View Full Version : Withholding Sex

08-24-2012, 04:12 AM
Girls, implicitly, threaten to withhold sex from their man to keep them in line. How about the other way around? Do you think guys can pull the same kind of threat? Or will they just laugh at our faces?

How about t-girls?

08-24-2012, 04:44 AM
It’s a girl’s tactic and it doesn’t work the other way around, I’m afraid. But if your girlfriend is doing that to you, I suggest you rethink your relationship; it’s not normal and it’s not healthy, if it is even sane of mind at all. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s a trap of the worst kind; you’re being manipulated. IMO.

Quiet Reflections
08-24-2012, 05:17 AM
I have seen it work the other way around. In fact a friend of mine does it with his wife all the time. Neither is the cheating type and she says he is amazing at what he does so It works for him.

08-24-2012, 08:46 AM
I’m surprised, Quiet Reflections. To me it just seems like manipulation. There’s always a dynamic in a couple, some tensions, what we call “give and take”. But I find that withholding sex is just going too far in the intimacy and relationship; it’s blackmail with one of the most sacred and secret things two persons have together, blackmail with an element of the very bond between them. I know I couldn’t possibly live with that.

Quiet Reflections
08-24-2012, 09:06 AM
I’m surprised, Quiet Reflections. To me it just seems like manipulation. There’s always a dynamic in a couple, some tensions, what we call “give and take”. But I find that withholding sex is just going too far in the intimacy and relationship; it’s blackmail with one of the most sacred and secret things two persons have together, blackmail with an element of the very bond between them. I know I couldn’t possibly live with that.
well she runs the finances and he runs the bedroom so I guess it is a form of give and take but it works for them. I told them I consider it an extended form of foreplay. Then never have serious arguments and enjoy each other so much it is really just a way to draw out sexual tension. Sometimes making you partner work a bit is ok, especially when you know they want to do that work for you. It is easy to see it as manipulation when you are on the outside looking in or it is being done in order to gain the upper hand in a fight, but when it is just part of partner play it is no different than any other type of role or scene play......in my opinion. If she says im going shopping fof shoes and he say don't spend over $100 or no sex she will no doubt spend $300. He will of course bitch about the money and hold out but not without a bit of teasing to build the sexual tension till the next day(or whenever) when they tear each other up in the bedroom. Im generally of the opinion that nobody really withholds sex as a punishment they just want more effort and attention.

08-24-2012, 09:11 AM
Good points. I didn’t envision it that way, but that’s very defendable indeed.

Quiet Reflections
08-24-2012, 09:18 AM
Girls, implicitly, threaten to withhold sex from their man to keep them in line. How about the other way around? Do you think guys can pull the same kind of threat? Or will they just laugh at our faces?

How about t-girls?
Women that try that are stupid anyway since we spend the majority of our sex lives masturbating. We can go longer than them without it and in a stand off we can always win. A smart man won't take it that far but should at least do the offending act and let her start the holding out process. If you know your woman you will know why she wants you to act in a particular way and can have your fun and fix the issue afterwards. The issues rarely have to do with anything outside of the relationship. If your relationship is strong otherwise holding out is generally a cry for attention

08-24-2012, 01:50 PM
Here is the deal. (And I am have a nice ring for my GF as of now.) Most men as of now 30 and below are spineless no balls little pussys! Go ahead withhold sex and be a little cunt thats fine. Once you wrap your head around of just how much PUSSY there is out there the withhold method become obsolete.

08-24-2012, 02:36 PM
Girls, implicitly, threaten to withhold sex from their man to keep them in line. How about the other way around? Do you think guys can pull the same kind of threat? Or will they just laugh at our faces?

How about t-girls?

It works for women cuz most dudes are controlled by their dicks. Is a girl realizes that she just has to controll his dick to control him. It's the reality of how the world works. The sayings "happy wife, happy life" and "I have the pussy so I make the rules" are true, some women are just better at this manipulation than others.

