday.
Everything has been eliminated ... There is only one insane post from the hacker and the first reaction of regular posters
www.fedas.net then forum.
Message to the moderators: take care that it couldn't happen here !!

03-22-2006, 10:15 PM

03-22-2006, 10:24 PM
I have never been to your forum, but I'm very sorry that it happened...question: do you think that the attackers were rivals, homophobes, or what?

03-22-2006, 10:34 PM
The Group who hacked it usually find sites using that forum software but not the latest version with all the bug fixes. Usually their message isn't so hostile. Here's an example of a message they left on another site they cracked:

his site just got 0wned by Ender of RawRHacK.

Consider yourselves lucky that we aren't malicious hackers - just update your invision board and you're secure. smile.gif

Greets: Pyke and Frosty

Hope to see you patched soon,

[RawRHacK] Ender

03-24-2006, 10:40 AM
I think along with Hung Angels, Fedas was one of the biggest TV/TS forums.

Anyways, just a few days ago it was hacked and now nothing exists. This is what the only post says.
This site has just been 0wn3d by Sublime of the RawRHacK Security Team.

Why? Because transvestites are fucking SICK. Go see a shrink, sick fucks.

Greets: Spinnerz, 0ptiPl0x, Athean

Lamers: All tranvestites, nasty freaks.

Limecat is not pleased with transvestites.

Yours truly,

Too bad.....I would go there from time to time to get some shemale pics.

03-24-2006, 12:24 PM

I had never heard of that one before.

When they get it back on, I'll check for it .

03-24-2006, 12:31 PM
The fact this hacker knew of that forum means that he's discovered transsexuals one way or another, and is uncomfortable that he may be attracted to them.

It's kind of like when a burly, straight and married man pays for a blowjob from a man, and then beats his, afterwards, for being a "faggot".

03-29-2006, 01:16 AM
I have never been to your forum, but I'm very sorry that it happened...question: do you think that the attackers were rivals, homophobes, or what?

im pretty sure they were just homophobes

03-29-2006, 07:10 AM
Never heard of the site and I'm sorry to hear of what happened.

But who the hell doesn't back up their content ever?

The Group who hacked it usually find sites using that forum software but not the latest version with all the bug fixes. Usually their message isn't so hostile. Here's an example of a message they left on another site they cracked:

his site just got 0wned by Ender of RawRHacK.

Consider yourselves lucky that we aren't malicious hackers - just update your invision board and you're secure. smile.gif

Greets: Pyke and Frosty

Hope to see you patched soon,

[RawRHacK] Ender

That's one of the reasons I prefer vBulletin.

03-29-2006, 07:45 AM
That sucks, they had a lot of cool shit at that forum.

03-29-2006, 10:21 PM
Yeah, Fedas was a brilliant site. I used it nearly everyday and was absolutley gutted when it got hacked. Still look on the bright side, ive been trying to find a decent alternative to fedas since it dissapeared and have now stumbled across this site instead! :)

04-01-2006, 01:36 AM
Yeah I am another Fedas refugee, thiough i had just started coming here aswell I was gutted when I discovered it was gone - a fantastic resource

04-01-2006, 07:42 AM
Reality Check: first of all, the hackers may well have no interest whatsoever in ts or even porn, but simply searching for forums to hack. Happens all the time; there are even contests between hackers to see who can own the most sites in a 24-hour period. Websites I've worked on have been attacked this way (though not forums).

Secondly, who hosts the site? if it's invision, it could well be third party hosting over which the site owners have little control. If the hosts don't provide backups (which is deeply warped), then they could be out of luck. Any smart webmaster is going to be sure the site is backed up at least daily, and active forums at least hourly (or more).

I've never heard of Fedas, but I hate to see anybody get hacked.

04-01-2006, 07:09 PM
I am one of the Mods of Fedas. I am glad to hear your comments.

Unfortunately, for those who knew Fedas, I do not know when we can be able to start again. The Admin is not reachable for the moment.

Keep well to you all

04-01-2006, 10:05 PM
Like Camajan and others i was a fedas regular and sad to see it has been hacked....

i just hope the Admin can sort it out quick....


04-02-2006, 04:19 AM
I covered this story but my thread died.

04-07-2006, 07:33 PM
Woo! its gonna be back online in a few days! now I have two great sites to alternate between :)