I think it can work with t-girls, asuming they have more self control over their sex drive, in fact a t-girl who learns to use this tactic without causing resentment in her relationship can create a very sexy energy in the relationship.

Ex: "Honey, I don't feel like doing the dishes tonight, wash them for me and I'll let you blow me" those dishes will get done so fast it will make your head spin. Another example: no sex for you untill you clean that garage.

I think most guys who are secure with themselves and in their relationships Just accept this reality. It's the insecure ones who feel they are being controlled or manipulated by a woman so that means they are less of a man that freak out.

08-24-2012, 03:51 PM
How about t-girls?

Everyone millage is different but generally the medications we tend to take, tend to lower out sex drive.

08-24-2012, 04:03 PM
It never works for long.
Don't feed your dawg, it's going to go looking for scraps elsewhere! :shrug

08-24-2012, 10:03 PM
Genital blackmail only works for females.

08-24-2012, 10:27 PM
We guys think too much with the little head.

08-24-2012, 10:46 PM
It’s a girl’s tactic and it doesn’t work the other way around, I’m afraid. But if your girlfriend is doing that to you, I suggest you rethink your relationship; it’s not normal and it’s not healthy, if it is even sane of mind at all. If you find yourself in such a situation, it’s a trap of the worst kind; you’re being manipulated. IMO.

Hi, I'm Chase....Chase Mcthirsty.

I agree that holding out on sex is just a lame tactic that some women think they can use to manipulate men with.

So here's how you evaluate it...

Is the idea of her giving you some ass more profound then you giving her the dick....?

Think about it....

If it's that easy for her to reframe from being intimate with you, do you really wanna be with this chick long term? Why put yourself through that type of punishment? You can jerk off all day and be single.

So here's a "guy tactic", just find somebody else...

08-24-2012, 10:57 PM
We guys think too much with the little head.

Not necessarily...

This subject requires the use of the bigger head in order to rationalize it...That and a actual backbone to stand your ground.

08-24-2012, 10:58 PM
Hi, I'm Chase....Chase Mcthirsty.

I agree that holding out on sex is just a lame tactic that some women think they can use to manipulate men with.

So here's how you evaluate it...

Is the idea of her giving you some ass more profound then you giving her the dick....?

Think about it....

If it's that easy for her to reframe from being intimate with you, do you really wanna be with this chick long term? Why put yourself through that type of punishment? You can jerk off all day and be single.

So here's a "guy tactic", just find somebody else...

My thinking pretty exactly, Chase. I don’t want to sound corny, here, but it’s about communication and intimacy. The way Quiet Reflections presents things in post #5 defends itself as some kind of a game. But if it’s blackmail, forget it! it’s not a relationship anymore, it’s a trap.

08-24-2012, 11:11 PM
:iagree: its all one sided. women with respect to transgenders dont have and never had testicalls. therefore testosterone has never been an issue for them. sure its unhealthy not just for the relationship but also for your self esteme. Do you want to live your life wondering how long it will be before your next encounter. then get married.

You stand a better chance in telling her that you will leave or you are thinking of an affair. You can do what I do.... in her presence you make growling noises at her mates. When she turns in discuss at you with a look that she may take your head off. tell her that you are a man with needs that you aint seeing too. Cant help it if her mate had just given you the come on eyes.

Guarenteed every time a wide :fuckin: maybe out of guilt on her behalf but still beats frustration

Best of luck hope it works out

08-24-2012, 11:15 PM
My thinking pretty exactly, Chase. I don’t want to sound corny, here, but it’s about communication and intimacy. The way Quiet Reflections presents things in post #5 defends itself as some kind of a game. But if it’s blackmail, forget it! it’s not a relationship anymore, it’s a trap.

Good news it that there is no pussy trap sturdy enough to ensnare a man who knows his "options".

And adding the tranny element, only increases it. So they can play games all they want...you just have to win.